Charges involving mistaken identity or unauthorized use of identifying information; Deferred dismissals for possession of marijuana and underage possession of alcohol; Convictions for the following misdemeanors: underage possession of alcohol, petit larceny, concealment, trespass after having been forbidden, instigating others to trespass, trespass on posted property, possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, possession of marijuana, and disorderly conduct; and. 53.1-136(5), 53.1-231. The court holds a hearing on the petition at which the applicant and any interested persons may present witnesses and other evidence. Persons convicted of a felony lose firearms rights, as do those adjudicated delinquent at age 14 or older of murder, kidnapping, robbery with a firearm, or rape. Until 2021, Virginia law made no provision for expunging or sealing adult conviction records, except those that have been vacated pursuant to a writ of actual innocence, see Va. Code Ann. SB5033. art. Governor McAuliffe granted 189 simple pardons over four years, a majority to individuals convicted of misdemeanors, most grants citing the recipients commendable adjustment since conviction and upon the recommendation of the Parole Board. McAuliffe also issued 10 partial pardons to reduce a non-citizens sentence to avoid immigration consequences, either deportability (less than 365 days) or inadmissibility. Procedures set forth in 19.2-392.12(E) and (F); if prosecutor does not object, court need not hold a hearing; court must find manifest injustice.. . You can find out more about Virginia pardons on the Secretary of the Commonwealths website at However, a board shall have the authority to refuse a license . Naturally, the older and less serious your conviction, and the more compelling your life story, the higher your chance of getting a pardon. This fast track pardon/restoration scheme purports to impose on the Governors office a 90-day time limit to decide court-approved applications. An explanation as to why you should be granted an absolute pardon. The information shall not be disseminated except as provided for in this section. On July 22, 2016, the Virginia Supreme Court struck down a series of executive orders issued by Governor Terry McAuliffe on a monthly basis beginning in April 2016, which purported to restore the vote automatically to all disenfranchised individuals who had completed their sentences and satisfied any attendant financial obligations. The Governor is vested with the power to (1) grant reprieves; (2) grant pardons; and (3) commute capital punishment. A pardon may be full or partial, absolute or conditional.. WebPardon practice is unique it is less a legal remedy and more a small political campaign. A person who resides in the state but with an out of state conviction must also pursue this judicial route to relief in order to hunt in Virginia. Your simple pardon application will first be sent to the Parole Board for review, and, if the Parole Board finds that your application has merit, it will conduct a thorough investigation. An explanation of the clemency system can be found at. Prior to 2016, individuals convicted of non-violent offenses were eligible to petition for relief immediately upon completion of their sentences, while those convicted of violent offenses were required to wait five years to file a petition. There is no mechanism for sealing juvenile records, but most juvenile court records are confidential and only accessible by statute or court order. Also, in most cases, federal immigration authorities cannot rely solely on a conviction that has been subject to a pardon for the purpose of deporting you from the country. [7] The Parole Board will review your application, and, if it finds merit, will conduct a thorough investigation and then submit a recommendation to the Governor. AdministrationC. V, 12; The legislature has authorized the Parole Board, at the request of the governor, to investigate and make recommendations on pardon cases, but this does not limit the governors power. He also granted four conditional pardons to enable the recipients to avoid deportation. For example, if you receive a pardon in Virginia and then move to another state, that other state might take away your gun rights or require you to register as a sex offender again even if the pardon listed these restrictions on you while you were living in Virginia. Va. Const. 1-231.1 requires the director of corrections to give notice to individuals completing their sentences of the procedure for regaining rights. v. Dotson, supra. If you have convictions in other states, you may need to obtain a more comprehensive, nationwide criminal report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You can find out more about the Restoration of Rights process and access the application forms on the Secretary of the Commonwealths website: The Department of Professional and Occupational Licensure is subject to the general nondiscrimination provision at Va. Code Ann. The Sentencing Project, Virginia, Margaret Colgate Love, See, e.g., Wilborn v. Saunders, 195 S.E. If regaining your gun rights is important to you, make sure you make you desire known during the application process. The statute specifies that if a court places an individual on probation under this section, it is considered a conviction for purposes of school suspension under 22.1-315. It is an official statement of forgiveness from the Governor, and while it does not expunge the record, it can be a That said, a board may review records in which a sentence was suspended, and pleas of nolo contendere. Richmond, VA 23219, As with the simple and conditional pardons, there will not be any hearings, meetings, or conferences for an absolute pardon. Misdemeanor non-convictions (excluding traffic infractions) unless the Commonwealths attorney objects on one of five specific grounds. Taken into If the measure fails again in 2023, the amendment process would have to start over. To petition for a simple pardon the applicant must be free of all conditions set by the court for a period of ten years. These include so-called medical pardons, a few of which have been granted for people in the state prison system who have terminal illnesses. It does not restore firearms rights. [9] However, there is a 3-year waiting period before you can apply (that is, 3 years after you completed your sentence) if your conviction was a nonviolent offense, and a 5-year waiting period for violent and drug offenses (other than simple possession). In February 2021, a proposal to amend the state constitution was approved by the legislature that, if approved a second time by the next legislature and by a referendum, will disenfranchise only people who are sentenced to a prison term and will restore their right to vote upon release from prison. See HB711. Non-conviction recordsF. 2011) (where non-citizen pled not guilty under 18.2-251, deferred adjudication was not a conviction for purposes of 8 U.S.C. . Additionally, an adjudication of delinquency for any crime that would be a felony if committed by an adult results in the loss of firearm rights until the age of 29. ApplyForPardon .com - Pardon form completion service. Under federal law, if you have received a pardon from any state, the pardoned conviction cannot be used by federal authorities to prosecute you for unlawful possession of a firearm unless the pardon specifically says you cannot possess a gun. Deferred disposition for a misdemeanor property offense: The court may grant deferred disposition for a misdemeanor property offense (with certain exceptions), upon plea of guilty or not guilty, if the facts found by the court would justify a finding of guilt, without entering a judgment of guiltunless the accused has been previously convicted of a felony, or previously had an offense dismissed under this section. The prohibition does not apply to applications for law enforcement employment, or to state agencies that are expressly permitted to inquire into an individuals criminal arrests or charges for employment purposes pursuant to any provision of federal or state law. [5] You must also have been released from your sentence for at least five years before you can apply for a simple pardon. Your report should list all convictions you have ever received in Virginia. The process to apply for a pardon varies depending on which type of pardon (see Part B) you would like to apply for. [9] If you want a pardon for a federal conviction, you must do that through the United States Department of Justice, Office of the Pardon Attorney (see our page on this site on federal pardons). Va. Code Ann. The Parole Board consists of five members appointed by the gov In determining whether a criminal conviction directly relates to an occupation or profession, the regulatory board shall consider the following criteria: If an applicant is denied a registration, license or certificate because of the information appearing in his criminal history record, the regulatory board or department shall notify the applicant that information obtained from the Central Criminal Records Exchange contributed to such denial. After several years of investigation and advocacy by the Innocence Project at the University of Virginia School of Law, client Lamar Barnes was released from prison With enactment of HB 2113 and SB 1406, Virginia gained one of the more progressive record relief systems in the country, with a mixture of automatic and petition-based sealing, both for convictions generally and marijuana offenses specifically. . Id. for the succession of executive actions between 2013 and 2021 restoring civil rights to persons with felony convictions. It not only relieves you of any further punishment for the conviction, it basically declares you innocent of the crime, and treats you as though you were never convicted. Simple pardon does not expunge the record, but it does constitute official forgiveness and often serves as a means for the petitioner to advance in employment, education, and self-esteem. The criminal records of those who receive a simple pardon are marked with a notation indicating the pardon grant, but the record remains available to the public. Expungement of police and court records by petition is authorized under Va. Code Ann. This authority is available even if the accused had a previous conviction, deferred disposition, or juvenile adjudication, unless a deferred disposition would be inconsistent with the interests of justice. Id. Remember, getting an absolute pardon is very difficultperhaps the most difficult of the three types. The FBIs website also has a list of local FBI offices you can call. Va. Code Ann. Specialized courts: Virginia has specialized dockets for behavioral health, drug treatment, and veterans treatment. Expungement, Sealing & Other Record Relief, Criminal Record in Employment, Licensing & Housing, 50-State Essays: The Many Roads to Reintegration, I. See Comm. The website of the Secretary of the Commonwealth explains that. [8] In most cases you must have tried to get a Writ of Actual Innocence before you can ask for an absolute pardon from the Governor.[8]. Court-appointed legal assistance: Individuals who cannot afford an attorney for help with the petition-based sealing process can request one. See general rules at 53.1-134. A simple pardon is the most common form of pardon in Virginia. WebA conditional pardon is an act to modify or end a sentence imposed by the court. Criminal record in employment & licensingA. In 2021 Virginia enacted a series of provisions authorizing vacatur and expungement for victims of sex trafficking convicted or adjudicated guilty of prostitution and related offenses. Cf. WebTYPE OF PARDON REQUESTED . The pardon application form is available at Alternatively, you can contact the criminal history record repository (which keeps a record of all criminal activity in a state) in each state where you have arrests/convictions. Finally, pardons are granted very sparingly in Virginia. Applications for both pardon and restoration of rights are made to the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 53.1-134. The bill establishes a Sealing Fee Fund, which will collect filing fees from individuals who can afford them and use that money to pay court-appointed attorneys. Please carefully read the eligibility requirements, then select the type of pardon for which you are applying. A person convicted of a felony loses the right to vote, hold public office, and sit on a jury. Post Office Box 2454 550, cl. A conditional pardon, in this respect, is much like parole. These letters should indicate to what extent the writer knows you and why he or she thinks you should be granted a pardon. A person convicted of a felony loses the right to vote, hold public office, and sit on a jury. [6] For a felony conviction, you must have applied for and been granted a Restoration of Rights before applying for a simple pardon. Office of the Governor There are three types of pardons that you can apply for in Virginia: A simple pardon is an official statement of forgiveness. Although you may feel the need to explain the facts of the crime from your perspective, avoid trying to make excessive excuses for your crime and arguing away your guilt. Governor McAuliffe formalized the pardon process, so that applicants fill out a questionnaire that requires information related to the applicants juvenile and adult criminal record, sentence, employment history, educational background, military service, community service, as well as the reason the applicant feels the governor should grant a pardon. Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth . Occupational licensing. The governor may grant a full pardon or limited restoration of rights, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law. Va. Const. You can apply for Restoration of Rights even if your conviction is a federal or out-of-state conviction. if, based upon all the information available, including the applicants record of prior convictions, it finds that the applicant is unfit or unsuited to engaged in such occupation or profession. 54.1-204(A). The letters should also indicate the writers contact information for verification purposes. Governor of Virginia PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) Virginia Gov. The legislature has authorized the Parole Board, at the request of the governor, to investigate and make recommendations on pardon cases, but this does not limit the governors power. If you would like to apply for a simple pardon, and have satisfied the eligibility requirements indicated above, your letter to the Governor must include the minimum following information[6]: If you do not remember all of your convictions or have insufficient information about particular convictions, you may need to obtain a Virginia criminal history report for yourself. 2021 record clearing laws in general. The investigation process may take two years or longer. Some states have stricter gun laws than federal law. Ralph Northam granted Tillman an absolute pardon Jan. 13. Keep a copy of everything you send for your records. Va. Code Ann. 53.1-231.2, described below. The Secretary of the Commonwealth alone makes the recommendation in restoration of rights cases. Portsmouth City Councilman Mark Whitaker speaks during a press conference after being granted an absolute pardon by Gov. Restoration of Rights is basically another type of clemency that is offered in Virginia. PORTSMOUTH, Va. As one of his final acts in office, Virginia Gov. 7, In his four years in office (2010-2014) Governor McDonnell granted a total of 52 simple pardons, 46 in his final year in office, for reasons ranging from restoration of firearms rights to facilitate military enlistment and removal of legal barriers to adoption, to relief from disqualification for public office and employment. Automatic and petition-based expungement of marijuana records: SB1406 further provides that by July 1, 2025, all records of arrests, charges, and convictions for simple marijuana possession, including court records, will be automatically expunged, 19.2392.2:1, and that misdemeanor sale of marijuana paraphernalia will be eligible for a petition-based expungement process. You can find out how to do this by calling the FBIs headquarters in Washington, D.C., at (202) 324-3000, or logging onto its website at There are some exceptions for non-convictions, such as when the charge is dropped as part of a plea agreement. If your reason for applying is to avoid deportation (yes, you can be placed in deportation proceedings even while you are being incarcerated), explain to the Governor how being separated from your family would be devastating for both you and them. See 2021 Virginia Laws Ch. Because the focus of this site is on pardons, we do not discuss reprieves, commutations, parole, remission of fines and forfeitures, or other types of clemency that may be available in Virginia here. [5] If you are granted a simple pardon, there will be an indication in your record that you have been granted the pardon. 53.1-231.2. 19.2-392.2, in the case of acquittal or where charges were nol prossed or otherwise dismissed, but not where adjudication deferred after a finding of guilt. 19.2-392.2(I). Deferred disposition for a first drug offense: The court may grant deferred disposition for certain first drug offenses, upon plea of guilty or not guilty, if the facts found by the court would justify a finding of guilt, without entering a judgment of guilt. These grants are all listed in the annual reports of the governor to the legislature cited above. 19.2-392.2(I). You should provide other relevant information that you wish the Governor to consider. Va. Stat. There is no mechanism for sealing juvenile records, but most juvenile court records are confidential and only accessible by statute or court order. If you lost certain rights because of a convictionsuch as your rights to vote, to serve on a jury, and to hold public officethe most sure way to have them restored is not through a pardon but through a type of clemency called Restoration of Rights. The Governors decision is final, which means you cannot appeal to a court if you are unhappy with the decision. The Secretary of the Commonwealth alone makes the recommendation in restoration of rights cases. With one exception, all sealing authorities take effect July 1, 2025. He had been Va. Code Ann. See Howell v. McAuliffe(Va. 2016). Automatic destruction is unavailable in several instances, including for most offenses that would constitute adult felonies. 16.1-307. Ralph Northam on July 14, according to a news release from UVa, after serving 22 years behind bars. WebWe subsequently submitted a request for an absolute pardon for Mr. Knight, and on January 14, 2022, Governor Northam granted a conditional pardon to Mr. Knight. See also Crespo v. Holder, 631 F.3d 130 (4th Cir. 1406). WebIf any person whose name or other identification has been used without his consent or authorization by another person who has been charged or arrested using such name or identification, he may file a petition with the court disposing Governor Ralph Northam issued more than 1200 simple pardons during his four years in office (2018-2022), and 126,000 restorations of rights. Introduces a system of court-appointed counsel for individuals who cannot afford an attorney for the petition-based sealing process. Recall we stated in Part B that you must have applied for a Restoration of Rights before you can apply for a simple pardon (you do not need to do the same with a conditional pardon or an absolute pardon). See, e.g., Report dated February 9, 2021, However, if the petitioner has no prior criminal record and the arrest was for a misdemeanor violation, the petitioner shall be entitled, in the absence of good cause shown to the contrary by the Commonwealth, to expungement of the police and court records relating to the charge, and the court shall enter an order of expungement. Non-convictions that do not qualify for automatic sealing can still go through the petition-based process. art. 3) Petition-based sealing: The greatly expanded petition-based sealing portion of the bill, set forth in 19.2-392.12,covers a broad range of offenses. One must be a representative of a victims group. An absolute pardon is often a . 19.2392.2:2. WebAn absolute pardon is the only type of pardon that would allow you to have your conviction expunged from your criminal record. Stricter eligibility standards apply to the statutory restoration procedure through the court. This bill also expanded the offenses subject to the limits on dissemination of criminal history record information (discussed above) to include arrests, charges, and convictions for misdemeanor with intent to distribute marijuana offenses. Furthermore, you must have pleaded not guilty throughout the case, and you must have exhausted all of your judicial alternatives and other remedies (including asking the court for a Writ of Actual Innocencesee Part B). 54.1-204 (Prior convictions not to abridge rights). Between 2002 and 2021, the states governors acted aggressively to restore rights to many thousands of individuals, a practice that became essentially automatic during the tenures of Governor Terry McAuliffe (20142018) and Governor Ralph Northam (20182022). Pardon Specialist The legislation also removes the requirement that individuals seeking record clearance go to a law enforcement agency to get fingerprinted as part of the petition process, and the petitioner does not have to produce their criminal record. The pardon application form is available at. SeeVA HB282 and SB409. An absolute pardon is the only type of pardon that would allow you to have your conviction expunged from your criminal record. Although a simple pardon does not expunge your conviction, it lets the world know that the Governor (the highest executive officer of the State) has determined that you have been rehabilitated enough to be forgiven and granted a pardon. If the prosecutor refuses or sealing is denied by the court, the individual can still petition to seal the record. Second, these companies must register with the Virginia State Police to receive electronic copies of sealed records. You should also list any positive things that you have done while in prison. 19.2-303.6. 19.2-298.02(D). 53.1-231. If, after such hearing, the court is satisfied that such person no longer poses a risk to public safety, the court shall grant the petition. In the event the petition is not granted, the person shall wait at least 24 months from the date of the denial to file a new petition for removal from the Registry. To seal the record make sure you make you desire known during the application process of his acts! Makes the recommendation in restoration of rights is basically another type of that... Much like parole their sentences of the three types UVa, after 22! All sealing authorities take effect July 1, 2025, see, e.g., Wilborn v.,... A conditional pardon is an act to modify or end a sentence by! 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