ALDER Reduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. Feed them juniper or thyme if they are in shock. Have the cat return to very light duty after they have been rested, Nausea- Feed the patient some chamomile, and have them consume juniper or watermint. Notably, WarriorCatsRP typically releases more redeem codes on the game's Discord server and social media platforms. warriorcats20years - Free Twenty Years Collar. It is highly likely that it will result in gum infection. This is recommended if the cat has a cough. Make sure that they are in a loose pile, Only collect an herbs leaf if it is green, fresh, and is filled with its healing properties. A medicine cat cannot have kits. hello! They are highly respected by all the Clans. [17] In both the Original and New Prophecy games, different types of prey can be caught and used to heal an ally, improve their stats, or remove status effects on the ally. It is essential to give daily medical care even after the hole has healed to keep scraps of prey from being caught in the hole. Have them consume an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition . The result can range from mild to severe. Rest the other paw on the base of the patient's spine. It will also produce mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. : Scratch up some chamomile into small pieces. Stir the damp herb while kneading into it, until the petals turn into a fine mush. Chervil is also usable for this poultice. If blood vessels are damaged, the arm and paw will feel cold and turn to a bluish colour. Wilted leaves should be soaked in water. Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. Certain types of viruses, bacteria, and parasites can affect how the disease is transmitted. Chills poultice: Tear up some lavender, catmint, and feverfew and chew it thoroughly, then patch it together to form a poultice. It is also recommended to keep them in a very quiet place. Feed your patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds to dull the pain. Once it is healed, they will be allowed to return to small tasks, First-degree burns/Sunburn- Apply some honey to the burned area and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the honey, adding a catchweed burr to the ends of the cobweb. Mild flea bites: Gather some marigolds and crush the petals until they are in very small pieces, then pour some water onto them. If the ache is associated with water, it can cause a chill. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Holly berry poisoning: If eaten a few times, it will cause stomachache, vomiting, and diarrhea. Wailing/yowling: Do not do this if the patient has a sore throat. Put it on wherever the chill is worst and lick their fur the wrong way to warm them up. Eat to soothe sprains. Plaster the ointment over the scratch, then chew on some burdock root and form it into a poultice. Dab the moss onto the patients eye, then close their eye for a few seconds to make sure the extract seeps into their eye. Herb flowers that have lush appearances and scents are the best to collect. If the patient has a headache from the injury, feed them some feverfew. The scent of blood will attract predators. Also given to traveling cats for strength. Its very likely that pain will recur even after the hole has healed. Keep the leg elevated with sticks, if possible. Cracked paw pads ointment: Clean the patient's paw pads thoroughly with a lick to ensure that all dirt is removed. May also be used to cool patients with fevers. Crush the marigold until it is in very small pieces and chew it into a thick poultice. Feed them poppy seeds to help soothe the pain, and give them juniper berries or thyme if they are in shock. Feed your patient a honeycomb or paint some honey over a dock leaf and feed to your patient if their throat hurts from the smoke. If the patient has a headache from the injury, feed them some feverfew. First-degree burn/Sunburn: Mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness. Create a broken bone poultice and apply it to the desired area and wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. Form used in: gathered form. Medicine cats are members of a Clan who treat diseases and injuries. Catmint cannot treat redcough and the only known cure is a special sap that is only found in SkyClan territory, Aching joints- Damp and or cold environments cause aching joints. Second/Third degree burns: Lick the patient's fur as soon as they get away from the fire, especially the most damaged area. Record the dreams: Take notes, even a few sentences will help the analysis. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. (don't use on queens. This can be caused by the mouth hitting a hard object, developing cavities, or biting a hard object, such as a bone from prey or from a battle. The next day the patient should be back to normal and be put back on duty. 4. <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div class="noScriptTag"><span class="copy">Please enable JavaScript.</span . Let the yarrow sit on the paw pad for a few hours, then take the poultice off. Let's Go Luna! Holly berries- These arent as necessarily dangerous as deathberries, but they can be deadly if enough is consumed. The poultice should make the paw pad a lot softer, and the thorn will have disappeared. Used for: queens when kitting, bellyache, and infected wounds. Location: Can be found in Twoleg gardens. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sunningrocks are a prime location for this herb, though it is sometimes found on trees and rocks by water sources in RiverClan and ShadowClan territory. Ideal to collect in mid green-leaf, Produces healthier milk in greater quantity; also helps treat fevers, stomachaches, and relieves tight chests, Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds, Time of growth- All year round. In some severe cases, the allergies can cause life-threatening reactions. Your patient must rest for several days, and you need to keep a close eye on them. It also grows in WindClan, but is a bit more scarce in ShadowClan. Water therapy: Have a cat with weak or sore muscles wade in water. Recommended to give them a small number of poppy seeds to dull the pain. 12. Dock leaves do not grow well in mountains, and it is mostly found in leafy, overgrown areas such as ShadowClan and ThunderClan territory. If the nausea is caused by hunger, then make sure to give them some prey. )[3] Nausea: Feed the patient some chamomile and have them consume juniper or watermint. espn nfl depth charts 2022 Seeds are best collected when they have freshly fallen off their plant. What are the herbs used in warrior cats? And if so, in what situations did the medicine cats have these thoughts? Form used in: chewed-up roots. Eventually, theyll feel better, Wailing/Yowling- Dont do this if your patient has a sore throat. Some herbs and herb combinations will cause them to bleed more or will cause the kitting to last longer. One leaf is taken each day until the milk stops; may also be used to soothe stomachaches, Location- Grows best in moist, well-drained soil, with full of sun; twoleg gardens are also an option, Puts cat to sleep; soothes shock or distress and eases pain; do not feed to nursing queens or a queen that is giving birth, Time of growth- The flower will grow from late new-leaf to mid green-leaf, and the seeds will soon be ripe a little after the flower blooms, Location- Anywhere that there are poppy flowers, Treats aching joints and gives a cat strength, Time of growth- All year round, though its ideal to be collected mid green-leaf through late green-leaf, Location- Anywhere, especially areas that are cool and wet, Used to help stop bleeding during kitting; also works as a painkiller, Time of growth- All year around, though it is ideal to be collected late new-leaf throughout early green-leaf, This plant helps hide the scent of death to prepare for vigil and later the burial, Time of growth- Mid new-leaf throughout late new-leaf; it will sometimes grow in late green-leaf, Time of growth- Mid green-leaf throughout early leaf-fall, Time of growth- All year round; is ideal to be collected in late new-leaf, Recommended for Queens who are giving birth; also used for dislocated bones and help mend broken bones, Usage/To Use - Patients will bite on the stick when in pain. Chamomile: This herb is used to calm a cat in the case of a nervous breakdown or severe shock. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision, Loss of appetite- This is a disappearance of the cats hankering to eat. With the other, get a piece of damp moss and dab it onto the patients eye, Sick cats- Cats who are ill may have a hard time keeping food down. They will seem to have "numb" emotions. It is named after one of its symptom which is to cough up blood. It is mandatory to take immediate treatment when this happens, Shock (Emotionally)- Sometimes happens when a cat witnesses a traumatic or terrorizing event. It causes their airways to become inflamed, narrowed, and swollen. Leg dislocation: Feed the patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds and wait for them to fall asleep. It is also recommended to keep them in a very quiet place, Anxiety- Give your patient a simple exercise to distract them, have them breathe slowly and gently through their nose, lick their fur, try to make them laugh, eat well-balanced meals, and to get enough sleep. Whitecough is the milder form, but if untreated, it can develop into the much more severe greencough. Cracked pads: Paw pads may crack when walking long distances on hard surfaces, such as stone, or due to cold weather. A Clan Leader cat, a Warrior cat, or a Medicine cat is your choice. Only allow them to eat soft prey, such as plump mice and fish. Give some juniper berries if needed, Trouble breathing- Mix some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint together, and feed to your patient, Upset stomach by poison- Treat painful stomachaches with stinging nettle or yarrow; allow your patient to vomit onto a dock leaf. Herbs can be collected simply by looking around the map. A medicine cat's main job is to heal their fellow Clanmates of their wounds and sicknesses. Recommended to give them juniper berries, Backache poultice- Gather some daisy leaves and chew it into a mush. 2. Have them wade in water if possible, Remedies without herbs and other techniques-, Nip or poke your claw- Gently poke your claw on a cats bone to test to see if its broken or not. It is mandatory that the medicine cat journeys to the Moonstone/Moonpool on the half-moon of each month for a meeting with the other Clan medicine cats to communicate with StarClan. Keep the wet moss on the shoulder until it feels numb. It is a good idea to put dried leaves and feathers around her nest to make it comfortable for her and her kits. Then, grab their leg in your jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so you have more control. If a lot is ingested, then it can cause severe stomachache, lethargy, and drooling; very rarely will it kill an adult cat, but kits are more at risk of being killed by it. Sprains: Sprains are injuries to the ligaments of a joint, where the joint is stretched beyond its normal capacity and is possibly torn. Feed to your patient, A paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, that is to be put on the body, or consumed, Paste for burns- Chew on a comfrey root until it is formed into a thick mush, almost like a pulp, but a more solid form. Paint the honey over the poultice and put it over the desired area, with the honey facing the injury, and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the poultice, adding some catchweed burrs to the ends of the cobweb. By wailing, it will keep the cats lungs and chest clear. Backache poultice: Gather some daisy leaves and chew them into a mush. Keep them in your den until the fleas are gone, Dislocated shoulder- It is important to have your patient not move, not even an inch, as it can make the injury worse. Weight loss, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, and loss of appetite are the main symptoms. Fasten sticks with a poultice to help keep broken bone in place, Induces vomiting and brings down swelling; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helpful with wounds and infections; the leaves can be used to carry herbs, Usage/To Use- The seeds are eaten by a cat who swallowed poison and the leaves can be chewed into a poultice for wounds; chewing on the stems soothe infections, Location- Grows throughout leaf-bare; mostly common near riverbanks. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. were found on the Warriors Wiki and in the official book. Apply the poultice to the poisoned area, and swathe with cobwebs, and add a catchweed burr on top. Chervil can most commonly be found in Snakerocks, deep in ThunderClan territory. Once it is all mixed, pour the extract onto a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area. Avaliability: OG/NP Dropped from: Longtail, ThunderClan Warrior Price: 150 A Use: Restores 200 HP to one ally. Once they're in small pieces, chew them until they're a fine mush, then add a small amount of water and stir. Rub the pulp onto the cat's pelt. If the broken tooth has a jagged edge, cover it with cobweb to prevent it from cutting the patients tongue, lip or cheek. .WCUE Discord Server: Ro. [12], Used for: alleviating shock or stress. There are multiple things that can cause nausea, such as overeating, hunger, specific herbs, food poisoning, tainted water, intense fear or panic attacks, early pregnancy, migraines or headaches, and revolting smells. Consider creating an account! If the pain is mild they will recover within the next two days, but give them another dose of tansy and remake the poultice. Recommended to feed them sorrel, Non-venomous snake bite- Clean the wound thoroughly with a damp moss ball, and, if needed, put the wound into water. Best Treatment: Simply use marigold or garlic after rubbing it down with a dock leaf. After a day or so, the lumps may develop into a blister or a small wound, and the wounds may have pus. Prop the arm up with some sticks wrapped with bindweed. However, it is also found in RiverClan, such as by trees or in front of the Twoleg nest in the territory. Cobwebs, a sticky web used to cover wounds to stop bleeding? Once done, place the extract onto a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area for a while. Kit cough: Coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and a mild fever. Leave the wound open and allow it to bleed for an appropriate amount of time. Have them consume warm water as well, Headache- Have your patient drink plenty of cold water, and give them some feverfew to eat. [13] As you move through the wilderness, make friends . [63] This is a very important part of a medicine cat's life, which a lot of lists seem to leave out. Only one herb can be held in a cat's mouth at a time. 2. The extract shouldve thickened into an ointment. 4. Liver cancer: Though the Clans do not have a name for this illness, nor do they know how to prevent it, it is possible for a cat to get it. Yellowcough: Only curable by a plant named lungwort. Thanks. Usage/To Use- Eat, but only in small doses as it is very strong; don't feed to queens; rub on cats pelt to hide their scent; crush the leaves and apply to wrenched legs, Time of growth- Mid green-leaf through late green-leaf, Its root is good for treating wounds and extracting poisons, Usage/To Use- Chewed up and put on the patients wound, Time of growth- Early green-leaf throughout mid green-leaf, Location- Twoleg gardens or wherever it is cool or cold, Calms a cat who's nervous, anxious, or in shock, Soothes stomachaches; can also be used to hide the scent of death, Usage/To Use- Chew into a pulp and then eat; rub onto dead cats pelt, Location- Commonly found in streams or damp soil, Prevents infection, especially rat bites; also useful for disguising a cats scent, Usage/To Use- Chewed into a pulp then eaten, Location- Oak-pine forests and sandy habitats, Extracts poison from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; helps soothe mild coughs and stomachaches; will also soften and heal cracked or sore paw pads, Usage/To Use- The leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied to the wound; chew into a pulp and then eat for coughs; make into an ointment and apply to cracked or sore paw pads; eat a couple of leaves to calm stomachaches, Aloe vera- Not mentioned in the books, but a lot of roleplayers use this plant without even knowing the dangers it causes to cats. 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