You just discovered how the wheel is divided in half, a basic polarity of the mandala structure., Facebook Biz Pages: If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra. Help get the message to millions that we can be true to ourselves and earn a living by being and doing what we are designed for:, Linkedin:, Facebook:, Bitchute:, LBRY: The feminine principle, beginning with the ultimate directioncoming out of the womb into form. (Also, this is something I've found about Undefined Ajna, like myself: that our Not-Self is the fear and hatred of being humiliated for Ajna things like not knowing something, having wrong information, being gullible or fooled, being tricked or decived and our true self is the overcoming of that fear and aversion.). Our Godhead is our programming, our conditioning so another question is where have I been blinded to think this is the only way to see the world. The Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Consciousness, all these familiar concepts, these are mechanics. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Expression of the Self the Creativeof course, Yang/Yang. ATTENTION PROJECTORS Could you use some extra support? But you can learn to surrender to making decisions according to your mechanical inner authority and let the mind off the hook, and that is a huge, huge difference in how you live your life, and your overall trajectory. Is it possible to know the unknowable? Some clarification on the Dear Days stuff: Gramgrace's Frame Rare was going to be for set 8 not it's ride line . 16:20 Etruscan and Roman art and Minerva They start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. Purpose fulfilled through transformation. There is a buzz word in genetics: mutation. #2027shift So her powers need practice to wield or they can consume us. Then you look at Objective Personality. 23:30 Wormholes and star seeded civilisations What do you of Parvati - Goddess of Domestic Bliss? My own emotions and also other peoples. 44:30 Minerva brings us to the end of the Quarter of Duality - (Video for Insight and Contemplation) So very interesting., Facebook Groups: The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara. If you would like to offer your thanks, feel free to donate to, Create your charts: Crestone, CO. Natural harmony and sharing possible through friendship. Human design is a way to connect to the. Om Shri Kalikayai Namah. She wears a skirt of human arms, and shes crushing some poor guy under her foot. 58:00 Interlacing Codon Rings and 34-20 in there too. Our New Membership Site is a great way to do that (WIN-WIN): Facebook : We need someone or something, external to us. Or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of human design. It goes on and on. 24:20 Venus in Her Meta Cycle in Capricorn It's a manual or guide that allows people to explore their own inner-landscape, to identify patterns, strengths, weaknesses. 3)It is not transformative in nature. or., Do you love Human Design and want others to know whats up? Our Facebook Group: the reaction is swift and unyielding. Gate 13 is the beginning of Kali, the Destroyer of False Devotion. This archetype is what keeps you from recognizing how deeply conditioned your perceptions are about your life. 50:27 Codon Ring of Illusion and Illuminati contained in Minerva godhead - shadow and light Have you seen this at work in your life? We are each programmed with a set of false goods and bads, mental goods and bads, and Human Design is about surrendering to the only true good, one might say, your own inner authority. #humandesign If You want to buy my HD Oracle Cards Were always available to answer questions about human design and point you in the right directiontoward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your. Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom. All bundles together are the 'Godhead'. Our Facebook Group: document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block'); Guiding You Through Times of Change and Growth To Uncover Your Inner Truth. Demons, our shadows, our fears. A study group from mid-2018 to walk us through the thematics around the wheel: Have you taken Living Your Design and Rave ABCs yet? Every Line, every Color is its own gradation of a particular territory that those incarnating on are expected to occupy, duties along the wheel they are expected to fulfill. What is your Godhead theme, and how does it impact your life . This series of 15 half-hour segments describes the basic role of each of the 12 profiles. Not all do. The 16 bundles are vast complexes of personality crystals that form an atmospheric sheath around the Earth. A Design of Being Driven, linking the Splenic Center (Gate 32) to the Root center (Gate 54). Read more, Yin-Yin-Yin-Yin Gates: 2-The Direction of the Self, 23-Assimilation 8-Contribution, 20-The Now 06:09 Bellona and Janus with two faces (Male and Female androgynous quality) There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches of the world and each star generates intelligent neutrinos. #genekeys #etruscancivilisation. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your godhead is the god., Self-Paced Content Marketing Design Training 10:05 Katreni's introduction to Minerva - water theme, memory in the body Would you like to take a moment to be inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the Human Design System Hexagrams that is the Rave Mandala? Recently, I was listening to Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design speak on the godhead Minerva who rules a Libra/Scorpio segment of the zodiac - a similar archetype to Pallas Athena who sparks Golden Age civilizations and the arts - including poetry. #ambassador_katreni 27:00 Mudra meditation of 32, 50, 28, 44 See more of Human Design NYC on Facebook. And my melancholy. 51:55 Checking the Illustrations with Scripture Here is where Mind learns through possibilities of feeling. In distortion, wealth becomes the be-all, end-all obsession. Sure, the introverted sensing types are more controlling of the physical, but don't let that fool you. This valuing of arts is the mark of how we measure a civilized society, alongside the . IHSP Credits: Ancient History Sourcebook Herodotus: I remember I am complete within myself. To energize us, to spark something within us. The IJ types: INTJs, INFJs, ISTJs, ISFJs, notorious control freaks, every last one of them. It finds a tongue in literature . Human Design Store -, Facebook Page:, If you are Advanced and would like more details about your chart you can get that here: These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. About press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators. . 57:38 Scriptures that support Godhead , 20, human-design-godhead-wheel, Design Ideas, Can You Do Graphic Design If You Can T Draw, Best Graphic Design Software For Chromebook. This is the G Center(see image below with all the gates colored in to show their position in the Human Design Mandala). ------, Another doorway lives here: Read more, Yang-Yin-Yin-Yang Gates: 25-Spirit of the Self, 17-Opinion, 21-Hunter/Huntress, 51-Shock All Rights Reserved 2011. I've transformed the original work by adding My own unique value such as Change The Video background with luma Key & Chroma Key, added high-quality edits, special effects, My Storyline And My Commentary to create completely new, original video. Each of the four gates of each Godhead will represent different facets and nuances of that energy. GET YOUR FREE Human Design BUSINESS AND CAREER CHART:, GET YOUR FREE 3 STEPS TO WEALTH PLAYSHOP: Read more, Yin-Yang-Yin-Yin Gates: 7-Role of the Self in Interaction, 4-Formulization, 29-Perseverance, 59-Sexuality 02:42 Scriptural case for Modalism / Oneness In america, we have a very clear constitutional right for the separation of. Talk about confusion and drama. Then you look at Objective Personality., Human Design Store: I am surrounded by people with a defined Solar Plexus, including my partner who also belongs to the Quarter of Initiation and with Gate continuity with my own (13 The Listener and 42 Growth, due to their Gate Binary of Yang-Yang). Steven Rhodes, The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu. The Personality Bundles surround the planet and neutrinos are filtered through them all, competing for our attention. All of them relate to the mind, to how we think., WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL AND GET MORE OF YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED? HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 1 Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1997. Face 16 is Minerva, this is your Godhead if your Personality Sun is either the 44, 28, 50, or 32. The 16 faces of god, the gods. Delving into the codons is another exploration yet! , 20, human-design-godhead, Design Ideas, Google Ux Design Professional Certificate Worth It, Freelance Instructional Designer Hourly Rate, Best Graphic Design Software For Chromebook. Just another dimension of Human Design and understanding the Hexagrams and I-Ching. Jesus' answer provides the high priest with the accusation he needs for a death sentence, but also gives us a clear testimony of Jsus as the final son of David. Each Godhead has four Gates, and so four aspects, themes or nuances. When in a not-selfstate, making decisions from your conditioned mind, you can end up living out the homogenized, dead myths of your Godhead, rather than shining with the uniqueness of your authentic and differentiated holistic self. Human Design and 2027: Back to the hexagrams for a minute., Haven't seen your Human Design chart yet? The introverted intuitives are every bit as controlling. where do you get toth from? What roles do they play? Human design is a way to connect to the. Concretization of Mind into the cycle of Rebirth, Death, Resurrection, Re-Creation. Here Mind brings moral laws that determine good and evil, separating matter and exalting spirit (heavy distortions). Like Ra said in the free intro to the Godheads audio, awareness of the programming by the Personality Bundles and Godheads points us back to the vehicle and the form. This is a preview of the half-hour show, if you would like to watch the full half-hour please visit #2027shift They return to the body fully cognizant of what they learned and encountered during this induced near-death experience. Both 13 and 30 are the amino acid Glutamine. In the vernacular, we could say that Kali looks like one bad-ass bitch. Face 16 Minerva - Quarter of Duality. Check out the Community Page for more info on gates and transits This is your godhead if your personality sun is in gate 1, 43, 14, or 34. Read more, Yin-Yin-Yin-Yang Gates: 16-Skills, 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution 02:51 Bellona asteroid conjunct North Node in GK34 Twitter :, Human Design Quarter- Do you know what Quarter you are in? The path of the Fellowship of Man. Riding and understanding their emotional waves is the crust of their decision-making process. Log In. (not currently active), Projectors in Business (older - Projectors only), WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL AND GET MORE OF YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED? You can also do 108 repetitions. And it's not like they're very happy to each other :D. So my movie is all about being in the middle of extremes, praying for both sides despite the war between them. 22:11 Explain the two wills We are constantly bombarded by neutrinos, the sub-atomic units of matter that carry the intelligence of the universe, and that reach us at the rate of 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch, per second. Or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of human design. Forgot account? Look to the top right, and you will find hexagram 1 (right above the blue M looking Astrological symbol for Scorpio in the image below). Connect With US: Janus is known as the two-faced God, forward looking to the future and backward looking to the past. Ra Uru Hu pointed out that Kali is the Yin GodHead of Transformation, enormous transformation. And in the second half, their foundation was all Yin (broken lines)? 1:00:32 Conclusion. This is reinforced by the fact that she was one of the Capitoline triad, in association with Jupiter and Juno. Genetic Matrix offers a Godhead Human Design chart where you can see what your Personal Godhead is and the percentage of each Godhead is in your chart. 58:00 Interlacing Codon Rings and 34-20 in there too. So, let's get social!! Spontaneous emotional decision-making left a trail of physical and emotional destruction in my wake. Our current global cycle began in 1615 and carries the frequency of the Cross of Planning began with the breakdown of the feudal systems and the end of the rule of warrior kings, and it evolved into our modern collective governments, a thriving social safety net, and movement toward a global community. 42:20 How did God design the Church? Even when we see all Yang (unbroken) or Yin (broken) linesin a hexagram, every binary must ultimately bow to the union of opposites, which is why the first (all yang) and second (all yin) hexagrams split the wheel as a polarity. Elad Sky, We didnt invent these forces. Pinterest: Subscribe to Sadhguru On and click on the bell icon to get regular updates How to Read Your Human Design Chart He brings answers to lifes questions; his answers are Find a Role (7), understand the pattern (4), make a commitment (29) and make more (59). 40:45 Jesus wanted the Church to be one like God Human Design Godhead, 16 godheads, 78.92 MB, 57:28, 962, Artem Komarnitskii, 2017-10-28T20:41:09.000000Z, 19, Risultati immagini per godhead human design | Human design, Human,, 500 x 500, jpeg, Discover your human design system godhead within the rave mandala h uman design system article by laveena lovick. It can get intense! The 16 archetypal themes inherited from our 7-Centered ancestors impart their qualities to the four respective gates within each Godhead. I think we are vulnerable to that because we have not yet recognized how amazing we all are, and somehow still believe we are missing something. I love helping people realize their unique potential & genius by embracing radical authenticity. The hexagrams are made up of three couplets the bottom one is the Quarter couplet and the middle one the Godface couplet they are the same for the same Quarters and the same Godface. Read more, Reflector Sessions, unlocking the illusion In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Formthrough manifesting. Originally the fifteenth lecture of this 22 part course. Filmed and Edited by Mau Cattaneo and Antonio Blanco Alzola at Shayan Studios Ibiza. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 23rd of March please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . All video clips and images are from And that is the key, when we accept the limitations that we have in our reality and feel comfortable where we are that is when many times we level up or the limitations that we have are removed giving us a clear path. Public & Government Service. Heres where you can grab a chart - What is your godhead theme, and how does it impact your life? At the end of the vid - I think I said "you don't need to study human design to become a reader" but meant to clarify that you shouldn't study it with the intention of becoming a reader. Below, look for the gate of your Personality Sun to find your Godhead and its theme. Updated and republished with permission. Every hexagram in a Quarter shares the same bottom two hexagram chopsin other words, all hexagrams in a Quarter have the same first two lines. Note every Godheads hexagrams share the same first four lines. 25 Innocence The Gate of the Spirit of the SelfThe perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature. I am gifting a FREE human design chart & introductory report as a gesture of gratitude for you wonderful subscribers. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God. Harmonia - Goddess of the Family Bond Gates: 40-Aloneness, 64-Confusion, 47-Realization, 6-Friction. Human Design Godhead Wheel, 16 godheads, 78.92 MB, 57:28, 962, Artem Komarnitskii, 2017-10-28T20:41:09.000000Z, 19, Human Design System - The Mandala's Quarters and Godheads - Human,, 1188 x 1221, png, What's your human design godhead? 23:30 Wormholes and star seeded civilisations Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God. More than another conditioning element, the godhead is what distracts us away from recognizing how deeply conditioned we are in the perception of our own lives, thus, not only legitimizing conditionings but actually covering it up with a moral patina of rational holiness. Gate 55 caries the pure yin of Kali. 24:18 Explain the two witnesses My Human Design Experiment . Well, if I'm making mental decisions, any time anyone comes at me with me being wrong about something, I'll be so personally wounded. Based on the dates that it was created Youtube is the Cross of Contagion, and just happens to have the Gate 3 defined by its Design North Node. Here civil codes are established, determining social protocol governing progress. Human Design is a system of human differentiation - it's a system that helps you uncover and understand what makes you unique and truly you. It was suggested by seeing the design of Crawford's Orpheus, and connecting with the circumstance of the American, in his garret at Rome, making choice of this subject, that of . If you are familiar with the G Center gates from taking a Living Your Design Program or your personal studies, you know that the G Center is home to two critical Incarnation Crosses. Following Strategy and Authority keeps you from getting trapped in your Minds illusion derived from the conditioning forces streaming through your individual Godhead. His is 1 (51/57, 61/62) and mine is 2 (57/51, 62/61). This video will take an unbiased look at the scriptures and do just that. Every god and goddess that humanity has ever had can be found in one of the 16 faces. This is a practical video for insight and contemplation. Quarter by Quarter is a Human Design home-study program created by Ra Uru Hu. metrick00 2 yr. ago. With her four arms, she holds a sword and the head of a demon and she wears the regalia of human skulls (which represent the ego). Human Design Godhead Wheel, 16 godheads, 78.92 MB, 57:28, 962, Artem Komarnitskii, 2017-10-28T20:41:09.000000Z, 19, Human Design System The Mandalas Quarters and Godheads Human,, 1188 x 1221, png, What's your human design godhead? Caiphas understodd that Jesus was claiming to be the secon Yahweh figure of Daniel 7:13 - and that was an intolerable blasphemy. Some fun ideas here - James Alexander's recent point on his excellent Instagram @james_alexander_coaching about Defined Ego peeps needing to re-evaluate their bargains, instead of trying to stick to promises that no longer serve them. In Enneagram, the false bads are, for instance, Enneatype 2 "I'm not being appreciated," Enneatype 3 "I'm not achieving my potential," Enneatype 4 "I'm not setting out to be different and unique. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL:, Would you like to be put on the waiting list for our next CERTIFICATION PROGRAM?, Check out the video with all the Taurus gates Each planet moves through each Gate of the Rave Wheel, and influences life on planet Earth. This cosmology is fascinating and I am being mindful for it not to become more food for my open mind. . Kali is the goddess of time and brings the death of the ego,the illusory self-centered view of reality that, should you have a personal perspective like myself, you may be deeply identified with. I personally feel it's time to mutate, to ensure our empowerment, privacy, and freedoms now. Purpose fulfilled through transformation. Human Design offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who yo. Donate to support my Work This Godhead is 1/16 of it. For countless millennia the Phoenix has slept, hidden away somewhere in our genes, waiting for its moment. The Personality Sun is used to find what Godhead you have per the gate via the quarter. Watch our FREE PROJECTORS ONLY training, by opting in here: To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. What is your godhead theme, and how does it impact your life? To follow this Blog add this link to your feed-reader. Detriment: Emotional dependency that often turns love into hatred. . Human Design is end knowledge, only this time the end is not about replacing things with something better, but rather learning to accept people and see things for what they are, recognizing the intrinsic . Freddy Silva [source], 13-The Listener | 49-Principles | 30-Feelings | 55-Spirit, 37-Friendship | 63-Doubts | 22-Openness | 36-Crisis, 25-Spirit of the Self |17-Following | 21-Hunter/Huntress | 51-Shock, 42-Growth | 3-Ordering | 27-Caring | 24-Returning, 2-The Direction of the Self | 23-Assimilation | 8-Contribution | 20-The Now, 16-Skills | 35-Change | 45-The Gatherer | 12-Caution, 15-Extremes | 52-Stillness | 39-Provocation | 53-Beginnings, 62-Details | 56-Stimulation | 31-Leading| 33-Privacy, 7-Role of the Self in Interaction | 4-Mental Solutions | 29-Perseverance | 59-Sexuality, 40-Aloneness | 64-Possibilities| 47-Realization | 6-Friction, 46-Determination of the Self | 18-Correction | 48-Depth | 57-Intuitive Clarity, 44-Alertness | 28-The Game Player | 50-Values | 32-Continuity, 1-Self-Expression | 43-Breakthrough| 14-Power Skills | 34-Power, 9-Taming Power of the Small | 5-Fixed Rhythms | 26-The Egoist | 11- Ideas, Harmony, 10-Behaviour of the Self | 58-Vitality | 38-The Fighter | 54-Drive, 60-Limitation | 61-Inspiration | 41-Contraction | 19-Wanting, Kali is Face 5 of 16 and according to Jovian Archive, Kali is one of two divinities associated with the Solar Plexus potential Needs, Passions, and Desires are her domain. According to the source of the Human Design System, humanity is almost ripe for its next major mutation. It goes on and on. Kali is wild! There are 16 Godheads total in Human Design. Her shrine on the Aventine in Rome was a . 44:30 Minerva brings us to the end of the Quarter of Duality They control what you think. What is your godhead theme, and how does it impact your life? TikTok: Another way of explaining these Forces is that your conditioned mind tends to interpret the Maia according to your Godhead. The Michael Archetype embodies Gods messenger with his sword of Truth. Mutations are a key to evolution for it is these changes in the geometry that ultimately create new variations within species. 02:30 Minerva and the Synarchy, -- Now that you have discovered the Quarters, its time to break them down into the 16 Faces of the Godhead. "I'm OK if I'm right, you're OK if you're right," also phrased, "I'm OK if I'm perfect, you're OK if you're perfect." These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. Sidereal:, Soul's Education Services: 27:00 Mudra meditation of 32, 50, 28, 44 These personalities within us can be asking us to go this way or that way. In Enneagram, the false bads are, for instance, Enneatype 2 "I'm not being appreciated," Enneatype 3 "I'm not achieving my potential," Enneatype 4 "I'm not setting out to be different and unique. #genekeyguide_alison Tropical : Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. It is supposed to be 12/9/2022*., Instagram: If you're feeling generous, please SHARE with someone that would enjoy- or benefit from my content! But once I am living correctly as myself and not worrying about the false good, the irony is that I can actually live out my little niche, my little corner of the universe. 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Frank Wilczek Iq, Articles G