Millions of Afghans fled across the border and General Zia gave them refuge. Malala's skull had pressure: her brain was swelling and in order to make room for it they needed to remove some of her skull. Many of his classes were taught under a tree on the bare ground. If it was anything serious they would have to make the long bus journey to Mingora unless they were lucky enough to know someone with a car. After this the road winds back down for a while then follows the Ghwurban River and peters out into a rocky track. There was little to do in my fathers village. She didn't feel comfortable wearing her school uniform, since the uniform was a sign that she was being educated, and thus, in the Taliban's eyes, dishonoring Allah. Our people say it is a good system, and our crime rate is much lower than in non-Pashtun areas. Our people are used to being subservient because under the wali no criticism was tolerated. . With such a history, you can see why the people of Swat did not always think it was a good idea to be part of Pakistan. Part One: Before the Taliban Chapter 1A Daughter Is Born 1. We drank green tea as we could not afford milk for regular tea. One was Sher Zaman, a man who had been in my fathers class and always got better grades than him. And me, her beauty, he laughs. Billions of dollars flowed into our exchequer from the United States and other Western countries, as well as weapons to help the ISI train the Afghans to fight the communist Red Army. Instant PDF downloads. We took earrings, bangles and necklaces to decorate the bride, singing Bollywood songs as we worked. Can you sell them to me for ten rupees? she asked. The only television was in the hujra of one of the wealthier families, and no one had a computer. The other main student organisation was Islami Jamaat-e-Talaba, the student wing of the religious party Jamaat-e-Islami, which was powerful in many universities in Pakistan. Here are the 10 'What Am I?' questions with answers and a printable PDF. in the upper Swat called Shangla and would see each other when my father went to his uncles house to study, which was next door to that of my mothers aunt. Sahib, he told him, I have a cousin who is ten years older than me and you have certified him ten years younger. So the minister said, OK, Maulana, what shall I write down for you? Soon mullahs all over Pakistan were denouncing the book, calling for it to be banned, and angry demonstrations were held. Subjects: I was so nervous before the speech, I was trembling with fear. Written by Malala Yousafzai, this book was first published in 2013 by Little Brown & Company Company. To us its a sacred mountain and so high that it always wears a necklace of fleecy clouds. Please wait while we process your payment. The girl had a big sack and was sorting rubbish into piles, one for cans, one for bottle tops, another for glass and another for paper. He had an old radio set my uncle still has, on which he loved to listen to the news. I had decided very early I would not be like that. Malala is the the author of this memoir, a young Pashtun woman who grew up in Swat Valley, Pakistan. This next 'What Am I?' quiz is a fun quiz about jobs and occupations. I get bored going to the bazaar but I love to dance behind closed doors with my school friends. I am MalalaMalala Yousafzai w/ Christine Lamb Created byDr. But every day she would leave behind her girl cousins playing at home and she envied them. If he accidentally drew a snake he could erase it and the snake would disappear. To her it was a modern town. My grandfather never bought him new books. They borrowed 30,000 rupees more to repaint the building, rented a shack across the road to live in and went from door to door trying to find students. I wanted him to be proud of me, like he was when I was presented with the first-in-year trophies at school. Women in the village hid their faces whenever they left their purdah quarters and could not meet or speak to men who were not their close relatives. "genre": "Biography & Autobiography", We live as we have for centuries by a code called Pashtunwali, which obliges us to give hospitality to all guests and in which the most important value is nang or honour. It was Honesty is the best policy. It was small in those days, just fifteen members, and my father quickly became vice president. Hello, Bhabi! I called. The Swati people fled up the mountain, believing they would be protected by their gods because it was so high. Older people often looked back nostalgically to the days of the last wali. Actually some people thought it got worse. He said it felt like a wall came down in his throat. I remember that the bus turned right off the main road at the army checkpoint as always and rounded the corner past the deserted cricket ground. My father went to see the building after work. We regard Mians as noble or landed people, but Gujars and Kohistanis are what we call hilly people, peasants who look after buffaloes. The owner had called it that because he had once been to Turkey and seen a Ramada Hotel! Her mother was a teacher at a different school, which was unusual as none of our mothers worked. Growing up, we children spent most of our time with our mother. He vowed to end corruption and go after those guilty of plundering and looting the national wealth. Since Id started speaking at events with my father to campaign for girls education and against those like the Taliban who want to hide us away, journalists often came, even foreigners, though not like this in the road. When I was born we were very poor. They said the Americans always preferred dealing with dictators in Pakistan. So I was born a proud daughter of Pakistan, though like all Swatis I thought of myself first as Swati and then Pashtun, before Pakistani. My father prayed they would agree, but my grandfather asked them as soon as they arrived, exhausted after the three-day bus journey, and his son-in-law refused outright. download 1 file . Well, look no further. Here there is any convenience you can imagine. Our people often quote the famous speech he made a few days before independence: You are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. To all the girls who have faced injustice and been silenced. I am inspired by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the man who some call the Frontier Gandhi, who introduced a non-violent philosophy to our culture. My grandfather had come to watch and I knew he really wanted me to win the competition, which made me even more nervous. But President Bush kept praising Musharraf, inviting him to Washington and calling him his buddy. endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>stream You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Wed be expected to cook and serve our brothers and fathers. Had they done so, he would have been electrocuted. It was a nightmare for someone trying to start a business and it drove Naeem to distraction. You may have to realign some pages after downloading. Struggling with distance learning? Wearing a burqa is like walking inside big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through and on hot days its like an oven. He was smiling. However, he got a wealthy philanthropist, Azaday Khan, to pay for him to produce a leaflet asking, Kia hasool e elum in bachun ka haq nahe? The school that my father dreamed of would have desks and a library, computers, bright posters on the walls and, most important, washrooms. for a customized plan. My father kept trying to persuade Naeems friends and family to stay so he could be fined too! Answer key included Tests include Prologue ch 1-3 ch 4-6 ch 7-9 ch 10-12 ch 13-15 ch 16-18 ch 19-21 ch 22-24 epilogue, I am Malala Test | Young Reader's Edition | Digital and PDF, Mentoring in the Middle with Marion Piersol-Miller, I am Malala Nonfiction Book Study Guide BUNDLE - Young Reader's Edition, I Am Malala Final Test (Young Readers Edition), I Am Malala Full Novel Test | Editable | Rigorous + CCSS-Aligned, I Am Malala Part 1 Assessment (Test) with Key, I Am Malala Part 2 Assessment (Test) with Key, I Am Malala by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai Tests and Activities, I am Malala Book Test (Part 3 Chapters 11-19/Quizzes for each Chapter), I Am Malala Editor Christina Lamb Multiple Choice Test, I am Malala chapter 1 & 2 test (young reader's edition), I am Malala chapter 11-16 Test (Young Reader's Edition), Distance Learning: I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai: Google Forms Test, I am Malala Chapter 3-5 Test (Young Reader's Edition), I am Malala chapter 6-10 Test (Young Reader's Edition), I am Malala Test Chapter 17-23 (Young Reader's Edition), I am Malala Test modified for entering/emerging ELLs, DIGITAL/GOOGLE I Am Malala- Young Readers Edition Reading Journal/ Novel Unit, Malala Yousafzai Bundle: Compatible with Book and Movie. . Practice this quiz or assign it to students. He tried to talk to them but they ran away. Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, had been living in Kandahar when the attack on the World Trade Center happened, and the Americans had sent thousands of troops to Afghanistan to catch him and overthrow the Taliban regime which had protected him. Teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. I think everyone makes a mistake at least once in their life. What had prompted the attack on Zahid Khan? Each of these strands has many different subgroups. It was our playground. We struggled to Mingora bus station, our bags laden with gifts for our family embroidered shawls and boxes of rose and pistachio sweets as well as medicine they could not get in the village. The brides would wear exquisite clothes and be draped in gold, necklaces and bangles given by both sides of the family. He ended it with Lincolns words: it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. They lavished praise on him. In the winter when parents didnt want their children to stay outside in the snow they would tell the story about the lion or tiger which must always make the first step in the snow. Pakistan took its place. Nasir Pacha had spent years in Saudi Arabia working in construction, making money to send back to his family. A few comprehension questions are included, but most focus on the character, style, structure, and central ideas of the text. The sides of Swat buses are painted with scenes of bright pink and yellow flowers, neon-orange tigers and snowy mountains. Parts Four and Five: Chapters 21-24, Epilogue. To try and boost their income they ran a tuck shop at school, going off in the mornings and buying snacks to sell to the children. I had been delighted to have my own room, and my father had even bought me a dressing table to work on. My father didnt care. After some time they went to visit some tribes in Swat to win their support so they could return to Afghanistan. Next to We all played cricket on the street or rooftops together, but I knew My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Take care of your husband and be happy. Occasionally there would be real weddings with big feasts which went on for days and left the family bankrupt or in debt. Everyone wanted me in their family as I was from Mingora and modern. One day my brothers were not home and my mother had asked me to throw away some potato peel and eggshells. Answer key is included. Just as we say, Nim hakim khatrai jan Half a doctor is a danger to ones life, so, Nim mullah khatrai iman A mullah who is not fully learned is a danger to faith, he said. Almonds are very costly. My mother was very upset and told my father. God, give me strength and courage and make me perfect because I want to make this world perfect. Eucalyptus blossom blew into the house, coating everything white, and the wind carried the pungent smell of the rice fields. In olden times Swat was called Uddyana, which means garden. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. One afternoon I came home from school and rushed into the kitchen as usual for a snack. Only then did I cry. Even my grandfather went. He was a mesmerising speaker. So he and his friends set up something called the Global Peace Council which, despite its name, had very local concerns. The women spent their days looking after the children and preparing food to serve to the men in their hujra upstairs. "inLanguage": "en", The answer key is included. When she and her friends had discussed their dreams as young girls by the river, most had just said they wanted to marry and have children and cook for their husbands. Use the following quizzes to check in on your students' reading for part 3 (Please check my store for other quiz parts).This is a multiple choice quiz includesQuizzes for chapters 11-19Answers includedChapter 11- 10 questionsChapter 12- 16 questionsChapter 13- 8 questionsChapter 14- 11 questionsChapter 15- 11 questionsChapter 16- 16 questionsChapter 17- 7 questions. His sisters my aunts did not go to school at all, just like millions of girls in my country. Aba, you must give them free places at your school, I begged. At either end is a huge mountain Tor Ghar, the Black Mountain to the south, and Spin Ghar, the White Mountain, to the north. In fact, as my mother often reminds my father, he was not present for the actual ceremony. Hidayatullah was horrified when my father returned to Mingora with a wife. It was also becoming clear that while they were best friends, they found it hard to work as business partners. They became known as Shias, shortened from Shia-t-Ali, the Party of Ali. More books than SparkNotes. to see state-specific standards (only available in the US). Earn TpT credits to use for future purchases! Shangla is all mountain, mountain, mountain and just a small sky. My mother was sitting on the floor pounding spices, brightly coloured turmeric and cumin, filling the air with their aroma. At night the village was very dark with just oil lamps twinkling in houses on the hills. One day my father told Hidayatullah he was going back to his village for a few days. Somehow I thought it needed to go deep into the earth, so first I buried it in the garden. We have a saying, Without honour, the world counts for nothing. We fight and feud among ourselves so much that our word for cousin tarbur is the same as our word for enemy. Not everyone wanted to as they said the children were dirty and probably diseased, and their parents would not like them going to school with children like that. Our ancestors came to Swat in the sixteenth century from Kabul, where they had helped a Timurid o'EuJ,0PF@oQo?>"K. September 15, 2020. I am Malala and this is my story. Use the following pop quiz to check in on your students' reading.This is a multiple choice quiz includes:8 questions from chapter 19Answers includedPlease visit you're interested in future quizzes or if you're interested in using graphic organizers for your classroom.Copyright 2022 Ms Baileys classroo. An answer key and a CCSS alignment key are included as well. Free trial is available to new customers only. He wanted tea all the time, our traditional tea with milk and sugar and cardamom, but even my mother tired of this and eventually made some so bitter that he lost the taste for it. WELCOME TO PARADISE, it says on a sign as you enter the valley. My fathers close friend Wahid Zamans brother and brother-in-law were among the many who went to Afghanistan. The Americans became friends with us once again, as in those days Russia was their main enemy. He was recognised by the British as the head of state in 1926 and installed as wali, which is our word for ruler. I was a girl in a land where rifles are fired in celebration of a son, while daughters are hidden away behind a curtain, their role in life simply to prepare food and give birth to children. Finally my father was called forward. He knew that to do this he needed some power of his own, so he joined an organisation called the Swat Association of Private Schools. I Am Malala pdf file was added to this website on 03-12-2022 about 2 months ago and this pdf file is about 3.04 MegaByte (MB) in size. It is not clear like the streams in the hilly areas or like the wide River Swat just outside town, where people fished for trout and which we visited on holidays. In Pakistan we were still under a dictatorship, but America needed our help, just as it had in the 1980s to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Its hard for girls in our society to be anything other than teachers or doctors if they can work at all. In our society for a girl to flirt with any man brings shame on the family, though its all right for the man. ~#a:xl,r!M*^mS S EI*/xN#4pZINV{*toUM$6^OI||OwGkrGp^(7/LW-h4&wq The Pakistani government didnt stop him. Contact us "author": { GradeSaver, 19 August 2016 Web. The treatment did not cure the stutter. We were once a princely state, one of three with the neighbouring lands of Chitral and Dir. He said they had told him, Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists, and threatened to bomb us back to the Stone Age if we stood against them. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. I admired his mind, she says. Holy men from a spiritual place called Derai Saydan used to travel the villages in those days begging for flour. We were wrong, of course. Neither the students nor the teachers were supposed to have their own opinions, and the owners control was so tight they even frowned upon friendship between teachers. They provided free textbooks and grants to students but held deeply intolerant views and their favourite pastime was to patrol universities and sabotage music concerts. They were most likely killed, but as there is no proof of death, their wives cant be declared widows. Uploaded by When my brothers came along and Baba wanted to pay, my father refused as he hadnt done this for me. A large percentage of my students have language disorders and challenges with reading comprehension. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. A small boy was brought to sit on their laps to encourage the birth of a son. This is also a great novel to teach the skill of using evidence from the text to support opinions. GradeSaver provides access to 2071 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 10942 literature essays, 2738 sample college application essays, 810 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the . The man was astonished and Interested in the book study guide? But Baba kept complaining about the drain on his income and made my mothers life miserable. The Question and Answer section for I Am Malala is a great ! But we werent exactly cooperating as the ISI was still arming Taliban fighters and giving their leaders sanctuary in Quetta. The bus strained and laboured, the driver cursing as trucks overtook us on blind bends with steep drops below. Baba, as I called him, had even witnessed the moment of freedom from the British colonialists at midnight on 14 August 1947. Please note this before buying. The first went through my left eye socket and out under my left shoulder. My grandfather would rail against the class system, the continuing power of the khans and the gap between the haves and have-nots. One day Hidayatullah came back from trying to enrol pupils to find my father sitting in the office talking about advertising with the local head of Pakistan TV. "I Am Malala Quizzes". When we went on school trips to visit the mountains, I knew she couldnt afford them so I would pay for her with my pocket money. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. There was no kitchen, no plumbing. On top of some of the peaks were ruins where vultures circled, the remains of forts built by the first wali. They take out loans from state banks but they dont pay them back. 0 Often rain would then come to wash everything clean, and the clouds would linger on the green terraces of the hills where people grew radishes and walnut trees. Answer key is included. Finally we made it up onto Sky Turn, the gateway to Shangla Top, a mountain pass which feels as if its on top of the world. This test does NOT include a digital version. At the back of the house was a veranda where the women gathered. Vast camps of white tents sprang up mostly around Peshawar, some of which are still there today. Home Personal Growth I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education eBook Free Download I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education eBook Free Download . There were live electric cables hanging loose and swaying in the wind. Around 600 chiefs were massacred. By the roadside were fresh springs and waterfalls, and when we stopped for a break and to drink some tea, the air was clean and fragrant with cedar and pine. After paying the rent and salaries, there was little money left for food. My grandfather suggested that he might take my father in so he could go to college there. Its the same with stealing. Her name Tor Pekai means raven tresses even though her hair is chestnut brown. The talib talked of jihad in such glorious terms that my father was captivated. Visitors can turn up whenever they wish and can stay as long as they want. Use the following pop quiz to check in on your students' reading.This is a multiple choice quiz includes:10 questions from chapter 18Answers includedPlease visit you're interested in future quizzes or if you're interested in using graphic organizers for your classroom.Copyright 2022 Ms Baileys classro, Are you reading I am Malala in your classroom? Some of the female staff like Miss Ulfat would pick me up and put me on their lap as if I was their pet or even take me home with them for a while. Under Zias regime life for women in Pakistan became much more restricted. So when my father announced his desire to ask for the hand of my mother, Tor Pekai, it was clear neither side would welcome the marriage. It includes visuals to help with new vocabulary. My father said this was rubbish. When it was my mothers turn she said, I want to live in the city and be able to send out for kebabs and naan instead of cooking it myself. However, life wasnt quite what she expected. I had the run of the school as my playground. Christina Lamb Amazing book and untold story of malala. There was a major problem, however. My two grandfathers did not get on. Home; Authors; Shiza Shahid, Keynote Speaker; Shiza Shahid is coming to campus! The other girls all covered their heads before emerging from the door and climbing up into the back. To be great is to be misunderstood: Although I Am Malala has garnered praise from readers and critics around the world, it hasnt been a success everywhere. Their original plan was to open a school in my fathers village of Shahpur, where there was a desperate need: Like a shop in a community where there are no shops, he said. When my grandparents came home they were furious and beat him. My father and a friend had founded their first school and we lived in a shabby shack of two rooms opposite the school. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. He laughed. Like me he was born at home as we still could not afford the hospital, and he was named Khushal like my fathers school, after the Pashtun hero Khushal Khan Khattak, a warrior who was also a poet. PART FOUR: BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH 21 God, I entrust her to you 22 Journey into the Unknown The name was ironic and my father often laughed about it, but the organisations aim was serious: to preserve the environment of Swat and promote peace and education among local people. My father came from a backward village yet through education and force of personality he made a good living for us and a name for himself. Every year Shias commemorate the killing of the Prophets grandson Hussein Ibn Ali at the battle of Karbala in the year 680 with a festival called Muharram. That was tough and dangerous work, and the coffins of those killed in accidents would come back several times a year. Your email address will not be published. In the morning the sun reflected off the top of Tor Ghar; when we got up for the fajr prayers, the first of our five daily prayers, we would look left and see the golden peak of Spin Ghar lit with the first rays of the sun like a white lady wearing a jumar tika a gold chain on her forehead. Fortunately my grandmother found him before a fire started. &[,IG%%e.3 jXP_&N8 %P4nQILpsbG[sD&`xBJ4?3 y(O|(kR@NY7fA5N33OsXU/e%V\8u Shehnaz had never been to school, so even though she was two years older than me she was put two classes below, and she came to live with us so that I could help her. More books than SparkNotes. PDFWhale does not own any rights to any files provided on this website. grandfather had a cousin who also joined his school as a teacher. We cant afford all this entertaining! 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