We do what we do because it's needed. By not having imaginary friends one can be a better person and be there better for the real people who love and need us every day. Just because you say there is a God does not make it so. To that assumption, I agree not as stated but in argument extracted considering every book you read with authors having beenOh yeah, that's right Human. Ah no. Anyone know of any solid Christian rappers who glorify God in their lyrics? And here is where the ditzy shows itself. "Yeshua".You need to"Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 ", God's word saids.Proverbs 12:15~ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:". You like to think that everything "requires a builder, designer, plan, & so did Earth & Heaven." But nor do I care to try to invalidate atheism to the atheist, or validate Christianity to the Christian. Just because you assert belief does not mean that the belief is fact, truth, or reality. Personally, I don't care whether you belong to a religion or a cult as long as you 1) don't use scare tactics to get people to join, 2) don't shun science, 3) keep your faith out of the law, and 4) harm no one. HE DID EVERYTHING THAT YOUR SO CALLED JESUS DID.BUT HE DID IT BETTER!!! that lives inside of every believerHowbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things so ever he shall hear, `these' shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come~John 16:13, Derrick Wimbley .I beg-to-differGod's spirit, that lives inside of me, is "All The Proof I Need"You cannot see the wind, but you know that it exits, You say I am lost but your the quoting scripture. Science may choose to say and do what it wants, but it has never disproved the existence of God. Really? you sound retarded. Interesting irony. When it comes to investigation and challenge of prophetic claims, none have really ever measured up. to give comfort and treat all of mankind as I want to be treated. Get yourself a good one. 3) Do you know that there are such things as "Religious/Theistic Scientists?" If we don't exist "By Chance," then why didn't God put dinosaurs, birds, cattle, & man on the planet Mars, or even a cow & human that could tolerate the Mars climate? It actually helps the planet. The point I am trying to make is don't be a fool and lose your soul because you lean on your own understanding. His debut recording, "Real Talk," was released in 2004. People don't realize that our time here on earth is a chance for us to choose The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. Before our spirit But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. if you cant see God you can see His organised system in the structure of the universe, the universe does not just exist but it is fashioned in a way more than a built house with furniture and whatever, Can your brain ever accept that a built house can ever exist without been built by someone? Kudos to you. Samuel L. Jackson is one of the most famous black actors of all times. Once you close your eyes in death, you have been tried. Everything that they are talking about confirms everything Jesus Christ mentioned before he was crucified. how ironic that 90% of the non believers and stupid talkers are americans no wonder???!!!!! I thank God! He gave us free will, and the choices we make in life will be the blueprint to our final home. "I refuse to learn facts because I think god is the answer to everything." I think the debates, spats, and discussions need to be had because Religious/Theists folks do not get the fact that this is the volcano they built. All deities and scriptures no matter the banner, creed, and beliefs hidden behind are fallible. Humans created them. .wrong! I didn't expect anything too intelligent eh? It got black people thru 250 years of the worst slavery the world has ever seen. shows me what kind of unbeliever you are." This was horribly written as well as a biased article. His name is Yahhence HalleluYAHget it?So,Yahshua said, I came in my fathers name but you do not accept me but another will come in His own name and you will accept him as the Messiah. Do you know how faulty science is, being that it takes men several times to rid their imperfections and generate accurate results to explain universal phenomenons, that in most cases still have blemishes to them. Nothing new and Jerry Lindsey is correct. Choose family and friends over gods. Also, there is plenty of factual data and signs for those who believe. Your original post suggested that "Unbelievers should watch this video." You talk to him on the phone? Every knee shall bow, must bow, right? Samantha you rock. If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. and for that very reason Christan's are held accountable for any hypocrisy behavior. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. Once they found out I do not go I did not hear from them again. I would be glad to see it. For you sir, are a bigot. Thanksgiving disguised as a feast. You and every other believer has not proven anything. that it doesnt exist so we wont try to find them. Your an Idiot Jacques ,Get Over Yourself . Second of all, though you are somewhat right in asserting that Christians and Jews are supposed to worship the same God as Muslims, it is not always the case so again you error. Atheism is not a faith. I don't believe in things that cannot be consistently demonstrated.Christians assert a god exists. 0:00. U told the truth.did you try the Himalayan salt. Nothing can exist without time and a place to exist in. Let's get that straight. Grow up. Stay blessed. and afterward no sign of its coming is found there; into existence." It is with all of that, I disagree. Most Americans are so blind its just hilarious!!! Kamilah T. Harris its okay brother i will pray for all of your souls all shall confess. While we may not be your particular definition of traditional Buddhism, ours is the vehicle closest to the Daishonin's spirit and has always stood up for all justice. I would rather live my life believing there is God and later find out out it's all lies when I die, than life my life doubting about His existence and later realize after death that He does exist! Now I do believe that Jesus did walk the earth, and I do believe he thought himself to be the son of a singular and invisible God, however; aside from the historical value that's pretty much where my belief ends. You are all kinds of awesome Sam! I BEG CHECK IT OUT AND ALSO CHECK OUT THE UNBIASED ORIGINS OF CHRISTIANITY AND THE COUNCIL OF NICEA 325 AD. [12] or as, when an arrow is shot at a target, Just lingo and semantics as believers' marketing and public relations. He is a Myth that was made up to compete with other Gods of the day. I am ashamed of what my forefathers did. Now with that said, I refuse to call myself an atheist, because that would infer I know for a FACT there is no God, I don't know that for a fact, the only thing I know for fact is right now, at this moment I'm sitting behind a keyboard. MissZindzi, why should you care about the religious and their feelings when they clearly don't care about yours? SO IN MY MIND, YOU ARE PROBABLY LYING ABOUT SOME OF THE OTHERS THAT ARE PROFILED IN THIS ARTICLE- YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED!- MAYBE THINGS WERE SPOKEN OUT OF CONTEXT AND OF COURSE YOU TWISTED IT AROUND TO SELL YOU LYING STORY- WHENEVER I READ LIES ABOUT MY FRIENDS IN THE INDUSTRY, I USUALLY LET IT GO BUT NOT THIS TIME- JUST STOP -! Just sayin'. I have wanted to create something like this where all religions come together along with a panel of anthropologists, scientists, geologists, Indigenous Spiritualists, Metaphysicians, Cosmologists, etc. The One thing I can say about other written about rulers before Jesus and anyone mentioned in the bible! While religion may be a major part of some rappers' lives and lyrics, there are many rappers who don't believe in Jesus or God. That nurse came into my room, she told me I'm sick in the head I'm in hip-hop's. They attempt to remove an elected official from office because he was an atheist. Testimonies are totally subjective. Nowto answer your loaded and quite bigoted questions (which never ceases to amaze me with people like you in generally asking questions), the Nobel Prize is not just a piece of paper. So round of applause to GOD!!! In an interview with BILD in 2009, he said that he was both agnostic and an atheist. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Also some are born fortunate while others are not. I really like Beautiful Eulogy. 2) You have the audacity to make assumptions personally about me. Better to move aside and let the next evolved intelligence have a crack at the whip, Eddie Jonz the only reason you feel the way you do is because you've been told to feel that way your whole life. Satan has many people blinded, this is what he does, satan wants you to believe that there is no God, and he even wants people to believe that he don't exist, God gave humans free will, it is humans that has the free will to do evil or not to do evil, God did not create human to be robots, God gave humans free will to even believe in him or not to believe in him it is your choice, humans have free will to help one another or not to help one another, humans have free will to cause problems or not to cause problems, you can not blame God for the problems of the world we have the free will not to fight each other or to fight each other, it is the humans choice on how they want to act, and yes God created the world and everything in it, the big bang theory is a lie from the pits of hell, satan is a liar and he is the father of lies, to bad he has many people blinded and is leading them on the road to destruction, but still it is humans choice where they want to spend eternity, I notice the growing numbers of non believers, all this lets me know that Jesus is coming back soon, as the Bible says, people are turning the word of God into fables, the non belief that is growing, the non belief that Jesus died for our sins, this really lets us know we are living in the last days, in the last days non belief will grow, the Bible is fulfilling, Bible prophecy is unfolding, so saints be prepared we will be out of here soon, Jesus is coming back for the true believers, and that is no fairy tale. That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? Maybe that but job Ken Ham can help you , and where is this heaven?up in the clouds?slave master religion, bruhgive it back to them, even bigger fools follow something that has NEVER been proven to be true. This is regardless of faith/theism/religion. God is real & does not play. 3) Nobody says that Christians can't live their lives with their beliefs no matter how infallible they are. Thereby, experiences are not evidence. Once all the fame and money is taken away and they hit rock bottom, they coming running back home, hollering Lord, Lord, help me. I'm just on here separating the facts from fiction. God is what matters. Rooted and perpetuated by human imagination." WHEN WE WERE PRISONERS OF WAR THEY MASSACRED US FOR PRACTICING OUR TRADITIONS?? List every person currently alive on the planet and Neil is on the top-10. We were given this flawed religion from our former oppressors and I will be damned if I betray all those men who were slaughtered or those women who were raped and beaten until they accepted what was being forced on them. A personal relationship huh, so do you audibly and visually connect with this creature. someone who gets paid to live in a fantasy world and promote living in a fantasy world to others. : a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. Also, claiming you don't need to present evidence and/or not responding to this post would put you in violation of 1 Peter 3:15, which would make you a hypocrite and therefore hellbound according to your own unholy book. You meditation would serve you much better in the midst of prayer to Allah. Garth Blair Hey man. Clarenzo C. Jones your comment completely distorts the SGI. One of the biggest tricks the devil ever played was convincing gullible people that God don't exist. I call myself atheist because people then know that I'm serious. There are successful well-adjusted Black people who do not believe. With that I say, find Islam and find the truth. You forgot schizophrenia when is God the good God and when is God the bad God. It may be more complicated than that, though. Nice try but incorrect. Married to a neuroscientists, Baba Brinkman is a serous rapper who does not believe in God or religion. (Always be assimilating). Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black" I don't know what place you learned bout Christianity but that is what the racist white folks in the south were taught. It is not arrogance in telling someone who has allegedly, supposedly, or whatever claimed to have experienced "phenomenal change in their lives" that they are wrong. It's their problem, not yours. Kamilah T. Harris So you're a judge too ? Boy, nothing is "Real" to you Are you "Fake" as well?How can you prove to me that you even exits.Your so "Sad & Lost". Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. Again, enjoy your psychosis. Actually, it holds none. None. I mean, what other organization do you know threatens a person with severe penalties if he/she doesn't buy into their sales pitch? Good Christian morals, what a joke. i am happy you are saved by grace but can't show the same for others who don't believe what you believe. Otherwise I'd probably be the same. Music fans are feeling the spirit this summer. #didntthinkso. I am not here to judge anyone because there is only One Judge and we all must stand before Him when our time come. Doesn't seem to require any facts and an examination of the perceived "evidence" is just that, what some people thought and perceived, still doesn't make it fact. I strongly suggest to you all who seek to do away with religion consider that their are people who are only bound by their belief in God. And the only people who had that privilage were the wealthy and religious monks. TD SNAKES, CREFLO SPARE CHANGE, AND THOSE OTHER SHENANIGANS ARE STEALING MONEY FROM OUR PEOPLE AND PLAYING ON THEIR WEAKNESS AND FEAR. Keith, obviously cherry pick your scriptures, too because God created demons according to scripture just like he created hell and the Devil. It is THAT messed up. Jesus is a deception/. Oh yea u are from the lost tribes of Israel u have hair like the messiah hope u begin to wake up they stole our identity and the messiah is getting ready to return after this one world government system condemns the unbelievers! Jody Javiera Andrew, those early farmers that pushed Christianity, knew about birds, cattle, even "sea monsters", yet didn't know about dinosaurs; therefore they forgot to mention in Genesis that dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years. Per your subjective presentations of biased and subjective evidence/proof so far, why should anything you say or think be considered "fact or truth?" Humans created God. I am actually correct. 1) Atheism is not a religion. We need to let go of this horrible mental illness and move on. You come on threads like thistype out your asscomment as if you are God/Jesus (because you claim to know God/Jesus better than everybody as if you are its mouthpiece even though he/it/they never existed)& expect people to buy your BS. After wars are actually people in the extreme and sometimes excuse to dominate others. I would prefer to have you arrested for child abuse actually. I also know by having studied Islam in Religious Studies courses in school. Sometimes it takes a love and understanding not preaching hell fire and damnation. Always be selling. Yup nothing screams love like telling slaves to obey their masters as well as it basically saying that slavery is ok. I just moved on and found Nicherin Daishonin's Buddhism a great fit. Even as a child when I attended church I always thought is was strange that here I was attending a black church and there was a picture of a blond, blue eyed man on the wall that someone said represented Jesus. "I've been terrified to post this for a while-- but it feels like it's. It's not part of your inherent sanity. No falsehood can approach it from before it or after it. what trial?u die and theres nothing more to it! Additionally, I'm not your sister. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. ?you are really brainwashed 3rd, you know nothing about African-Americans. Don't tempt Him, but try Him. Do your research and you will find out a lot you think you know really is a staged Show! 20Then God said, Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.21God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.22God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.23There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. well u can see the universe ,,,the moon the sun no mindtrickur senses acknowledge them. Greedy people who aren't happy with one life. Yet I could care less. Dennis Spurling What? @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. There is definitely a higher power we just don't know how to connect with them. I don't think anyone really knows. 2nd of all, there is nothing to confess because humans created God and all things religion/theism which you obviously bought hook, line, and sinker. Heaven and hell don't exist and never have or will. one does not forsake logic and reason for speculation and myth! Studies have been going on for centuries on the "God" question and religion/theism. Even mine! Kamilah T. Harris somehow my responses keep getting deleted. It is a place of total separation from the love of God; without hope, without release, but a boatload of suffering. Had that privilage WERE the wealthy and religious monks will be the blueprint our. That can not be consistently demonstrated.Christians assert a God does not forsake logic and reason for speculation and!! Audibly and visually connect with them separating the facts from fiction again expecting different results such! 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