Scully has said that the episode is "kind of three stories in one. "[9] According to Scully, the two musicians "had a great sense of humor [] about themselves," with Kid Rock asking if "he could add a couple of his own lines. It has gone from timeless to anachronism. The fact that this got past a room of writers, a team of animators, network censors, and even advertisers in the absolute state that it did makes me wonder what the quality control standards are at the FOX Network. Add this to the Increased attention the family receives for being TV stars (think the commentary in Behind the Laughter again and its hard to not view this as a little more than a coincidence), which catalyzed the infamous invincible attitude and clinginess of Jerkass Homer and the increased physical injury he suffers during Scullys tenure (which explains why the curve of his increasing stupidity sharply spikes beginning in S9) and you have either a major coincidence or one of the most bitterly self-referential (if largely unfunny on most other levels) exploits in major-league TV history (the same applies to other flanderized cast members as well Flanders plunging into avid Fundamentalism as a means of tying down his mental instability (Hurricane Neddy) following his wifes death, Marge becoming more of a Stepford smiler due to the increasing popularity of Homers antics on TV leaving her with little choice, Lisa becoming more confident due to her fame and thus more of an insufferable activist as opposed to the morbidly childlike straight man of earlier seasons (for an eight-year-old, this is actually more plausible than most would think), Burns becoming increasingly senile with old age/injury (Who Shot Mr. Burns?), etc. Even with the excuse that this episode has a bunch of university students cutting loose, Homer goes beyond the pale of most of the partying students, and his behavior has Kid Rock and Joey C attempt to attack him, only to be held off by the sheriff who admonishes the two rockers. Usually just convicts or Hobos who get lost in the swamp. said the tour guide. Season 11 > Kill the Alligator and Run. And three makes three. He paid Bart three dollars. No its not! The Evil Monkey glares and points while sinister music plays. In the episode, Homer has a nervous breakdown after taking a quiz that suggests he only has three years left to live. Death/The Grim Reaper was there laughing maniacally. IMDb ID. Okay I get it! Mmmmmm! Dont be offensive about vertically challenged people! Lisa yelled. Somethings off. (In my opinion, both shows were putting out better scripts thanThe Simpsons Season 11, invalidating that argument.) Kill the Alligator and Run vs. Simpson Safari - YouTube 0:00 / 13:12 Simpsons Showdown! its a cartoon. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Oh, God! 25.000. S11E19: Kill the Alligator and Run. Ill just rest here, alone with my paranoid thoughts worrying about my early death said Homer. Kill the Alligator and Run - Vicipid Kill the Alligator and Run Alt Pl Ligh Cuir in eagar Cuir foinse in eagar Fach ar stair Craoladh an nao eipeasid dag, "Kill the Alligator and Run", den aon sraith dag The Simpsons ar an 30 Aibren 2000. Im madder than Homer seethed at Bart. Homer cheered and partied with the students. Well I just googled him and hes blogging about a pool party hes having at his mansion. said Lisa. For all lawyers and content owners/creators that happen to stumble upon this blog, I own none of the content thats reviewed here. Nah I prefer Nick. Lisa: You can't drive, dad. Were leaving a manic depressive who is worried about dying young, alone tied to a bed! [3], Actor Diedrich Bader guest starred in the episode as the sheriff. Shame you lost most of your teeth Hugo said Lisa. It's printed by the Montana Militia. said Bart annoyed Homer gave him fake money. Destroy us all! Least Favorite Scene:Again, this is one where I am flush with options. Homer read another of those dumb magazine quizzes in womens afternoon weekly magazines. You fell in the open grave! We went to Maudes funeral! The episode also features the party-hard youth culture of the 90s and 2000s at its peak, with Kid Rock appearing at an MTV show broadcast from the beach (featuring a joke about the age of the channel's presenters), with Rock's particular brand of Rap Rock being passe by the time the episode aired. The quiz says youre a Frigid Frieda. Probably the only other thing close to an amusing bit in the episode has to be one of the MTV Spring Break Hosts getting hauled away when she announces that shes turned 25 (a reference to, Also, I guess I could argue that Homers fascination with We Built This City actually almost works, as well a quasi-rebel who instead comes off like a madman, singing a song about rockers arguing with executives, that just so happens to be written off by some rock publications as corporate rock. [5] The episode also features guest appearances from talk show host Charlie Rose and film producer Robert Evans as themselves. Little do they know, it is Spring Break. Interesting take, and I have to say that I sort of agree there. Theres so much wrong with this episode, its hard to know where to begin (and you cover the more egregious bullshit, anyway). Oh no! Partying will help him forget his worries about his mortality. said Oscar. I suggest Florida. said Dr Payne. Homer manages to break the chains, and the Simpsons get into the car and escape. Change a few lines beforehand to make him less unsympathetic), and maybe make his mental breakdown a bit more realistic (as in, dont put him in a burlap sack and have him pretend a baby doll is human on the grounds that being a mother would make him immortal, have you seen any Disney movies), and who knows, maybe you could have something slightly compelling here. as if the show is required to be to your standard week after week. The Simpsons were on a hovercraft with those enormous fans on the back going about a swamp. How'd you do on your science test? Hugo asked him. Seriously, from the writing to the animation, the sudden appearance of the second set of tracks to fit an Amtrak train, to even the voice acting this is astonishing. This time, however, we have a magazine joke that is only used to focus on Homer and Homer himself, which would work if he didnt give Ned Flanders a sex test, forgetting that his wife died. I think that makes this episode . Simpson, we got a problem. No you dont! Emotionally disturbed, he goes off the deep end, to a point where a psychiatrist recommends that he takes a vacation down in Palm Corners, Florida. Mmmmmm Florida oranges Ahhhh, I think Im recovering from my scurvy. said Hugo. Im not paying you just for getting me the mail that I could have got myself., "I am not here on a fartball scholarship.". Seconds later, without the car moving an inch. Review is spot on as per. TV Shows. In retrospect, I did immerse myself in the purist section of Simpsons fandom, as I call it, and it might have impacted my perception of how the fandom operates. With the Doctor Demento show! Yay! Ah, good times. Wanting Homer to get the rest and recuperation he needs, Marge tries to confine him to his hotel room, but he escapes to party and attends a concert featuring Joe C. and Kid Rock. Anyway, everything looks great, Mr. Burns. Kid Rock and Joe C. also made guest appearances as themselves in the episode, performing at a concert in Florida that Homer attends. Seriously this is disturbing reminiscent ofBio-Dome, where the supposed antagonist, while certainly with his own faults (the sheriff is bribed by beer companies) is more rational than the obnoxious numbskull jackass of a protagonist. Take them off the glass!" "We built this city!" The Simpsons are arrested for accidentally murdering Captain Jack by the worst Sheriff of all time, including Maggie! I am having a private pool party! It's a miracle! It flits from one gag to another with abandon and rarely makes much sense or produces many laughs. A lost child! Seriously I think that episode is an absolute smash, combining American satire with great character work for Lisa. At least Janeway had to deal with a ship getting launched halfway across space. Where to watch. No contest even the few amusing lines cant drown out the sheer awfulness surrounding them. Audio commentary for "Kill the Alligator and Run", in, Meyer, George. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Homer receives a magazine full of personality tests, from which he takes one which concludes he has only three years left to live. [15], Scully, Mike. But that's America's wang. said Homer. What am I supposed to do? Its perfect! Also, remember back when during plant inspections, he hid the most incompetent employees deep into the basement? This is a more insane and nonsensical lizard-related end to an episode than Threshold, from the aforementionedVoyager andthathad two characters devolve into salamanders and mate with the theory that humans would evolve that way. With the whole family facing arrest for something Homer has done, they decide to hide out in plain sight as workers at a diner in the middle of nowhere. Change). The local sheriff, lenient during spring break and cruel the rest of the year, subsequently arrests the entire family. The chalkboard gag is I am not here on a fart ball scholarship.. Granted, Reddit isnt exactly representative of the majoritys voice but it also tends to attract sheep and shills (and it was from the official Simpsons Reddit), so Id say its at least a somewhat accurate representation of what a significant portion of the fandom thinks. Ooooooh Hubba Hubba! Oscar moaned pervertedly. Audio commentary for "Kill the Alligator and Run", in, Leaving Springfield: The Simpsons and the Possibility of Oppositional Culture, "The Simpsons Episode: 'Kill the Alligator and Run', "The Simpsons The Complete Eleventh Season", "The Simpsons: The Complete Eleventh Season (1999)", "The Five Worst Musical Guests In Simpsons History", "Kill the Alligator and Run episode capsule", And no, I am not repeating or contradicting myself this time. Just be glad that you never have to watch anything after The Blunder Years (except for How I Spent My Strummer Vacation, you do have to watch that one). The family flees in their car but the sheriff gives chase until the family are pushed down the rails by an oncoming train. If the Ambulance Zone joke in Alone Again marked the momentThe Simpsons lost its soul and died spiritually, this is the moment when, to paraphrase Tom Servo, the zombified remains of the series threw up its hands and said, I just dont know. "My first reaction to that was, 'What kind of rock star is this? You were talking about gophers the whole time! Marge ranted. Im not even going to make a snarky remark about that lets just move on. "Kill the Alligator and Run" was heavily derided in its day as one of the worst episodes in the history of the show. You heard him Marge! Forums. Or that time you dreamt Heckle and Jeckle were at your funeral with President Lenny and Cardinal Flanders Oscar sighed exasperated. Uh no we got a gator stuck in our toilet once when Mom got arrested for shoplifting at the Kwik E Mart. Im making braised ribs! Marge called from the kitchen. 'Kill the Alligator and Run' is the nineteenth episode of the eleventh season of the American animated television sitcom The Simpsons . Poison green monkeys said Dark Oscar in spirit form. Hmmmmm! Then an albino midget in a sweater and a hip hop woolly hat arrived. Oscar kept being stupid saying it was Kraid from Metroid said Lisa. Tell these two imbeciles to sit and be quiet! Hugo yelled. OF course, that also makes it ironic, given the path that. No because that would be murder Feck off ya bastards! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Of course not. not every episode can be the best. The radio host stalking Bart for some reason who plays silly sound effects and weird songs. Oscar! Why the Underworld do you want to help the clowns?! [1][2] When the animation department finished its work on the episode, it had ended up being about four minutes too long and the staff of the show was forced to make some difficult cuts. OOPS, SPRING BREAK TIME! The American alligator is classified by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as similarity of appearance to a threatened taxon. It is so perfectly indicative of how this show considers its characters. Terrified of his supposedly impending death, he develops insomnia and has a mental breakdown. " Kill the Alligator and Run " is the nineteenth episode of the eleventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. The power plant's psychiatrist recommends Homer go on a long vacation for quiet recuperation, so the family head off to a town in Florida. Look! High pitched singing and string instrument plucking. Watchlist Share Awwwww! More about series. Upon arriving they are greeted by wild college students in the middle of a raucous spring break. What up mosh monkeys! Right thats it! Right now, what Im sensing is that the show collapsed due to a fatal combination of arrogance, inexperience, and the limitations of the traditional story engine, sourced from the writers room and the FOX Network executives, at war with both increasingly disillusioned fans and worn-down staff (animators and voice actors, respectively.) Learn how your comment data is processed. Homer tries to keep the party going, dragging the family along with him. Random Events Plot: Most of the episode deals with various obstacles the family encounter while running from the law after seemingly killing a valuable Florida alligator. Oscars doing a Jurassic Park reference Bart groaned. Episode tersebut awalnya disiarkan dalam saluran Fox di Amerika Serikat pada 30 April 2000. MediaWiki page ID. We kept that in the show. This is probably second only to Lady Gaga in terms of most egregious guest stars this show ever did, although at leastthisfits the spirit of Spring Break. Still wanting to party, Homer rents an airboat and makes his family join him on a joyride through the local swamp. Hannah Montana money Oscar laughed. Besides Kid Rock and Joe C, the episode has two other guest stars as themselves journalist Charlie Rose (since disgraced) and film producer Robert Evans as themselves, in what appears to be a pastiche of Roses PBS talk show. Fearing he only has three years to live, Homer takes the family on a vacation to Florida, where they become fugitives after seemingly killing a famous alligator.Fearing he only has three years to live, Homer takes the family on a vacation to Florida, where they become fugitives after seemingly killing a famous alligator.Fearing he only has three years to live, Homer takes the family on a vacation to Florida, where they become fugitives after seemingly killing a famous alligator. ! Lisa groaned. Boom, you have the Villain of the Week. One of the most disjointed of the series. The whole point of this was to help you relax. said Marge. And since it's my birthday, we'll party extra hard! (Beeping) She has a red Logans Run hand crystal. By Justin Kirkland Published: Jul 15, 2021. Hes not possessed by a demon! Oscar yelled. The Simpsons and the tour guide, exasperated with Oscar went looking for Captain Jack, the alligator not the pirate. When they sit down, the soles of their feet are black and smoldering. Ay carumba! 1 reference. Kid Rock!. That said, I can at least see where they were getting at with the change in the Doctors character an attempt to make him distinct from his predecessor, and maybe expose the effects of some of his more recent traumas (Earthshock, for example). Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Homer states he got no sleep last night because he thought the TV was threatening to kill him. Wikisimpsons has a Discord server! Do we have any hobo body parts to feed him with! Homer asked being stupid. The reception of "Kill the Alligator and Run" by critics was mixed. D'fhach 7.46 millin duine ar an eipeasid. Summary: Homer is suffering from insomnia due to stress. For Homer Simpson running over an alligator. In many ways, it is the dorkier equivalent to the study of the implosion of the Roman Empire. So, this is where I should declare it the new candidate for the Worst Episode Ever. Referensi [ sunting | sunting sumber] Pranala luar [ sunting | sunting sumber] He drooled and smooshed his face against the window while the girl was continuing to smoosh her boobs against the window. In the episode, Homer suffers from a nervous breakdown after taking a quiz that suggests he only has three years left to live. just take this frame in. Watchlist Share Oh, dont forget Diedrich Baker. Scully-era Homer is to me what Captain Janeway is to SFDebris anytime I think about the actions he commits, he becomes more and more deluded and deserving of a mental institution. The episode was written by John Swartzwelder and directed by Jen Kamerman. There were monkeys in the crowd hooting and screeching. ! Bart whined. His current girlfriend Vanessa says hes very loving! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Theyre some of the fucking worst half-hours of television ever, EVER produced. He sighed. When you invite comparisons to the Sixth Doctor, and the Sixth Doctor comes off the more sane character? The Simpsons on trial Marge sighed. Teacher says I'm whittling at a tenth-grade level. In 2008, it was released on DVD along with the rest of the episodes of the eleventh season. ), "Kill the Alligator and Run" was written by John Swartzwelder and directed by Jen Kamerman as part of the eleventh season of The Simpsons (19992000). Kill the Alligator and Run/Appearances - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki Page Discussion Edit this page History Wikisimpsons needs more Featured Article, Picture, Quote, Episode and Comprehensive article nominations! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We came during spring break! Marge groaned. I dont know how else to guess the thought process that was behind Kill the Alligator and Run. Staff members Mike Scully, Ian Maxtone-Graham, George Meyer, Matt Selman, Julie Thacker, and Steven Dean Moore, as well as cast member Dan Castellaneta and guest star Diedrich Bader, participated in the DVD audio commentary for the episode. Is this man an employee? An inspector asked. Youve got to stop blindly supporting celebrities just because you like them! I wish it was funny, but guess what the duo dont have much to work with here. Take them off of the glass! Marge covered her eyes disgusted. Came true: 2007. This ones just dumb and annoying and all over the place, but its not so bad that it offends me (maybe it would if I lived in Florida, but I dont). To calm himself down, he and the rest of the Simpson family go to Florida for vacation. simpsons:Kill_the_Alligator_and_Run. Homer you need to see a doctor. The closest we have now is on the cusp of sociopathic disorder, and everybody else either enables him or is content with not stopping him in his completely insane antics. If I wasnt so lazy. Because the show did, as apparently that night, the sheriff manages to hitch the trailer up to his sedan (just go with it), and still nobody singles him out as the cause of this whole nightmare. Quiet, you two. He continued reading the quiz. The Simpsons all packed up and drove to Florida. See production, box office & company info, Funniest Simpson's Episode I Have Seen Yet, WatchMojo: Top 10 Plot Holes in "The Simpsons" You Never Noticed. Oscar winced exasperated. We have a cutaway if Amber Heard shitting on the bed and screaming and breaking things. Diedrich Bader guest starred in the episode as a sheriff that tries to arrest the Simpson family, while Robert Evans and Charlie Rose guest starred in a scene in which Homer watches the two in an interview on television. The Simpsons are barefoot and briskly walking across a bed of hot coals in order to reach the couch. Wheres the rum gone?. Speaking of insane antics, Homers boating kills Captain Jack, a gator who functions the town mascot. Quality-wise, on a minute-by-minute basis, Kill the Alligator and Run might be the single worst script in terms of quality, at least as far as I can remember. "[10] Annie Alleman of The Herald News, on the other hand, named "Kill the Alligator and Run" her eighth favorite Simpsons episode. This, of course, works in theory, but is derailed by the fact that it is Spring Break! He named one of his comics after something I hallucinated when I was little and continues to mock me for. Oscar explained. The Simpsons are going on spring break in Florida to hopefully cure Homer of his insomnia-induced insanity and fear of dying caused by answering a magazine quizbut find themselves on the run from the law for running down the town's mascot, Captain Jack. Destroy us all! The Simpsons then went orange picking. He took a slug of his bottle of gin. Oh dear! That's it. Just quit. "Kill the Alligator and Run" was written by John Swartzwelder and directed by Jen Kamerman. Elsewhere Lenny and Carl asked each other which member of the Backstreet Boys they liked. Im not surprised Bart. said Oscar. Some of us have Grammar school today! Lisa groaned. Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow was wading in the swamp. Yeah, definitely. "Kill the Alligator and Run" is the nineteenth episode of the eleventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. (2008). Or possibly White Lightning or methylated spirits Then Oscar wanted to visit stupid places in the swamp Oh! And while there are virtually no defenders of Bart to the Future, it did get some more recent recognition for its precognition related to the election of President Donald Trump. And stop annoying your brother! It'll be real soon enough. Homer was um being weird Hehehe! Fan reception was more negative; former showrunner Mike Scully later noted that the episode is considered by many fans to be one of the worst Simpsons episodes due to its outlandish and erratic plotline. And Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali said Lisa. Why cant you two sit quietly and read like he is? What the else do I have to say here? Unlike most other bad Scully-era episodes which start off on a good note (or at least a good idea buried under zaniness), this episode already misfires at the starting gate. Destroy us all!. Audio commentary for "Kill the Alligator and Run", in, Bader, Diedrich. And really, it just barely misses. I hope so! Creator: Matt Groening Genre (s): Comedy, Animation Watch Now Buy on There'll be nothing to do but lie on the beach and relax. said Marge. Lets waste this beeeeeyotch! Joe C yelled. Marge took Homer to therapy for what he did at work from his fear of death craziness. It makes only slightly more sense, in fact. The episode starts off on a less than stellar foot, with Homer facing his own mortality. It originally aired on April 30, 2000. For those who dont know, John Swartzwelder stopped coming into the office when they wouldnt let him smoke there anymore and started writing his scripts at home and then sending them in. Lego 41027 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. Saturday 30 April 2022 08:55 . Homer hates his psychiatrist's dad for a reason the man brought up during their session. Homer! In contrast to the believable midlife crisis seen in that episode, here, Homer is instead confronted with the possibility of dying at age 42 thanks to a quiz that he took in a magazine. Homer becomes the life of the spring break party. Unlike this episode, those four are downright offensive in their sheer awfulness. Dieser Artikel wurde entwickelt, um den Bedrfnissen unserer Kunden entsprechend zu werden und bietet eine Vielzahl von neuen Funktionen. While assigned to work at a party held by a judge in front of the capitol, the family once again try and fail to escape. Its the TV thats crazy! Homer whined. Not by a long shot. Unless this was meant to be a riff on the strictness of the Southern legal system, this is taking the Sins of the Father cliche a bit too seriously, right? (LogOut/ Fearing he only has three years to live, Homer takes the family on a vacation to Florida, where they become fugitives after seemingly killing a famous alligator. Turns out the Alligators real name was Robert Ewing all along! Look at all the stars you can see here. Saturday 30 April 2022 09:55. I have to go on a tangent here this time, about Homer Goes To College. to Spring Break in Florida to Getting in trouble with the local authorities. This listing has been adopted by the State of Florida. At least with previous episodes (and even the previous scenes, including the Spring Break one), there was some level (however small) of logical consistency for a cartoon where its just filled with short gags that had no lasting effect (the Teletubbies shooting lasers in Battlesore Galactica, for example, didnt cause the BBC or any Springfieldian to examine whats essentially sentient Teletubbies in another arc). This listing provides federal protection for alligators but allows state-approved management and control programs. But I can at least see where they were going. Wikisimpsons has a Discord server! Oh God, fuck this episode. Consider it this way George Meyer, being a show veteran behind many of the shows best gags for the previous decade and a leading writer of S9-12 (assuming that he held significant influence over script rewrites, or the content that ultimately ended up broadcast during this period of the shows lifetime) and notable for his darker sense of humor (which is visible in Brothers Little Helper, itself unusually macabre comedy-wise by S10 standards), served as one of the writers on Behind the Laughter, an intended finale which satirized Homers flanderization from none-too-bright but well-meaning family breadwinner to irredeemable and physically indestructible omnipotent cartoon egotist by assigning his successively plummeting intellect to physical injury and resultant addiction to painkillers.It may be a stretch to interpret it this way (although the popularity of the Pixar Theory confirms that outlandish and barely-supported theories can gain significant following and external credence regardless), but one has to wonder if Meyer actually utilized this theory as a kind of guideline for Jerkass Homers character, particularly as BTL presents the show itself as a semi-documentary on the casts everyday life, with the external/executive crews desire to push the Simpson family into increasingly outlandish situations for comedy/viewership/ratings resulting in Homer sustaining head injuries and the effects of heavy painkiller usage/over-dosage (due to the demands of filming the series) inflicting further psychological damage by spacing out Homer into a more childlike and delusional figure to the extent where the damage becomes a permanent malady. Kid Rock was there. Saddlesore Galactica is reviled for the insanity of the plot twist, but there are those (including the writers) that defend it as a mockery of the silliness ofSouth Park andFamily Guy. Also This. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on April 30, 2000. Its a Frankensteins Monster of plot elements that were forced together in the most insane way possible, many of which were done far better in earlier episodes. Im basing his mannerisms off of Ayam Aghoul. Bill, bill, bill Death threat from Sideshow Bob to Bart bill bill Oh! It guest stars Diedrich Bader as the sheriff, Kid Rock as himself, Robert Evans as himself, Charlie Rose as himself and Joe C. as himself. Bill Oh Rose and film producer Robert Evans as themselves simpsons kill the alligator and run prediction surrounding.! Personality tests, from which he takes one which concludes he has only years. 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Sighed exasperated are commenting using your Facebook account other which member of the episodes of the eleventh season getting the... Better scripts thanThe Simpsons season 11, invalidating that argument. death threat from Sideshow Bob to Bart bill! Or Hobos who get lost in the swamp Oh in womens afternoon weekly magazines as Captain Jack, Alligator... Albino midget in a sweater and a hip hop woolly hat arrived Feck off ya bastards also makes it,! Poison green monkeys said Dark Oscar in spirit form tries to keep the party,! @ at work from his fear of death craziness own none the! To visit stupid places in the episode, performing at a concert in Florida to getting in with! Hat arrived Jack Sparrow was wading in the swamp https: // &. Facing his own mortality as similarity of appearance to a bed of hot coals order! Was written by John Swartzwelder and directed by Jen Kamerman breaking things work!

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