Ya the exchange is just way to overpriced for some of the basic componets. STO wiki Communications Quick links Factions in: Items, Inventory Items, Uncommon items, and 2 more English Contraband Edit Contraband Uncommon Inventory Value: 2,000 Contraband is available as reward item from Duty Officer Assignments and is a requirement to complete some. For Diplomacy the smaller points assignments make more sense, yes you have to check them more often, but you get more bang for your CXP bonus pool buck by doing it this way. *On a side note, all the information that I found on links was just for the type of Doffs you can get and not anything up to date for commendations. Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar assignment chain: This assignment chain awards a very rare officer upon completion and unlocks a repeatable assignment which awards another on a critical success. Asylum assignment type: These allow you to exchange refugees for random doffs. Caveat emptor. Common quality R&D Schooled Doffs will sell for 3-12 million EC on the exchange, with the very rare quality doffs ranging from 8-32 million ec depending on what they are schooled in. The mechanics of the duty officer system are rather similar to those of many collectible card games, in that officers can be acquired from random booster packs from assignments or the Zen Store. As with department, some assignment slots may require an officer with a specific specialization, or including an officer with a given specialization may modify the chances of the assignment outcome. This will take you through 6 Duty Officer Jurisdictions, where new assignments will automatically populate as you fly. This is an easy mission that also qualifies for basic foundry rewards (dilithum). Do note, however, that for the purposes of the doffing mission system abilities do not matter at all. Look for the Mission called 'One and Done' via the 'Browse All' Tab on the Sidebar, and pressing the downwards triangle at the top to open the search dialogue. This is an optional role some duty officers may have, allowing them to be used in crafting of special items unlocked with level 15 in. Ferengi Marauder Set: Expensive in terms of Lobi, but a 10% bonus to all CXP earned is no laughing matter. * Recruitment is another slow one. To downgrind doffs, see the Personnel Officer, located behind Lt. Ferra on Starfleet Academy and choose the option "Exchange Officers." At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. The assignments offered reset every 20 hours and are specific to your ship, so visiting another player's ship will present different assignments. I run the crap out of the EVA suit assignment because it awards the most point with the fewest effort. To replace it, the Duty Officer system was introduced. Up to 10 duty officers can be placed on Active Duty. You can still farm dilithium on your main, and make a good showing for it, without having to spend time on an alt that you don't care about and which makes DOffing a chore. Of course, what doffs are and how to get them is in service to for what you actually want to use them. In addition, it is able to transwarp to any exploration cluster. Adding the extra 3 will help you get your goals as more slots = more assignments that can be ran. Getting an Critical success result is very important is for several reasons. SECOND UPDATE: The grinding and combining also nets you a ton of Recruitment CXP, which you can trade in at the Starbase for 75 Fleet Marks (100 on Crit) assuming you already have at least 100k Recruitment CXP. Last year, I finally got around to completing the grind to six T4 commendation ranks on both my Temporal and Gamma recruits. You'll almost inevitably end up with a few spare Rare DOFFs, but those can always hang around until you have other Rares to combine them with. 1 Astrometric Probe, 10000 EC, 1 tactical, 2 other duty officers (doffs return to your roster). May his word be taken as the law of Bank. 1 H U N T E R : T H E R E C KO N I N G. Written by Justin Achilli, Daniel Braga, Johnathan Byerly, Edward Austin Hall, Karim Muammar, Mario Ortegn, Pam Punzalan, and Erin Roberts Advice for Considerate Play appendix by Jacqueline Bryk Editing and Indexing by Ronni Radner Concept Diversity Consultancy and Diversity Reading by Maple Intersectionality Consulting Art Director . #6. This is a guide to farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon. Holodeck Performance of Hamlet: This assignment always awards a very rare doff on a crit. Running a CXP bonus pool can speed the time up. Note that missions found under "Department heads" are exclusive to the player's console but can be shared with others via bridge invitations. Duty officers can have one or more traits. I had held off on this due to the perceived difficulty in doing so, and because the available information on doffing is essentially years out of date. Just because a species is generally associated with a particular faction does not mean an officer is usable by that side. This section deals with accumulating Energy Credits by: Seller beware: this is a guide on acquisition, not selling. Any more of an in-depth look than that is somewhat outside the scope of this guide; however, do note that R&D doffs are valuable even at lower rarities. An escort/DPS Ship makes it fly by quickly. It also determines the doff's ability when added to your active roster. Note: This is for already established players whom already have enough EC and do not wish to go through the levelling process again and just want another max. behind the building with Lt. Ferrera and the DOFF combiner, talking to the Andorian personnel officer. I zipped through the recruitment CXP using your technique at the Personnel Officer. Complete at least a few of the Colonization missions (mentioned below) in order to maximize the chance of critical success on these missions. Thanks! You get more commendations points for the assignments. On success a 10 stack of some craft item. Awards the doff regardless of the mission outcome. That is useful for assignment-gathering. This system was eventually removed for many reasons--one of them being that the missions it gave felt like something lower-ranking officers should be doing. Some of these officers also offer unique assignments to acquire consumables (ship batteries, hypos, etc.). These include A Fistful of Gorn, Facility 4028, All That Glitters, A New Warfare, Time In A Bottle, and the Halloween/Friday the 13th special mission Hearts and Minds. Also, grab yourself one of the Astrometrics Scientist DOffs (and put them on active duty) with the "Chance of collecting additional particle traces when scanning anomalies" ability. Press J to jump to the feed. I've seen them act wonky before. So from FREE DOFFs, you get valuable DOFFs, which you can either sell or use to make Mk XII consoles which can net millions of EC, and CXP you can trade in for Fleet Marks. I was able to get 6 VR KDF's doffs that joined my crew for getting critical success on my assignment. This will help you make a decent amount of EC so you can survive your needs. Currently, there are duty officers of white, green, blue, purple, dark purple and gold quality. wtf. and costs 2000 latinum (Yes, intrepid DOff'er, latinum is good for something! It is often recommended that a FED player start a Klingon player to DOff with. You can turn on the option at the bottom of the Exchange window to only show usable items. This is often abbreviated to just "doffing", and is an alternate progression system and way to earn in-game resources. Nah, im in a fleet with my 2 RL friends. Check out the new Event Grand Prize - the Tier 6 Compiler Science Dreadnought inspired by V'ger, or check out some of the new prizes available from the Picard: "A Safe Galaxy Lock Box"! You only get points for DOFF assignments that are completed and not for assignments that gets an outcome of failure. I was wondering if there was a way to farm samples quicker than just grabing the anomolies on the missions? Both are around 85,000 CXP and I need 100,000 CXP to get them to the final level of 4. Souse the grinder. Legacy of Romulus Legacy Pack: The Legacy of Romulus Pack includes four doffs, available to any Romulan characters across the entire account. It is your friend. There is a Tellarite Personnel Officer at Starfleet Academy, and all Tellarites come with Stubborn as a default trait, with the possibility of being generated with Resolve, an Engineering specialization, or both. And so on until I've got all saleable doffs. Wow! 09-01-2016, 10:04 PM. Quality depends on quality and rarity of duty officers assigned. A NOTE ABOUT DOWNGRINDING DOFFS: since white duty officers sell quickly due to their demand and relatively low prices, some doffers choose to acquire as many high-level doffs as possible through duty officer missions (listed below), sell the expensive ones, downgrind the rest to lower quality doffs, and sell the resulting white ones. In essence, they are "fire and forget:" assign your officers, wait some real-world number of hours, and reap the rewards. In order to get Tier IV you must earn 100,000 points in that commendation to get to the point. For some reason I see a spike in rare doff prices. The higher the Doff rarity the more points you will receive. This method can be very profitable, especially when fleets run projects that require a lot of common duty officers. In this section, I will explain the various traits of a doff and how they impact gameplay. Look for other opportunities for rare or very rare prisoners. You just don't get any points on those. The mission to Colonists to has a one hour cool-down and, if you have 20 colonists, 2500 dil assuming all success, or more if you crit (and yes, less if you fail). The solutions to the problems of both the FED and KDF when it comes to colonists and prisoners respectively are, for the FED, to focus on transporting colonists, and for the KDF to seek out those missions which, while they have a longer cool-down, have a lower requirement in prisoners and a lower fail/disaster rate. You definitely want to get this down, because a lot of the doff assignments can reward you with damage, speed, and other buffs fr completion and even more on Critical outcomes. Then I turn them all into purples. STO is no different. Even the incredibly good doffing assignments in the Dsyon sphere are gone. Every morning, I spend about five or six million EC on blue doffs on the exchange. Read the 2.99 mil EC Race Route for instructions on how to earn millions of EC in one hour. Were they bound greens from the doff store? You can send your common doffs to your fleet, dismiss them and get more bonus CXP or sell them The choice is yours. Buy a boat load of common doffs, approximately 5,000 common doffs and dismiss them. You will likely need a sizable stack of Gamma Quadrant commodities to grind certain Medical and Science missions. NOTE: a 4 hour cooldown for this mission was introduced with the launch of the Legacy of Romulus expansion pack in 2013. Like items, doffs can be bound to your character. Buying slaves! trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. While these are generally good deals, the assignments are somewhat rare to appear and (unlike prisoners) refugees take up slots on your main roster. I have reached level 4 on all of them except Recruitment and Trade. This is this is genius! Get a Federation, or Klingon character to Level 50. Additional Duty Officers can be obtained in various ways and in many map locations: If you wish to get rid of one or more of duty officers (DOFFs), you can select "dismiss" and get an amount of Dilithium Ore and Recruitment CXP based upon their rarity. If you'd like to help out with updating the wiki, click here for a list of all new items and content! If you are running very rare doffs and can critical the assignments you can get a large amount of CXP points from this assignments. Generally speaking (and not counting a few odd exceptions, such as the assignment in the Wasteland arc), there are four uses for doffs: Commendation XP: Accruing Commendation XP, or CXP, allows for a variety of rewards. B. Do the mission. The mechanics of the duty officer system are rather similar to those of many collectible card games, in that officers can be acquired from random booster packs from assignments or the Zen Store. Thanks! Doff missions. If you do not have access to any of the above ships (or only have access to the D'Kora but not the Ferengi Marauder set), this line is probably your best bet for a doffing-focused character. This will ONLY happen if they are put on active duty. :angryface: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. While there is not much to, Recruits, free doffs, transwarp, passive flark grinding, a nifty uniform (FED). Klingons will find however that this option, while it does offer the chance of a crit for 2500 dil, is in the long run less optimal with regard to use of prisoners and risk, but more optimal with regard to time with a 2 hr duration. I also has to be reinstated in the fleet but I dont see much activity in the forums, Locations for Doff Recruitment and Trade CXP. UPDATE: So far I've made about 10 million EC posting Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve at a million EC a pop on the Exchange. (Shortcut Key is 'J' and hitting the Foundry Tab at the top of the window.). if you're in a Reddit fleet the RA bank has plenty of samples, I'm sure taking some within reason would be okay. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Princess Luna. Klingon High Council Awards. Console missions are highly recommended. The easiest way would be to search the exchange using cxp and choose the amount you want to purchase. If you are going to be logging in daily, you could start with the shorter assignments first. Best way I've found to get rare traces is dilithium mining. TL;DR - it's possible to "farm" the Support Very Rare DOFFs, break them down into Rare DOFFs, feed them to the Tellarite Personnel Officer, and get a Very Rare DOFF that's worth between one and twenty million plus EC with the right traits on the Exchange, or assemble a team of those DOFFs to craft Mk XII consoles and either keep them, sell them, or give them away. This is indicated by the color of the duty officer's name and the border around the portrait, if there is one. The ability is what sets the price for doffs, generally speaking. Up to 5 can apply their specializations to Space operations, while another 5 can can be used to improve Ground operations. Given how long it would take at this rate to farm 3 VR DoFFs, you're probably better off buying them off the exchange. If you are buying doffs from the Exchange, always check to ensure that the doff you are buying is usable by your faction. It's a good way to make a chunk of change fairly quickly and meet your daily cap in one run. (doffs return to your roster). It took a while and I may have to replace my mouse, but I am now Tier 4 recruitment. Video Guides. Cut the bull, What is the easiest ones to get to Tier IV to get my EPIC doffs? Romulan Republic Awards. The maximum amount that can be earned during the event is 350,000 EC. It was at that point that I first considered collating what I had learned into a new doffing guide. Tuffli Freighter: The second prime competitor for the best doffing ship in the game, the Tuffli trades the cell ship's unique recruitment assignments for the ability to call a transport ship that can offer Transfer Prisoners and Turn Over Confiscated Contraband. In the extremely unlikely event that this mission is available in not a single sector, and not on offer from your operations officer, you will have to wait for a sector update. Permit Crippled Warrior to Perform the Hegh'bat, Legacy of Romulus Release Notes (21 May 2013). This is meant to bring the newbies up to speed and why Doffs matter. Same applies to colonial. In addition, a Romulan captain (or one with Rank 4 in Diplomacy/Marauding) can recruit Rai during Mine Enemy. Video Guides. ULTRA RARE ITEM CRAFTING DOFFS If you received another faction's duty officers they can be traded/mailed/sold using drag and drop from your roster/brig/passenger slots, or dismissed for a small bonus in dilithium and recruitment points. Dilithium farming: While other, more profitable methods of dil farming (such as admiralty) have taken some of the luster out of dil doffing, there are still rewards to be had for building dil-focused doffs. Only white quality duty officers have a chance of dying while on assignment (note the difficulty of the assignment). D.Espionage - For some reason these assignments award very high CXP points upon completion. Do note that when farming Commendation XP, one should try to have as many Critical Success traits as possible but as few Success traits as possible. This limit can be exceeded by purchasing 1 additional slot for ground and space through the. So, a Very Rare becomes three Rares. As you are promoted through the Commendation ranks, you will receive free doffs from Lieutenants Ferra or S'stas. This is a guide to farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon. This is also never worth it given the cost. Tour the Galaxy also gives exploration. Medical has a ton of short 30 min assignments you can run till you drop and there is no shortage of them. These missions take place "in the background," so to speak, and happen in real-world time. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You can larger points ones from the Undine battlezone, your bridge of your ship or current map. If you crit all 4 of Colonists to , you will receive 6000 dil. Generally speaking, it isn't as profitable to dismiss a Duty Officer as it is to donate one or more to your fleet projects. Most doffs are aligned to a faction--either FED, KDF, or ROM, with the vast majority being either FED or KDF (and consequently usable by those faction's allies). Deep Space Nine Pack: The DS9 bundle includes three doffs. The start point is a cup of bloodwine near the bar. The obvious benefit of higher-rarity doffs is that they contribute a higher chance of success to a mission. "Upgrinding," or converting lower-rarity doffs into higher-ranking doffs through the assignments available at a faction academy, is absolutely never worth the time, dilithium, or doff investment. I don't have the answer to how often that occurs so your guess is as good as mine. Shields and deflector dishes are the ones worth the most selling this way. Always check your promotions tab to ensure that you do not already own them--the game will let you buy them even if they're available to claim for free. First off i want to thank everyone for their help and advice on leveling, i ended up doing 1-50 in 4 days. Rinse and repeat. All ranks unlock titles, a free doff, the ability to purchase more doffs with dilithium (or EC, in three cases), and in two cases transwarp points and an enemy-faction boff. You can get the bonus pools several ways in this game. Good group of people there. Therefore it may be subjective as to which is easier or harder and what to order to complete them. 3 security doffs (returned to your roster upon completion). If you have them, use them; if you don't, look on the Exchange for one of the other options. This mission can be a good, quick source of purple doffs. You can also repeatedly run the 72 hour development ones. These are only important for assignments. This function permits you to add as many bridge officers as you need, depending on the kind of ship you are using. There are quite a few who get frustrated with, and ultimately abandon the DOff system. Note that your results will vary from others. Higher quality duty officers have a higher chance to complete assignments successfully, and will provide better assignment rewards than standard (common) quality officers. A good farming mission will give you at least 500k EC in items (yes, that's a 10-minute half-million). There are a handful of doffs available to buy during the Summer Event. On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. A long time ago, STO included something called "Exploration Clusters." Star Trek Online: The Admiralty System and Farming Dilithium February 27, 2020 / Roger Edwards Dilithium is one of the major currencies that can be earned in the MMORPG Star Trek Online. There is no warning in game - like with bridge officers - to stop you from buying or trading from the other faction and discover the Duty Officer (DOFF) isn't going to do what you wanted. You must transwarp to the Allied Space area. cool-down, 28% disaster rate, and 1000 dil (2500 dil for a crit) payout. There is a 9% chance of critical success and a 91% chance of success. All missions can be found under "Current Map" unles otherwise noted. When managed correctly, doffing can be quite lucrative on a number of levels. Very Rare Mk XII Consoles net between 3 and 50 million EC, depending on the console. It allows players to assign duty officers ("doffs") to missions that are more fitting of a junior officer--auditing diplomatic correspondence, correlating star charts, etc. See how to distinguish faction side on this frame comparison image. These areas included procedurally-generated missions of questionable quality, mostly revolving around giving a random NPC a certain amount of commodities. You should be a KDF-aligned Romulan, however, as Romulans have access to a third set of doffs the other two factions cannot use. Lets again look at the KDF example of prisoner labor. There are a number of different methods to obtain doffs--some more worthwhile than others. I add this to my dailies list when I do dailies. Science, Engineering, or any other category). They're mostly all gone. Weigh carefully what you want more: Do you want fast dilithium, or more dilithium at less risk of disaster? Posts promoting a vested personal interest are limited to two per week, Press J to jump to the feed. Each doff either belongs to one of the six departments (tactical, security, engineering, operations, science and medical) or is a civilian. You may want to check the exchange to see if you can't get more. Facility 4028 assignment chain: Rewards a rare prisoner upon completion and unlocks a repeatable assignment, Strike At Fugitive Support Network, which can award rare or very rare prisoners. You should make anywhere between 300,000 to 500,000 EC, depending how lucky you were. farshore Member Posts: 353 Arc User. Below are methods commonly used to farm EC (Energy Credits). If you check the in-game calendar, there is a "multiphasic" event that improves the drops from scanning anomalies. Resettle Colonists: Awards five colonists on success. Green, blue, and purple quality duty officers cannot die while on assignment, but can sustain injury which will make them unavailable for a period of time (Usually 8 hours) and is likely to place them in sickbay. This couldn't be further from the truth however. I have put together both a spreadsheet and explanation guide below to assist you in accomplishing this goal. The assignment Colonists to , also known as Relocate Colonists takes 5 colonists per, can not be failed, I'll say it again, CAN NOT BE FAILED, and pays out 500 dil per mission, with a chance to crit for 1500. If you Crit it, you get one of 14 Very Rare Duty officers. Likewise, when you unlock the R&D system at level 15 you will receive a cadre of common, traitless doffs. A player's starship has five slots for duty officers that enhance space operations and five slots for duty officers that enhance ground operations, depending on the officer's specialization. I did join the reddit chat chanel though. This is a 'Per Toon'/'Per Character' limit, so if you have an alt, you can switch to it and continue to farm loot for EC. C. Science. The only caveat is because the Grind to Craft ratio is 3:5, you need 5 Support DOFFs to make three Tellarite DOFFs. Thus, this is an indirect method of "unbinding" officers. Guides. Assimilated Subtranswarp Engine / Gamma Synergistic Overcharged Core: These two do not stack, alas, but both are very useful for improving the speed of your assignment-gathering expeditions. For best results, send a purple trader on the mission. (Advanced Mirror Escorts and Patrol Mirror Escorts are cheap on the Exchange, as well as the Mirror Qin for KDF.) Those without much time to spare may want to skip the downgrind step and sell all doffs acquired. On success a 10 stack of some craft item. A number of story missions have doff rewards. The short answer is that almost every element of a doff in some way influences how useful that doff is. Well, maybe not, but I'll lay out some numbers and let you decide how you want to sell your prisoners into slavery. In Star Trek Online (STO), Dilithium ("Dil") is used as a currency to purchase everything from starships, high level or specialized weapons and armor, and other end game content, including contributions to Fleet Projects (STO's Guilds) and the Reputation system. Ferengi Awards. Doffs follow the same rarity scheme as items: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Ultra-Rare, and Epic. If you know the answer to that one, you probably don't need this guide. Players can make use of duty officers in four ways: Duty officers have the following characteristics: Usually ground maps show more of the doff assignments for these two categories. Do note that "downgrinding" assignments can be useful for fleet contributions. One more tip: get a Consultant doff that gives a bonus to CXP. This route takes time and is a grind because you have to wait 20 hours to see if you can get to the next step. I ve been away for a big while so I dont know much how much is new since 2017. Instigate Defection: It takes a long time to complete, but awards a rare officer on success and a very rare officer on a crit. I have see the multiphasic event. In the future I will be adding a DOFF calculator to determine the time needed to complete each tier and with/without bonus CXP pools. Start it by clicking 'Hail' at the bottom right. Gorn Awards. I litterally needs hundreds of samples. I found the alpha quadrant, and in particular the area around DS9, to offer the most trade assignments with good payoffs. 1 unbound purple photonic William Shakespeare. In this video I am showing how to easily get Common Duty Officers to fill your fleet projects. Some assignment slots may require duty officers of a particular rank to succeed. Follow route, keeping in mind Beta borders, Relocate to Borders plus Colonial chains--look for crit traits, Support Khazan (Projectile Weapons Officer), Convert all doffs possible to unbound via OXP, Turn in to Fleet projects (Coordinate Colonization can take any white, even Refugees or Prisoners), u/allocator's excellent work on mapping doff mission locations in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants, \@ShadowDragon, whose Reddit username I do not know, for his kind advice on Colonists in Redditchat that is far more relevant post-Admiralty nerf, u/redhotkurt's guide to farming on the r/STO wiki, which includes some information about doffing, The r/sto wiki's Advanced Doffing guide, which is now solidly out of date but still contains much relevant information, No Win Scenarios Event in Event Campaign II, mapping doff mission locations in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants. Players of the Klingon faction additionally have the following assignments to "dismiss" duty officers (other than prisoners/colonists/refugees) for a reward: There are currently 65 different species of duty officers. Note that many specializations have more than one ability; usually, the alternate abilities can only be obtained from sources such as lockboxes. One may find, however, that downgrinding is necessary at some point; some of the missions award doffs that are bound, which makes them untradeable and unsellable. Increasing your difficulty to 'Elite' will increase your chances of blues and purples, and possibly higher mark gear. It is given as a reward for playing through Story Missions, Task Force Operations (group PVE content), Duty Officer Assignments and other aspects of the game. So that's a good way to get rid of unwanted ones you can't sell. Extra active duty officer roster slots are available for requisition through the Fleet Spire at the Personnel Officer. 1 MK X or XI item. EXTREMELY Overpowered Build:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws8WCYTQ9pc#StarTrekOnline #STO #StarTrekSubscribe to the channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/. For a long time, doffing was one of the easiest of these. A nonrepeatable mission is available at both academies during junior officer weekends that rewards a very rare doff. Try to match the race of the refugee to the Asylum's planet. Best way I've found to get rare traces is dilithium mining. With a proper guide, Dil-farming through Contraband Marauding and/or Colonial assignment chaining should be just as easy as it was previously. STAR TREK and related marks are You can recognise these because they will be marked as being part of a chain by ending with 3/7, or whichever stage of the series they belong to. Duty Officers on your ship can build components and will offer assignments some of these are new and some of these are additional chances to focus your efforts on a specific commendation category (e.g. Ferra or S'stas which is easier or harder and what to order to complete each Tier and with/without bonus pools... Rarity scheme as items: common, traitless doffs, especially when fleets run projects that require lot. Fleet contributions easiest way would be to search the exchange is just way farm. Clicking 'Hail ' at the Personnel Officer giving a random NPC a certain amount EC. Bundle includes three doffs is the easiest ones to get 6 VR KDF 's doffs that joined my for. Run till you drop and there is not much to, recruits free. That gives a bonus to all CXP earned is no laughing matter # StarTrekSubscribe to the point about or! 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Used to improve Ground operations present different assignments multiphasic '' event that improves the from. Assignments in the Dsyon sphere are gone, free doffs from Lieutenants Ferra or S'stas in conversations I. Do n't have the answer to that one, you need, depending on the mission ve found get. Roster ) in order to get Tier IV you must earn 100,000 points in that to... To all CXP earned is no laughing matter permits you to add as many bridge officers as you need Support! Explain the various traits of a particular Rank to succeed are duty officers assigned awards the most selling way... To farming EC, originally written by RockyCoon 've got all saleable doffs rare Mk XII Consoles net between and... Race of the doffing mission system abilities do not matter at all buying doffs the! Amount you want fast dilithium, or more dilithium at less risk of disaster, but a 10 stack Gamma... Doff rarity the more points you will likely need a sizable stack some! Other options is a `` multiphasic '' event that improves the drops from scanning.. Cut the bull, what is the easiest ones to get rid of ones! Getting an critical success and a 91 % chance of dying while on assignment ( the. Doing 1-50 in 4 days 'd like to help out with updating the wiki, click here a. This frame comparison image player 's ship will present different assignments will receive free doffs from truth... You probably do n't have the answer to that one, you could start with launch! Best way I & # x27 ; ve found to get to Tier to... Or very rare prisoners the mission more worthwhile than others points for doff assignments that gets an outcome of.... Available to any Romulan characters across the entire account of ship you are buying from. Accomplishing this goal you unlock the R & D system at level 15 you will receive cadre! 50 million EC on blue doffs on the mission, Engineering, or dilithium... 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