The 309th and 310th Infantry Regiments . The company commander withdrew the remaining five tanks on a side road and reached Urspelt, taking position near the 2d Battalion command post.9, The American pincers action had failed to constrict at Marnach. World War II Records, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, History . As the enemy gun layers dropped their range back to the river and then to the American positions, the searchlights blinked on, searching out pillboxes and bunkers. This was not quite the end in Clerf. 28th Infantry Division The 28th Division was destined to move againdestined for another job (the Gloomy Hurtgen Forest). whereupon the light tank platoon destroyed its single remaining tank The regimental position, really a series of squad and platoon posts, followed a ridge line south through Harspelt and Sevenig, then bent back across the Our and followed the western slopes of the river nearly to Kalborn. The Panzer Lehr Reconnaissance Battalion, earlier withdrawn from the fight at Holzthum, reverted to its parent command and crossed the river first. Company A, 110th Infantry (Everett) and Company G, 110th Infantry (Altoona) unit were both mustered into federal service for World War II in February 1941. On the evening 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment attached 110th, 431st and 448th AAA AW Battalions 75th Infantry Division . New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. The 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry was formed from the 1st Battle Group Infantry on 1 April 1963. The authors do a great job of telling the the story with first-person accounts from the American soldiers, both officers and enlisted. It contains several maps, showing the sectors of the major air units. It became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team. The 14th Parachute Regiment, which had been moving slowly westward (the 5th Parachute Division commander ascribed its dilatory movement to the habit of attacking small villages in order to have billets for the cold December nights), entered the fight via a climb onto the eastern ridge overlooking the town. On the west slopes of the ridge a platoon of medium tanks was committed early in the afternoon to drive the Germans off the side road linking Holzthum and Consthum. Now, at the end of the day, the armored reconnaissance battalion of the Panzer Lehr Division found itself crawling rather than racing west from the Gemnd bridge. He was born Dec. 12, 1922, in Litchville, N.D., to Ole and Inga (Olson) Fostervold. It was amended to show additional war service on 29 August 1951. led the corps commander to order the 116th Panzer Division Furthermore, lack of communication between the 28th Division and its northern regiment would ultimately force the regimental commander, Col. Gustin M. Nelson, to act on his own. In the last planning conference held at Hitler's headquarters, Model and Manteuffel combined forces in a forthright appeal that carried the day on a series of tactical decisions although it failed to sway the Fuehrer from his strategic decision for the Big Solution. On the morning of the 17th German tanks had set the town ablaze, but the few American Shermans had held them at bay. The 2d Battalion's Civilian Military Operations unit (S-9) oversaw the distribution of roughly $20 million to the Iraqi people in efforts to stabilize the Iraqi economy and build public works projects including police stations, schools, hospitals, fire departments, youth centers, and water pumping stations. Two hours later the enemy struck at Company A, apparently an attempt to clear the north-south Skyline Drive, but artillery fire beat him off. patrol at the stone bridge had evaporated under machine gun fire-and About 1000, therefore, General Cota ordered Companies A and B of the 707th Tank Battalion to reinforce the 110th Infantry, with the intention of clearing up the deepest enemy penetrations and sweeping the ridge road clear. In 1943, he joined the. 18-41 midafternoon, leaving open an avenue into the 2d Battalion left flank. The 112th was the first war-strength National Guard regiment in the United States. his tanks and tank destroyers to block the roads west of the river. All this gave the 112th Infantry a chance to get its breath on 18 December. . Only Company K in Hosingen was yet to be heard from. The unit was mustered into federal active service on 16 July 1917 for service in World War I, and Rickards remained its commander. The seven tanks counted here strangely enough made no effort to attack (perhaps the rough terrain and dragon's teeth along the American bunker line did not appear too promising) . Colonel Strickler decided to evacuate Wiltz by infiltration and regroup at Sibret, but with the Germans pressing in from all sides and no means of reaching his units except by runner the actual withdrawal would be difficult to control. Kokott's reserve regiment, the 78th, crossed the Our at dusk and moved forward. in house-to-house fighting with Company D and Company B, 103d Engineer A sharp attack drove a provisional platoon, made up from the 28th Division band, off the high ground to the northwest, thus exposing the engineer line. Unhappy about this thorn in his side, Manteuffel won the assignment of the Schnee Eifel heights to his army and personally developed a scheme to mop up resistance in this sector at the earliest possible moment. His staff and regimental commanders, appointees of Generaloberst Kurt Student, had formed a clique against the previous commander and were hostile to Heilmann.19 Furthermore, troops and troop leaders were poorly trained, coming as they had only recently from Luftwaffe ground units. Interlocking machine gun and rifle fire blocked off the German reinforcements some sixty were captured and the rest dug in where they could. One tank platoon remained there to bolster the defense, while the other turned back to the south, picked up Company C, and, on orders, returned with the infantry to Munshausen. Here in the south daylight patrols also operated to maintain control of the eastern bank, although the main positions were around Lieler and Lausdorn. Division. to pivot its weight on Ltzkampen in a drive southwestward toward This article appears in: . . As each company debarked it marched inland to the line of departure which the outpost force now held close to the American garrison points. It was disbanded on 16 July 1883 and reorganized as Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry on 3 July 1884. When the mortar crews and antitank platoon had used all their ammunition they joined the infantry in the center of the village and fought as riflemen. The Infantry School at Fort Benning began collecting academic monographs from company commanders soon after the end of World War II, to record their personal combat experiences. While tanks dueled in the street like gunmen of the Old West the 3d Battalion made its orderly way out the west side of the town, reorganized, and as night descended marched to Nocher. Only three of the howitzers left could be withdrawn and losses among the cannoneers and drivers were high. The sector at the Our River in which Luettwitz' corps would begin the attack was a little over seven miles wide, the villages of Dahnen on the north and Stolzembourg on the south serving as boundary markers. On German operations maps Wiltz lay athwart the boundary which divided the attack zones of the XLVII Panzer Corps and the LXXXV Corps. To compensate for the armored weakness of the battered division, two battalions of armored tank destroyers and an assault gun brigade were given Bayerlein just before the attack to the west began. Those in the south fell back toward Wiltz, the division command post. Just before dark, therefore, Kokott threw a part of his replacement training battalion into the action; these fresh troops succeeded in forcing their way into the north edge of the village, although with heavy losses. About four and a half miles west of the town, a second block was encountered and a German self-propelled gun lashed out at the lead vehicles while machine gunners blazed away from positions around it. The road center at The 26th Volks Grenadier Division (Generalmajor Heinz Kokott) already was deployed in the Eifel sector of the West Wall adjacent to the Our where it covered not only the XLVII Panzer Corps zone but a wide frontage beyond. By February, they were back on the offensive. It will be recalled that the troops at Consthum held the 901st Panzer Grenadier, Regiment at bay until the afternoon of 18 December and, even as they withdrew, continued to block the road to Wiltz. Information on the hard-pressed battalions and their companies was sketchy and secondhand. Meanwhile the mortar crews took a hand from their foxholes on the hill behind Sevenig, dropping mortar shells into the hollows where the Germans congregated or picking them off with carbines. General Cota, as a result, decided to concentrate what was left to him-headquarters troops, engineers, stragglers, and the handful of organized units moving back from across the Clerf-in defense of Wiltz, the 28th Division command post. The 112th Infantry's attack plan for 2 November designated the 1st and 3d Battalions to attack cross country at H plus 3 hours (1200) in a column of battalions, the 1st leading. and withdrew on foot to Wiltz-the 2d Battalion flanks were wide open. He continued to fight with Cannon Company until the 423rd Regiment surrendered Dec. 19, 1944, near Schnberg, Belgium. The 106th Infantry Division took over position for position. About noon the 2d Battalion counterattacked and German pressure along the 112th front began to wane. Companies E and F dug in on a ridge north of Reuler under a rain of The sequence of events in this story of difficulties in command and communication is none too clear, but the VIII Corps commander approved the attachment. Perhaps they did not care to risk bazooka fire in the dark. In Marnach the hard-beset garrison fought on, now under the command of the battalion executive officer, Capt. The 24-man patrol from Company A ran into the German flank at Fishbach, about 1120, and had to withdraw under intense fire. A sharp hairpin turn breaks the descent; then the road crosses the river into the northern edge of Clerf near the railroad station and enters the main highway. East of Clerf the left flank of the 2d Battalion started to move forward against an enemy assembly point in a woods northeast of Reuler. Five hundred yards from the Germans, on the far side of a draw, the. Throughout the day the American outposts watched masses of foot troops and vehicles defile westward through Heinerscheid, only some two thousand yards to the south. Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest. The shield is white, the old infantry color. howitzers with one- and two-second fuzes. The year 1921 saw many changes in unit designation: Bellefonte was redesignated Troop B, 52nd Machine Gun Squadron, the Altoona unit was redesignated as Company G. During 1921, Company D, 1st Pennsylvania Engineers was organized. Colonel Fuller's command post was in a hotel only a few yards from the north bridge. The 112th Inf Regiment in the north was forced back and joined the 7th Arm Div and remanents of the 106th Inf Div in defending St. Vith. Nonetheless he advised Cota to withdraw the 110th back of the Clerf, that "under the circumstances it was necessary." This point was conceded when Hitler ruled that the artillery fires along the entire front would begin at 0530. Even so, the unit accounted for six tanks on the 16th and broke up two panzer assaults of company size. Robert L. Smith, soldier of the 112th Infantry Regiment tells of his memories of service in the breakout from Normandy to Paris, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. This created a bulge in the German line. The symbolism of the distinctive unit insignia is the same as that of the coat of arms. German field guns, by this time west of the Clerf, opened fire on Wiltz at noon. About an hour before dawn eleven searchlights flicked on, their rays glancing dully from the low clouds back onto the Ltzkampen-Sevenig ridge. with the aid of the dwindling tank force from the 9th Armored Division A Time for Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge. When darkness finally came, the 44th withdrew with the assault guns into Wiltz, having lost four officers and 150 men. This unit was redesignated less than a year later, in December 1921, when they became 103rd Ordnance Company, Special Troops. 1st Cavalry . The new mission given General Kokott was this: the 26th would force the crossings at the Our and Clerf Rivers on the left of the corps, hold open for the armor, then follow the more mobile panzer units to Bastogne. My Uncle, Fred H. Noonan(originally from Binghamton,NY) - 26th Infantry Regiment,1st Infantry Division fought and died in the Hurtgen Forest. Get Military Unit/Ship Histories and After Action Records (AAR) We offer access to after action reports and operational records from all branches of the U.S. Military. All that remained of the 707th About 0730 the two rifle companies of the 2d Battalion jumped off at the ridge east of Clerf. about six hundred men (it had been operating sawmills and rock crushers, At nearly every point the American tanks would have to fight their way down the roads to reach the infantry holding the villages. As a substitute, a system of village strongpoints-each manned in about rifle company strength-was set up on the ridge line separating the Our and Clerf Rivers, which here is traced by the excellent north-south highway connecting St. Vith and Diekirch. The southern prong of the three-pronged counterattack to shut off the German armored drive moving through Marnach toward Clerf also was outgunned and outnumbered but did reach Marnach, only to report that no friendly infantry could be found. Even before the seizure of Ouren the LVIII Panzer Corps had shifted its interest to the south. There was no hint from any source that the enemy was about to strike squarely into the center of the 8th Division and in overwhelming array. At Heinerscheid, Company A had been overrun in Two lieutenants from I Company examine German weapons abandoned at Schoppen. in the Ardennes sector. He then became the executive officer (XO) for the 16th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York. He died on Nov. 29, 1944 and is buried at Henri-Chapelle in Hombourg, Belgium. The battalion commander ordered his right company down to block the paved road from Marnach to Clerf, but this road was in the hands of the 2d Panzer Division, whose tanks were rolling toward wing of the 110th, had been overrun or forced to displace. In August 1950 the Lewistown unit was mustered into federal service for the Korean War. 113th Infantry Regiment. The defenders at Weiler would not be easily pushed aside. All of these units were released from federal service in 1945. Staff Sgt. West of the ridge, Company L in Holzthum and the headquarters company and Company M in Consthum barred a direct approach to the Clerf crossing site at Wilwerwiltz. ", The main effort launched by the LVIII Panzer Corps on 16 December was assigned the 116th Panzer Division. During the afternoon General Cota radioed Colonel Nelson to be especially watchful of his northern flank, but added that if his own position became untenable he should withdraw at dark behind the Our. About 1300 a thick, soupy December fog rolled in on the village. After dark on 17 December a captain led in about twenty-five men of Company I from Weiler, after a desperate march, narrow escapes, and an ambuscade. was reached midway between Bastogne and the Meuse. Although the enemy had seized all of the ground which the 112th Infantry was occupying east of the Our and finally had secured a bridgehead at Ouren, the cost to him on 17 December had been high. There it dug in to defend the battery which had given aid during the battle. This was the Mark V Battalion of the 116th Panzer Division assembling to lead the attack toward the Ouren bridges. Directed to the west by Hitler's orders, the division would see its first action in the Ardennes. In 1920, the Tyrone unit was redesignated Troop B, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Bellefonte unit was redesignated Troop L, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. trusted officers set feverishly to work on plans for Christrose, The Americans had taken 186 prisoners and killed or wounded two or three times that number; the losses in the 1130th Regiment were "very high," said the enemy reports. The 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, on 16 December 1944, held the center sector of the defensive zone of the division and VIII Corps in the Ardennes. In this fight the crossroads near Erpeldange changed hands four times. The 10th Infantry Regiment was on the far right side of the Divisions Frontline during their part of the Battle of the Bulge and it was the first regiment to arrive in Luxembourg. To the east, at Dasburg, the German engineers were straining to finish the tank bridge which would bring the German armor into play. The battle plans and tactics of the Fifth Panzer Army, more than those of any other German army that took part in the Ardennes counteroffensive, bore the very strong personal imprint of its commander, General Manteuffel. Troops of I Company ride a tank into the attack on Schoppen, 15 January 1945. Caveat: This Battle lasted more than a month, with assignments in considerable flux. In the center of this thinly held 80-mile front was the 28th Infantry Division broadly stretch across the Bastogne corridor through the Ardennes Forest; a 25 mile frontline. Colonel Nelson gave the order to withdraw behind the river under cover of darkness. The first word of the approaching enemy reached the 110th Infantry headquarters at Clerf shortly after 0615. moved toward Sevenig. The Bellefonte Fencibles were mustered as Company H, 2d Pennsylvania Volunteers. thing was agreed upon: Bastogne had to be taken before the bulk of the By the late evening the picture as seen at the division command post had cleared to this extent: the two flank regiments, the 109th and 112th, had lost. Descent to the town and its bridges is made on this side by two winding roads. The action of the 112th Infantry in this part of the 28th Division story stands therefore as an episode in itself until, after four days' fighting, the regiment joins the forces arrayed in defense of St. Vith.13. Most of the tanks and assault guns were out of action, there were insufficient machine guns to cover the final protective line, radio communication between the desperate units was practically nonexistent, searchlight rays glancing from the low clouds lighted the path of the attackers, and ammunition was running very low. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006. After the fall of Hosingen the 3d Battalion elements in Consthum offered the last organized resistance in the 28th Infantry Division center east of the Clerf River. Since the American troops east of the Our were deployed in the Ltzkampen-Sevenig area, Krueger determined that his main effort should be made there. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WW2 US 29th Infantry Regiment DUI Ribbon Bar Shoulder Cord Battle of Bulge Lot at the best online prices at eBay! had no cohesive line of defense, General Kokott had ordered the 77th Regiment to circle north of Hosingen and head straight for the Clerf bridges at Drauffelt, while the 39th cut cross-country, avoiding the villages on the western side of the ridge line, and seized the road junction and bridges at Wilwerwiltz on the Clerf. At the crossroads east of Eschweiler the Reconnaissance Battalion turned to the left and bore down on Wiltz. Colonel Fuller had ordered a platoon of the 2d Battalion to swing south and bar the road, but it was already dominated by the German armor. The Americans had identified the 26th long since as the unit garrisoning the West Wall bunkers on the German bank. What do Battle of Hrtgen Forest, Battle of the Bulge and 112th Infantry Regiment (United States) have in common. USA soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944. Company B, on the extreme north flank, had been forced back into the 424th Infantry area, but about 235 men withdrew cross-country toward Ouren. Colonel Nelson at this moment had two contradictory orders and would have to risk his regiment if he carried out either. to give an accurate count of losses in the 112th Infantry, but they seem to have been moderate. the code name for the coming offensive. 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