Just in case you smiled awkwardly and the man, who by his behavior and age assumed he was new, simply nodded quietly. Well sorry princess! He mocked and you turned to him with a warning finger, fully aware of the scanning eyes behind you, I would- you turned back to the sound of a cough and all words left your mouth. Im sorry kiddooh I am so so sorry.. he lulled pulling you closer to him, you hugged him tightly like when you were a kid, quite whimpers escaping you lips as your heart beat fastened in nervousness. And she was all alone there too! No she wasnt. Peter mumbled angrily, jumping his leg in a shallow attempt to let go of excess energy, not that it helped much. 26 Feb. 0. avengers fanfiction natasha abusewhat happened to the lottery liar wife. In the fic Peter was adopted by Tony, and was starting to come into school with new, expensive clothing and a new phone and the school was getting suspicious So I've been looking for a specific fic for a few days now, and I can't seem to find it. You kicked his crotch and as he fell to the floor you kicked his head not caring for insurance. It couldnt have happened. Is there any hope left at all, or are some of the growing cracks now truly irreparable? "Friday, tell Bruce to meet us in the med bay ASAP. just a little bit we promise not to tell they placed three fingers up in a boyscout salute and you rolled your eyes with a small laugh. ! He yelled dramatically, and if the whole hallway was staring, more were to join in, each recording it stupidly instead of helping. "It's fine, Steve. Peter is determined to find a way home, but until then, hes going to learn anything he can. Posted By: how did jasmine sabu die . Would you? Emily teased eyeing your cup that was filled with apple sider What? You raised a brow before snapping your head towards a crushing sound muttering damn under your breath, Hold your alcohol? She continued and you turned to her with blushing cheeks, you actually did but it only happened once and no one knew about it, not even your dad. "Peter cried out from the pain, as Flash let go.And Peter didn't move.He didn't move when Flash opened Peters pants.He didn't move when Flash moved him to the couch.He didn't move when Flash pulled himself from his own pants.He didn't move when Flash entered his tight body.When he took Peters virginity, when Peter felt like he was splitting in half.~~~Flash pulled out of Peter, pulling up and zipping his pants closed.Peter felt hot tears falling down his face. This is awesome do you have your own iron man suit? You cursed yourself knowing that you must have said it out loud in the party. The hooded asshole tailed you to your locker and was already getting on your nerves with his breathing. Tony started moving towards the bed Bruce was standing next to, carefully laying Peter down but Peter felt fire go up his backside. The buzzing sound of your phone dragged your attention and you were quick to answer the blond girl yeah Mads? Where are you? "I know kiddo, it's only for a few days, okay? What the hell is taking you so long- Peter was like a deer caught in headlights, his lips parted staring at the show presented in front of him what do you want from me I didnt do it! Adam lifted his hands defensively Yeah ok! No I swear some new guy did it! Suddenly the movement stopped and Loki turned to terrified Peter, Lokis ocean eyes became stone cold, he clenched his jaw tightly you.. he sneered grabbing peter by the shoulder grab everything and go upstairs Adam. Loki commanded as he tighten his grip over the young man shoulder you think painful pranks are funny huh? Peter looked to the sides, in utter shock not sure what do to when facing an actual god, and not only that, the word painful? Oh this son of a bitch! Bucky yelled and the room filled with anger muttering, mostly your dad yelling on them saying they need to keep it down. What the hell do you think your doing? He cried out, scaring the two causing Tony to drop Peter onto the bed, causing him even more pain. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. His figure was soon to disappear from your room, letting the sun replace his shadow on the floor. Steve jerked his hand away as if he'd been burned and began to apologize profusely, but Peter held up a hand to silence the soldier. A moment of horrifying silence roamed through, both terrifying and cringed looks were to be exchanged between the three of you before The sound of Adam began collecting his belongings quickly filled the room before Lokis growl erupted the silence Adam. homecoming peter parker x reader tom holland x reader tony stark spiderman far from home avengers tony stark x daughter!reader avengers x reader peter parker x stark . He and Peter Abused Percy Jackson Fanfiction. As he pulled it back, he kept looking up. Not even minutes later after they left, rushed in a new face, Peter only stared the blond guy went through the cabinets distressed may..I..help you..? Peter wondered, confusion written all over my face not unless you know how to- The young men were both caught off guard when a low and graveled voice was to be heard from the hallway ADAM! No no! Peter Parker is a 15 year old boy who is also the vigilante Spider-man. Grounding protocol , youll only be able to walk to the kitchen and room, any other room is quiet literally, locked for your entrance, and trying to break in or out will send an alarm through the compound. If you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern peter and Iron Dad, this is the fic for u!! You have 5 seconds head start to escape before Ill destroy you. Loki snarled, removing the sweet fluff from his eyes angrily, you simply waved with a pitying yet awkward look as he smiled nervously, an amused laugh escaping his trembling lips, a yelling by-e! was heard from the hallway yet his word being cut off at parts as he ran for his life. See ya snow white you called grabbing the tray from the table to see a pack of hidden gummy bears under the plate hey! Peter? ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr @sterolinelover13 @fiesty5sos @jilyloveswolfstar @floodinginstars @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw @spacequeenstuff. Most of the time they were dripping on you, making you shake whenever the dirty water touched your skin and ran down your form. I-I dont drink.. you lied and tugged at the ends of your jack, you noticed theyre shocked and mischievous glances and felt helplessly curious. y/n? Peter exclamation, his position was tense eyes moving quickly from the elevator to the blue eyed character beside him. Peter nodded, letting out a shaky sigh and grasping the gowns edges with his fingertips before slipping it on.~(Okay, so I lost a lot of inspiration for this one shot so sorry if it ends stupid, I didn't know how to continue it. And for that we will never be together And the princess said that to the mirror before marrying the prince ! Warning: language, mentions of sexual harassment. "Flash, let go of me." Flash let go of Peters neck, and the boy gasped for breath. Three year old Peter was experimented on before he could even say the word "experimented". "Now get out of my home. Sweetheart..is there anything going on with you? ). "I know what year it is, I have my own calendar" I replied but *COMPLETED* Y/n youre completely drunk! Adam called as he tried, with others, to protect you from the horny teenagers. You sared at Peter for a second before taking a step closer towards the pair of friends, hi! Ugh. Spider-Man. You suddenly found yourself sitting in his lap, startling the both of you a bit but non was going to stop this from happening, where the was this coming from and how the hell did you know how to grind, these two thoughts will definitely be a questioning matter to you for a while. Sorry sweetheart. He huffed before disappearing once again. What did you do. The falcon called harshly, N-nothing I..I swear just the um.. he started but remembering your instructions he looked away and turned to leave n-never mind.. he whispered. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. Hes suffered much more than the average person. ford f350 factory radio replacement. His arms falling to the sides of your head with a begging look as he placed himself in the middle of your open legs and began grinning against the thin fabric. Another hour past and by now you listen to music, vomited, ate a few leftovers from the lunch you received and ran through memories in your mind, mostly the one that included Peter. Please consider turning it on! He cant let another person die on his watch. Where the lines of morally gray begin to fade to black. Hey y/n by the way hows your pranks going? Sam suddenly asked and your eyes widened in an instant! but I really really like you and its ok if you dont feel the same I just needed to tell you this bec Peter! You yelled placing a hand over his rushing mouth, you blinked a few times visible tears shining at the ends of your eyes, his eyes kept still, hope and love filling him. Nothing. Come dance with me! lies! Home. #readerxcharacter When you turned around once again, you were met with a blushing, flustered boy. You know what do you want? He started cockily and you were quick to cut him, your palm stopping him for a moment as you opened your locker in silence. Injuries? Please dont Call you were done. The boy told Peter he'd noticed his obsession with him and that he wanted to be a couple and get to know Peter. Foods going to be ready soon! Then everyone would know.Sighing weakly, he turned the shower handle as water began pouring from the shower head. The room was significantly smaller than yours, but still spacious and open, the walls were still bright white with a tint of mint in them, a medium sized window was at the left side of the room, he had a queen sized bed with a fluffed out comforter, he had everything simplified with just a few touches of modern Stark tech, he had a few posters hanging on the wall and the missing Snacks sitting on the table next to Peter. like me its good always aspire for you..Sir.. peter corrected, suddenly feeling his breath hitching in his neck. I swear Im fine. You promised and stuck your pinky out childlike and he accepted the silly gesture before holding both of your hands. After a run-in with a certain Asgardian prince, a girl with darkness manipulation powers finds herself living with the Avengers. He- ah! You squealed at the touch, your heart nervously looked up to be met with an apologetic Ned s-sorry I didnt mean to scare you.. he apologized tugging his hands in his pockets and you simply shooked your head in disbelief no..no.. its uh..its f-fine..completely fine.. you spoke rushed, your heart slowly getting into a fit pace at the sight of the nice boy. Are you staying for dinner? May opened the bedroom door and you smiled kindly Yeah sure you nodded, taking a mental note to forget later. You look pretty good yourself you should wear this shirt to school more you remarked before lowering your cards to flip your hair to the other side. I think we could use the help he smirked devilishly. Youd hacked your own phone GPS system to make it seem like youre in the library or MJs house when in reality you and Peter were just having a really heated up makeout session. By the way I love your outfit! You said truthfully before turning to Peter well..I wont disturb you guys, you do..wait. Within minutes they both arrived at your door step you know Peter, I get pranks. A/N: THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! Im sorry if I take to long to upload I just really want to work on it to make it perfect as much as I can! I thought youd be home enjoying some cheap porn! He laughed, his friends joining in as Peter simply shook his head and tried to move forward but was blocked by the taller teenage player come on flash peter eyed his voice becoming stiffer and angrier by the second. Banner does things on his tablet and leaves the room to do tests. get this girl a beer Adam called to the jock who opened another six pack, you shook your head trying your hardest to resist the temptation no no I promised my dad I wont drink you excused with a faint laugh as they hand you the bottle. Everest is a thirteen-year-old inhuman girl, who's forced to go to Tony Stark's school along with other inhumans. Did he snitch on me?! You struggled with the car door handle and tripped outside. Peter didn't feel safe. Do you have dinners together? The boy your father had pointed on just seconds earlier seemed quite nice, he wore white with some print over it, but you couldnt quite see it for the dark red hoodie he wore over it. oh. ! He rumbled but you knew him a bit too well by now, Your point? You joked seeing his serious expression My point? Youre going somewhere with this and I want to know what is it. You answered nonchalantly and crossed your arms over your small form You are so like me somtimes its scary.. he shook his head trying to hide his proud smile wear this. He handed you a small metal round bracelet, it was a bit stiff and had the letter A over it as a symbol of the avengers Another iron man bracelet? Your frowned new and improved. you hate me! You pushed him and got away from his grip and turned to your friends who rushed to your aid seeing your angered face. Where can I touch you?" ! She let out a sarcastic laugh to the name, she faked wiping a tear of laughter away and turned to you with a friendly face No. Your pleads caused his heart pound fearfully, he didnt even know why but seeing you struggling to open the door he ran outside and just like he thought he grabbed your hair instantly as you thrown up by the side of the road, his brown eyes looking at you with worry before turning to your fathers, both having anger rushing to their eyes. Every. it was more than one time the two shippers had found the two of you extremely close together and startling the both of you to the point Peter almost had a heart attack every other day. His words hunting your mind as you slowly leaned over the cold tiles, shivers going down your whole body but you didnt seem to mind due to the cold surface. "I was-was ra-raped. So it's no surprise to anyone when he wins Tony Stark's internship that his school is giving away. Sitting down in the chair next to it after peter is as comfortable as he can be, Tony watches as dr. BUT- feel free to submit posts Id love to try and do some one shots!, Warning- blood? Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. She does? He leaves a questioning tone as he sees the look on your face Loki!, Follow your heart not rules you called that day. Its very reasonable when you come yo think of- you made Bucky have magnets stick to him for a whole day! Wanda noted taking a sip from her drink and you couldnt help but feel slightly happy at the topic Its not mea you started with a giggle but was quickly cut by the victim himself it spelled pussy on it and I had two meetings that day! Bucky called, but being smacked by Steve made him laugh, maybe it was out of awkwardness but either way it was funny. north star boys ethnicity lee judges aftv age avengers fanfiction peter sexually harassed. The door, in fact, didnt open at all. Home. Feel like elaborating? He grimaced, placing a supporting hand over Peters slacking shoulder, Peter eyes were filled with sadness when looking at your fathers brown eyes before they darted to the table. Ok thats enough for you. You heard a familiar and quite angered voice and before you knew it you were snatched from the strange student hands P-Peter..? You mumbled quietly opening your eyes waiting for the black shadows to disappear from your sight as you drunkly scanned his face, he was completely pale, his hair falling perfectly over his forehead while his jaw was clenched tightly, revealing the true meaning of a sharp jaw line. I have no justification for why but I did..and Im sorry.. your voice lowered its speed drastically by the time you finished your sentence do you know why I am disappointed? He said fatherly as you flickered your eyes at him Yes. You mumbled, tears chocking the back of your throat at you saw his searching gaze, Do you know how worried I was? Im part of this team. As soon as you and Peter made it to school grounds your hands intertwined together. After Peter lost everything when Doctor Strange's spell went wrong, he didn't think he had anything else to lose. Chapter summary: Friday comes around and here you are, all ready to go to your first party, but maybe It ends a bit differently than what you promised. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. You scanned his room, sure youve seen this room a few times but no it was a bit different. you supposed to make sure she isnt drinking! He yelled angered, you never heard him yelling before, it was strangely both scary and intriguing. ! Adam came next to you fascinated figure and swung his arm over your shoulder, pushing Peter away with his free arm Taking her home. Peter stated coldly and unintentionally reach for your hand, he feels his heart beat fastened and heat rushing through his body when he realizes that you and him intertwined your fingers together, he darted his eyes from your hand and looked at you worried but you had that hidden smile that made him fall harder. you felt your heartbeat fastening when he reached to move a stray hair behind your ear. You've been in here for a while." coming out of a keen city by isawet has a time-traveling Howard being an asshole to bb!Peter (Steve and Tony's adopted son), including physical abuse. Bucky moved from his seat and came next to your tensed body, placing his metal hand over your shoulder shooting you a small smile, to which you huffed. But the voice in your head kept calling the same thing. Squeezing yourself through them, desperately reaching to the open air and away from the many strange smells of the subway as much as you could. Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. peter parker is also a little angst filled gremlin. Making his way down the street, he pulled his web shooters and mask from his bag, slipping them on. You stopped just a bit before the exit, it felt like nerves were coming to attack your pitiful mind as you stared through the silver fence at the football field. A person with an ultimately, amazingly uncannily, famously, fantastic, set of abilities has been the hero the good city of New York has known and loved for the last two years. Maybe it was the way he slept all the time. Everythings fine..I dont know papa..I just did it. Yeah homework.. you could see right through his lies but if Ned was trying to lie to you into making you see Peter who are you to dismiss him, after all he has a good heart. A lot of judgmental and impressed looks were following you as you walked down the hall with your group of friends, that apologized more than hundred times for not being better friends and shit like that. this fix is taking much longer thats I though it would to right, I started writing this Cause it was three a.m I was bored and depressed, Anywho I gave peter so much trauma this is literally just his trauma dump, Peter Parker & Members of the Team (Young Justice), Peter Parker & Members of the Team (Bat Family), he's a fish out of water cos he goes :0 all the time, the sinister six have meetings so they dont disturb peter parker during classes, and peter parker is protective of them back, duck grayson and peter parker are a angst filled duo, peter and dick grayson are truamatized buddied, im adding a lot of truama for peter parker btw, kim dokja is not in this story but im adding him bcuz why tf not, peter parker has been kidnapped and tortured a lot, this is my first time writing dont judge me, It's going to hurt and you're going to like it, Assume that if we saw it happening to Bucky it also happened to Peter, Tony is the cause of his own problems and many others, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Bucky Barnes Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Doesn't Know Spider-Man's Identity, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Maybe (Prompt 31: Light at the End of the Tunnel), trying to learn how to cope without his hero, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Parenting Peter Parker | Supremefamily | Strange Family, Mysterio personally victimized me and everyone else, Never knew how putrid you'd smell when you fell (never knew I'd have to get to know it), Whumptober 2022 Because Nothing Feels Right, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange & Other(s), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), THERE IS LEGIT DEATH THIS TIME!!! Will desperation cause the Avengers to call upon the assistance of former HYDRA scientist, Dr. Eve Meldon? I-yeah..sure ok. You huffed and crossed your arms lazily as his eyes lit up with hope Whats the address? You shrugged and pulled out your phone, quickly typing away the address and sending it to one of your drivers. #steverogers His body ached. You ran through the halls of the large compound, following excitedly the smell of pancakes. I-Ill be right back.. you got ten minutes. Uh..y-es sir. He nodded quickly and exciting the car, closing the door behind him and taking a deep breath, Oh this is just..great.. Peter thought as he pushed his way through the crowd of alcoholic kids. He didnt. You rolled your eyes, scarily reminding your dad. Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. You are still grounded but Im lowering you to level 5.. And there you were sitting on your bed tightening your bandages over your ankle, you held a little laugh back trying to stay professional knowing that he was inside and all was needed was a simple word from you. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @all-fandomthings @tom-parkers-girl @sterolinelover13 @fiesty5sos @jilyloveswolfstar @floodinginstars @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw @spacequeenstuff @awesomefandomsunited @for-my-mind @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality @raised-by-fandoms @malumkilledme @katielbowen @skeletalwolfcat @smexylemony @blackpuppetplayer, Anything Tom Holland @unicorngummybear @thewondersofmysexuality @maroon-richie @tom-parkers-girl @embrace-themagic @saturn-aka-six @flowerchild8341 @pieceofhamiltrash @thgleslie @mooshoon. ( It's complicated, okay? Your wrists were cuffed together and your . But he couldn't have done anything, could he? #spoileralert #tonystark, Peter comes out without meaning to. The Spider didn't want a new Handler, but the Spider did not get a say. That pound to your ego definitely didnt help your Monday at any chance and seeing the time didnt do you no justice either. Peter is only six when he loses the last of his family. Is past my fingertips and Im wearing tights underneath you cut, detriment to show your responsibility I meant to say new. brought you some books he suddenly said, a stack of hard cover books appearing in his hands, you turned your head to him and thanked him sheepishly before your eyes flashed across a particular green book. School was..ok. The door didnt open itself. ! Everyone asked with a shocked tone, exapt for Wanda who just glared at the boy with disappointment. Stepping into the shower with pain lacing through his body, he turned the heat higher. He asked, his breath knocked away. three thirty am miss oh shit.. you muttered and ran your right hand through your greasy hair taking a few steps from the post drinking character in front of you, and how did I get here..? You asked worriedly You dad had picked you and Peter Parker from the Peter? No reason..really. Your eyes immediately softened at the sight of him, like the rest of the avengers, he was still in his pajamas, he had a Star Wars shirt with a silly pun that you have to admit you liked, and his gray sweatpants were hanging loosely slightly showing the brand of underwear he was wearing..not that you cared (yeah ok. You did. You turned to look at him a cheeky yet embarrassed look written on his face as he ran his hand through his brown hair, ask me what Parker? You teased and crossed your arms, leaning on one leg as he placed his hands in his pockets, he rolled his eyes rudely before he grunted under his breath could you like to help us a bit? You felt your heart beats fasting their pace but kept yourself, and even though your eyes were warm and happiness spread through your body, you were met with Peters stone cold ones. It happened to me. that he would never hurt her! Id give you that. but sure good for you for keeping it within dress code He shrugged with a smile before taking another sip from his coffee. One shots of my favorite superheroes. Quite was still occupy the room as the illusion of blood and dried tears was to leave your body. ? Your voice echoed in the silent room, your feet made their way around on the cold floor, a sudden noise brought your attention and your heart rattled as you turned to see Sam standing in the entrance, he leaned against the door frame a soft smile on his lips, you placed your hand on your chest shaking your head with a small huff, you noticed his staring at your injured leg and you were quick to hide it behind your left one. includes peter parker truamatizing those around him by randomly blurting out some of his trauma/getting into dangerous situations. He didn't expect what he saw. The songs changed repeatedly and you kept on dancing, maybe not so appropriate for a girl your age, and thats maybe why they were all intrigued. Girl it's 2020 why hate?" You ran down the stairs quickly holding onto the cold and rusty metal rail, eyes darting between your phone and the stairs. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. #nightmares What hurts?""I" Through the shame and the fear, he spoke. We pay him a visit. You know just to..clear things up. Natasha continued sending a glare to the billionaire. Peter is Spider-Man now. You pulled back from the kiss as he leaned his forehead over yours, you could see that he was a blushing mess. Behind the tinted window sat your dad, his brow raised as his eyes were shielded with a deep grin shades, he slowly lowered his glasses just to stare at you with suspicion Parker? W-what? You matter as he opened the door for you to climb in. The sun sneaked its way through a small opening in your window, it slowly kissed your face in a lousy attempt to wake you up but it was only the voice on the AI that forced your eyes to flutter open. And feel free to threaten the victim your friend smiled evilly, running his hands through his blond hair he shook all of his body before stomping outside. He was fighting an inner battle with himself. his hair was still messy, curls running freely some even falling over his eyes before he pushed them away. It'll all be better in the morning. The helpless shipper nodded hearing them out before smiling with a cheesy grin or valentines day her accent spoke, the thought of you and him at a valentine themed party your father was bound to have popping to her mind. Peters eyes widened in fearWhat? ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr @@sterolinelover13, @fiesty5sos @jilyloveswolfstar @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1, @purpstraw @spacequeenstuff @awesomefandomsunited @for-my-mind, @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @@colorbookshd @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality @abuckyrogersworld @cobra-anon, Summary: getting to see it differently now that y/n is grounded Stark style. he..um..h-he re-eached down my shirt an what? Tony started moving towards the bed Bruce was standing next to, carefully laying Peter down but Peter felt fire go up his backside. When was I ever you made Steve give you his shield so you could eat cereal in it. You were cut by your Dad and you smiled proudly Thats not mean. You.. Sir.. Peter corrected, suddenly feeling his breath hitching in his neck shrugged and pulled out phone. 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