Janet, Why is it that none of you get this until it is a human problem and then you still dont get that the dog isnt a human. I cant fathom the fact that the dogs are more important than me! Gross I know. She is wrong to suggest someone who isnt capable of living on his own have a pet to help him. I have been in love with the same woman for over 15 years but my fear is she will leave me because of our difference of opinion with her dog sleeping in our bed. When they aggressively beg and whine for food and its talking. We once hired a dog-sitter who said shed never sit for them again because their list of needs is so extensive. It literally drives me to resentment. At one point my partner said his would have to go as our relationship is more important, I didnt feel too good about it as I know my partner loves her, then he waited hoping that I would change my mind, then he said how would I feel if he felt like that towards my dog and recently he has started picking him, possibly tit for tat or to prove a point. In my whole life I have met 2 or 3 people who are pet owners (very responsible ) but do not let the pets on furniture and can distinguish between a person and a pet. No amount of combing or baths on one of our hairy dogs can help her stinking or shedding. When I come home and open the door it smells so horrible that Ive thrown up a couple times from it. I learned a lot from my last doggy relationship and its a blessing that it ended because I wouldnt like to live like that. I cant even put the dog in a crate. Everyone loves him and he is the most loveable,obedient dog ever. Then my partner came into my life. its her baby and thats how theyve always been. Then I tell myselffreak! I lived on a lake and I got to the point that I said to myself, If the dog and I were drowning, who would he save? I told myself , the dog. No matter how many times I bring it up. I didnt really have a choice. And most of them are not willing to put in the effort it takes to train, walk, and mentally stimulate them. She can be a pain in the butt eating loans of bread she sneaks out of our pantry or gets in the yeah if a kid left the garage door open. We get to the room where we meet the dog. My family always let the dogs stay inside. When youre old, your spouse will be there by your side taking care of you. When we were dating the cat lived at home with him. relationships. My boyfriend has a 5 year old Great Dane and will never own another breed. So, we had a rescue about 3 years old and now a puppy. Look the dog fanatics are crazed control freaks who cannot exist with ordinary people and use the dogs, who cannot talk back, to affirm their need for adoration and control. Remove the dog from your house. . He is so impulsive when he eats and throws up his food then eats it up again! The thing is we were supposed to be moving in together when he took her on. Its the easy way out. It is ridiculous. In fact, You will receive an abundance of complaints from the neighbors about your dogs loudness. We will do things for our own wellbeing and leave others out of the equation. Perhaps its time to move on in your life. Oh, and I am laughing at the person being angry about your dogs I do feel for you being unable to have children. They prefer their relationship with their dogs because they can control that better than a human one. Just like it would be a mistake to get involved with someone with children who hates hates hates children. Hi Logan, I am living the same situation with my bf. So my bf decided that Fido would continue sleeping in the bed, against my wishes. We have been together 8 years and married for 6. It started to get to the point of me doing most the dog duties. Cookie Notice I have been thinking about training (his dogs are a little older), but I know you have to set boundaries, but I think that is not going to happen. If your dog is habituated to barking all over the day, this can be the reason why does your husband/boyfriend needs to rehome the dog. I have a dog as well, and like you, I hate having fur everywhere. We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! i cannot be in this relationship , its really hard. My husband knows better than to bring home another dog. She could have gotten any other breed but it HAD TO be a bulldog! I dont understand!!!! I believe shes jealous but he doesnt seem to see it. So we tried a spray to make the couch taste bad so she wouldnt do it again. Would you be better to give him your ultimate sacrifice and find him a happy home to live the rest of his life? That cant happenhe wants me to belive this lie. Like at dinner we have had so many arguments because he wants me to make the dog a plate, at his parents house the dog eats first, literally,,, then people can eat. I think he wants to find some other type of compromise that allows him to keep the dog in the bedroom, but I refuse to budge on this aspect. Every time we think she is taking a step forward, she takes 10 steps back. The owners (in this case it s your boyfriends, girlfriends ) do not know how to train a dog ! I hate how they get into things and chew things up. Even after surgeries I have had, he has refused to take the dog out and I would have to with me barely able to move. She feels that I should be taking care of her pet since it is part of her life. A muzzle doesnt help either, because my wife hates the stigma attached to dogs with a muzzle on, and she wants people to know what a loveable creature that piece of s*** is. I had gotten to the point I use to say, if the two of us were drowning, who would my spouse save? On top of that you have sent the message that a dog, an animal, is more important than him, which is selfish and inconsiderate. I live animals. That way you can still have somewhat of a relationship with him. Johnston, S. (n.d.). Even when I came home from grocery shopping, he would already try to steal items out of my grocer bags!! me too with my dog. You, and those like you, anthropomorphize human feelings onto dogs. They arent a child, are they? I have never felt that way about any animal before, but she is just terrible. Luckily, for the past months has hasnt mentioned too much about them and things are going better between us thankfully. If your dog has an awful habit of biting people, especially on your kids, the husband may become furious at the dog and resulting in attempting to rehome or get rid of the dog. Agatha First off your story doesnt make any sense. I am not going to say I dont know what to do, because I do, we both need to sit down and resolve this, the outcome is never easy, and that is why it takes us so long to do something about it. And right again about when they die shell get more because she will have wasted her life on animals and have no idea how to connect w a human nor understand them. Finally I was able to get a good night sleep without those dogs jumping on and off the bed, and dirty smell everywhere. I dont let the dogs sleep with us and they both have their own spaces in the house where they sleep, and where they are allowed to be during the day as well, but ever since we got the puppy my 10 year old yorkie is waking us both up barking at 3AM, 4AM, 5AM to eat. Dogs are supposed to bring pleasure; these four-legged gods bring fights, stress, and anxiety. BK you guys have the absolute correct vision of how things should be with a pet. I live in FL.I see diffrent varieties of dogs over here. I dont think thats an unfair and unreasonable request considering all that I would be giving up to be with him. I actually love them but never, ever thought that a dog would be treated with such reverence and respect than myself or that every material thing I earned would be destroyed with no acknowledgement by my significant other. This is real, hard, continuous effort and I believe that this is why some people give up on their human relationship and turn their efforts and affections towards animals. Pet lovers, this is not how to make your non pet-loving spouse become an animal person. It will not only result in a better behaved dog if you are consistent with training, but he will also have the opportunity to bond with the dog.As for the smell, agree that you will bathe the dog on a consistent basis (but not too often), and agree to restrict where the dog can be (kitchen,on your bed, living room). Going to dog training as a couple (although the dog owner should pay for it, lol) is a priceless experience and will change your life. However I HATE HATE HATE fur! I attempt to talk to him but he says I must not care enough about him since I dont want to take care of them. If he had told me from the off Id have understood but I feel that he has lied to me and mislead me for 8 years, and only now that my dream of owning a dog had almost come true, as silly as it may seem, has he told me it wont happen. Instead, I set up a crate and dog bed in the walk in closet. I dont believe in giving boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives ultimatums. I have always generally preferred animals to people, and I made all of this clear to my husband before we got married. He knows I cant stand and absolutely One time she pooped on my daughters bed near her pillow. As a Lab, hair is everywhere to the point it can look like snow drifts across your floor even after cleaning the house the previous day. Chat with your veterinarian looking for the possibility of making claws shorter and putting plastic claws. When he got his pup thats where mostly all his focus went. Also this puppy is a Pitbull and my partner knows Im scared of these types of dogs. But Im not. He just took her in and expected me to be on board. Really his anger and frustration did not match the act. Well, its been a few weeks now and his ass hasnt calmed down. Reading these stories makes me want to buy all of you drinks for what youre dealing with. Only a heartless person can get rid of the dog in such a situation. 12. We also want to have a family, but I dont want my future children to grow up in an unsanitary place :( What do I do? You dont have to hate animals to hate your significant others pet. Never begged, never up on furniture, never needy. My brother-in-law once said, "My wife's priorities are: 1. Please treat them as such. The dog is aggressive towards other pets in the house and other dogs and small creatures in the outside world. I mean, dogs shed. And thats the rub. It is not her fault she smells terrible and sheds like a beast but this will go on for her entire life of course. Hope you make a wise decision & whichever path you choose leads you to happiness. You may not even realize how much the dog has overtaken your thoughts and your life, and if you and bf dont live together, that is even less time that he is getting with you. When I think about it that I can no longer invite any friends/family over because of his 2 dogs, that is INSANE! Their minds arent wired that way! I dunno how because she was never bathed her entire life or brushed before we began living together. Im sticking to my guns. He was darn right nasty to her most times. Sorry, my English is not good. He also lets get do whatever the hell she wants and rewards her for bad behavior, leaving it up to me to discipline her when she does something wrong. My SO doesnt want her outside and cant manage to find the time to train her. Its time for you to put your foot down with you bf. Instead, it is all about the dogs. That so many people out there are prioritizing the needs/wants of their DOG over a real-live human? I have tried about everything possible and still tonight he says hes not getting rid of the dog. If you love each other you find a way of adapting whilst keeping in mind the comfort of your boyfriend as well, but there is only so much you can do and someone who is completely opposed to the idea is never going to work. Thank you so much for writing back. I too will stay away from pet owners if it comes to that point again. When he does try he acts sad the whole time like Im mean and hes done a mean thing to her. That may be an argument that breaks you up so be ready for that talk. Its not that I dont like animals, but I have no desire of them to be in my house and definitely not in my bed. How does a person get to the point where they are more affectionate toward an animal then their spouse. . You can still love the crap out of your dogs and maintain a respectful dog owner relationship. All I am asking for is to sleep without a dog in my room. My boyfriend was around for the last year and a half of my first dog and during the entire life of my second dog. Husband told me years ago about his best friend (human) that I would be gone before his friend, as I didnt want his friend in my house. Pets are for life, or at least they should be. His dog will lick and lick me which makes me cringe as I ahte the smell of woof woof. The kids, 3. It wasnt a matter of loving an animal, it was that he made me feel he was in love with the dog and it broke my heart over and over again. So, you will need to attend the dog doggy socialization class. It is causing me great inner turmoil and I would never ask him to give the dog away. All our money is shared; the house is in his name, so are all the cars, and whenever I try to save some money aside in case I have to leave and take the dogs with me, he throws a tantrum and guilts me till I submit. She does not listen very much at all. Dump him and move on to someone who will think the world of you. I was also in a new relationship and did not want to throw the towel in yet, and he told me he was open to having me help train the dog. She is not allowed in most of the areas of the house, namely the bedrooms or the main area of the living room. My boyfriend cant stand me saying anything either..TODAY the freakin thing jumped up on my rocking chair & it was rubbing itself all over it. I have never felt so upset towards an animal. I limit the amount of time that I see one of my dear friends because I leave her home covered in animal fur. I do like her but her constant neediness and his inability to change anything about it is upsetting me so much. The dog is the sweetest, smartest dog Ive ever had. However, as soon as we married and moved in together everything changed. More and more lately if I move him somewhere he doesnt want to go. (chihuahuas) those dogs are little demons that got sent to earth. He knew from the very beginning that I had several animals. My partner and I have been living together for a year now. Anyone who keeps a dog after its attacked a child is mentally deficient. I must also say we dont live together. Peeing in the bed and around the house? We have hair and slobber everywhere in our home that I wind up cleaning on a daily basis and I still absolutely adore this dog. Id put her ass outside in a heated doghouse. Hes had this dog for six years prior to me, so shes been with him for a long time. I had pets all my life. The thought of it was hurting our relationship until it ultimately ended. On top of that, as of recent he has woken us up back to back like a baby in the middle of the night! The worst part is, I cant hug or kiss her without this dog jumping between us and licking her face, which then totally turns me off! Not a word to me. It isnt about the dog, it is about them being irresponsible. I would rather see the dog go to another home. You cant change him but you can change yourself. She also has a this high pitched bark that she does when shes in her kennel at night because she wants to get out. The cause of the sore is unknown to us but I a wondering if her contact with the dogs might be something to consider. I have told him that is her safety zone and she will come out when she needs to go out, you cant force her. When getting a pet it should be with the intention of it having a forever home. People prefer animals because there is very little emotional work that goes into that relationship and its usually easy to earn an animals affection. My situation felt so nuts, I felt as though I was going insane to the point I sought counseling because I loved my DH. He wasnt over the moon about my dog but he grew to tolerate and even help out if I would be home late from work or out for the day. Well tonight I was getting in the bed and she was in my spot so I told her to move over, he told me that was her spot and he would rather me sleep on the couch so they could have the bed!!! Its absurd. If you still cannot someone, its better to interview several people and give the dog to someone you totally believe and feel comfortable with. You will NEVER come first. Anyhow, we moved to a house where I agreed to keep my dog in his own section of the house in the kitchen/laundry room so if he were to have an accident, which infuriates my husband, then it wouldnt be hard to clean up. I will however ask my partner to compromise and find some middle ground if we dont see eye-to-eye. I was sleeping with a girlfriend (as in literally sleeping) and the dog was in bed. He makes my life miserable every time he calls he stupid or stupid fn dog. It doesnt matter how strongly your spouse clings to this decision. Her hair gets e v e r y w h e r e. At night we are forced to put her in the kitchen because she crawls up on the couch while we are sleeping, and its obvious because the couch is covered in fur. I dont know what to do. I give her a command ( Ive spent hundreds of hours training) and she still resists and gets this look on her face like Ive done the worst thing in the world to her that also goes for asking her to go outside. So, my girlfriend and I have been together for four years. The next day she started cowering a lot, like we abuse her. Anyway she left last nite and was angry about the way I answered her about some thing. Why in an apartment (AND WHY WITH SMALL CHILDREN???). I still love my husband and know after his furry lover dies, no other dog will be brought into our home or the animal will be granted human status. He wants her on the couch all the time even though she is always peeing on herself and dirty. A significant relationship with another human or a lesser, much lesser relationship with an animal. My SO has a dog. Gah, I cant wait till she dies. And then the begging by the table and petting them while we are eating and letting them lick the plats. (She needs constant baths due to this) it really grosses me out. Me and my boyfriend have been living together for a year. Nails hitting the hardwood floor?? It was confused, anxious, and in pain. The breeder offered a replacement, so that was fine- instead- against my wishes, he comes home with TWO pups, refuses to take one back, he and son beg me to let both stay, we go to training classes, but my husband will not use the tools of hhe class to train at home- it fell on me; with TWO pups to train, because i am not as cold harded as my family thinks i am, i bust my butt trying to train and house break TWO pups now, only to have my Husband undermind my hardwork and ignore their disobedience, and worse- praise and cuddle the cuteness when they mess up. I just assumed it was a bit like were not getting a cat (weve got a rescued stray cat and he adores her) and I dont want a pet lizard and now weve had a female bearded dragon for 7 years that he absolutely dotes on. It has been a big adjustment for me and I am trying my hardest but he feels I am unfair to the dog with the attention I give him vs my 2 year old cat I have had since a kitten. He has been good with many things we have compromised. A never-ending saga of stupid gross events. I absolutely do. People who defend the animal to the bitter end kill me. I hope he decides to respect you and comprise. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Any comment will help. Yes I agree by going to another room she chose him over you. Why would that look cool? She would say shes going to adhere to boundaries so we could all live in harmony but would go against that shortly afterwards so we would always butt heads because she would never keep her word. My pup does chew but not on her things like she use to do. My husband and I also have a 2 year old son. I sit there trying to enjoy dinner while watching her dog on the couch hovering over her plate! Second is that your facts arent actual facts. Its causing me anxiety when ever I come home. Leaving my work, school, friends, and family behind to follow him and his new job in Texas. This is the 5th time its happened and I dont want to live with this dog anymore. He will agree to keep the dog with you by following the right tactics. Talking, begging, thumping tails, jumping around in excitement). We are expecting our first child in a matter of days to weeks and I dont want to have to be running around worrying about what his dog is getting into now. I told her once I leave I will have sorrow the marriage didnt make it, but will probably find relief to have the yoke of that dog taken from around my neck. He said that I will always come before the dog and that he will try to make this work. Maybe they should do the same to pet lovers. Then in October she said that she would put in an effort to get him a new homeover five months later she has done nothing to find the dog a new home. He never ever listens and never obeys! She follows everyone around wanting attention and could use better training. Hi Elena! If your significant other is so inconsiderate that they tolerate an out of control dog, so rude that no one can have fun when the dog is around, then that is a character flaw of that person. Its my philosophy that if you cant spend at least five minutes a day with your pet then its time you dont have one! I dont understand why she even has him if she doesnt want to do anything with him. Yes, large breed dogs have the odor characteristic to deal with. Tying the damn creature to a pole doesnt help, because the stupid creature keeps trying to kill itself on the leash as it tries to struggle out of it. Great inner turmoil and I have tried about everything possible and still tonight he hes... So many people out there are prioritizing the needs/wants of their dog over a real-live human it matter... Impulsive when he got his pup thats where mostly all his focus went literally sleeping and... 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