After this talk, Mr. Gold guides her into casting a protection spell by explaining that magic is not an intellectual endeavor, but an emotion one. When Emma mentions her knack for finding people by trying to decipher their stories, Henry realizes the storybook can tell them how Clorinda's story was supposed to end, and this will reveal Ashley's location. Hurt by his choice of words, Emma grabs her bag of belongings and storms out the back door to the bus stop, where Lily finds her. As a grieving Emma cradles Neal, he returns her swan necklace, insisting she and Henry can find happiness without him and he will watch over them. Ultimately, she lies to Mr. Gold; reporting that his son escaped. With a powerful being from Rumple and Regina's past ready to collect on an old debt, it's up to the savior and the queen to not only fight for each other, but the entire town. At Robin's funeral, after everyone has left, Emma prepares to say goodbye to him alone when Hook unexpectedly returns. He heeds that the map will only work when she stops denying her true self. I'll call you back as soon as I can. She then uses Excalibur to bind Hook's life to it and he disappears from the field. What could happen? With a hint of mirth in his voice, he assumes when Neal finds out Tamara is evil, his father and Emma will get back together. Mary Mary Margaret begs her not to take the same path that led to Cora's death and they can't build a future on Regina's blood. ("The Black Fairy"), Under the Black Fairy's Dark Curse, Emma believes herself to be a patient at Storybrooke's mental ward for two years now as she recovers from believing in Henry's fairytale delusions. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), Hearing Henry summon her, Emma magically appears at the dock, where she warmly greets him and moves to touch his hand, but he pulls away. Emma encourages him not compromise himself for the sake of someone else and then laments about her own future death by remarking she won't always be there to mother him like she can now. He apologizes for his mistake, something Henry helped him see, and they have since thrown away the shears for good. While waiting in the pawnshop, Mary Margaret relates to Emma how difficult it was to give her up when the curse hit, and her constant struggles about the different life they could've had if that path wasn't taken. "Emma, you are indeed pregnant, about one month. He begins crushing Hook's heart, but an angry Belle compels him to stop with the real dagger. "Yeah, I'm fine, um Mary Margret can you give us a minute." Taking the advice that Liam gave him, Hook thanks Emma for coming to rescue him, and that perhaps he is worth saving after all. Back at the hospital, John Doe's wife, Kathryn Nolan, rushes to reunite with her husband, whose real name is David Nolan. They hurry onto the Jolly Roger in time to place the heart back in Henry as he gasps to life. Before leaving, Emma asks for Henry's trust until she can tell him everything. They finally reach the trailer, but August is not inside. She hides dark coils of her magic inside the box containing the flame, which traps Zelena against a tree after the box is opened. An adamant Mr. Gold breaks into his son's apartment where Emma sees the dream catcher, which Neal kept from their years together. Os personagens no so os da floresta encantada. Emma and David discover a frozen kitchen, but while they are distracted, Will steals money from the cash register and flees. After Emma admits the details of her vision, she also reveals her suspicions that Regina is the hooded figure who will kill her. This is a collection of little stories of all the wonderful things that happen during the pregnancy. Please read the tags. A few days later, Henry and Emma are having breakfast in their New York apartment. She and Hook spend time on the farm, where she takes Archie's advice and asks Hook to move in with her. Inside the shop, she is instructed by Mr. Gold to take out a piece of invisible chalk from a jar and draw a protection line at the door. Additionally, he accuses Emma of bestowing Henry with the same feelings. Before they can leave, Ursula stops them, as August is the only way to find the Author and restore her happiness, until she unexpectedly regains her lost singing voice from her father and decides to go home with him. Phoebe Jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system, moving from home to home. The women argue over the issue until Emma's anger is tapped into, and she unintentionally lights a fire on the wood. Annoyed at his secrets, she tells him off; believing it should be her responsibility alone to protect Henry. Emma expresses concern about Henry's attitude towards Hook and Hook reminds her that he's nearly grown, leading her to understand that he'll be leaving soon. Realizing she can provide the needed tear, Regina uses the dreamcatcher to relive the memory of Cora killing Daniel, which gives Emma insight into the latter's painful past. Arthur comes to check on their progress, and from Mary Margaret's suggestion about finding a method to talk to Merlin, Regina pinpoints a toadstool called the Crimson Crown that can communicate through magical barriers. Anton spots Emma and rushes off to greet her with a warm embrace. She goes back to check up on Neal and is surprised to hear Henry has agreed to move to New York. I pushed as hard as I could. ("Where Bluebirds Fly"), At the pawnshop, Emma watches Mr. Gold use an unhatched dragon egg to awaken Mother Superior. With Mr. Gold's demise approaching, the Apprentice removes the darkness from his heart and stores it in the Sorcerer's hat, but it breaks free and attacks him. Not wanting the dream's end to come true, Emma protests when Snow insists on going with her, but she is unable to keep her from coming. She compliments Regina for allowing Robin Hood to leave Storybrooke in order to save Marian's life. When he swears that his love for her will remain no matter what she did in Camelot, Emma takes him to her house. ("Smash the Mirror"), In the clock tower, Emma and her allies witness the cloud formation of Ingrid's spell, which will take effect by sundown. Unknown to Emma, during this conversation, his speaking actions are under Mr. Gold's control. They bring Mr. Gold up to the apartment room while Emma locks Hook in the storage room. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. Sometimes, Bilbo finds, not everything goes according to plan. The two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret is acquainted with. Instead, Merida offers to give her the wisp after she is done with it at the Hill of Stones. Noticing a wall opening, Emma explores inside and startles a woman, Elsa, who created the blockade. Before this, she says goodbye to all her loved ones. 88 pages Completed April 16, 2021 Meesha Patricia. Now hurry." "David!" David and Hook return, reporting that Little John turned into a flying monkey, as they conclude that the Wicked Witch of the West cast the new curse. Killian was allowed to cut the umbilical cord. As they wait for the plane to take off, Emma reassures him that it is going to be okay and they will find his son. "Dad." David finds a white cloth, which is Regina's and they rush off to rescue her. She tries to charm him into staying, but Hook leaves. Like in the dream, the trio seek cover from it, but the storm is gone in the next instant, leaving a monster in its wake. John's pretty sure his insurance won't cover that. They make it to the town dock, and Emma is helped by her parents to take Mr. Gold to his shop while Ruby watches over Henry. They learn from Regina, who briefly possesses Mary Margaret's body, that Mr. Gold is back and he's reverted Pinocchio into August in order to interrogate him about the Author. Swan Queen. Continuing to be stand-offish with her parents, Emma then introduces Maleficent to Lily. Recuperating in the diner, Mary Margaret tells Emma about the person she once was in the Enchanted Forest, someone who took risks even when she was afraid. The two reach the town square, where Emma reunites with her parents, Hook, Regina, and Zelena. Emma awakens, startled from her dream, just as the boat arrives in the Underworld, whose town mirrors Storybrooke. From Henry, she learns the others haven't come back yet, to which she realizes something must've happened to them. Before she goes into the room, she instructs Henry to keep on guard, and to let her know when someone is coming by kicking the door. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), While the group treads through the jungle upwards to a cliff ridge, Emma awkwardly dodges Mary Margaret's attempt at getting closer to her. After Emma returns Merida's heart, Mr. Gold successfully pulls out Excalibur and tosses it at Emma's feet. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In a stark contrast, while she has the love of her parents and even Hook and Neal, Regina has only ever had Henry. Suddenly, Henry rushes in to lead them to the mansion's secret room containing blank storybooks. David, Hook and Neal arrive back with the wand, courtesy of a restored Mother Superior, and Mr. Gold uses it to transfer Henry's spirit back into his original body. While David fires ammunition to scare off the mermaids, Emma works with Mary Margaret to catch one of the sea creatures on a fishing line, and Regina uses fire magic to force the remaining school of mermaids into fleeing. Regina uses Henry's blood to locate Mr. Gold, which fails because Mr. Gold has disabled magic. They are accosted by Pan as he steals back the scroll and freezes them in place. Emma, having an epiphany from watching her mother die, realizes Henry brought her to Storybrooke to find her family. Hoping to amend what she did to Violet six weeks ago in Camelot, Emma purposely releases the girl's horse, Nicodemus, so Henry can find it and earn Violet's admiration. When Regina finds out that child was hers too, she turns to Emma for comfort. In the yellow bug, Emma sits beside Hook as she watches him put on his new deputy badge, and after Hook puts the flashing siren on top of the car, Emma answers the radio before driving down the street. Emma, insisting she should be nearby if something goes wrong, follows Maleficent and Regina as they head to an unknown location. (Tags will be updated with the story. Ruins of Camelot. Regina's pregnant. ("Fall"), When Anna recalls the epilogue of The Trolden Glass, in which the king's spell of shattered sight only ended when he was killed, they realize the same must be done to Ingrid. From speaking with Sean's father, she learns about Ashley's adoption contract with Mr. Gold. seems to change and speed up there relationship. "Killian, um hi, what are you doing here? Unable to best Emma, Hook reveals his true identity as a shocked Mary Margaret pulls his hook out of his satchel. All three attempt to dissuade him from the sacrifice, but through Pan's manipulations, Henry chooses to give up his heart. Emma listens from the sidelines as Mary Margaret reacts in shock and slaps Marco. The episode serves as the first part of a 2-episode airing night that were unrelated, with the second part being "The Bear King". Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. After Mr. Gold teleports off the ship, Emma retreats below deck, where she is doing pull-ups, when Hook interrupts to give her an old sword that used to belong to Neal when he was a boy. Faced with the Chernabog, Emma and Regina stun it with magic. Mr. Gold busts the women's plan and reveals he only needed Regina's hair as a link to Zelena in the other realm, where Belle is also trapped. Regina, hoping to get to the bottom of the issue, uses the dagger to make her confess why she is afraid. Set two years in the future, Mary Margaret and Emma find themselves pregnant at the same time. This is pure smut written in Libra15s YMK universe! Before the blonde can track him down, Maleficent switches sides, no longer trusting Mr. Gold since he only wanted the Author for his own interests. David and Hook procured only one bean, but it's enough. For six mediocre seasons - and a few episodes in the seventh and truly unbearable final season - Jennifer Morrison starred as Emma Swan, the protagonist of the wishy washy ABC fantasy soap, Once Upon A Time. A call from Belle notifies Emma of the origin of Neal's mark from a key to the vault of the Dark One that he must have used to resurrect Mr. Gold. I nodded my head. I ran to answer it. ("A Tale of Two Sisters"), During a night at the apartment, Emma sees Henry packing a basket of goodies for Regina. She greets him with a kiss when he walks through the front door and notices he has been drinking rum. As a trade, Pan lives, but Henry will die. To help dilute Snow and David's joint curse in the hopes of breaking it, she is one of the many people to ingest a liquid form of the curse. Emma hopes with Mary Margaret's help, Henry will eventually see fairytales are not real. The doctor told me that I was ready to push, but I couldn't I needed to wait for Killian. She then goes to her car that is hidden in a tunnel, where she approaches Merida, who is tied to the front of the vehicle. Emma speaks to Mr. Gold about the note in his old cell and accuses him of pulling strings in her life from the very beginning. Emma asks for a message to be delivered to Henry, reminding Devin that he once had a home and family but stopped believing return was possible, while promising to help him leave the island. David and Arthur leave for the quest, and though they return empty-handed, they build a bond from having gone on the adventure together. Mother Superior, on cue, attempts to freeze Regina, but she catches the dust in midair and tosses it aside. While they made hot chocolate, Emma kept popping marshmellows into her mouth and leaving their supply low for Regina as well. Emma encourages him to go to Jasmine and tell her the truth, which he does. There is a close-up of Emma's eye after she wakes up from the car crash. Zelena denies the accusations, and Regina later learns the Evil Queen is actually the culprit. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. While Graham calls an ambulance, Mary Margaret gives John Doe mouth to mouth resuscitation. Annoyed, Emma fires her gun into the air, attracting an ogre. Choreographing a meeting between the future couple, Emma distracts past Hook while future Hook boards the Jolly Roger to convince Snow White to steal Prince Charming's ring from King Midas' castle. Emma disagrees, telling him that some people are beyond help if they can't let go of their grudges. Since Gideon cannot reveal anything without the Black Fairy hurting him, Mr. Gold takes him to the dream world, where he also brings Emma to in order to keep her from going after the Black Fairy until he can find his son's heart. Additionally, Gerda requests that Ingrid be freed from the urn and states she truly loved her sister and regretted trapping her away. Or maybe a nightmare. "Ruby, my phone is downstairs go call Killian, if he doesn't answer then call my mom." She takes Henry's advice and checks into an inn for a week. Mary Margaret reassures that after everything she and David went through to be reunited with her, its never too late for anything. After a long day, they go home. The only clue that Emma had her parents knew anything at all was when it came time for them to head back to their own loft. Mary Margret put her hand on my shoulder, kissed me on the cheek, put Neal in my arms, and walked into the room. They observe an amnesiac and frightened Belle who crossed the town line, a run-over Hook with multiple cracked ribs and a passed out stranger in the crashed car. As the Apprentice enacts the spell on the egg, he reveals infusing darkness in it puts this land at risk, so it must go to another world. She leaves in disgust. Hercules, with Mary Margaret's persuasion, attempts to face Cerberus, only to run back to his party after getting frightened. Pan threatens two things will happen by his endgame; that Henry will never want to leave the island, and Emma herself won't just feel like an orphan, but also be one. He hopes to impress Violet's father with his skills, but they convince him not to change, with both Regina and Emma exemplifying how each of their first loves didn't try to be anything but themselves. After Robin and Henry are sent to get it from the mayor's office, Emma discovers blood and follows it, but instead of Killian, she finds Hades' escaped prisoner Megara. I then shouted, he looked back, "Slow down, you are driving way too fast." ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), At the apartment, while Emma and Regina are debating how they should proceed since finding out about the door illustration, Henry alerts them to August's depleting condition. The interrogation stops only after Hook pulls the dagger out of Regina's hands, to which Emma snatches the dagger and ember, storming off into the woods. With that, her magic is restored and a portal is opened. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. Emma, while sitting in car as David drives, bemoans her failure to comfort Henry about Regina's note. She goes to check up on Hook, but then traps him. She discovers Mr. Gold used magic on Excalibur prior to giving it to her, in order to regain his Dark One powers after Hook's death. Every night when Regina falls asleep she sees a door with Emma's name on it, she opens it and sees Emma's life, from the moment she is left on the side of the road, she becomes her imaginary friend. But what she didn't know was that Emma wasn't too far from the loft. At the last minute, Emma surprisingly constructs a makeshift landing out of the bridge planks to save herself; proving just how much power she has since Regina had only wanted her to simply retie the cut rope. Snow suggests the diner, which David believes is too small for a princess like Emma, to which Snow offers the town hall instead. To gain his trust, Emma pretends to sympathize by declaring that she thinks Mary Margaret is her own mother. Taking matters into her own hands, she picks up Henry for a drive in her car, but is actually leaving town with him. She pauses to confess that he can't know the whole truth until she's fulfilled her mission, otherwise, he'll try to stop her. A tired Emma rests in Hook's arms, but later accompanies Elsa to the town line. She drives him to the Storybrooke welcome sign, which she crashed into during her first night in town, as an example of her own attempt to run away from her Savior duties. To rescue Neal, each of them need to reveal one of their deepest, guarded secrets. Will instructs them to look in the backroom for proof of his claims. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. Before Emma can stop her, Nimue walks through Henry's body, leaving him shaken. Before doing so, Emma takes Mulan aside to task her with cutting down the beanstalk if she and Hook are not back in ten hours time and make sure Mary Margaret gets home. Emma doesn't believe anyone is willing to go through with such a risky plan, but Archie persuades her it's the right thing to do and manages to rally everyone else in agreement. Mr. Gold convinces them to abandon the plan in favor of his own idea, in which he'll use the aura of a deceased person to sneak both himself and Emma to Hades' lair. It is mostly fluff with the possibility of sexy times in the future. Emma, David and Mary Margaret rush to check on Regina where they learn Zelena attempted to take her heart, but failed since it's hidden elsewhere. Emma defends Merlin from an attacking Nimue, but soon, she finds herself unwillingly choking the sorcerer, as Nimue eggs on her. I am hope. The girl barely manages to mentions Hook when a hellhound, Cerberus, approaches them, prompting Emma to teleport all three of them to the Underworld version of her parents' apartment. 15 months later she knocks on the door to the Swan apartment only to see that things arent quite as she had dared hope they would be. Later, Neal alludes to how he met Hook in another world. As a final warning, Regina dissuades her from interfering in Graham's life and sending him down the wrong path. While Hook gathers intel from Ursula, the others head to a cabin to rescue August. With good prognosis reports about Emma from Dr. Hopper, Fiona believes she is mentally fit to be released from the ward soon, however, she suggests that Emma help Henry move on from delusions by burning the fairytale book. In the middle of all this, Henry wants to know about his real father. "I called Killian and your mom, but there was no answer for either of them and you didn't give a third person to call so I called your dad." With the Dragon's help, Emma and the others are able to see their families in the other realm, but unable to open a portal. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. Even so, Emma is upset they still made the choice and lied to her about it, although Mary Margaret insist they changed and tried to become the parents she deserves. There, Emma pops the question to Hook, and he agrees to their first date. Archie suggests that, instead of living in constant fear of bad things happening, she should live happily in the moment. Soon, Emma investigates another missing resident, Little John, who was kidnapped by a winged beast, so she sends David, Hook, and the Merry Men to look for him. ("Birth"), As retribution for her lies, Hook steals some of Emma's memories to keep her from remembering what his ultimate goal in Storybrooke is, before allowing Zelena to put the cuff on her. Emma alleges a wolf in the middle of the road distracted her, though he bets she was drunk on Regina's apple cider. Emma returns the remaining squid ink to Mr. Gold, asking him to paralyze Hook with it during the duel, so she can retrieve the dreamcatchers, but Mr. Gold refuses, wanting to win with honor instead of magic. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after final battle has been won, Emma and Regina walk Henry to the school bus stop, with each of them saying goodbye to him before they both watch him head off. During Mary Margaret's attempt to reach Henry in the Netherworld, she awakens to tell Emma that David put himself under the Sleeping Curse to tell them they need squid ink to defeat Cora. Before he can take it to her, a bird carrying a message from Regina arrives. Too hurt by her lies, Emma walks away, rubbing off the star on her wrist, and ignores Lily as she repeatedly calls after her. Emma professes she is willing to do whatever it takes to get Henry back, but Mr. Gold still doesn't believe her, stating that she will always need someone to show her the way. Emma dies but is revived with the power of Henry's kiss of true love. Prince Charming | David Nolan. Emma has been very careful not to reveal who she is, and she is around Regina an awful lot". I saw her phone sitting on the counter, I grabbed it and started dialing Killian's number. She borrows Henry's book and turns to a section showing a photo of the Mad Hatter and his daughter. "She wouldn't let me in." He handed me a cup and I walked into the bathroom terrified. Successfully, they reenter Storybrooke from within the wishing well. The two leave to begin making the travel to Storybrooke. I will do what all saviors must, I will give hope. Together, they discover Regina is keeping quite a few secrets, such as embezzlement of fifty thousand dollars from the treasury and land she bought from Mr. Gold to build a house in the woods. I saw Mary Margret run in carrying Neal in her arms. One day, she and the other children watch as a little girl, Cecilia, leaves in a car for a new home after being adopted by a couple. Emma, discovering Elsa is gone, searches and runs into Regina, who is tracking the Snow Queen. Emma decides to cut him free. Seeing the darkness seize Regina and with the rest of the town at risk, Emma decides she must let it take her instead. Later, Emma joins up with Mr. Gold, who speedily introduces her to Milah, his ex-wife, as well as Neal's mother and Hook's ex-lover. Again, she presses Mary Margaret to not get mixed up with him. I walked in the room; Dr. Whale sat in a chair and I sat on the bed "so Emma, I'm going to need to ask you a couple questions before you go into the bathroom." Zelena publicly reveals herself as Regina's half-sister and forces her sibling into a showdown on Main Street after sundown. We sat in silence; I had no idea what to think other than her father's going to kill her. Then, he leads them to a giant beanstalk stretching up into the sky, and explains there is an enchanted compass at the top, but first they must deal with the giant guarding it. They reach a cavern known as an Echo Caves where Hook relates his prior experience with the place. A fired arrow from Little John agitates the beast, to which Emma uses magic to aim an energy ball. They reach a farmhouse and deduct that someone is living in it. In the present, Emma rushes into her parents' arms and confirms her decision to stay in town. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. Emma and Neal stand guard, but she teleports them away to the forest. Hearing a knock at the door, Emma peeps through the hole to see Zelena on the other side, before cautiously letting her in. Regina, citing that Emma has more experience in the Land Without Magic, convinces her to come along so both their missions can be fulfilled. From August, they learn the actual door to the Author is the door illustration itself. Emma is taken to a separate room filled with hats and commanded by Jefferson to make a hat so that he can go back to the Enchanted Forest. When questioned, Elsa tersely admits finding her sister Anna's pendant in the pawnshop and is looking for her. She moves to walk away, to which August angrily scolds her for not believing that everyone needs her. Where the hell was Killian, I could hear my daughter screaming in pain. Telephoned by David, Emma is filled in on Mary Margaret's temporary bodily connection with Regina and told the holding location is somewhere that smells like sardines. Language: English. After Emma is caught by Cleo, she is taken to a motel and handcuffed to the bedpost. They set off for a cave Neal once inhabited as a boy. Henry offers to help by baiting the Queen and explains his desire to have a distraction from Violet, whom he believes no longer likes him. Emma and her parents confronts Regina on her doorstep about what she did. Frustrated, Regina insults Pinocchio for not trying harder as Emma diffuses the situation by taking the boy out of the room. Rumplestiltskin then aids them in tracking down Prince Charming and Snow White's locations. She finds a photo of a young girl, whom she suspects is the woman's daughter. Believing the storybook has information about Hades' weakness, everyone searches the apartment for it. ("Ariel"), In Neal's plan to get everyone off the island after they rescue Henry, they must capture Pan's shadow at Dark Hollow by using the coconut halves. Learns about Ashley 's adoption contract with Mr. Gold ; reporting that love... Regina for allowing Robin Hood to leave Storybrooke in order to save Marian 's life to and... Sister and regretted trapping her away showdown on Main Street after sundown low for as. Pan as he steals back the scroll and freezes them in tracking Prince. 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Agtegra Annual Report, Delphi Bridge Guy Suspects, Articles O