I can write his letters theyre just not perfect. Students are required to not only know ALL letters and sounds but all sight words by mid year. The work done at home, or not done at home, will place all children behind where they would have been socially and academically. My son has completely lost his memory of everything he studied or learned. It's also important to explain the plan to your child in a positive way, because your attitude will influence his. I've done a lot of research and it's the general consensus that grade . She did not have behavior struggles and was younger in the grade, so for the elementary years this was a struggle. It does look as though you can argue against a decision to hold your child back. It should be criminal to do that to these kids. Parenting expert John Rosemond says it isn't the end of the world to have boy repeat kindergarten. The research is very clear that even if children are not ready academically or emotionally they do not benefit from retention. we are so lost. Emily you are 100% percent correct! There are certain basic skills that all children should have going into first grade, no matter where they live. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. There is a whole checklist of things your child should be able to do before going to kindergarten. My son turned 5 a week before the deadline. Here's what my takeaways were: - Being the youngest in the class is universally hard. In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Kristin J. Carothers, PhD is a clinical child psychologist devoted to the destigmatization of mental health problems. Parents can ask to see examples of their child's work compared to the work of other children of the same age. Is this fact likely to upset him a great deal? I kept saying I feel like it was dyslexia and they gave all the excuses why it was not.well they were wrong and my children paid a very high price in self esteem, a year behind their friends, and still not being serviced. Our son repeated pre-k due to his maturity level. Children learned math and reading skills in hands on ways, through singing and dancing and through hearing, retelling, and acting out stories, through building with blocks, measuring, pouring, and doing puzzles. What kind of long-term effects, if any, can result from repeating or not repeating a grade? He was at least even with everything she is doing. Start . These test results were always provided in graph format. Please note: This "Expert Advice" area of FamilyEducation.com should be used for general information purposes only. The truth is you knew that it might come to this. Every answer seems wrong! Child. Kindergarten was about learning letters, learning to write them, creating stories, social skillsnow it seems that the just want to make sure these kids are 1/2 way done with what 7 year olds can doHave to start thinking public schools are not for my youngest. I believe with a one on one tutor for the summer it will help him perform better in the first grade. I wish he were only going 1/2 a day but that wasnt an option where we live. I literally did not care at all as a kid. He is doing wonderful in all other subjects 100s and smiley faces on his work. Advice given here is not intended to provide a basis for action in particular circumstances without consideration by a competent professional. Exactly Emily, these kids with dyslexia are NOT going to magically learn to read. One child may come to school already able to read, while another can't tell A from Z. Im not a parent or teacher, just happened to stumble across this page while doing personal research and I would like to share my story. You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future . While this justification has some merit, retention could actually be detrimental. But for kids like Sam, schools and parents may make a more difficult call: to repeat kindergarten. The child is not repeating kindergarten. (June 5, 2012) http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=987, Help Children Succeed: Make Kindergarten Mandatory in All 50 States. You may be right that the primary problem is an inexperienced teacher. Thanks. https://today.tamu.edu/2018/03/27/14-year-study-holding-students-back-in-grade-school-hurts-their-chances-of-graduating/. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. It was almost like getting held back twice. Teachers don't suggest this because they think it's funny, they do it because they know the child and what's best for it. Also, learn about developmental milestones at different ages. Helped build confidence. I was told in January by the teacher she was going to hold him back (thats why my helping him with the sight wordshe went from set 2 to set 10 in 6 weeks). A child who is ready for first grade can: While your childs teacher may make the suggestion that your child repeat kindergarten, its up to you, the parent, to make the final decision. She has learned up to this level in 3 weeks of bringing home A C books that we read together every day. Is your child ready for kindergarten? His teacher is very, very strongly recommending we hold him back. My mom refused to have me held back, as there was nothing wrong with my intellect; in fact, I surpassed my peers in reading skills, as I began reading simple words at age 2 1/2- 3 years old and read story books aloud to my Kindergarten class. I have secondary education background and we spent a semester on Special Ed and never ONCE was dyslexia mentioned. In most states, a child is not considered ready for first grade until he or she can read simple books. As far as seeing friends go on, he had very few and I know my son has forgotten about school. Sometimes kids act immature because of academic struggles. Thats awful she didnt speak up sooner! History repeating itself- A country with Socialist leaders disbanded the military and Russia invades - is this repeating, Politics and Other Controversies, 0 replies Names of good private pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in Woodlands, Houston, 1 replies This is especially true for children who turned 5 just before they started school or those who have limited experience interacting with other kids. He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. There can be an age difference of a year (or more) in class. As she teaches she "shoots" for the middle and hopes to draw in as many low and as many high students as she can. Repeating Kindergarten. They did some testing prior to the start of the Thanks in advance for any help you can offer! Parents. I am a retired teacher, having taught 43 years, at the primary level and the middle school level. Some kids act younger than their peers because they are younger than most kids in the grade. The first time around first grade was really stressful for him, although we were slow to pick up the clues. He has a summer birthday (so he is youngest in his kinder class). Repeat kindergarten? you say to yourself, after meeting with your childs kindergarten teacher. The teacher has let him build legos, blocks pretty much all year. Social interactment, discipline, only basic skills as for letters and numbers, and becoming more mature are the only skills needed for first grade. Was a stronger speaker, reader, simple math, etc. First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? His teacher has to repeat everything to him. I suggest you have him evaluated by a speech therapist and see what the speech therapist thinks. There is a vast amount of scientific research showing that children do not benefit by being held back in grade school. Most school districts will inform you relatively early in the year if your child is at risk for retention. My, very young for grade (August 22nd birthday), 5 year old was reading at 3. Kindergarten is not a fluff arts and crafts grade. Same boat here. This can make them cranky during the day. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. I was just going to write the same, today they expect your kid to be fully reading in Kindergarten. Rose, my heart breaks for you and your grandson, as it does my grandson. Ask yourself these questions: Lets imagine that you have a child you werent really sure was ready for kindergarten. It was mostly a year for "play-based learning," and the idea of a child being "held back" to repeat the grade might have seemed a little silly. My best friend, by the way, is an Occupational Therapist so she is used to working with these school aged kids a lot. 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in First Grade, 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in Kindergarten, a complete disinterest in the kindergarten curriculum, significantly smaller physical size than his or her peers, difficulty handling even slight frustration, Church, Ellen Booth. That should help him quickly acclimate to the situation, and feel better about it, too. You can hire an education lawyer. Is your child curious and always wanting to learn new things? The researchers said these findings didn't mean that kids born in August are more likely to have ADHD. Can he grip a pencil and cut paper with a scissors? The final decision about retention at the kindergarten level is usually up to the parents, but check the policy of your school district. There are, however, problems that can arise when a child is "held back." My research states that you do not retain if there is a learning disability (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia sp?). Posted on 1/25/23 at 9:54 pm to WhoDatKrewe. At this stage, children have passed through toddlerhood and are more mature, socially aware, and willing to interact with peers. Exactly! I cant tell you all shes put up with this year, all the extra tutoring in and outside of school, the testing, speech therapy, etc etc. Although these initial benefits faded over time, students who had been held back entered high school performing at a higher level relative to their grade level than similar students who'd been promoted. Some young children attain the age of reason, the ability . School will respect our decision at the end of the day, but I honestly did not realize we would feel this much lack of support. The reason? I was Also told as a child that i had It cannot be allowed to be a lost year. I worry most about children in second and third grade who have not learned to read, and will go into the fourth grade year, where ability to read is taken for granted, unprepared and unsupported in their reading learning. Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. In the end, it's impossible to predict how any individual will respond to staying back or moving on -- or even how much progress that child will make in the last months of school or over the summer. Here is what a teacher does in most classrooms. We work with an OT for sensory issues and a psychologist to assist with ADHD/ODD, parent management training. Q Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. I cannot give much advice about teaching on Kindergarten or early elementary level as I was a teacher for grades 8 and above in English and History. She scored green on 2/4, yellow on 1, and red on reading. My husband was 19 and I was nearly 19 when we started college. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. She is the one who pointed me to the research that says retention is not a good choice. Sammy, for instance, could discuss ancient Troy but couldn't draw a stick figure. There are lots of reasons kids might seem immature for their grade. In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. Kids who are much younger than grade-level peers and who have a history of struggling academically can benefit from repeating a grade. But there is very little out there about holding a child back in kindergarten to wait another year before starting first grade. What could be wrong with taking more time to grow up? 7. He can build master structures with a huge number of plastic blocks of all sizes and do things with triangular and square magnets that are amazing. The students in this study, however, had a far higher rate of learning disabilities than their peers. Think about milestones, If you began teaching 10 . But the truth is that today children begin learning to read before they enter the first grade. I totally feel you. Studies have shown that by the time they enter middle school, kids who repeated kindergarten are more likely to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel bad about themselves. We were reassured that they would work with his math and build on what he knows with reading, but not once did we hear anything about resources that can help him with reading if we chose to put him in first gradethat was made out to be just another burden for someone to do. Make an effort to understand why the teacher is suggesting retention. Your child only turned 5 in August. Me and his dad are leaning towards repeating. I am a teacher, and I HAVE reevaluated after many years of thinking what is not analytically true. May 30, 2013 #1 . They might be teased or left out because of their trouble with speech or language. After administering the scale, Jones interviewed 20 of the families to collect more in . Constantly. He may even be ahead of his new classmates. This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. To sum up, his fine motor skills are good, his pre-reading skills are good, but he may not yet be mature enough for kindergarten. You can find out the exact first grade requirements in your state by writing to your local Department of Education. Thirty years ago, I was pleased to hear my daughters middle school math teacher talk about hands on learning in math. Im being pressured to follow the schools recommendations by family and the school, but I know my son. Published August 17, 2017. Holding back in those first 3 years is very detrimental for most who are not lower IQ, have a disability, or cannot adjust. He has some learning challenges (I think a learning disability), and has been in speech since he was 2. . Before we speak of first grade readiness, we need to look at kindergarten readiness. This is a misconception, and one that can be detrimental to the decision-making process. I know it would hurt, but could it also help? But know that teachers dont make the recommendation to repeat kindergarten without a lot of thought. Requirements for first grade readiness vary from state to state. My sons school sends graded test and work hes done through out the year and hes been doing great! Get in touch! I am afraid we will have a huge bubble of high school drop outs when those children reach the age of sixteen. So in the middle of this chaos comes Covid-19 shutting the school down on March 18th in our state. Keep in mind he was mostly virtual in pre-K during the pandemic and started face to face in December 2020 for kindergarten. Some go to second grade. Yes, some children learned to read on their own, but it was not a requirement. Can he paste? My frustration is with the teacher and her seeming intent in holding my little guy back for whatever reason by not supplying the tools necessary to help him be successful in kindergarten. Long story short, even with academic support over the summer our son bombed in first grade, and ! His kindergarten teacher wants to keep him back next year. (Oh, and don't call it that!). So I can see this both ways. Many of them suggest parents seek independent evaluation for specific developmental delays and then, if the results warrant it, spend time in occupational therapy over the summer to try to catch up. My grandchild is told by his teacher that he should repeat Kindergarten. You have some options. But according to organizations such as NAEYC, the National Education Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists, the best option in most cases is to provide specific support to help the student catch up during the remainder of kindergarten, over the summer, and in first grade. Question: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. Many kids have moments when they dont act their age. Where are they? These teachers, trying to put all kids in a peg as either Got it or Did not get it, are unconscionable ! Youd think given all the evaluations and so forth, that the school would back you. She's been a teacher for over 20 years, and says she . Q: Even though he had an early-August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten this past fall at a private Christian school. Im actually not liking it a bit! While lots of schools still have a primarily play-based curriculum and relaxed standards, more and more have implemented a more academic approach to kindergarten, not only to get young children better prepared for first grade, when reading and math really take off, but also in an effort to meet increasingly objective and consequential government standards. They need specific intervention. He loves school and I would hate to give him the stigma of repeating when it's something he doesn't have control over. Given average per pupil spending of roughly $10,700 (the most recent national estimate), the direct cost to society of retaining 2.3 percent of the 50 million students enrolled in American schools . All these things combined he has had a pretty tough Kindergarten. On the other hand there is very little research on the long-term impact of starting kindergarten at different . The average minutes a day your child gets direct attention from her teacher is 7 minutes. Heres what I think: were pushing these young children too hard. School!. Because differences are our greatest strength. Rose. Kindergarteners acquire countless skills in the course of the year, and many of them are very important for success in first grade, which tends to be a more formal academic experience than your child has encountered so far. Second, holding your child back can have a negative connotation. But when a child often acts immaturely compared to other kids the same age, you may wonder whats going on. Data showed that the September-born children were 2.1 percent more likely to attend college compared to their August-born classmates. Sammy, for instance, could discuss ancient Troy but couldn't draw a stick figure. Check on the child's life situation. And while its bad, no point crying over spilled milk. Because of COVID, there will be many children who are betwixt and between. Think about your child's emotional readiness. If you decide to have your kid repeat kindergarten, be sure to look at this k-8 public charter school option. No wonder they seemed so little! You feel confused. When I returned to a regular classroom, teachers were supposed to teach to the test, and the whole year was focused on preparing children for standardized tests. Sensory issues: Some kids react strongly to sensory information and may get overwhelmed by things like bright lights. The most productive way to approach the topic, then, is from a neutral place. It could just as well be learning disabilities that make it hard for these children to get good grades. I could use advice information and anything that could help us!! Trouble with focus: Does the child seem like a space cadet? I knew my son was young entering kindergarten. Suddenly, scores on those tests were the only thing that mattered. They also were 3.3 percent more likely to graduate from . Then, for a few years, I taught in a school for behaviorally disordered children. I may just decide to revisit the topic and include the study in my piece. Kindergarten has been a struggle for him, in reference to compliance with directions, social interactions with peers (picking up on social ques), acting out towards other kids perceived to have slighted him, impulse control and executive function. Q. . After a month and realizing school was done for the academic year, I grew concerned with our sons placement next year. No ! Media inquiries:media@understood.org(preferred) or646-757-3100. Back in 1986, my Kindergarten teacher recommended to my mom that I should repeat Kindergarten or Readiness as it was called, based on what was thought at the time as emotional immaturity. Moms know their children better than anyone. I got held back in preschool for crying too much. This will be much easier if you're honest, telling your parents you love to spend time with them but unfortunately doing so at their house is a not negotiable. There may be individual cases in which a child benefits, such as if she's missed a lot of school because of illness or a move, or if she has significant delays in all areas of development. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: Blend Images/Ariel Skelley/the Agency Collection/. Instead, we got him the occupational therapy that was recommended, and he went on to have a great year in first grade. I do know a few who "red shirted" due to perceived immaturity who regretted it once the kids hit jr high & high school., jodifla WDW lover since 1972. They are reading sentences and books. And should my husband and I agree to have him held back or "retained" if that's what his teacher ultimately advised? I'm looking for advice/experience in having a child repeat a grade. A 14-year study conducted by the Texas A&M University College of Education and Human Development has determined that Texas students who are held back during elementary school are almost three times more likely than their peers to drop out of high school. We both went on to finish college. And the question of benefit vs. detriment can be a more difficult one to answer. We found we had good results at home. Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. http://family.go.com/parenting/article-sk-773400-should-your-child-repeat-kindergarten--t/, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, 5 Things to Know on the First Day of Kindergarten, Family.com: Learning Disabilities in Your School Age Child. Can he run and jump, play catch, bounce a ball, dance? Does he know how to compromise and adapt? Here are some common examples of immature behavior that you might see: Some kids seem to act young all the time. . If your child is unable to follow simple multi-step instructions, follow a task through to completion without getting overly frustrated or distracted, work as part of a group, listen to a story without interrupting, or sit still for the duration of a short lesson, he or she may not be quite ready for the relative rigors of first grade. We missed the registration for pre-k by a week. Besides the pandemic delays he does good in my opinion and has (June 5, 2012) http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/starting-preschool/curriculum/child-repeat-kindergarten/, Perets, Abbi. For more information on grade school, child development and related topics, check out the links on the next page. He's well above average academically and he gets along great with the kids, but his teacher wants him to repeat kindergarten because he's socially immature. Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. developmental milestones at different ages, Annoying other kids by talking too much or barging in on their games, Overreacting to what seem like minor things and taking a long time to calm down, Clinging and not wanting to be apart from you, Having to be told the same rule over and over again, like Its not OK to climb on that furniture, Struggling with bathroom issues, like bedwettingor being afraid to poop, Being overly sensitive to things like loud noises or the way clothes feel, Using baby talk or speaking in ways that are hard to understand, Having trouble with things like putting on a coat or gripping a pencil. "Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?" This may or may not be related to your child's actual age. Should you hold your child back from first grade and let her repeat kindergarten? I guess that if enough parents are doing this, then society is going to be forced to supply more years of educational instruction before kids reach public schools. Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . We were provided with an Encore/Spire program and later in the year, a speech therapist that gave him 15m- once a week. I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. We would re-run tests he had failed and realized there was a social issue to the testing he must of struggled with. Following that advice, my parents moved us to a private school that went through 8th grade. I was keep back in school and I hate it to this day. Immature behavior can look different in different kids. I've also read children with ADHD are normally immature for their age. We showed up to a parent teacher conference yesterday and were told they needed the decision right then. He will catch on that he was held back as he watches his friends move on. To reading. Holding back where . The data also suggests that in spite of having all these resources and manpower, kids who repeat kindergarten dont do as well as their first or second grade classmates once they make it into those grades. Not a teacher, but have researched standards. "He needs to have a different educational experience, as well as interventions and support to address his areas of need," Rief says. If you decide to repeat the grade, remember to discuss it with the person who'll be most affected. Through the year he attended, we had several conferences to discuss his progress. WORLD of difference. (June 5, 2012). After that, we both went to a public high school and graduated at 19 years old in June 2006. Julia Layton When faced with the decision, the first step is to meet with your child's teacher (and principal and school psychologist, if possible) to find out exactly why the experts think another year would be productive. He will be turning 6 in a week here. I found out that a bunch of kids in my grade were like 21 months younger than me. Kids develop skills at different rates. 15 June 2012. Connect with other adults to find out what theyve noticed, and work together to help kids develop skills. Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared . My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and the principal told us in the orientation, that children are expected to read at the the end of K. We are facing the same thing with my grandson the teachers recommended to keep him back but I think he should move to the first grade . I fear this will really hurt him! I had a February birthday, so I didnt start Kindergarten until I was over six and a half years old. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. Other signs your child may benefit from another go-around include: If you're considering having your child repeat the year, he or she is most likely behind in more than one of these areas -- and there's little question that a student is better off starting first grade in step with the rest of the class. Still, finding out the teacher thinks your child should be "held back" can be jarring and, for many parents, upsetting. He didnt even register on the standard test they gave to that assesses each student. Staying in kindergarten means not only repeat exposure to the curriculum and so a greater chance of picking it up, but it also means being the oldest -- and most knowledgeable, mature and capable -- student in class, which can increase confidence dramatically, setting the tone for long-term positive self-concept and continued school success. Child seem like a space cadet are required to not only know letters. Common examples of immature behavior that you repeating kindergarten for immaturity not benefit by being held in! Standard test they gave to that assesses each student born in August are more mature, socially aware and. Kids born in August are more mature, socially aware, and what the speech therapist that gave 15m-! Of his new classmates and the school would back you let her repeat,... Therapy that was recommended, and one that can be an age of... Doing great a clinical child psychologist devoted to the start of the Thanks in advance for any help you find. 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