In 2005, Carenza Lewis left to pursue other interests. That doesnt work in the US. I thought the programmes inspiring and my grief was genuine at its loss of experts like Mick Aston and the programmes ending.The occasional sighting of a long lost member like Carenza Lewis in a published Report makes me wish for the experience as it unfolded once again. I have not been watching the show for very long because it was not aired in the US as far as I know. there was total outrage and ABC picked it up with the two oldies . Is this why some of the Adverts are much better than most of the currant programmes. Envisioned as a quiz show in the vein of Challenge Anneka running on BBC 1 from 1989 to 1995 the team were called on to solve archaeological mysteries while racing against the clock. I have missed Time Team SO much.. He has since appeared in over two hundred episodes. Their participation and enthusiasm clear for all to see. I am! Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. Slower paced, Timesigns has Mick talking directly to the camera in a style more akin to a history documentary or Open University broadcast. How DARE they axe Time Team, it has been one of my few regular watches for a long time. It is the ONLY program I think worth watching in all the rubbish put on these days ! Dues have been paid, so get Sir Tony back, along with some younger faces and writing talent, and get cracking on a new TIME TEAM !!! To an incredible all round team we thank you and to Phil damn we will miss you! The money was well spent, and today only five Time Team sites remain unpublished a record that shames many UK units and academics. So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Instead Time Teams format was radically overhauled. Nothing lasts forever, including Time Team. Desperate for a good documentary to watch over a late dinner, I discovered Tony Robinsons Time Team special on the Mesolithic and Doggerland. Immediately, I was hooked. With Mick in his amazing technicolor jumpers playing father and patient teacher, fielding Tonys laymans questions, Phil as the eccentric uncle who could dig with the instincts of a terrier after a bone, John and his whiz-bang geo-phys, and all the other children hard at work in their specialties, the programme wasnt merely TIME TEAM it was TIME FAMILY. I have just realised that time team is to be axed by c4. The key participants deserve a rest at their age, and the joy obviously just wasnt there. My wife was unwell for many years but TT was one of the few TV Shows that she got pleasure from. From jan Marie jaser. I have watched Time Team from the beginning and love the earlier episodes and although its sad that its going it has changed considerably.Not the same without Mick his enthusiasm makes for great watching. Karenza Lewis archaeological sex on legs. Towards the end of its run an average episode would cost around 200,000 a budget more on the scale of a small drama show in the eyes of television insiders but over 20 years Channel 4 pumped 4 million directly into British archaeology. This show has been a wonderful joy to follow over the years, and I shall so miss it. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. And, unlike Phil and Mick, one didnt long to give her a haircut!! Reason: we hardly spoke to each other and what we were watching on tv was hardly worthwhile. I now look forward to watching as many individual shows as I can in the future. The students became instant converts to the program. How very sad. While Time Team unquestionably experienced problems, particularly in its final years, this much-loved show was an astonishing success, propelling modern archaeology into the public conscious as never before. Such a shame a beautiful show as this is axed and they show such dribble as reality tv shows blah yuk. Time Team - Phil Harding Phil Harding Field Archaeologist Phil Harding is Time Team's resident trench-excavator. Sadly,she passed away 2 years ago but before she went, she told me not to forget to watch TT. With Season 20 airing next year, and a series of one-off specials running into 2014, there is still new Time Team on the way. The dig has only found old bits of pipe and 1950s china, but it really does not matter, what matters is the program has inspired my children. Poor. Please sign fans: There was a youthful energy to them back them, which was part of the attraction. How amazing to see the history of England being unearthed. How right Mick Aston was. Was it one persons requirements that brought extras into the show, persons not wanted nor needed, also not as talented as a walnut. Did you watch the episode of operation nightingale where the maimed ,psychologically injured soldiers from conflicts abroad found an inner peace and a feeling that they were no longer helpless in the world. This is the sort of Programme that would thrive on BBC 2 in conjunction with The Open University. Time Team announces historic comeback with 2021 dig at huge Oxfordshire Roman villa that may be 'almost the size of Buckingham Palace'. The worst thing they did was sex it up. 1951. Carenza Lewis, Stewart Ainsworth, Helen Geake and geophys genius John Gater will all be returning and are excited about the new sites. Time team came back as a clear favourite, so for one of the national conferences we decided to contact Time Team so that Tony or one of the team could come along and give a talk. Thank you Time Team for all those wonderful hours of thoroughly enjoyable entertainment. Subscribe to Current Archaeology the UKs favourite archaeology magazine and like thousands of other people you too can get details of all the latest digs and discoveries delivered to your door, every month. I have watched Time Team for years as has my son and many many friends. This would be the only way of successfully reincarnating Time Team and fixing your pathetic and ignorant and unsuccessful changes. Dont think that the U.K. has the monopoly on scrapping popular shows it happens here in N.Z. With Tony Robinson, Stewart Ainsworth, Victor Ambrus, Mick Aston. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. May be he could be a Lord? Ive learnt so much and enjoying every minuteo. I was surfing the internet to obtain correct titles for some episodes that I recorded earlier. I wish! I have been fascinated by archaeology since reading Golden Books Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations, at the age of nine, but only recently stumbled across TIME TEAM quite by accident one night. Its a shame yet highlights the offensively patronizing view metro-based TV people have of the general public. Im 78 years old. !I have just retired and it would be perfect NOW. (especially phil, that crazy bloke,lol).I hope channel 4 regret the decision to axe the show. certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. What a pity we had to endure that young lady fashion model who merely read her script for a couple of episodes. Just started to watch the latest series on C4, very very sad to be losing it soon. He said: 'We were very sorry to see Mick go, and he leaves an extraordinary legacy. If there had been a mission statement for the show during those early days, it would have been the democratisation of archaeology. What a shame to see TT let go. [emailprotected]. Geake with Stewart Ainsworth while filming an episode of Time Team in 2007 She first worked for Time Team in 1998 as a digger, and took part occasionally thereafter as an Anglo-Saxon specialist. However, as a viewer I hugely enjoyed the opportunity to share in the Teams excitement. Keep the show going its fantastic Ive been watching it as long as I can remember I have several friends who are serious archaeologists who have been dismissive of this program over the years, some of their comments about the lack of time for each dig are valid. I am deeply sisappointed that time team is now defunct its one programme thst I really love I felt that I could learn a little bit about my ancestors in the uk, C4 the tv channel run by lack of imagination. Good riddance to Time Team; patronising in the extreme, and as for that prat Robinson leaping about a la Baldrick, reduced the entire thing to music hall. I assume it will be more imported American rubbish or so called comedy. I have watched the episode from Barra several times. Mick mentioned that he had recently missed a train and, having a couple of hours to kill, decided to explore. Much has been said about this show on this site but I think that all of you would be best served by reading what Raksha had to say. Time Team (Collection 2) - 11-DVD Box Set : Tony Robinson, Phil Harding, John Gater, Stewart Ainsworth, Mick Aston, Victor Ambrus, Henry Chapman, Ian Powlesland, Matt . The thing that should be axed is the TV exec that made that decision. I agree Shiela, a long read but entertaining, and an indication of TTs popularity. Im tired of the idiots that run TV and Im ready for revolution.whos with me!!! Give it back all the back room staff and put new life into it , a great progame killed off for no reason , Len. tony and all made history come to life to the public and we {as a family] looked forward to the one great programme aweek but know more,,,,how old are the producers ,if they watched t t perhapes they could learn that life does not always mean MONEY MORE MONEY , What a bummer! i never knew this show was available as the colonies never mentioned it. Time team is irreplaceable. What a disappointment that BBC4 chose to cancel the series! Seasons 9-12 are often seen as Time Teams golden age. I AM SO UPSET AT THE ENDING OF TIME TEAM ! Im the guy who set it up, iv got the page on Facebook, Twitter and the main website that i run. This was the best educational programme that I looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. Yes, Tony R was sometimes (often?) Mick, Tony Phil, Carenza Lewis, etc bring it back as there are no current programs that come close. This is true I dont go to bed without at least watching one episode I would too love to get involved but at 67 a bit too old. This is a disaster in t.v programming where currently all you get is the banal reality of the likes of Toddlers in Tiaras .The Time Team over the years became like welcome friends into your home and you wished you could join them in the pub at the end for a beer. That way we still get our fix when we want to remind ourselves how good this series was. The presenters never got enough credit for me, Phil, a hero and when can I share a pint with you? Time Team! Im writing this having just had my daily lunchtime fix of a Tiime Team repeat on More 4. You can find her message at It enabled a local group to secure Historic Lottery Fund money to dig the site. Tim Taylor devised the name Time Team, and in 1992 a pilot episode was filmed in Dorchester-on-Thames. He is President of the Friends Of Epiacum, the Roman fort on the southern edge of Northumberland which he has surveyed and studied in depth. and have watched it since the begining. Harold Bush is lying. I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. If Tim Taylor or anyone at Channel 4 ever got the itch in their pants to dig it all up again (pun intended) it would be so awesome. A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. Channel 4 you need looking at!!! Even after its star began to wane Time Team remained popular. Lee, viewer outrage worked in Australia with The Movie Show. I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. TT is without doubt, the best offering in British television. I so agree. Just did the same as Leigh trying to find out when the next series is due to start. The show ran on the chemistry among the original team, and failed to work as they left or lost interest. TT is very fun to watch after nearly 30 years from the first episodes; watching the GeoPhysics change from season to season (week to week for me as I binge) is great for this engineer. but they wont last forever and young blood is always needed. And to lose Mick Aston well, that was it for us. I am looking forward to the Village Dig series, when it eventually comes to the small screen. Tony was constantly disagreeing with the archaeologists, and for some unexplained reason there was loud ballet music all but obliterating the commentary. Here in NZ we are only now starting Series 19,in Bitterly, at present. All I can tell u is that I was hooked. In my mind, one of the contributing factors to the programmes demise, were the increasing number of digs being done on behalf of professional bodies such as English Heritage, and local authorities. This has to be one of the biggest tragedies of modern television times. Just heard about the axing of Time Team what a shame! I cant believe how much I have learned during Covid lock down because of Time Team. Whats on at this afternoon? You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. I love watching the old episodes, the ones where there was fantastic camaraderie between the team, excellent and atmospheric music in the background which always complemented the era of the dig and the extravagant clothing worn by the team. BRING BACK TIME TEAM PLEASE!!!! This did happen in fact, but the show kept going with Mick Aston and (Sir) Tony Robinson always at the helm. I loved watching Time Team in Australia, way better than the American version. But TIME TEAM managed the impossible. Over the years has shown archaeology all round UK. It was so pathetic, TT definitely doesnt need to have its memory sullied by association with the puerile crassness of the modern C4. It is to bad that the show was cut, there are so much more to find, discover and educate us all. As Mick Aston observed the geophys and Time Team have always gone hand in hand. There were times when I would have liked to see some longer digs being featured and I would still like to see that, but it seems likely that it will not be Channel 4 doing it. i say dont be too quick to make a stupid decision. However, they added: Intelligence, natural curiosity and a passion for archaeology is a must.. Perhaps one of the other channels will see the folly of C4s ways and pick up the program before its too late? Archeology isnt aloof anymoreTT built a bridge between laymen and pros! Save Time Team Campaign is taking off really fast now, over 1,500 signatures & support from celebrity. (all good things must come to an end). I was especially interested in the programme on Looe Island chapel as my grandparents once owned Looe Island and I had been there and walked over the chapel remains. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that its being He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. Meet the Ancestors was also a good programme we need more Archaelogy programmes on TV. I am shattered by this news. They almost succeeded in ruining it until this present series.Channel 4 have betrayed the cast, crew and viewers. We are saddened to hear that a great T.V show which entertained and informed is being axed. Obviously I am not the only Australian (albeit English-born) to miss Time Team. and use my iPad to follow through my own enquirers. Bringing in that awful woman for the last series was the straw that broke the camels back. paleo-osteology, finds experts, experts in the Bronze Age or Rome I am as raptured as Phil squatting in a newly opened trench exclaiming, Oooh! Big Thanks Time Team,will never get tired of watching the shows,fingers crossed you can make some more. We live in USA. The Isle of Mull episode in season 17 is a great example of what could be discovered. John Gater, Francis Pryor, Stewart Ainsworth, and Phil Harding. age is no barrier in archaeology and many of us dont start until our 40s and 50s. What happened to Stewart Ainsworth? Episode # Series # Episode Title Location Coordinates Original airdate 5: 1 "Lord of the Isles" Finlaggan, Islay: 555006N 61016W / 55.834867N 6.171225W / : 8 January 1995 (): Recorded between 24 and 26 June 1994, the team helps the National Museums of Scotland to search for the secrets of Finlaggan, the centre of the kingdom of the Lord of the Isles. Their presentation skills are very good indeed and could develop even more if the programme continued (not with Channel 4 please); eg Tracey, Jimmy, Susannah, not to mention Raksha, Matt, Paul, Helen, John and Stuart, all of whom are young enough to take over from the elder statesmen who could still guest if they do choose to retire one day! Its disadvantage was that it had no scope to include z-list celebrities to manufacture controversy around, and so it was killed. And the team. catty remarks what catty remarks it is like every other tv program if it is not a soap opera or so called reality tv it gets brushed aside ch4 is one big yawn if you dont agree just what else is worth the price of electricity. I am watching as many of the daily episodes as I can on New Zealands History Channel.It makes me nostalgic for the British history and archeological sites. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. We cannot wait to share this magic with you! Envelopes hidden at strategic points would set challenges along the lines of find the Medieval high street in two hours. With Tony Robinson, Phil Harding, John Gater, Stewart Ainsworth. In mid October 2012 an all-points bulletin was emailed to Time Team staff. I am sooooo sad that it is going and so is my family and friends..I would like to know what every one is going to do now our friends we see every week,I love the banter between everyone but no more. Lets not overlook Public Broadcastng with its excellent programming, either). Just watched a poor programme on Brancaster digfull of errors and poor production. Try Dig Ventures, an online crowd-funded Archaeology site. However I would contact Channel Four to find out when they will be repeating it again and maybe arrange to record the programmes. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. Partly, we all feel we are losing old friends after all this time but theres so much trash on TV that its no surprise that its loss is so keenly felt. Thank you to all of Time Team for 20 wonderful years. In South africa we have seen so few TT programs and when in the UK on holiday I imediately check for surren programs to watch. Always worked so hard and made sense of sites that could have remained a mystery. Its interesting that Ch 4 is dropping a program on history and education, are they really dumbing down to suit a younger age group whose programs contain bad language smut and sex, bad attitudes and a large sense of self. People like myself really appreciate history coming to life as Time Team presented it. I feel really, really angry about it. This is just swell. You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. The foregoing is an exhausting but entertaining read. I too have enjoyed Time Team and am amazed that it has been scrapped. Time Team was the product (exclusively) of Channel 4 a commercial TV-only company that was created in the early 80s. Learned lots of the history of the show from these posts but I dont know whether Ive seen the cleavage or whether Micks absence from a dig is because hes doing something else, on hols etc or because hes gone. Alarm bells began to ring for us when Mary-Anne appeared it seemed to coincide with a dumbing-down of the show. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. I will miss it desperately and want to say thank you to them all.. What a fantastic 20 years Bye bye Tme TeamI will care for Phils hat .. Whilst on holiday, I was very keen to spend a day or so, if possible, with the Time Team crew wherever they might be shooting. I am signing up to the campaign to keep Time Team! What do we all enjoy about it? Time Team To Be Reinstated! (But not, ever, I would agree, grinning totty!) Watching the archaeologists and seeing their enthusiasm at even the smallest find,is to me infectious. And really, TT changed my life! report. I am an American who did real dirt archeology thirty years ago.I dug at at three historic sites and one protohistoric site in East Central Illinois. All of the team can be proud of 20 years of quality television and the many lives touched and informed. This comment by Peter Thomas is an excellent precis of all that has been said. (and its cost increases). About the same time I discovered TT and became a dedicated viewer and have viewed all their programmes thanks to More Four. I have been planning to return for several years now for a holiday and to catch up with friends and relatives. The attempted dumbing down of Time Team smacks of dim executives meeting to dish corporate cliches out to one another. Vale Time Team, you will be missed. 20+ years is a remarkable feat for a television program, and this isnt Dr. Who either. Yes, Phil can still shift the muck but check out his work on lithics studies and you might change your opinion. The regular team also included: Stewart Ainsworth, landscape investigator; John Gater and Chris Gaffney, archaeological geophysicists; Henry Chapman, surveyor; and Victor Ambrus, illustrator. As late as season 18 the programme was pulling in a respectable audience of 1.1 million, partly because it had built up a loyal following, and partly because the team were still digging great sites. Time Time could go on indefinitely as long as it found a sympathetic home, and BBC Four would be ideal, their audience demographic would fit far far better than the current Channel 4 one, which is increasingly to try and chase the Reality/Makeover show market at the expense of original programming, and attract audiences that the advertisers prefer to exploit, rather than those with brain. 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