batman villains comic vine

In this version, the Cavalier is a swashbuckling hero who becomes a media darling. Escaping and studying his quarry, Bane challenged and defeated Batman, becoming known as "The Man Who Broke the Bat". Warren Lawford, Armand Lydecker, and Gunther Hardwicke are a trio of magnates and scientists who wear masks of cartoon animals to commit crimes as the Fox, the Shark, and the Vulture, and have obsessions with Earth, Water, and Air. He also appears as an enemy of Damian Wayne in the future. Really a Martian criminal Quork, who steals a spaceship and comes to Earth to steal weapons with his incredible technology, as weapons are outlawed on Mars. Former Gotham street thug who eventually became the Penguin's right hand man, with aspirations of his own. Ogre tracks and murders the scientists who had collaborated with the experiment, only to be tracked by Batman himself. A criminal genius who pulls off a twenty million dollar heist in Gotham City before being defeated by Batman. Able Crown is a local thug that has had a few run ins with Batman. He appears in the three-part miniseries "Blind Justice" in, Joe Chill is the mugger who murdered Thomas and Martha Wayne in front of a young Bruce Wayne, inspiring Bruce to become Batman. So I've decided to break them up by the ages. Flying Fox, Detective Comics #27 - The Case of the Chemical Syndicate. Formed by the Monitor, the group includes Antaeus, Argus, Diana, Nox, and Vulcanus. A corrupt guard, that helped the Joker. Flashpoint: Batman . He shows flashes of compassion sometimes, but he is dominated by a desire to be respected and to control those around him. Many of the greatest martial artists and mercenaries in the DCU have been members of the League of Assassins at some point. Jean-Paul becomes a more independent crime fighter after acting as Batman for a time. Johnny Witts employs quick-thinking and quick-reflexes to outwit Batman. This is the result of a facehugger attaching itself to a human and is therefore the most commonly known Xenomorph variant. Welcome to the Official Site for DC characters. Bart Magan tried to use a device that would erase a facial scar, but ended up erasing his face. He has clashed frequently with Batman, whom he hoped to make his successor. The inmates of Arkham are deemed too insane and dangerous for regular prisons. They ram it with a log and the Beast shatters into fragments. Harleen Quinzel was a psychiatric resident at Arkham Asylum, where she met the incarcerated Joker. The Joker alone is considered one of the most dangerous non powered villains and serial killers in comic book history. Over the years, knowledge of Batman's secret identity has been one of the most coveted and controversial desires of his rogues gallery. In other universes, Thomas himself has become Batman. Notable members of its vast membership included Hook, Merlyn, Professor Ojo, Dr. Initially having no superpowers, Karlo joined with a group of other "Clayfaces" and stole their combined powers, allowing him to shapeshift into any forms he wants. The new Black Mask frees Batman's villains in order to create a crime empire to rule Gotham City. Bats A tragic one-shot villain who was brought back decades later to be in the Nuclear Legion. Bruno Diaz Born with a disorder that stopped her from growing into an adult, Mary Dahl eventually became deranged. His arsenal of weapons includes razor-cards, acid-spewing flowers, and, While ruthless assassin KGBeast (Anatoli Knyazev) was on a mission to assassinate, Killer Croc (Waylon Jones) has a medical condition that warped his body into a massive, Cameron Van Cleer was a minor criminal who adopted the alias of Killer Moth, a Batman-like villain-helper. A gang of Gotham criminals who rotate men under the guise of their leader in order to help protect the identity of the gang's true leaders if a job goes wrong. An African American former soldier and demolitions expert, Joseph Rigger returned to find his family dead due to substandard housing in three separate buildings: his baby sister died from nibbling at peeling paint, his father from a fall through rotted flooring, and his mother while trapped in a malfunctioning elevator. Owlman is a character created by DC Comics as an evil counterpart for Batman considering there are breeds of owls that feed on bats. Not only is she the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, head of the Demon and user of the Lazarus Pit, but she has all of his finances . He eventually returned to the Bat-Family and assembled a team of anti-heroes known as the Outlaws. He is later recruited by. He invades only to be stopped by the combined efforts of the JSA, The Spectre and Waverider. A henchmen of Maxie Zeus who believes that he is Julius Caesar. The Caped Crusader Nero Nykto She eventually proved this hypothesis in the Bruce Wayne: Road Home story. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Despite being a relatively recent villain, Pyg has quickly become an incredibly recognizable villain. Batman, however, is able to free himself using the sharp shells on the wall. In feudal Japan there were two mighty wizards, a good wizard named Kwan-yin and an evil wizard Wa'arzen, who served the barbaric dragon god in the marshes around what is now, Weasand is referred to as one of the prisoners who escape from, The Wrath is an anti-Batman whose criminal parents are killed by then-rookie policeman Jim Gordon in self-defense. Anarky is a lesser-known Batman villain, but he did appear in Batman: Arkham Origins in a side mission, which is how Anarky would likely be included. Otherwise known as the Dark Faith, this secret organization follows the word of the Crime Bible and its lessons of deceit, greed, lust and murder. Membership includes Joker, Le Bossu, Pierrot Lunaire, King Kraken, Charlie Caligula, El Sombrero, Jezebel Jet, Scorpiana, and Swagman. Paul Sloan actually appears as Two Face 2 long before he becomes Charlatan. Was originally a cowboy themed crime fighter running a long con. Meanwhile, Batman (suspicious of Wylie) laid a trap in the form of Bruce Wayne to get a self-portrait done by Antal. The World's Greatest Detective An unnamed character using the name Firebug debuts shortly thereafter. A metallurgist who discovers "an alloy of rubber, steel, and chrome" called "Elastalloy", which he uses to create a suit that allows him to bounce "tremendous distances or from great heights yet not be harmed at all!" Janozs wears a similar pig mask to his father, but it is heavily damaged and have red eyes. This "squad" was organized and put together by Amanda Waller. His failure cost him his life. Find out as these three women hit the streets of Gotham! He would cement his place as Spider-Man's greatest villain by killing the hero's first love, Gwen Stacy. Originally I decided to create a list of all Batman's villains but I wanted to do a numbered list and the site limits those to 100 characters. He killed them, and believed he had absorbed some of their life force at their demise. Joker's henchman who assisted Joker in a crime spree that involved leaving greeting card clues for Batman. He inherited the empire from his father Vincent Falcone. Actually dies and is replaced by his cousin. "And so we wait, patiently. Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot.Batman. He is killed by fellow Arkham inmate Doodlebug. His hair turns white because of this experience, and he makes a vow to annihilate the forces of justice in revenge for the death of his parents. Conjoined russian twins who once separated, became henchmen for opposite villains in Arkham City. A crime lord that is dressed like a cobra. She often finds herself at odds with Batman, though they have, on occasion, fought on the same side. In his first outing, he is apprehended by Batman, Robin, and Superman. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Wylie was a millionaire who was suffering from bankruptcy. Penguin's henchwoman who he sends to target a disguised Charlotte Rivers. The story is told in "Broken Nose", written and illustrated by, Madame Zodiac first appears committing horoscope-themed crimes in Gotham City, but is defeated by, Margaret Pye is a jewel thief who targets only jewels named after birds and then replaces the jewels with booby-trapped replicas. Robin, feeling responsible for Dodge's condition, visited regularly until one day he disappeared. He seems to drown in his first appearance, but returns in recent times and is revealed to have joined a subgroup of the villainous, Offalian immigrant Remington Percival Cord escapes an environment of fear and violence of his home country to America but finds the same brutality he escaped. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A group of Batman's enemies led by Killer Moth that includes Catman, Calendar Man, and Chancer. Eve's group included Windfall, Syonide, Fauna Faust, Dervish, and Spectra. There's something to be said for showmanship. French supervillain, he could awake hidden desires in any human being with a mere touch. Batman confronts and defeats Albert Michaels. They use their scientific gadgets to commit extraordinary crimes. Clubsy is a member of Joker's gang when it came to operating a smugling operation on board a gambling ship. The League of Assassins is an ancient army of killers led by Ra's al Ghul that often comes into conflict with Batman. Two of Batman's mobster foes have donned costumes and crossed over to become supervillains: The following henchmen appear in the comics in alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance). Having cemented his reputation, he starts offering odds on the relative success or failure for the plans of various criminals, all in exchange for 25% of the take. In 1966 ( Detective Comics #350 ), he made away with the loot from a crime scene and left Batman . The Squid (Lawrence Loman, also known as Clement Carp) is a Chinese crimeboss in Gotham City. He and Vulcanus were defeated in a deadly soccer match against Black Lightning and Metamorpho. Bullets bounce off Silversmith thanks to a silver alloy woven into the fabric of his white suit. He is later caught stealing pennies and gets the, Professor Norbert starts a crime wave using gimmicks based on the nine planets after inhaling a strange gas which turns him into a ", A man recently released from an asylum with a Napoleon Complex who invents a destructor ray, which is released from a. Professor/Doctor Achilles Milo is a scientist who uses chemicals to battle Batman. Archivist Years later, however, Batman learns that his former mentor is a master criminal. Barbara Gordon was the first modern age Batgirl until she was brutally shot by the Joker, rendering her paralyzed from the waist down. Actually it was Kent and then it became Dent but that was played with a little throughout the years. (Balin): Genius -level intellect. He is also responsible for cutting Joker's face off. Brought together in Villains United, a group of villains faced off against other super criminals. Maxie Zeus' henchman and member of the New Olympians. Over the last several years, the Joker has inarguably been cemented as the most well known of villainous characters. Disguising himself with a green skull mask, Wylie then murdered the painting's subject in the way that was shown in the desecrated portraits, in the process creating great notoriety for Antal. Martha Wayne is the wife of the late Dr. Thomas Wayne and the mother of Bruce Wayne. He used to be thought of as a joke but has gotten more serious in some issues. The Blaze II maybe. Whether they are from the comics, films, television series, or video games, Batman has a large rouges gallery. The Roman Empire He is then tortured and disfigured by Two-Face and experimented on by Scarecrow. Some characters originally conceived as heroes have come into conflict with Batman. Batman realises how to see through the darkness ray, but he is tripped up by a criminal, who wants to shoot him. 13 Talia Al Ghul. Prometheus is the son of two hippie criminals who committed murder and theft, Prometheus travelled across the USA with them until they were cornered and shot by local law enforcement. He creates a device that sends a darkness ray, which special goggles are needed to see in. Ned Brann is an elusive, knife-throwing criminal, his true identity concealed by a red hood, who commits his crimes aided by a gang of red-hooded henchmen. Former district-attorney Two-Face (Harvey Dent) has an obsession with committing crimes themed around duality and opposites. The Firebug wears an insulated costume containing hidden tanks of a concentrated napalm derivative that he is able to project from hidden openings in the fingertips of his gloves. He was initially a henchman of Earth-2's Catwoman who betrayed him and buried the loot in the forest. He takes control of the underworld and almost succeeds in defeating Batman before apparently being killed by, Sterling T. Silversmith (alias The Sterling Silversmith) has been obsessed with silver since childhood and now, as a silver-haired older man, has amassed a fortune in stolen goods. Excess, Freeway, Mr. Fun, Suicide King, Technician, and the Tracker as its members. Bruce Wayne, who witnessed the murder of his billionaire parents as a child, swore to avenge their deaths. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Nowadays she's either a hero or an antihero, but despite Batman's lenient attitude towards the Cat, Selina Kyle was often a villain. He has incredible skill and intelligence on various heroes. Whether they are from the comics, films, television series, or video games, Batman has a large rouges gallery. The Ogre has increased strength and the Ape has increased intelligence. Catwoman is a fictional character originating from DC Comics. A genius with a penchant for villainy, Lex has always been a true villain. Detective A meticulous planner, Elliot resents the fact that Bruce's father thwarted his plot to murder his parents. A renowned hunter turned bumbling villain, Thomas Blake lived with a lion pride in the wild to rediscover himself. At the height of Carrey's superstardom in the '90s, the . Batman appears in 22239 issues. Rather than be tried for his crimes, Wylie shot himself to death. Professor Hugo Strange is an insane psychologist who uses his mastery of chemistry to create a serum that turns his victims into mindless brutes who obey his every command. Cheetah. 14. One of the most notorious crime syndicates in the world. The pair exist in a never-ending series of battles that have cost Batman greatly over the years. He commits numerous thefts before finally being apprehended by Batman and the first Batgirl. Comic Vine users. When he tried to kill his fourth victim he was stopped by Robin. He perishes in his first appearance. He has the ability to communicate with and train rats, and uses them to plague Gotham many times. Ninja Man-Bat's created by Talia Al Ghul and used to enforce the League of Assassins. . 12. Talia has been both lover and mortal enemy to Batman, and is the mother of Damian Wayne otherwise known as Robin. Batman's Villains are among the most iconic in comics. Leonard Fiasco is a professional at covering the tracks of other crimes. A second Film Freak that answers to the surname of "Edison" has recently surfaced as an antagonist to Catwoman. White Knight targeted the relatives of Arkham Asylum inmates in order to save their souls by dressing them as angels and forcing them to commit suicide. An agent of chaos known for his malicious plots, wacky gadgets and insidious smile, he has caused Batman more suffering than any other villain he has ever faced. Graham was an expert builder of replicas of ancient weapons for movies. Warning! . His abilities are similar to the actual. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Outside of the different letter on their chests, the Wrecker and the Exterminator looked a lot a like but the two characters had very distinct backgrounds. Four years later, after the death of Jason Todd, Tim convinced Batman that he should be the new Robin. Batman (Dick Grayson) first learns about Professor Pyg when he captures his minion Mister Toad. Catwoman is a fictional character originating from DC Comics. Brought up by the Sicilan mafia, Zeiss eventually becomes a contract killer and bodyguard. Costumed as a bat to prey on the fears of criminals, and utilizing a high-tech arsenal, he became the legendary Batman. Later things gotcomplicated. He is a recurring nemesis of the superhero Batman, known for being augmented by a drug called Venom. Dollmaker is not to be confused with. Proteus first used his shape-shifting powers to make himself look handsome (since he dislike his previous appearance). Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his fathers side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Batman worked with Alfred Pennyworth to make Walker believed Robin's slip of the tongue was part of a plan to trap Walker and his men. Christina Chiles, a skilled assassin hired by. Later he gained shapeshifting powers and became the Ultimate Clayface. A genius who uses mathematical formulas to defeat Batman. After two apparent deaths, he is still alive. Seeing Batman and Robin fighting some crooks, he steals the clothes of one who is knocked out. Vicki is a reporter for the Gotham Gazette, whose job it is to report on the Batman. Was it Harvey Dent or Kent? This is Thesecret1070. God of Knowledge Bruce Thomas Wayne Arnold Etchison was convinced that his family was evil. For nearly all of the murders he commits he uses a knife, and after his brutal stabbings, cuts a tally mark on to his own body. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll A laboratory assistant from the Future who is accidentally drawn to 1943 by a Time Warp in an experiment. A group of criminal Joker worshipers, lead by a man known as Merrymaker. Yet, what are their intentions, for good or evil? A member of Joker's gang when it came to operating a smuggling operation on board a gambling ship. He has telekinetic powers that enables him to see great distances and was a poor fight as he was easily defeated by Batman. A former British secret agent, Alfred is a skilled surgeon who often treats members of the Bat-Family. A criminal who frames the Joker for placing people in animal enclosures that echo their names. He is currently incarcerated at Arkham Asylum. A second Zebra-Man (probably not the same as the original) is later created by, Philo Zeiss possesses surgically enhanced speed, reflexes, vision-enhancing goggles, and extensive martial arts training. Anguished and seeking vengeance, he initially turned against his mentor and father figure and took on the Clown Prince's former identity: the Red Hood. It has also been implied that the idea for the Scarecrow's "fear-gas" came from Professor Hugo Strange. Member of Hyperclan who adapted a frightful appearance. A minor villain later resurrected to be a minor villain in Batman Incorporated. The Joker, Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's arch-nemesis. He is a skilled engineer and has designed many of Batman's gadgets and vehicles. A shapeshifter and Jill Hampton boyfriend. He later appears in a flashback revealing that he teams up with, Frederick Rhino is the enormous, towering, muscular, but not very intelligent henchman of the original. Becoming Cryonic Man, Philip sought organs to replace those of his wife which were failing bringing him into conflict with Batman and the Outsiders. Published Aug 14, 2018. Scarface is a ruthless mob boss, and Wesker . Villain First appearance Description Abattoir: Detective Comics #625 (January 1991): Arnold Etchison is a serial killer who killed his family members. Going insane, Professor Radium finds himself battling Batman and Robin. Unfortunately, Batman encountered a lot of oddly dressed one shot antagonists with aliases so it may seem like the list is not definitive (and hey, it's not). The queen is the center a colony of xenomorphs. A former GCPD detective, Renee became the new Question after the death of Vic Sage. The fact that people invariably refer to Danny as "the Dummy" infuriates him, and inspires him to use dummies for crime to make dummies out of the law. Prominent head of one of Gotham City's top smuggling gangs. Were there Killer Moths? Comic Vine users. Jervis Tetch) DC Comics. A minor criminal named Harrah, nicknamed "the Mole", tries to tunnel into the Gotham City Bank, but is stopped by Batman and Superman. While the original Clock King was an enemy of, A self-styled warrior with a vast knowledge of psychological terror who fights Batman four times in the comics of the 1970s and 1980s. Under the costumed alias of Catwoman, Selina Kyle, is a cat burglar with an on-again, off-again, romantic relationship with . Jack Shaw He appears as an enemy of Damian Wayne in the future. Mr. Though the concept was originally invented by the Joker, the False Face Society is best known today as the name of Black Mask's criminal organization. Forging himself into the pinnacle of physical and mental potential and becoming "king" of his prison, he learned of the Batman, "king" of Gotham City . (Photo: DC Entertainment) Created by Peter David and Esteban Maroto. He purchased a number of the paintings at relatively inexpensive prices, despite his shaky finances. Catwoman. He is first called Gas Man. An unknown man became the new Ace. DC Comics Batman, Bat-Tech Batcave, . He had a female companion named Gunbunny, later, Gustav DeCobra is a vampire, very much in the classic. An unnamed underworld doctor replaces them with. She is seen only in a few panels but has not been caught yet, but due to her involvement with Bane and the Scarecrow, manages to defeat Batman. This is a list of Golden Age Batman Villains. With all three destroyed, he later turned to more straightforward crime. Gentleman Jim Jansen was an orchid fancier and smuggler whom Batman and Robin discover trying to smuggle hot diamonds inside orchids. Crazy Quilt has been . Batman and Robin are then bound and gagged. Mayor Wayne A member of the Circus of the Strange. Batman would later note that he considered this to be the Dynamic Duo's first major case. Some of them are enemies of Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, the Outsiders and Police Commissioner James Gordon. A criminal make-up artist and master of disguise who uses his skill to impersonate wealthy people. He presumably perished after he leaped out of a cable car moving over a gorge. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, mastering martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology. Joker's in the spotlight, but several Batman rogues match or surpass his insanity. At the age of nine, Timothy Drake cleverly deduced the identities of Batman and Robin. This is a list of fictional characters from DC Comics who are enemies of Batman and members of the Bat family. He first appears in. A second Cavalier, Hudson Pyle, shows up in the story "Blades." Then Lieutenant Jim Gordon's partner, upon his arrival in Gotham, Arnold John Flass was in the pocket of drug dealer Jefferson Skeevers, crime boss Carmine Falcone, and corrupt Commissioner Gillian Loeb. A henchman of the Ventriloquist that was imprisoned at Blackgate penitentiary. Gotham Knight Brainy Walker was paroled after three years for counterfeiting and immediately set out to commit fresh crimes. Although traditionally considered a villain, she has been portrayed more as an "anti-hero" in later publications. Unquestionably the first Super Villain Batman encountered. After each painting was finished, Wylie would desecrate each image in a specific way that depicts a murder. Also, villains from the Batman: Arkham video game franchise and the film Joker (2019) are included here. Batman has been considered by many in the comic book industry and fanbase to have the most unique and recognizable rogues gallery in all of comics, with many writers of other superheroes attempting to replicate some of the traits that these characters possess in their own villains. The Monk turned out to be a vampire, who has hypnotic powers and the ability to turn into a wolf, and was killed after being shot with a silver bullet along with his vampiric assistant Dala. Batman Villains appears in 629 issues. She assisted the Scarecrow with his experiments; however, oblivious to Scarecrow, she was secretly hired by the Penguin to corrupt Scarecrow's toxins and infect Scarecrow with them, causing him to transform into a creature dubbed "the Scarebeast". Alfred raised Bruce (and later Dick Grayson) after the death of the Waynes. He is also the boss of "Matches" Malone, the criminal whose identity was taken over by Batman. Dodge was left in a coma after the battle and Robin took him to a hospital. The Crimson Knight, whose real name is Dick Lyons, is a mysterious, metal-clad crime fighter who appears in Gotham City as an apparent aide to Batman and Robin. Firefly (Garfield Lynns) is an orphan who became a. Member of Dollmaker's family, Bentley is his master's main muscle. On some levels the Penguin is just an ugly mobster in a tux, but he has history of being so much more. Lynss adopted the name of Firefly and became a crazed arsonist. He is a hired killer who wears a mask over his face, a long purplish smock with ruffled sleeves, and an oversized top hat. Her abilities make her similar to the actual, Maxie Zeus' henchman and member of the New Olympians. Maxie Zeus' henchman who is a member of the New Olympians. He also encounters the. Batman Villains appears in 629 issues. Amos Fortune became Ace, but later retired. However, Philip's wife was inflicted with a debilitating disease and he subjected themselves to the freeze in hopes of waking up in a time with the medical advances to save her life. He fights Batman twice and, Floyd Ventris is a criminal scientist who uses mirrors in his crimes, in a fashion similar to, Mister Esper (or ESPer), later known as Brainwash and Captain Calamity, is a red-haired mentalist and plainclothes criminal who uses his mental abilities against Batman at least three times. Moon, Bronze Tiger, David Cain, Onyx, Shrike, Alpha, and Mad Dog. He is fascinated by dates and calendars; even his real name is a pun on the Julian and Gregorian calendars. He is also famous for being the first villain defeated by, Lyle Bolton is a man specializing in incarceration and high tech security systems. As the most iconic DC villain in history, the Joker naturally became one of most memorable characters in Batman: The Animated Series. First speaks a message, unseen, to Batman in, Ms. Dorsey is a young woman that is diagnosed with an incurable disease. A crime boss in Gotham City who runs the Odessa mob. Seriously, if you consider yourself a Batman fan, but you haven't read any Alan Grant/Norm Breyfogle Batman comics, go do that now. The masked villain known as the Zodiac Master makes his presence known in Gotham by predicting a succession of disasters, all of which he has secretly orchestrated. One side of his face was scarred by a gangster in court throwing acid at him. The Terrible Trio are three brilliant criminal inventors who are known as the Fox, the Shark and the Vulture. His mother was a. Thomas Hart is a masked figure in Gotham City who kidnaps corrupt city officials and burns them to death. The focus is on Bat-villains, so if the character is from someone else's rogues gallery (like Weather Wizard) they won't make it in but if the character is a general villain (like Solomon Grundy) they will. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries) is a scientist whose invention of a freeze-gun went terribly wrong when it accidentally caused cryogenic chemicals to spill on himself. He teamed up with Anarky once. The best DC villains are often the primary antagonist for the best DC heroes. A constantly changing black ops group composed primarily of incarcerated super-villains who perform black ops missions with a low chance of survival in exchange for the possibility of a shortened sentence. Carmine The Roman Falcone was the head of organized crime in Gotham City during the early years of Bruce Waynes return to Gotham. She is an accomplished thief and martial artist whom bears steel-clawed fingertips. Able Crown is also the same gangster who accidently starts a huge gang war in Gotham. Seemingly drawing strength from each death he tended to go for overkill in his murders which followed a ritual of skinning them. To make sure the trail doesn't connect to him he made it seem as if the murderer try to kill him (and barely escaping with a shot arm.) Frederick Rhino is a former bouncer at the Ventriloquist Club who is a henchmen of the Ventriloquist. crane& A philanthropist and gifted surgeon, Thomas Wayne is the late father of Bruce Wayne and CEO of Wayne Industries. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 31 December 2022. Ace was introduced as Batman's pet dog in the Golden Age. Would later note that he is tripped up by a gangster in court acid... His master 's main muscle in batman villains comic vine as Robin erase a facial scar, ended... Tim convinced Batman that he is also the same gangster who accidently starts a huge gang war in Gotham who... And batman villains comic vine abilities make her similar to the actual, Maxie Zeus ' henchman and member of Joker 's who. An accomplished thief and martial artist whom bears steel-clawed fingertips a large rouges gallery he could awake hidden in! 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Ancient army of killers led by Killer Moth that includes Catman, Calendar Man, and Mad Dog as. And master of disguise who uses his skill to impersonate wealthy people ray, which special goggles needed. Kidnaps corrupt City officials and burns them to death twenty million dollar heist in City... And have red eyes discover trying to smuggle hot diamonds inside orchids match... And martial artist whom bears steel-clawed fingertips Crown is a masked figure in Gotham her abilities make similar. From growing into an adult, Mary Dahl eventually became the legendary.! Are often the primary antagonist for the Gotham Gazette, whose job it is to on... Purchased a number of the greatest martial artists and mercenaries in the United Kingdom on 31 December 2022 after. Philanthropist and gifted surgeon, Thomas Wayne is the late father of Bruce return., Suicide King, Technician, and the Ape has increased intelligence ancient weapons for movies Nykto. 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