england is depressing and full of chavs

The culture of 'fair go,' work hard and play hard, and mostly, gratitude. No, I haven't experienced any racism here in North Yorkshire. You can't compare Lisbon to London of course. Nothing to do with skin colour or ethnicity (as once was), it's about money and yes, class. You know growing up in a former colony of Britain and having an English education made me idealize London. Yes i still travel as it is my passion but I no longer see it as the fix for life's problems.Goodluck to you all in this journey of life. Its sad what is happening with the world today. Like yourself I came to Britain with the desire to live in a culture of educated gentlemen and a refined society but that is most definitely in the past and the current UK is a world's difference from it. I'm lucky as I have both a New Zealand and UK passport so doors are always open to me. I am stuck with sole British citizenship now and trying hard to get out of here. How can you call that democracy? Thanks for this article, but I'd like to add my experience to counterbalance a bit. Lots of people thought we were crazy but it's by far the best thing we have ever done. [32] Lauren Socha, the actress who portrays Kelly, has described the character as being "a bit chavvy". As an educated immigrant with a PhD in Engineering who has lived in the UK for 10 years and contributed immensely from every aspect, I cannot agree more with your well written article. Perhaps you can tie a flag to it and wave it around for the amusement of your 'patriotic' peers. The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. Some of these guys were around in the 80's and were punks back then (the non racist kind). The level of racism in Continental European football matches for example is shocking. These problems in the UK will change perhaps in 300 years, we cannot wait. If you have good infrastructure, it costs money to build and maintain it. I always strive to do better. [31] The BBC comedy series Little Britain features the character Vicky Pollard (portrayed by Matt Lucas), a parody of a teenage female chav. I've been back 18 months and I can see these issues, without any dogma of ideology. Just read Hector's racists comments towards another reader and if you still think my attitude should change, Brian, you are much like Hector. One other thing I learnt is where can you go in the world where you will not be the victim of racism because of your name or your origins? For Essex, the common theme seems to be that it thinks our homes are full of 'chavs' - but they're very wrong. I cannot accept hundreds of people commenting that "the best interest" of someone's kid is to die, without letting the parents try a lost battle, basically to protect the bottom line of the country coffers. if you ever come to the UK, go to Scotland, you will love it up there. Good luck to you in the future, wherever life takes you! In modern Britain, the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule. So we might as well make the most of it. As an ex-Londoner now living in Sydney, I can definitely relate to a lot of this - particularly rental prices in London. One thing I am sure of though from all the faults of living in italy we are so much happier as a family. Food: obviously subjective. It was also the uneducated, the "lower class" if you will (I can say that because on paper that's me haha). we enjoyed our Jobs Politicians havent listened to the people on this issue and Brexit was a cry for help. people do it. The social services cannot cope with a high population of low-paid people, British and immigrant. Nonetheless, the dark side usually has cookies :), I can imagine you want to escape the rain. In this groundbreaking investigation, Owen Jones . Sometimes foreigners dont understand this and confuse our ambition and drive with anger. The UK is our home and we are proud first-generation EU immigrants and British naturalised citizens. Compared to Italy, Germany and most other EU countries schools and universities are really easy, not in depth and way too expensive for the quality they offer. The other problem is that this country has relied too much on purely service industry and literally no manufacturing. That is very sweet of you. The most heartbreaking part is the attitude towards immigrants which Britain seems to have adopted. You should point out it is illegal for Muslims to convert to another religion in the UAE. AHEAD of Sweden, Germany or Japan. Whether you do OK or not, in the long run, is very much open to debate. Travelling: 150 for a return ticket halfway across England is expensive? Another of my favorite things of England are the diversity that you can see on in the people who lives her. Argentina sounds amazing. I don't want to have that life when they work 7 days a week and never get to enjoy the city. I am having a bit of a quarter life crisis in that I'm really struggling to come to terms with living in the UK for much longer at the age of 25. I believe it is a feature of geography. As for Portugal and being Portuguese born, I can see that is now a fashionable place to go. I wrote an article about a similar topic a month ago. The "immigrants who are here to steal the jobs"? Being British born myself I have seen how Britain has changed for the worst over the last decade or so and am now trying to convince my husband for us to move abroad somewhere where we can have hotter weather, more reasonable housing and public transport costs, a salary which accurately reflects the amount of work and education that goes into your job and an overall better lifestyle. Why don't YOU pack your bags and go home? On the contrary, the positive is that now I value Italy so so much more and I understand how brainwashed I was about British culture (my English friends were laughing about my naivety as well). I felt I was just paying for a handed off degree (and I was in supposedly one of the top unis). Look at the last 50 years of Britain and name a single big talented innovator in this market! Except the rain; everyone hates the rain haha. I cannot tell you if Romania is better, or the UK, or any other country for that matter. If you published that about any other people and country, you would have the police at your door for inciting racial hatred. For more than a year we are still trying to find our home. I mentioned in one of the previous comments that sometimes, the UK can be beautiful through the eye of a spectator. Buying less, eating better and having good weather is far more valuable. I find it comic you mention Elon Musk aiding Trump because Musk is an immigrant who IS born in Pretoria, South Africa who grew up in Canada (again, not America) and THEN came to America. I had been living in my liberal bubble my entire life and had surrounded my self with educated people who feel passionate about gender issues, race issues and really believe in the importance of creating a society which is fair for everyone, regardless of where they or their family are from. I know of Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, Cicero but what do I know of English history? I've been an expat but tbh happy to call myself immigrant too (as I once was to Britain as a 2yr old!). I am an Indian immigrant living in the UK for 15 odd years. Having moved into a city I realise reading your article that I have started to be ground down by the same things that have bothered you and your husband. Very nice post! [8], The word in its current pejorative usage is recorded by the Oxford English Dictionary as first used in a Usenet forum in 1998 and first used in a newspaper in 2002. we loved what we saw but the thing is that i feel Its not safe for us right know and Its messy with all this brexit thing. I will go further and suggest there is a lot of naivety amongst younger generations around the world. [1] "Chavette" is a related term referring to female chavs, and the adjectives "chavvy", "chavvish", and "chavtastic" are used to describe things associated with chavs, such as fashion, slang, etc. Before, I used to think that no restaurant in the UK can match the quality and brilliance of the food we experienced abroad. WOW. At the time I just thought he was thinking ahh we don't really have capacity thats annoying because this person looks good. I know it's unusual for you to grasp that. The Fabian Society have been highly critical of the BBC in using the term in broadcasts. I understand totally. How can a Dutch doctor steal Englishman's jobs if said Englishman simply isn't qualified (because of said class system) to even get to that level of education? Before the big crash in 2008 I felt a sort of charm about the UK that was such a huge part of my identity. See how you feel, see if you like it or not. The newspapers and the Tory party conjure up this idea that immigrants and immigration are the cause of so many of our problems (strain on social welfare, NHS, not enough housing, not enough jobs etc) to hide the true cause of those problems, which is cuts to funding and their government! We're yet to find ours, and I hope you will find yours, wherever that may be. We are at the stage of "Where to now?" On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. What I find interesting is how xenophobic the North of England is when a high proportion of very intelligent immigrants work for the NHS and treat them in hospitals, and yet there is a very tangible dislike for foreigners. 3) Live somewhere else where you can actually LIVE and not simply EXIST. My name is Josefa Ubilla, i`m fourteen years old, and i live in Chile. The difference here is that a small number of bigoted people are using racist rhetoric to manipulate the masses. In case you dont know much about Balkan food (clearly you dont), we have kebabs (mici in Romania, cevapi in ex-Yugoslavia countries), spicy vegetable spreads and dips, apple, cherry and pumpkin pies and strudels, sour noodle soups, SEASONINGS (so shocking for British palates I know) such as paprika, chilli sauces, garlic dips, shawarmas (thats another kebab for you), cheesy or jam filled doughnuts, the cabbage rolls you mentioned are filled with meat, rice and spices! Our place as a locus of brilliance during the Industrial Revolution was unquestioned. I am what you call a naturalised British citizen. No one should be treated the way that the foreigners in Britain are currently being treated, it's horrendous! Its over ambitious maybe. Thank you very much for being brave and courageous, and for writing this article. I believe it is a feature of geography. Its streets are filled with mullet, snapback, nike, [] I am searching for my sunny home You should visit Ghana if you can hot and amazing. -Weather- No comments needed here. There are too many issues which make the UK a depressing place to be. The UK blames, as you said, hard-working Poles, Romanians, and now the whole EU. In my own experience though I have found the North to be a lot more racist than the South. We enjoyed the crazy amount of products, the fantastic range of online shopping and the quality customer service. This means an average British person has a wardrobe full of Autumn clothing and about 10 different types of wellies. When you get ill on your travels, take a British penicillin. According to the Global Peace Index, the UK is the 47th safest country in the world (and the 26th in Europe), well below Romania, Hungary, Germany and Botswana. Once I would have thought you were exaggerating. Because they read too much of the Daily Mail and have come to believe that Mohammad who owns the corner shop and Sunita who works in the local Indian aren't law-abiding, hard-working citizens but terrorists, despite having lived here longer than some of us have been alive! I think we'd agree with just about every point you've raised about the UK. This makes your comment about separating rubbish as a frustration a little lacking in historical context. However I'm not sure if the uk will ever be the same. They say immigration is an issue but so is emigration. Hi Cory, It seems like you're a fighter and I get that because you will still fight for a better life ; even if it means moving back to the UK ! Who knows. We need visionaries such as Tony Benn. Weirdly, a small percentage of those were not born British so the picture is complex ! What you are supporting is an idea that the UK needs to stand alone economically, which is a cute idea yet impossible (because not even you support yourself and need help earning money) -- and you also support vile, and viscous ideas of THE OTHER, of xenophobia, and of racism, and hatred, and UKIP, all of which started talks of Brexit. Paris is wetter than London..south of England gets more sunshine than the Low Countries..what were you expecting when you moved here wall to wall sunshine?! It's about the people and the attitude. Its refreshing to see the honesty of the article. I mean let's spend millions on exiting. I was not sure what happened with people there, as if everyone is busy and mind about their own business. Can you believe that it was because of Harry Potter that I wanted to move to the UK? 'Chav' is a word that we heard all the time, like ten years ago! This article totally baffles me. Would you conceive a white being in the government in Pakistan? The best advice I can offer: follow your heart, because home is where your heart is truly happy surrounded by best friends and family you love. In that 25yrs, my tropical island birth nation has gone from developing to now High Income status. For all these things we really really really love the UK: low taxation, laissez faire and flexibility/open-mindness of the British (especially the English ) people in business and life is refreshing. Vine leaf rolls with rice. Some of the comments are impressively candid behind a computer screen. [9], Besides referring to loutish (ill-mannered) behaviour, violence, and particular speech patterns (all of which are stereotypes), the chav stereotype includes wearing branded designer sportswear,[14] which may be accompanied by some form of flashy gold jewellery otherwise termed as "bling". I miss how it made me feel. This is middle class hatred of the white working class, pure and simple. No culture and social life. The word "chav", and its various synonyms and regional variations, has become a ubiquitous term of abuse for white working class subjects. Same problem in Belgium! Its good to hear that you are happy now you have moved back to the UK. The negatives are playing out on the world stage. I got approached by a Greek man who had a PHD and wanted to try and find ways to use it in a commercial context and he wanted to work for us for free to get some experience. Maybe it was our experience with Bristol and London. I get it, nobody likes foreigners. Because I promise you are! The largest group of expats now globally are probably professional Indians, to the UK or other countries. We called it our long honeymoon. Thank you, Cory, for this honest and heartfelt review of your time living in the UK. To give an idea of the divide on the Brexit vote night my Italian neighbours who I had never met before invited me around for a party so I was getting drunk with about 15 Italians before we found out the result. I am thankful to experience the green landscape, the beauty of rain, a cuppa and simple things in life. You may be from Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland which would make your question laughable. I was taught in school that Britain was a multicultural society and we we're taught that multiculturalism was a positive thing. When employers can hire Eastern Europeans who will turn up on time, not call in sick with hangovers and work hard then who can blame them? This country has ace roads in comparison to other places we've lived in. As you might have gathered, my husband is Hungarian. It might be because, even not being religious, I come from a Catholic country, but the way the "Alfie Evans Case" was handled by the hospital, media, judges etc. Politicians are liars (we've been promised more money for academia and the NHS). The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. Yes, Britain is home. My Portuguese friend said the Portuguese just want to live in the beach, but the Brits try to be something more than they are. Do you honestly think ALlL Brits think Britain is great and we are living in some utopia? Right after Norway and Switzerland. People are lovely, but the drinking culture is a bit over the top for me. I say we keep the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and reintroduce forests and wild animals. Maybe capitalism has encouraged too much greed? This could be why many voted for Brexit. Unless you share your accommodation, you are extremely rich or live in a partnership with someone, you can't essentially live in London. In the UK there was always immigration but it was controlled and little, only the best and most suitable immigrants can enter. Below I will explain some of the factors we took into account when we made our decision. I am so glad I left that world. Good luck x. For me, moving to the UK where I've traveled a few times a year for over 20 years for work and fun - is about spending time with friends and loved ones there and the opportunity to travel Europe much easier. And this got me thinkingin fact, no! I was born there and had to put up with the place for forty years. I wish you and your husband the best of luck on your travels and next adventure in life!!! Ask any American, and apart from skinny women, castles and nice beer, the thing they love about Europe is its diversity. This means that if you have a car, you can get pretty much anywhere around the UK. I've witnessed how the foreigners were treated after the Brexit vote and on behalf of my country, I'm sorry. Thank you Cory for expressing your experience in the UK. I loved reading this post. But its like I've always maintained since the vote happened is that lots of people voted Brexit for many complex reasons. A very powerful piece and interesting from my perspective as a Canadian who left Canada to travel for many of the same reasons. It is the immigrants who maintain Britain afloat, and it is because of the immigrants that we have good doctors, dedicated teachers and hard-working baristas in the local cafes. To sum up England used to be a nice place ,,,,so I moved back !! And now since coming out as a trans-woman and trying to live my life the best way I can, I have face nothing but hurdles and hatred since doing so. A spokeswoman said, "With slogans from characters in shows such as Little Britain and The Catherine Tate Show providing us with more and more contemporary slang, our "Whatever" sweets now nicknamed chav hearts have become very popular with kids and grown-ups alike. Im scared for the future of my children and have never been so ashamed to be british! These are very difficult questions and there are very few genuinely enlightened people because of the whitewashing of Hollywood and the fact that over the years most successful actors had to change their names in order to succeed. I guess it's a "grass is always greener" situation for all of us lately. , class castles and nice beer, the thing they love about Europe is its.... But it 's about money and yes, class thing they love about Europe is its diversity is... Are happy now you have a car, you will find yours wherever! Further and suggest there is a bit raised about the UK that was such a huge of... 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