false teachings of the orthodox church

color:black; (the issues of the Nicene Creed are very complex as attached to historical proof of the people involved in making it and general number of churches cults and sects in the Empire - I can only try to resolve this later on). 1/28/2021 Dissident Mama, 2020 Ioannes Apiarius, On Priestesses and Ecclesiological Deism [on Sr. Vassa dangerous nonsense] 41) NEPSIS linked with CATHARSIS: when linked with Monastic practices is an oxymoronic concept. Modalism, ruled out by the Nicene Creed, teaches that God's names (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) change with his roles or "modes of being" (like a chameleon). And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Another Orthodox person reading this would be justified in pointing out it is a good idea to pray to saints, but if that's not where you are at, then that's not where you are at. font-weight:bold; 6/16/2018 Fr. Only one New Testament book (Philemon) omits . Matt 23:9. Doxa to Theo, John, Orthodox Bishop Praises Golden Idol of a Pagan Goddess (PHOTOS) font-size: 10pt; Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusiveness John Whiteford, The Pro-Abortion Orthodox (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1) margin-bottom:6.0pt; 6/13/2018 Fr. Johannes Jacobse, Uncovering the Truth: Head Coverings and Revisionist Biblical Interpretation they seem to mean "It is surethe first church was in Jerusalem in Israel, but our tradition says Constantinople. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches that man is able to cooperate with God in bringing about his salvation, and that regeneration is the product of a synergistic effort of God and man. margin-bottom: 15px; Apocrypha may have different meanings depending on how it is applied to the Old or New Testaments and whether it is being used by Catholics, Protestants or Orthodox Christians. John Whiteford, Deeply Disturbing Concerns Homosexual Militancy Threatening the Orthodox Church 7/27/2021 Orthodox Reflections, Compassionate Denial: A Paradigm of Abuse? According to Holy Scripture, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils. 37) No music. All throughout the interview, John has been backing up his statements with verses he has committed to memory. The Orthodox Church maintains Her belief that She alone has kept the true Christian faith, complete and unaltered (dumb - infallible heresy). It also puts burdens on mens back grievous to be born who, unlike the parasite priests and bishops of the Orthodox religion, often have to do a hard days work and need energy. margin-right:20pt; Ioannes Apiarius, Public Orthodoxy: Promoting Cultural Marxism and LGBT Blasphemy font-family: Verdana; Leavened bread is also acceptable for the purpose in the more liberal Protestant churches. Ioannes Apiarius, OCA Synod Categorically Rejects Same-Sex Unions and Homosexual Self-Identity Ioannes Apiarius, More on the Question of the Toll Houses I had been born again, he says. The principal church of a bishop's jurisdiction, the chief church in every diocese. Its almost like a one off proof their whole idea of human tradition is based on bunk human decision making.). The search through various prayers and practices to achieve unity with God in life (theosis) (see hesychasm). font-weight:bold p.normal_text And fundamental to the false teacher's success is his ability to deceive. margin-right: 20px; 12/10/2014 Fr. I am writing as someone formally trained in Orthodox and Western psychology. & Holy Orders. where, the new proselyte must renounce in public the Ref. 6/20/2022 Fr. 11/6/2018 Fr. } margin-left: 20px; 10/7/2013 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Fr. All want to radically change the Orthodox Church teaching and Tradition to accommodate distorted and corrupt ideas. The Eastern Orthodox church deviates from authentic Biblical Christianity in many other respects, but the foregoing are adequate to demonstrate that a great gulf exists between that which God requires according to Scripture, and that which Eastern Orthodoxy requires according to its man-made doctrines. 5/17/2022 Fr. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Those who remain faithful to the church and who trust in Christ for salvation? I press him further. 6/25/2022 Fr. 5/9/2022 Fr. If not, wherein lies their non-adherence to Scripture in their beliefs and practices? John Whiteford, Discernment or Scaffolding? 5/21/2018 Fr. Here are some passages of Scripture that should be taken into account when considering the subject of false teaching: I Peter 3:15 (KJV) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but . If we hold such false principles as valid, then the Orthodox Church ceases to be the Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Ecumenical Councils, and the Fathers of the Church. Are you saying that the Orthodox Church preaches salvation by good works? I ask. "new and personal belief or idea"). This breaks the general new testament directive "Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. The unmarried state of life. Kallistos Clearly Implies that the Church Should Bless Committed Same-Sex Relationships 94)Orthodox. If Orthodox believers would read Scripture without it being interpreted for them by the Church, they would discover the truth, he adds. font-family: Verdana; Celibacy. The Eastern Orthodox religion, along with Catholicism, reduce Jesus to a Semi Saviour, and exalt themselves (works) and their priests and bishops (sacerdotalism) to co-Saviours. margin-left:15pt; margin: 12px 40px; 7/1/2018 Fr. John Whiteford, Missteps in the Churchs response to the LGBT movement [on Fr. John Whiteford, 2015 perhaps the best western theological term that expresses the Eastern Orthodox Churches view on the nature of human free will, in combination with "ancestral sin", versus the human nature of free will in combination with "original sin" as expressed in the most common Evangelical and Protestant belief calledArminianism. A Look at the Church of England, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Why I Dont Say Passed Away When Someone Dies. margin-top: 18px; color:black; He and his wife Corina have three children. Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. 7/11/2022 Orthodox Christianity, Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of Married Homosexuals The intercession of the saints and Mary on behalf of Christians on earth was easily rejected. Copyright 2023 OrthodoxyToday and OrthodoxNetwork. Michael Courey: Orthodox Church Must be More Inclusive, Welcome Same-Sex Couples 10/2/2012 Dn. 3) Eastern Orthodox = ancestral sin has aless corruptedconcept of mans nature than Arminianism (based on original sin instead). All scriptureisgiven by inspiration of God, andisprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 1 Tim 3:15-16. From this heretical view of lifting old law into the new covenant, in effect trying to put old wine into new bottles, we see all manner of old laws and concepts poisoning their faith, from huge things like fancifully imagining an old style priesthood now, down to trivia like insisting the clergy have beards Lev 19:27 & Lev 21:5) and long hair (Numbers 6:5 etc). He spread his false teaching throughout the East, receiving support from certain Eastern bishops. John Whiteford, Sr. Vassas words on gay teen dating continue to reverberate 1/3/2020 Rod Dreher, 2019 text-align:justify; He should be guided in studying what the Church has in its written (Bible) and unwritten (Sacred Tradition) teaching. 11/18/2015 Fr. margin-right: 60px; The Orthodox Church feeds on tradition, not on Scripture. margin-bottom: 6px; 2) The dead can pray for you! The Orthodox Church considers in particular three bishops (hierarchs) of the Church as Her most important Teachers and Fathers, who contributed to the development and the spiritual growth of the Church. When I walked out of a church service, I was the same as before., John was baptized into the church when he was six weeks old. 11/11/2017 Fr. This is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy as it is in Catholicism. Those groups were called "heterodox" or "heretics." Please note that "Orthodox Church" refers specifically to Eastern Orthodoxy, the Church of the Seven Great Ecumenical Councils. margin-right: 40px; 7/16/2018 Fr. denoting the doctrine that the first steps towards good can be taken by the human will, though supervening divine grace is needed for salvation. (Colossians 2:4-10). Webster, Fundamental Errors: A Response to Tradition Without Fundamentalism by George Demacopoulos Herman Majkrzak (Hieromonk), Metropolitan Kallistos and The Wheel His False teaching Arius' unorthodox position can be summed up very simply as "there was when he was not." In other words, he held that God the Son is not co-eternal with God the Father. 2/22/2021 Dissident Mama, Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous Orthodoxy in Dialogue Website 4) It forcesOrthodox converts to make a commitment on the filioque issue (ironically the Orthodox and Catholics have opposite views upon it). Joseph Birthisel, Sister Vassa on Homosexuality example:Lent. The word orthodox thus separates the Church from other groups that promote false teachings about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and the Church. Ioannes Apiarius, A Christian cosplay coup dtat [Exposing Lydia Bringeruds Attacks on Orthodox Traditions] } A liturgical book containing the lives of the saints and the special hymns (stichera) for the feast-days of the Orthodox Saints. 2) The justification of sins described as "the works of the flesh' (Gal 5:19-21 & Rev 21:8). 93)Mysticism. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 8/30/2019 Fr. Like the Roman Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox church insists that it is the one true church of Christ on earth. see also -Meneon. margin-bottom:6.0pt; Thomas Hopko on Same-Sex Attraction: Speaking the Truth in Love? The History of the Eastern Orthodox Church is the formation, events, and transformation of the Eastern Orthodox Church through time.. 2/3/2021 Orthodox Reflections, That Horrible Bishop Makes Me Do It 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist. note: their sinister indoctrination process. John explains how he quickly left behind former Orthodox doctrines that he had been taught in church. {margin: 6.0pt 15pt; Rather that is called in our theological jargon the Antinomian heresy, and though there are Protestant heretics that believe it (just as the Orthodox heretic Rasputin believed it) easy believerism it is not generally accepted. line-height:180%; color: #0F4679; 67) heretical definition ofBlasphemy. 7/13/2022 Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, Met. Some are women "married" to other women. (Gr. 6)bride and groom- marriage falsely termed a sacrament I had no intention of converting to evangelicalism, he says. Acts 12:22-23. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Standing here, in front of the only full-scale replica of the Parthenon in the world, I feel an overwhelming sense of pridecomplete with the magnificent effigy of Athena, Archbishop Elpidophoros said in his letter. (in Christian thought) the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive popes and bishops, taught by the Roman Catholic Church but denied by most Protestants. http://www.teachingtheword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?blogid=6435&view=post&articleid=81482&link=1&fldKeywords=&fldAuthor=&fldTopic=0, The writings and decisions of the first seven ecumenical councils, which took place between the 4th and 8th centuries, The writing and decisions of later church councils through the centuries (which have often conflicted with each other as well as Scripture). Ioannes Apiarius 5/22/2019 Fr. font-weight: bold; It was (questionably) attributed to John Cassian (d.435). Ioannes Apiarius, Orthodox Episcopal Aloofness with a Side of Cake [Abp. Fortunately, we have Christ's promise that heresies will never prevail against the Church, for he told Peter, "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it " (Matt. Or he must confess a belief about the underpinning theology ofMonophysitism,Dyophysitism, orMiaphysitism??? 7/222018 Fr. 2) Evangelical & Protestant Arminianism = man is depraved, but not totally, he can accept the gospel by free will, BUT he cannpt take the first steps toward God himself, and only under God's drawing power can he be saved. -The DivineLiturgy of Saint John Chrysostom said to be a"mass"in the Byzantine Rite. ", A reader asks, "Are Eastern Orthodox practitioners (Russian, Serbian, Greek, Antiochian, Ethiopian, etc.) text-align:justify; The Orthodox Church believes that all the people of God-members of the Church, either the living on earth or the departed in heaven-are in constant communion and fellowship with each other in faith, grace, and prayers, since they constitute one Body in Christ-the Church. The same cannot be said of those fomenting rebellion inside the Orthodox Church. font-size: 10pt; font-size:10.0pt; John Chryssavgis pro-LGBT views Real Heresy is caustic serious false doctrine, against the law and teachings of the new and better covenant (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24)that usually attacks one of two things: 1) Teachings fundamental to the Faith (Jude 1:3) such as the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, the definition of the good news (Gal 1:6-9) or specifically "the gospel by which we are saved" etc. 3/24/2020 Orthodox Editors, Greek Archbishop of America [Elpidophoros] declares open Communion for non-Orthodox spouses margin-left:70pt; For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Mnymosyno). A local Council, convened with Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria presiding, condemned the false teachings of Arius. What would you say if someone were to convert from evangelicalism to Eastern Orthodoxy? I challenge. All rights reserved. line-height: 200%; the vain and pompous doctrine of human deification, first professed byLucifer in Isaiah 14:14 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." In real baptism, such as that of the Ethiopianeunuch in Acts 8, do you really think the underlying theologyof the wordhomoousioshad to first be expressed by him? I preach only one gospel that saves, not two. Who Are the Real Schismatics? a gold mine of information about Eastern Orthodoxy. Lawrence Farley, Truth, Compassion, and the Transgender Movement These things are good and profitable to men. Joseph Birthisel, The Defence of the New Deaconesses and the Rest of the Story That isnt in the Bible, he says, without further elaboration. Well, it's a false dichotomy: that you can either have enchantment, or modern dentistry. color:black; 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article This is opposite to the teaching of Orthodoxy with their hand-me-down long list of false doctrines, by a pseudochurch full of man-made rituals, rites,religious trappings and devotionby rote. } Ministriesmmmmmwww.teachingtheword.org margin-bottom:9.0pt; When a person repents and accepts the gospel (believes in Jesus) he not only receives the free gift of eternal life (unless you have believed in vain), but also one of the "new and better promises" (Heb 8:6 & Eze 36:26) is to be spiritually born again to become one of God's children, receiving a new nature that tends toward doing good, instead of evil, and crying Abba Father to God. It is worth researching if the Orthodox have like the Catholics limited languages a liturgy can be read out in. Ioannes Apiarius, Protodeacon Theodore Feldman boldly spouts nonsense Some are women married to other women. Lawrence Farley, Fr. The Orthodox Church (the Orthodox Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy), is the second largest Fake Christian Church in the world, ( the Roman. Those who do not live sinful lives? The Orthodox church is a fellowship of "autocephalous" churches (canonically and administratively independent), with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople holding titular or honorary primacy. (this sounds like the cult called Spiritism! If so, if they and Roman Catholicism were supposedly one church at one point in history, whenwas it dropped by the Catholics. Orthodoxy believes that the Christian Faith and the Church are inseparable. 1/14/2020 Fr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dishonest Dialogue of Orthodox Liberals and Deconstructionists } It is nonsense that you must be buried in ground sanctified byincense swinging, holy water splashing. margin-bottom: 24px; 4. 8/29/2017 Fr. 1/24/2018 George Michalopulos, Fordham Universitys Orthodox Center receives grant to study LGBTQ rights Joseph Birthisel, Demonic Autonomy and Divine Obedience The Anthropology of Antichristianity (Part 8) Examining just three areas - Eastern Orthodoxy's positions on Scripture, sin, and salvation - tells us all we need to know to reject it as a false faith. font-family: Verdana; 2) Their canon is false - theyexaltGreek LXX etc to such an extent (racism) that they included heretical old testament Books into their false canon, never accepted by the Jews, like the absurd story "Bel and the Dragon". 6/28/2018 Fr. The Bible was true, and the Church with all its traditions and rituals was wrong.. 8/21/2017 Fr. 5/14/2018 Fr. 6/13/2018 Fr. In fact, Eastern Orthodoxy's false doctrine of theosis additionally conflates regeneration with justification and sanctification. Johannes Jacobse, Fundamentalism & Dialogue p.summary_text Their bible is false because: 1) The racist error of translating the old testament from Greek. I thank John for his time, and then ask him to sum up the biggest difference between Orthodox Christians and Baptists. 10/3/2017 Fr. These preachers and teachers speak and write from within the Moral Tradition of the Orthodox Church. 2) pretentious religious music, in the case of Orthodoxy (a daughter of Rome) this takes the form of chanting heresyetc. However in the eastern lands Eastern Orthodoxy moved into these type of shrines to false gods were common. Simply put, it is about 50 competing self-proclaimed Messiahs in Judaism contemporary with Christ Our Lord, down through history and contemporary with ourselves, which have plagued Judaism alone. It has been a money spinning dogma for many years, by bleeding the Greek people dry by threats of exhuming bodies if yearly payments on graves are not paid. This article may be reproduced in its entirety only, 2) pretentious religious music, in the case of Orthodoxy (a daughter of Rome) this takes the form of chanting heresyetc. After many centuries of tricking uneducated peasants with such dogmas as this (and the equally absurd Holy Fire non-miracle) they should now be made to pay the price of their deception by exposing this heresy. Name-day. font-weight: bold; 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. I try to convert people, because I believe the Orthodox Church is wrong and is leading people astray.. Their baptism services are heretical multiple times over, including, 4) With adults it only proceeds after a catechumen period of one or two whole years, when the Ethiopian Eunuch on hearing the gospel said immediately in Acts 8:36-38 "And as they went ontheirway, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See,here iswater; what doth hinder me to be baptized?". The apostle Paul often condemns and warns against those refuting the gospel through the . Exomologisis). How sure are you that you made the right decision? I ask. The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. Joseph Birthisel, Ashley Purpura: Orthodox Church Needs Women Priests and Bishops You and I are both believing Christians, and we both go to the dentist. For the law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath, which came after the law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever. [refuting Aristotle Papanikolaous false claims] Unlike the early Quakers (who were much more pious than modern Quakers who are more like a social club thana church) the Eastern Orthodox church makes the usual excuses for swearing oaths, and quote "The general rule in the Greek penal law requires witnesses to take an oath on the Gospels. margin-right: 40px; Orthodox bishops are only chosen from the celibate clergy, but widowers, who have accepted monastic vows, may also be chosen. Jesus said to keep your fasting secret, not have special clockwork calendar days specified for fasting. 7/21/2021 Teena Blackburn, Sin Cannot Be Blessed by the Church Tomorrow, we will look at the parallels between the two accounts and hopefully better understand these two traditions and why people are converting from one to the other. Boiled wheat is used as a symbol of the resurrection of everyone at the Second Coming of Christ. 1) The racist error of translating the old testamentfrom Greek. 73)Canons (or Canon Law). 6/16/2018 Rod Dreher, The Rise of Antichristianity The Mystery of Lawlessness List is provided in reverse chronological order, beginning in 2012, the earliest article we could find. line-height:200%; } 7/5/2018 Fr. 5/4/2020 Fr. 72)The Canon Liturgical, which refers to all liturgical material, including the Creed, used for the Liturgy and the consecration of the Eucharist (see also kanon and Typikon). font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; I realized that the Bible was the authority, even over the Church. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or receive his columns via email. font-family: Verdana; Joseph Birthisel, Orthodox Fundamentalism Discussion on Ancient Faith Today John Whiteford, Rise of Heretical Pro-Abortion Orthodox False Teachers 1/5/2012 Fr. Unity becomes intrinsically impossible. 66) heretical definition ofBigamy. Some of these individuals openly and proudly self-identify as homosexual or LGBT. Many are not Orthodox Christians. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. The ten commandments forbid you to make them in the first place, as well telling you not toworship them. 5) Cycle of Prayer 6) Jesus Prayer 6) Mary as Mediator 7) Praying tothe dead 8) Prayer Books. 5/14/2015 Fr. Matt. Please make sure all fields are filled out. (Gr. 3) And that the scriptures, unlike Orthodox traditions, are inspired word for word, and in Matthew 4:4 Jesus promises those scriptures will be preserved word for word. Worse as other churches don't do it, how could anyone else be saved? From the Word are you saying that the Bible was the authority, even over the are... Welcome Same-Sex Couples 10/2/2012 Dn you that you can follow him on,. 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We shall be saved from wrath through him and profitable to men from within Moral. Much More then, having now been justified by his blood, we shall be saved between Christians.