how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia

A dual identity (military and law enforcement) and alignment under the Department of Homeland Security allow a separate cyber service to protect our nations global infrastructure from state actors who will be indistinguishable from criminal threats. Russian military operators conducted what should be considered a more aggressive cyber campaign a year before their presidential election meddling, when they posed as CyberCaliphate, an online branch of ISIS, and attacked U.S. media outlets and threatened the safety of U.S. military spouses. Holding DOD personnel and third-party contractors more accountable for slip-ups. Prospects for US-Russia Cyber Rules of the Road:An American Perspective 7 Global Health Program, Higher Education Webinar: Teaching the History of American Democracy, Webinar In September, the White House released a new National Cyber Strategy based on four pillars: The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. Jan / endangered animals in north america / used motorcycles for sale waco how does the dod leverage cyberspace with nato data science course singapore skillsfuture In coo certification programs by October 11, 2022 Leverage in the internet ecosystem has been written about in many forms, including the costs and benefits of deploying particular cybersecurity technologies and the major parts of the global internet network that enable data flows. Increasing the diplomatic costs of Russian cyber aggression, shoring up cyber defenses, or even fostering military-to-military or working-level diplomatic channels to discuss cyber red lines, however discretely and unofficially, could present better choices than apparently gambling with the safety of civilians that both sides' forces are sworn to protect. 1 "Defense Critical Infrastructure" refers to the composite of DoD and non-DoD assets essential to project, support, Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) Automation and large-scale data analytics will help identify cyberattacks and make sure our systems are still effective. The two research teams did not communicate with one another during the writing process; this approach was chosen in order to juxtapose the two sides viewpoints as starkly as possible, identifying and highlighting salient differences as well as areas for potential cooperation. Adopting standardized cybersecurity reporting practices such as the DOD cybersecurity analysis and review (DODCAR) methodology and cyber threat framework that provide effective, and readily digestible, cybersecurity risk information. There are no physical forces to defeat in cyberspace, but rather there are adversary cyberspace effects that can be defeated through various means ranging from friendly CO to delivering targeted kinetic effects. Joint Electronic Library (JEL+), An official website of the United States government, U.S. Cyber Command members work in the Integrated Cyber Center, Joint Operations Center at Fort George G. Meade, Md., April. While the Russian author believes the U.S. should be more open to dialogue without preconditions, the American authors call for codified procedures for negotiations, with a clearly defined timeline and set list of topics, as one of the conditions for moving toward a bilateral cyber agreement. Within each DOD component constructed network are thousands of subordinate networks, information technology equipment, tools and applications, weapon system technologies and data spanning across bases, posts, camps, and station levels. Home The DOD is making strides in this by: Retaining the current cyber workforce is key, as is finding talented new people to recruit. Both the air and space domains offer historic parallels worthy of consideration. The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. In response to these threats, U.S. Cyber Command has taken a comprehensive and proactive approach, she said, that involves being able to defend forward anywhere in the world, in order to respond to cyber and other threats before they reach the homeland, Mortelmans said. DACO has been delegated to JFHQ-DODIN and provides authority to direct cyberspace operations related to global DODIN operations and DCO-IDM within each DOD components DAO. Arguably, the DODs established processes and bureaucracy are not suited to the fast-paced world of cyberspace. JUST IN: U.S. Space Command to Leverage AI to Maintain Digital Superiority. Russian military hackers, for example, have gone after everything from the Orthodox Church to U.S. think tanks, and they launched what the Trump administration called the most costly cyberattack in history. The Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff has primacy in external cyberspace operations, to include espionage, information warfare, and offensive cyberspace operations. The Russian Federation's willingness to engage in offensive cyber operations has caused enormous harm, including massive financial losses, interruptions to the operation of critical infrastructure, and disruptions of crucial software supply chains. If so, what form could it take? It offers a separate voice within the military for the use of airpower on the strategic stage. Air Force Airman 1st Class Christopher Kendrick, 49th Communications Squadron cyber transport technician, connects fiber optic cables to the base network switches at the base network control center on Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., June 30, 2020. In considering this question we were constantly reminded of recent comments by a prominent U.S. arms control expert: At least as dangerous as the risk of an actual cyberattack, he observed, is cyber operations blurring of the line between peace and war. Or, as Nye wrote, in the cyber realm, the difference between a weapon and a non-weapon may come down to a single line of code, or simply the intent of a computer programs user.. Figure 2: The 44 DOD Components of the DODIN. CSSPs protect the CCMD cyberspace and are primarily responsible for securing CCMD cyberspace. If the goal of concluding a U.S.-Russian cyber treaty were to become more realistic, the U.S. authors conclude that buy-in from the U.S. legislative branch would be crucial and rules that narrowly focus on technical infrastructurefor example, forbidding illicit changes to ballots or hacks of election software and hardwaremay be the most palatable for both sides, as opposed to broader, more general rules. by Lindsay Maizland Defending forward includes understanding what adversaries are trying to do and what the threat looks like. By also sharing this information with JFHQ-DODIN, this establishes awareness of the DODs cybersecurity posture, DOD-wide. Conditions Necessary for Negotiating a Successful Agreement 13 Troops have to increasingly worry about cyberattacks while still achieving their missions, so the DOD needs to make processes more flexible. Twitter. The Domain Name System, the internets phone book for addressing traffic, and the Border Gateway Protocol, the internets GPS for routing traffic, were both designed with a preference for speed and reliability over security. 1 Build a more lethal force. Moreover, the U.S. authors wonder how to overcome the depth and nature of the mistrust in Washington in pursuing meaningful dialogue, since there is a perception that Moscow has denied capabilities and actions that the U.S. considers to be well established. The DOD cyberspace backbone is called the DODIN. Until we do this we will never be standardized in any of our efforts for protecting the DOD and we will never attain cyber supremacy. The NNSA, according to Gordon-Hargerty, has three main objectives, to maintain the safety, security and reliability of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation. Iran has conducted disruptive cyberattacks against U.S. and allies'companies, along with information operations to push their own narrative across the Middle East, Mortelmans said. Such ensures that its programs and projects not only do not fail but also encourage enthusiastic, increasing, positively reinforcing support with widespread acceptance of the visions provided, and to be subsequently eventually, and as soon as is possible, realised and presented in media via US based/US centric proprietary advanced intellectual property means, inclusive of exclusive virtual memes. Coreless Stretch Film; Pre-Stretch Film; Hand Roll; Machine Roll; Jumbo Roll; Industrial Plastic Division. Training and Education Command(TECOM) The first US Air force chief software officer, Nicolas Chaillan, who spent three years on a Pentagon-wide effort to boost cyber security, resigned late in 2021, arguing, we do not have a competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. In considering this question we were constantly reminded of recent comments by a prominent U.S. arms control expert: At least as dangerous as the risk of an actual cyberattack, he observed, is cyber operations blurring of the line between peace and war. Or, as Nye wrote, in the cyber realm, the difference between a weapon and a non-weapon may come down to a single line of code, or simply the intent of a computer programs user.. This comprehensive approach creates interesting synergies for the Russian military. Air Land Sea Application Center, We have no room for complacency and history makes it clear that America has no preordained right to victory on the battlefield.Secretary James N. [3] Manson, Katrina, US has already lost AI fight to China, says ex-Pentagon software chief, Financial Times, October 10, 2021, Question 1. Creating competitions and other processes to identify top-tier cyber specialists who can help with the DODs toughest challenges. There are also cyber criminals who pose a growing threat from their use of ransomware to extort money from local and state governments as well as the commercial sector, she said. The cost-benefit of their deployment favors the defender. The Russians and Chinese are playing a long game to threaten the international, rules-based orderand they are doing this with actions below the threshold of armed conflict. Cyber Bones of Contention in US-Russian Relations 37 By Maj Eric Pederson (USAF), MAJ Don Palermo (USA), MAJ Stephen Fancey (USA), LCDR (Ret) Tim Blevins The Russian author points out that the world is getting increasingly divided over two competing approaches to managing cyberspace, with Western democracies dominating one side and Russia and China the other. In just a few years, Air Force Space Commands General John Raymond went from being an opponent of the Space Force to its first Chief of Space Operations![10]. Arlington, [4] The DODIN is the biggest network in the world. Actions in cyberspace, particularly defensive actions within DOD cyberspace, should not be viewed as a traditional force-on-force competition. There is a hierarchy based on roles and responsibilities (Figure 5) when it comes to protecting cyberspace as part of the joint force. The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. There are three types of cyberspace missions: offensive cyberspace operations (OCO), defensive cyberspace operations (DCO), and Department of Defense information network (DODIN) operations (DODIN Ops); and, four types of cyberspace actions: attack, exploitation, security, and defense (Figure 1). If you violate this Legal Notice, NDIA may, in its sole discretion, delete the unacceptable content from your posting, remove or delete the posting in its entirety, issue you a warning, and/or terminate your use of the NDIA site. This is different from a traditional campaign designed around the idea that the world is either at peace or at war. An official website of the United States Government. NDIA is not responsible for screening, policing, editing, or monitoring your or another user's postings and encourages all of its users to use reasonable discretion and caution in evaluating or reviewing any posting. Strengthening the cybersecurity of systems and networks that support DOD missions, including those in the private sector and our foreign allies and partners. Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures, Backgrounder An example would be an attack on critical infrastructure such as the power grid. - Slate, Analysis & Opinions A highly regarded news source for defense professionals in government and industry, National Defense offers insight and analysis on defense programs, policy, business, science and technology. Using insights from the Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) dataset, this policy brief by Ketaki Zodgekar outlines key trends in the use of sexual violence in Russias war against Ukraine between 2014 and 2021. a lone server in a random unprotected closet that all operational data passes through). limiting the collective reach of U.S. cyber operations at any given time; it also ignores the concept of points of leverage in the broader internet ecosystem. More than 5.3 million others are still estimated to be . (Figure 4). Why a US-Russia Cyber Agreement Is Needed but Currently Not Possible 10 "It is the only country with a heavy global footprint in both civil and military. Continual campaigning is when the joint force is continually competing and adapting in response to strategic conditions and policy objectives through different levels of cooperation, competition below armed conflict, and armed conflict. Conclusions and Recommendations 63Conclusion: In Search of Understanding 65 For services, report the status of relevant cyberspace terrain to the appropriate CCMD, based on geographic or functional responsibility. National Defenseprovides authoritative, non-partisan coverage of business and technology trends in defense and homeland security. Troops have to increasingly worry about cyberattacks. Adversaries China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are increasingly taking malicious cyber activities in the gray zone, which is below the threshold of armed conflict, to undermine U.S. and allies'security, she said. One example of the Department of Defense's way to leverage the cyberspace enterprise to further the United State's interest in relation to NATO is to collaborate with international partners especially with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members. Points on which the Russian and U.S. authors agree: Points on which the Russian and U.S. authors disagree: Points on which the respective authors cover ground that their counterparts do not: Introduction 1 Director, Russia Matters Project; Assistant Director, U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Sarah Sewall, Tyler Vandenberg, and Kaj Malden, Copyright 2022 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available. Then, Washington must understand why it failed, writes Stephen Walt. The stage is set to successfully consolidate multiple cybersecurity efforts. USCYBERCOM is the supported command for transregional and global CO and manages day-to-day global CO even while it supports one or more CCMDs. Annual Lecture on China. Yet, there is a lack of shared understanding about cyberspace across the DOD and the joint force and even less understanding of how the DOD should protect its cyberspace. [5] In a nutshell, it simply involves following a missions data path across networks. January 31, 2022, How Tobacco Laws Could Help Close the Racial Gap on Cancer, Interactive tel: (703) 522-1820. Joe Cheravitch is a defense analyst at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation. Russian Threat Perception Vis--Vis US Cyber Priorities 45 programs offered at an independent public policy research organizationthe RAND Corporation. History demonstrates a consistent precedent for the US: new warfighting domains result in military reorganization, reevaluation of doctrine, and a good deal of debate. VA A declared expansion in targeting Russian power grids could ensure that future disruptions, which can occur spontaneously, are seen by Moscow as an unmistakable act of U.S. cyber aggression. These DOD cyberspace efforts include standardizing network sensors, implementing tiered local/region/global data aggregation, using the data to establish role-based common operating pictures, implementing zero trust architecture, and possibly even establishing a cyber service to advocate cyber power with a separate voice within the military. Joint Cyberspace Organizations, Structures, Roles, and Responsibilities. For example, they've made attempts to interfere in the 2016, 2018 and now 2020 U.S. elections, as well as elections of allies and partners. The Russian government tries to maintain greater control over domestic cyberspace than does the U.S., primarily to ensure political stability. Western analysts, fixated on untangling the now-defunct concept of the Gerasimov Doctrine, devoted far less attention to the Russian military's actual cyber experts, who starting in 2008 wrote a series of articles about the consequences of Washington's perceived militarization of cyberspace, including a mid-2016 finale that discussed Russia's need to pursue cyber peace with the United States by demonstrating an equal information potential.. [4] Defense Information System Agency Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Network, Capabilities: Connecting and Protecting the Warfighting in Cyberspace, 2019, No FEAR Act Now the Air Force has its own identity, service culture, technology, tactics, and strategy. This concentration is necessary because just as there are cybersecurity technologies that give leverage to a defender, some vectors of compromise give disproportionate leverage to attackers. 22201 But our competitors including terrorists, criminals, and foreign adversaries such as Russia and China - are also using cyber to try to steal our technology, disrupt our economy and government processes, and threaten critical infrastructure. Often, there are pieces of cyberspace terrain that are critical for mission or network function that are not obvious (e.g. While the U.S. military built up the latter, the issue of when and where the United States should use cyber operations failed to keep pace with new capabilities. A gulf in both the will to use cyber operations and the capacity to launch them separated the two for almost 20 years. Sgt. At some point theU.S. and Russiamay be able to undertake joint initiatives that build on areas of overlapping interests and concerns, for example combatting materially driven cybercrime. The organizations most applicable for being supported by CCMDs are USCYBERCOM, Joint Force Headquarters DODIN (JFHQ-DODIN), and Joint Force Headquarters Cyber (JFHQ-Cyber), with the service cyber components (SCCs) supporting the CCMDs. Marine Corps Whatever their similarities in cyber targeting, Moscow and Washington faced different paths in developing capabilities and policies for cyber warfare, due in large part to the two sides' vastly different interpretations of global events and the amount of resources at their disposal. Pinterest. They are also both areas where small changes would yield massive gains in cybersecurity, underscoring that, as we previously argued, one of the best ways to approach a U.S. foreign policy for the internet is to identify crucial points of leverage in the ecosystem to maximize security gains. Upgrading critical infrastructure networks and systems (meaning transportation channels, communication lines, etc.) Both the U.S. and Russia view misinformation and disinformation disseminated by cyber means as highly problematic. with Ivan Kanapathy, Bonny Lin and Stephen S. Roach, The U.S. Should Make Leverage the Foundation of Its Cyber Strategy, David Vergun/U.S. - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, News There are three types of cyberspace missions: offensive cyberspace operations (OCO), defensive cyberspace operations (DCO), and Department of Defense information network (DODIN) operations (DODIN Ops); and, four types of cyberspace actions: attack, exploitation, security, and defense ( Figure 1 ). It establishes commander level awareness of the cybersecurity posture of each respective DOD component. The air domain is well established in the minds of todays military practitioners; few would question the need for a distinct service dedicated to airpower. The Russian author likewise believes the U.S. will have to tone down its harsh rhetoric toward Moscow if progress on cyber issues is to be achieved. Air Force Senior Airman Kevin Novoa and Air Force Tech. Violent extremist organizations use cyber to recruit terrorists, raise funds, direct attacks and distribute gruesome propaganda online, she mentioned. Open and reliable access to the Internet is essential for global security and prosperity. As the joint force shifts its focus towards trans-regional, all-domain, multi-functional (TAM) strategic competition, nowhere are these concepts more relevant than in cyberspace. 2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700 Capabilities are going to be more diverse and adaptable. This statement could be a result of the DoD's limited . Russias Approach to Internet and Information Regulation: About ALSSA Sharing information with other federal agencies, our own agencies, and foreign partners and allies who have advanced cyber capabilities. 2) Report Cybersecurity Status: Report the consolidated cybersecurity status to the CCMD commander and to JFHQ-DODIN. 2, 2021. Additionally, the 2019 Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 1-19 Competition Continuum augments this concept with the idea of continual campaigning rather than a campaign. Kyle Hanslovan, a cyber-warfare specialist serving with the 175th Cyberspace Operations Group of the Maryland Air National Guard, works at Warfield Air National Guard Base, Middle River, Md., Oct. 30, 2017. While the Russian author believes that a risk of cyber-related escalation to kinetic conflict between Russia and the U.S. does exist (for instance, in the event of a cyber breach of the other sides weapons systems), the U.S. authors are hesitant to affirm the likelihood of such escalation as there have not yet been significant real-world examples of it and, more generally, the risks are still underexplored. There are three straightforward, but fundamental, steps that CCMDs and DOD organizations need to take to protect their cyberspace: 1) Take Ownership: Determine what portion of DODIN cyberspace the CCMD is responsible for. Cambridge, MA 02138 Although both sides have been targeting each other's infrastructure since at least 2012, according to the Times article, the aggression and scope of these operations now seems unprecedented. The SolarWinds incident spurred a flurry of debates about whether the U.S. Department of Defenses 2018 defend forward strategy should, or could, have prevented the calamity. Russian military operators conducted what should be considered a more aggressive cyber campaign a year before their presidential election meddling, when they posed as "CyberCaliphate," an online branch of ISIS, and attacked U.S. media outlets and threatened the safety of U.S. military spouses. [2] Garamone, Jim, Global Integration Seeks to Buy Leaders Decision Time, Increase Speed of Relevance, DOD News, July 2, 2018, Space Force However, growing cyber threats from state and non-state actors threaten those values,the Defense Department's principal director for Cyber Policy said. This raises the distinction between chokepoints and leverage, however, where leverage provides highly scalable effects on cybersecurity (i.e., small inputs yielding outsized change across a system or ecosystem) and imposes significant costs for comparatively small input. At least some officials on both sides, apparently, view civilian infrastructure as an appropriate and perhaps necessary lever to deter the other. Both, for instance, view the other as a highly capable adversary. Pacific Command Eyes Layered Communications Network, Given Budgets, the Stars Show Uneasy Future for Air Force Space Systems, Weapons Not the Answer for Potentially Catastrophic Meteors, Website design and development by In the case of . The New York Cyber Task Forces 2017 report discusses the idea of leverage, for instance, in a somewhat productized sense vis--vis software and internet security. A little over a century ago, however, the air domain was an emergent, but rapidly developing domain. In Washington, it seems too little effort is dedicated to understanding the complexity (PDF) of Russia's view of cyber warfare and deterrence. As this process matures, cyberspace planners will know what MRT-C and KT-C must be protected throughout all phases of the various scenarios in joint force plans and operations. Telling Black Stories: What We All Can Do. The conceptshould become a majorpart of understanding the tightening relationship between offensive and defensive activity on the internet. Leverage can be understood in the way that certain parts of the global internet provide unique surveillance or disruption opportunities to certain nation-states. Doctrinally the joint force is being pushed to plan operations from a global perspective, instead of focusing only on a specific geographic area. Commentary gives RAND researchers a platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and analysis. Agency Affected Recommendation Status; Department of Defense : The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the NNSA Administrator, should establish a joint risk management process to periodically identify, analyze, and respond to risks that affect the U.S. nuclear enterprise (including the nuclear weapons stockpile, delivery platforms, and nuclear command and control) and report, internally . While the United States has displayed a growing willingness to launch operations against Russia, Moscow has somewhat bolstered its military cyber capacity by expanding recruiting initiatives and malware development. Cybersecurity's most successful innovations, they wrote, have provided leverage in that "they operate on an internet-wide scale and impose the highest costs (roughly measured in both dollars and. Washington and Moscow share several similarities related to cyber deterrence. Two main strands of NATO activity are addressing this: first, the implementation of cyberspace as a domain of operations and, second, the enactment of the Cyber Defence Pledge. Yet on a much higher level, the incidents themselves and the debates that followed them provide reason to reassess U.S. cyber strategyand that includes making leverage a majorpart of understanding the tightening relationship between offensive and defensive activity on the internet. If not, what are some next-best alternatives? Choose which products you want delivered to your inbox. how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia. This will help to continue supremacy within air, land, and sea but never with cyber. At some point the U.S. and Russia may be able to undertake joint initiatives that build on areas of overlapping interests and concerns, for example combatting materially driven cybercrime. ; Raymond, John W., How Were Building a 21st Century Space Force, The Atlantic, December 20, 2020, The Russian government tries to maintain greater control over domestic cyberspace than does the U.S., primarily to ensure political stability. Information Quality The United States is arriving late to a showdown that many officials in Russian defense circles saw coming a long time ago, when U.S. policymakers were understandably preoccupied with the exigencies of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. Research, ideas, and leadership for a more secure, peaceful world. [10] Raymond, John W., We Need to Focus on Space, We Dont Need a Space Corp, Defense One, July 20, 2017, Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND, and Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND, Steam rises from the chimneys of a thermal power plant behind the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in Moscow, Russia January 9, 2018. Facebook. A new report from the Atlantic Council on lessons from the Sunburst campaign likewise argues that government and industry should embrace an idea of persistent flow in cybersecurity, emphasizing that effective cybersecurity is more about speed, agility, and concentrated action than trying to do everything, everywhere, all at once. , including those in the way that certain parts of the global internet provide unique surveillance or opportunities! 2: the 44 DOD Components of the cybersecurity of systems and that! 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