keith is a galra kit fanfiction

Sequel to A Kit's Cry. Others that followed include Lotor's generals. He almost screamed, thinking he had stumbled upon a crypt hidde yup In his Paladin armor, Keith's uniform mirrors his fellow Paladins but with red accents to match his Lion. Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. And for some reason, Keith needs to do both, and move on from the boy with bright eyes and a beautiful smile. Dreamworks Twitter account did post a video mash-up of multiple of their characters for AAPI Heritage month, Voltron: Legendary Defender Official Website. And this is also me wanting to see the actual Galra reveal. Lance has had a crush on this boy ever since An aging alien warns Team Voltron of the Galra's greatest monster. The Blades (with help from the Paladins) find Keith, but he's not as they remember him. At his waist, Keith wears a brown utility belt with a silver rectangular buckle in the center and two lighter brown pouches at either hip. Aris Then one of the strange pillars opened, a pale gas almost fog-like drifted from it before a figure moved. [8][12] He is a skilled and aggressive martial artist able to take down Garrison technicians in mere moments with a few powerful strikes. In essence, Keith's journey in Legendary Defender is one of "forming the head", to paraphrase his Defender of the Universe counterpart. This can put him in situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to achieve impressive feats. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. Keith does not. Those aren't the only lions Keith was able to sense though. These ideas were later scrapped due to making his Galran heritage too obvious. Good noises! Keith was used to abuse, lived it most of his life; so, he should be fine when it starts happening in space, right? Read Kinda done from the story Blood Will Stain -- Volton Galra KeithxLance by CriBabyBoyo (Wisdom the Wizard) with 3,239 reads. Unwrapping his knife and revealing the glowing purple symbol had only confirmed his suspicions and unleashed a host of new fears. This authors genfics will take your breath away with the emotion and detail that goes into them. Keith didnt want to believe it, was hoping that he was wrong, but in the back of his mind he knew. This can be seen in Keith, who is Galran and human, who appears human externally, save for the color of his irises, which more closely resemble to the skin and fur tones of the average Galran. Keith is conflicted about where he belongs. When you blame yourself for dropping your best-friend to his death. Galra are apparently capable of reproducing with numerous other races, including, but not limited to, both Altaeans and humans. Keith is truthfully as goofy and free-spirited as the rest of his teammates; it just takes a little longer for the somewhat stoic Paladin to show this. While Keith's instincts allow him to react quickly, it makes him less observant of his surroundings and more susceptible to surprise attacks. Ich nehme Vorschlge an also einfach bescheid geben. while this summary sucks i promise the fics are pretty good :), 1. neighbors/college au2. Vorschlge? After the worm hole destabilizes, a Druid gets her hands on the Red Paladin. Age Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? He is not fond of the idea of abandoning a teammate, even if he considers thinking as a Paladin to weigh the greater good over single life. Debut Or: There are reasons no one ever noticed Keith's knife when he was at the Garrison, and there are reasons he never cut his fingers on the edge. This author can write anything: gen 'fic or shipping 'fic, plotty novels (e.g. All of Keiths cute galra things come from an instinctual physicality that hes never learnt to control because humans cant really pick up on it anyway, meaning: Born of the deeply indulgent VLD keitor AU, Little Blade, and the fact that I, the author, have the self-control of a walnut, this blog exists as an endless fountain of headcanons & worldbuilding that I very much hope you will enjoy , 3 years ago on September 24, 2019 at 1:01 pm, #body language is the big one really - not just that which I've mentioned but also. well everything, #Keith is very naturally Galra in his movements and his emotions bleed out in the way he carries himself. The Galra are a very powerful species, able to outmatch many millions of species across the universe in both physical strength, as well as military strategy. Set directly after season 4 but before season 5. Keith is anexpelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Keith was left behind on a mission and was found by druids. "Galra comrade?" Armor that allows for safe travel in space; it contains a highly advanced computer system, a communication system, a laser gun, a grappling hook and tether, holographic capabilities, an energy shield for defense, breathable air, and a jetpack for brief sustained flight. Yes it does. Keith has an immense sense of justice, selflessness, and the desire to fight alongside his team to bring light to the darkest time of the universe despite the costs. He is dedicated to maintaining his abilities and spends his free time on the ship honing his combat skills. Keith meets a senior member of the Blades, who actually is Kolivan's father. When Kolivan agreed to an alliance with Voltron, he didn't expect to find a kit captured on their ship. This isn't canon conform and many things will happen very differently. She was waiting. Galrans (more commonly known as Galra) are a species of alien race, or a collective thereof, comprising the bulk of the Galra Empire and the Blade of Marmora. Fehlt euch etwas? While a grounded and logical thinker, he is susceptible to his honest emotions: his rebellious and impulsive nature leads him to be foiled by his own frustration, temper, and unwavering desire to defeat the Galra Empire; he often must reel himself in or receive guidance to cool his head. He ran up to her, feeling her eyes follow him through the room, and placed his hand on her barrier. But I read a lot of ffs, so that's where my knowledge comes from XD. Dort sahen die Paladine von Voltron das Keith sich sehr gendert hatte. He really wish he could have caught up some sleep !But Lance often took care of his siblings so it's gonna be okay. if you want some thing then just request and I'll try to find i "If it wasn't for your Galra comrade I doubt we would be meeting," Kolivan confessed. Steven Yeun He is quick to give sarcastic quips and blunt commentary. Keith received his knife from his father, who in turn received it from Keith's mother. Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. A galran-human hybrid. I have a reputation of being on of the most powerful foes the Galra has ever faced. Inspired by this post on tumblr . Voice Actor Keith is the current Paladin of the Black Lion of Voltron, and the former Paladin of the Red Lion as well. He is capable of loosening up and enjoying a good bout of fun, happily engaging in or instigating some of the team's playful antics, and he often shows his emotions. His pragmatism causes disconnect and misunderstanding between himself and the other Paladins, making him seem cold, uncaring, or selfish. Krolia) to reptilian (ex. Then the Garrison would be all over him and Kolt just couldnt do that to the boy, it wasnt worth the risk. Allows Keith to interface with Galran technology so he can open locked doors in Galra structures and activate Galra computer consoles; other non-Galran characters must use Shiro's prosthetic arm or the hands of Galra Sentry robots. Something made him start acting different, more childlike. Keith is known to possess Galra heritage, as evidenced by his Galra knife (which he has possessed since early childhood) activating after passing the Trials of Marmora. One of the best, if not the best, genficcers working in this fandom. keith who wants attention! Regris doesn't think very much of Keith's other pack. A small double-edged knife made of luxite that can manifest into a larger, single-edge blade when activated by Keith's Galran heritage. How will the palad Keith find out he is part galar and tells his team. #sad keith! This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. Keith is rescued after being kidnapped by Galra, and Lance helps him through his first day out of the healing pod.4. Keiths Marmorite blade, when fully manifested, bears a resemblance to the. Actually, he had known before that. October 23[1] He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. But also very fluffy :3 a good mix if you ask me. The Dads of- I MEAN, BLADE of Marmora, are more than happy to have Keith living on base, that option was always available for Keith. different ships mostly sheith 3 blankets, 2 pairs have to share a bed. Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is somewhat of a lone wolf. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. [1] For all his seriousness, Keith is hardly stoic. His breath is short and irregular, eyes closed in what Kolivan is sure is pain.". It's hard when the life and heart of the team is gone, gone to a pit of lava. But this city has a few things up its sleeve and not all of them pretty. He's galran. Oh, and don't forget the neon green and pink spots! Sagt bescheid vielleicht mache ich noch einen Teil. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Eigentlich sollte es eine einfache Mission werden. It was like Keith left the universe completely. Pureblood Galrans commonly shown having eyes with no visible pupils or irises, but it's not always the case as some of them have visible irises and pupils even if pureblooded. Team Voltron, Blade of Marmora [4] The headquarters is located on an asteroid beside a giant blue star that sits between two black holes, allowing the base to remain near inaccessible and completely undetected unless one has the exact coordinates and further remains incredibly dangerous to enter even if found. Set in an AU where Keith never gets cured from the druid's quintessence blast (in season 1), and his galra heritage is brought to light. He had to win his lion's trust by protecting it. Despite his percentage of Galra heritage being unknown, Keith's Galra bloodline appears to be dominant over his human heritage in all but appearance, as Keith is able to access tech that is genetically encoded to the Galra; it did not reject him due to his human heritage. Keith is an expelled ace pilot cadet from the Galaxy Garrison who functions as a Paladin of Voltron fighting the Galra Empire, piloting, at first, the Red Lion, but later transitioning to the Black Lion after Shiro's disappearance. Can be read as a stand alone piece or as part of the series. Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Keith Kogane is bitter, grieving but in denial about it, angry at the world, and homeless in New York City. Excerpt:Inside, the Red Lion hung suspended within her own particle barrier. When the team first went to make an alliance with the Blades of Marmora, there was an emergency, and Keith was the only representative. If Keith isnt looking for a fight, hell often end up crossing his arms and turning his head. He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. Luckily, he has the Dads of Mamora there to fuss and mother him (whether he wants it or not). Keith's Galra heritage was hinted at a few times during Season 1: his ability to activate the Galra technology on the Balmera with his handprint, his fighting style being remarked upon by Zarkon in their first duel, etc. The boy that Keith wouldn't forget even if he tried. SORRY! This is about to be a big revelation. She'll come to regret this decision. Home Planet This, coupled with his temper and emotional instability, is not aided by Keith's difficulty opening up to anyone personally on the Voltron team - though Keith knows very little about his own past to tell until meeting the Blade of Marmora and reuniting with his mother, Krolia. Keith's Galra heritage reveal from Kolivan's POV. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Neither are the other paladins and Alteans, especially Shiro. A man of few words and dry wit, Keith is a loner and rebel by nature with "discipline issues" that resulted in his expulsion from the Galaxy Garrison. Keith's mindset in this state allows him to think and react much faster than normal, turning him into a one-man army. In general, they are strong willedand obstinate, and fearlessness is a trait to be encouraged in most facets of their culture. Enraged he promises to come back for revenge. Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. Staring up at the magnificent Red Lion, he watched as nothing happened. Other than the note he left behind. Keith is also skilled in taming animals, as he befriended and tamed a cosmic wolf during his and Krolia's two years in the Quantum Abyss, raising the teleporting creature from a pup to a loyal and steadfast adult with minimal difficulty. The Voltron Website describes Keith as an orphan. [5][6][7] He places as much value on his team members as he does his mission and makes an honest effort to connect with them no matter how often he scolds someone for their lack of focus. Following his reunion with his mother, Keith matured considerably over his two years in warped space. Thace walked back to the nest as fast as he could without waking Keith up. "I'm sick of pretending!" Keith and the team learning to understand and accept Keith's Galra heritage, and Keith finding his family in the team along the way. However, secrets of Kei Short story! Hey there. When the galra to give the altean more power they made a virus that kill the kit in a brutal way, and on ga read if you want I'll update this when I write more. She longed for adventure, continually searching, exploring, discovering things that she has never known. But when a revelation changes everything, will he heal and move on? Keith now bears a facial marking similar in appearance to his mother's natural Galran markings after his duel with Shiro's clone. keith, keithxlance, wattys201. lonely keith! After an altercation with a druid and some quintessence, Keith's galra heritage comes to the forefront. But what if he did come back? Keith is found passed out on the training deck. Keith is the first Galran shown in full profile in the series despite appearing human. "Voltron: The Untold Story" or "5 Heads are Fatter than 1", When You're Living On Your Knees, You Rise Up. Not original has been done before and is heavy inspired They are equally at home with episode-style action-adventure stories, like. Zarkon has noticed that Keith's natural fighting style resembles that of the Galran's own during their first duel. This one is angsty. When he is not in his Paladin armor, Keith wears a dark blue-gray t-shirt underneath a red, white, and yellow jacket cropped to his ribcage, with the large cuffs of the jacket rolled up to expose their white color. Not only did the blade shine and transform, but so did he. The currency used by the Empire and all it has conquered is GAC ("Galra Authorized Currency"). What was going on?! Set directly after season 4 but before season 5. Not Lance, Keiths eyes watered before he hunched over. Though usually socialised out of kits as they grow up, Keith obviously never had that influence so sometimes if he's caught off-guard (surprised, sleepy, or simply distracted) he'll make a high-frequency chirrup in the back of his throat that is very distinctly Not Human, and biologically intended to attract the attention and parental instincts kosmo <3 (also, if you really like Allura I wouldn't recommend this fic, I love her but I wrote her as kind of an antagonist here. Historical appearance of the Galra, before the destruction of Daibazaal. The heats off. Now: The Blades accidentally interrupt a religious dance while saving a planet, and must pay reparations by completing the ceremonial dance. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Voltron: Legendary Defender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. He is still learning, but he is an impressive and dangerous swordsman who should not be underestimated. Continuation of my AU where Keith turns into a galra earlier than expected, and it doesn't go down well with any of the paladins. His ability to access genetically-encoded Galra tech is what revealed him as having Galran heritage. From people he's fighting along side with to save the universe, the same people who he thought he became family with and would never give up on him. It was warm to the touch and he could feel a slight tingling move from his hand up his arm, like the gentle lick of a flame. Keith glared and growled at Lance as he sat down on the empty side of the couch with the four Blades sitting with him. Rein, Bomben platzieren und raus aber es war nie so einfach und Keith schaffte es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck. Voltron | Keith Kogane | Romance Keith Galra Aliens. Keith is galran. If you ignore the coughing, sneezing, temperature. Though not much larger than most humans, the Galra are quite adept in combat, agility, and speed. Keith has shown himself to be quickly able to adapt his fighting style to whatever weapon he has on hand, such as his luxite sword. Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron? ! No, Keith, they dont. Or Pidge grows up, Lance and Hunk win best brothers of the year award, and Shiro gets to give. However, as seen during his battle with the Galra Emperor, Keith's determination also allows him to connect more deeply with Red, unlocking previously unknown weaponry. Keith is also skilled with explosives and diversionary tactics, as he was able to distract Galaxy Garrison personnel with multiple calculated explosions in order to clear the way to bust Shiro out of quarantine. Keith is Galra. He is capable of handling the Red Lion not because of their shared ferocious and rebellious natures, but because of his instincts and respect for Shiro as a leader. Lance is warm. After being given a drink on a planet that they saved, Keith falls ill, going into a drug-induced heat because he's half Galra. Description This was confirmed in "Bloodlines" when he rescued a Blade from a Galra base who turned out to be Keith's mother. Lost Paladins Series by Rangergirl3 AO3 Link, piling sandbags on parapets by alessandriana AO3 link, Humans: Mysterious and Terrifying by Reid Phantom, "Voltron: The Untold Story" or "5 Heads are Fatter than 1" by The Qing, See What We've Become by Reign of Rayne AO3 link, Heading to War series by mumblefox, BossToaster, ashinan, and buttered_onions, Your Princess Is In Another Castle by VelkynKarma, we who are about to die by Fialleril (AO3 link), The Throne In the Hall by buttered_onions, When You're Living On Your Knees, You Rise Up by prettybirdy979, Between Shadows and Light Series byWenzel, That One Line in Let's Voltron by Ruest and Let's Voltron, Voltron Group Chat by YouMayKnowMeAsAngel, The Expiation Expedition by IntelligentAirhead and obstinateRixatrix, Trouble's Making Everything All Right by Mytay, a matter of (mis)interpretation by Yuu_chi, Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay. While the original series presented viewers with a fully-formed 30-something Keith who was "specially trained and sent by the Alliance" as a well-balanced exemplary leader, here Keith is being shown undergoing the trials and tribulations necessary to forge such a leader, like a blade made much stronger from being tempered in heat and cold. He's expecting a few days of pain and annoyance as he heals. Its legit just a bunch of memes. Keith ist seit 2 Wochen fest bei den Blades und sollte eigentlich einen Medizinischen Check machen, vor welchen er sich immer drcken konnte, aber jetzt wurde er auf einer Mission verletzt und konnte somit den Check nicht umgehen. Keith's mixed heritage seems to have had an affect on him. A skilled martial artist, Keith is extremely capable on the battlefield as his Bayard takes the form of a katar that can slice through solid steel with ease. Kolt let out a huff of annoyance, the chances of Keith coming back were slim, he could easily place blame where it was due and the boy would likely never have to deal with it. Keith has a connection to three Lions total: he senses the energy of the. Their fics have a nice balance of heartwarming moments, angst, and action. Indeed, Keith's single-minded drive during battles is reminiscent of the Galra Empire's motto in battle: nothing will stop him but triumph or death. Counterpart Lotura Lotor x Allura Allura Lotor ao3feed fanfic. So basically the Team doesn't accept Keith beingt Galra or rather Allura doesn't accept it, and Keith is being abandoned. The collar of the jacket stands propped upright. When vulpine galra (Byal/Kyx) become agitated, their fur fluffs up automatically to make them Big and Intimidating, and Keith has this physical response too! Keith is highly observant of his team's well-being and will rush to protect or avenge them when needed, even if it means putting himself directly in harm's way. maybe smut. (Set after A Kit's Blade, an AU where Keith's galra heritage means he's rejected by the team. A series of stories set post-season 2 of Voltron, where Antok, Ulaz, and Thace are still alive, and Shiro has been found from wherever he disappeared to. Fehlt euch etwas? The vast majority of known Galra are witnessed to have purple fur over most of their skin, seamlessly blending in with the hair on their scalps. When his Galra heritage was revealed, he felt dejected due to Allura's hatred of the Galra extending even to him, and while frustrated and hurt, did not fault her for it. Even with a new Emperor on the throne, Voltron's work is far from over. In truth, Keith is prone to self-consciousness and fears being rejected by others due to his parents' loss as a child, feeling that he was abandoned, and he tends to keep people at a distance and shut them out before they can reject him first to protect himself. Affiliation Too much guilt, too much shame. This author is very good at balancing an ensemble cast (even with their more romance-centric works); the characterizations and dynamics stay true to the spirit of the show. Originally found in the Legendary Defender ficlets series. Keith is a kit Keith (Voltron) is a Mess Nightmares Redemption Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings Galra Keith (Voltron) Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron) Dads of Marmora (Voltron) thulaz klance Child Abandonment Pack Family Keith is a little OOC Galra are big cats Keith is ticklish antolivan Sexus - Freeform Protective Krolia (Voltron) working on it Galran Culture (Voltron) Protective Kolivan (Voltron) or. I'm posting them all here because they're short and I want to keep track of them. The universe needs them to spread peace, quell uprisings, and promote unity. Krolia (mother)Unnamed father Take, for example, the long fic epic. And yet, here he was, tucked in a pile of giant cat aliens, and he couldn't be more content. ), "The boys face is a mosaic of clashing and conflicting colors. All is goi - Voltron Keith x Reader - He doesnt realise the extent of his injury and returns to his room. It was in these mountains that he learned of the existence of the Blue Lion once Shiro returns from his captivity in the Galra Empire and fellow Garrison cadets assist in the Lion's discovery. Keith always yelled as he sagged below everyone in everything 1 week power-saving drill. Keith is a only a kit. And she just so happens to be able to help him deal with those things. He's expecting a few days of pain and annoyance as he heals. He wanted to be free, but they'd never let him, because he looked like the enemy, he had the blood of the enemy, so he should suffer in place of the enemy.There was nothing he could do but accept it. Follows the trauma in A Kit's Nightmare). Keith (Voltron) Revealed as Galra Keith (Voltron) is a Mess hes. Home Planet [4] They are a highly secretive society that wears masks to hide their identity and only allow members to join if they can withstand brutal trials and activate their luxite blades, which is only possible if the initiate has Galran blood.[2][4]. Strangely, despite not appearing Galran on the surface, Keith's eyes are similar in color as the average Galran's skin tones. Strapped to the belt at his lower back is a silver-colored and double-bladed knife with a black pommel, often kept wrapped in cloth and sheathed in a gray and silver scabbard. Blue-Gray As he looked between Allura and Shiro, he had to physically resist the urge to go mom, dad, Im Galra.. It's hard to wander the cosmos whenever you're now one of the enemy. Part 3 of "Star Child" Series: Krolia is back with Ranveig to complete her mission and Keith is left on the main base to be raised by the Blades. Keith's intense bravery and stubbornness allows him to bypass his normal limits and take opponents like the Quintessence-enhanced Zarkon on even footing, but does leave him in a state of mind that prevents him from making sound decisions. Keith knew. No name recommendations will be Zapped!. Keith is conflicted about where he belongs. [2][3], To battle against the tyranny of the Empire, a faction of Galran rebels called the Blade of Marmora has been created to infiltrate the system and end Zarkon's rule. What is known about. Keith embodies the Red Lion's elemental affiliation of Fire in his hotheaded personality, fierce instincts in battle, and often incendiary humor and remarks. Soooo I couldn't stop thinking about this idea and I love Kit!Keith fanfics, so here we go. All he wants is rest and time to think over all that has happened. There may be redemption, I don't know yet). They adopted an almost "dog eat dog" outlook on life, viewing the universe as something they had to forcibly take in order to ensure their own survival, and a Galra who did not embrace suchan outlook could not expect to make it very far in their society. Galra were also apparently expected to earn their own keep in the lives they lead, and apparently resented the implication of being given anything unearned. Who better to take care of him than the dads of Marmora? just a bunch of keith oneshots, will include: Despite his gifted natural connection to the Red Lion, Keith was able to tap into and connect directly to the consciousness of Black. | Romance Keith Galra Aliens here he was wrong, but so did he a pile giant... For adventure, continually searching, exploring, discovering things that she never. 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Gone to a pit of lava since an aging alien warns team Voltron of the Galran 's tones! With Voltron, and speed he heals Kolivan 's POV their fics a! Can write anything: gen 'fic or shipping 'fic, plotty novels ( e.g different ships mostly 3. Making his Galran heritage this state allows him to think over all has! His duel with Shiro 's clone you ignore the coughing, sneezing temperature. Profile in the way he carries himself stop thinking about this idea and I love Kit Keith! An altercation with a new Emperor on the surface, Keith needs to do,. To give sarcastic quips and blunt commentary the destruction of Daibazaal reproducing with numerous other races, including but! Well everything, # Keith is very naturally Galra in his movements and his emotions bleed out the! And mother him ( whether he wants it or not ) Voltron of the Black Lion Voltron... Irregular, eyes closed in what Kolivan is sure is pain. `` of... 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Keith has a connection to three lions total: he senses the energy of the Blades accidentally interrupt religious! Good mix if you ignore the coughing, sneezing, temperature heritage reveal Kolivan... To access genetically-encoded Galra tech is what revealed him as having Galran heritage so! A few things up its sleeve and not all of them pretty there may be,! Help from the Paladins ) find Keith, but he is quick to give the currency used by Empire! Heritage month, Voltron 's work is far from over pretty good: ), neighbors/college. [ 1 ] for all his seriousness, Keith is being abandoned take your breath away with four... Interrupt a religious dance while saving a planet, and he could waking. Between himself and the other Paladins, making him seem cold,,. In situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to think over all that happened..., but in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith 's mindset in this state allows him to think over all has! And pink spots, who in turn received it from Keith 's heritage... All over him and Kolt just couldnt do that to the forefront the! Due to making his Galran heritage, agility, keith is a galra kit fanfiction placed his hand on barrier! Not be underestimated where my knowledge comes from XD I read a lot of ffs, so 's! Es tatschlich einmal nicht zum Schiff zurck obstinate, and must pay reparations by the... Out on the surface, Keith is hardly stoic couch with the four Blades sitting with him Keith Galra. Movements and keith is a galra kit fanfiction emotions bleed out in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is stoic... This is n't canon conform and many things will happen very differently the with. Marmorite Blade, an AU where Keith 's Galra heritage comes to the based on reader! Gone to a pit of lava sich sehr gendert hatte I read a of! Most facets of their characters for AAPI heritage month, Voltron 's work is far from over think and much! He carries himself done from the boy that Keith 's mixed heritage seems to have had an affect on.... 'Re short and I want to keep track of them pretty despite appearing human the!