messerschmitt regensburg factory location

Im KZ Flossenbrg, das gegen Kriegsende auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Kleinstadt Neutraubling auch noch das KZ-Auenlager Obertraubling unterhielt, mussten ber 5200 und im KZ Gusen mehrere Tausend Hftlinge in Zwangsarbeit Flugzeugkomponenten zusammenbauen, wobei die Endmontage der Kampfjger weiterhin in Regensburg und Obertraubling vorgenommen wurde. was the ball bearing factories, I'm pretty sure that the Messerschmitt factory was affected. Spitfire, Messerschmitt Bf 109, R.A.F. With LeMay escaping over the Alps, the Schweinfurt force would be left to face the full fury of the Luftwaffe on its return to England. This weapon consisted of five rockets usually placed under each wing, but on the Me 163 it was actually mounted vertically in the wings. Ende 1944 war der Einsatz von 4000 KZ-Hftlingen und 400 Zivilarbeitern fr diese Fertigung geplant. After all rocket fuel had been spent, the pilot would then use the Me 163 as a glider to fly back to its base, or to any nearby German airfield. Five miles from Schweinfurt, German anti-aircraft guns began firing an effective flak barrage into the path of the bomber force. In order to enter his flight position, the pilot used a small ladder placed on the left side of the aircraft. History [ edit] At the wings trailing edges, ailerons were placed, which the pilot used for pitch and roll. The fuel could never be produced in sufficient quantities. However, for the second half of the war, Messerschmitt turned almost entirely to jet-powered designs, producing the world's first operational jet fighter, the Me 262 Schwalbe ("Swallow"). The mission takeoff was delayed until 08:00, when the fog had cleared sufficiently over East Anglia to allow the 4th Bombardment Wing to take off using instruments, a technique they had practiced. In November 1944 a Me 163 engaged a British Mosquito, damaging it and forcing its crew to abandon the aircraft. Many[citation needed] of the prototypes crashed, one of them killing Hans Hackmack, a close friend of Erhard Milch, the head of Deutsche Luft Hansa and the German civil aviation authorities. Once again, further delays due to the slow delivery of engines postponed production until March of 1942. Auf dem Gelnde des Werkes in Obertraubling wurde die heutige Stadt Neutraubling erbaut, in der sich zahlreiche Heimatvertriebene ansiedelten. 29,95 US$. The remaining ground personnel from the I/.J.G.400 were dispatched to the East to fight as infantry in Bavaria. Caption: "Results of B-17 attack on Messerschmidt [Messerschmitt] factory at Regensburg - 17 August 1943. I would suggest that if you haven't already you should research this raid. This mission would make LeMay's name as a combat leader. At that time, and in conjunction with the Pointblank Directive to destroy the Luftwaffe in preparation for Operation Overlord, the B-17 force had expanded fourfold and was organized into the 1st and 4th Bombardment Wings (which due to their large size would soon be re-designated Bomb Divisions). The excellent results at Regensburg were small consolation for the loss of 60 B-17s. Im Herbst 1938 wurde die Produktion der Messerschmitt Bf 109 von Haunstetten bei Augsburg nach Regensburg verlegt. The Me 163 did not engage the Allies probably due to the small number of available aircraft and the heavy fighter cover. The production of Bf 109s (and almost half of all German fighters) was located in Regensburg and in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. For this reason, the work on testing and experimenting with the Me 163 was stopped in favor of increasing the overall production of the Me 163 B-1. Amusingly, just prior to the first flight, his Me 163 BV 41 (PK-QL) aircraft was painted in red. Die Ansiedlung des Flugzeugwerks verbunden mit dem Zuwachs an Bevlkerung brachten Regensburg auf den Weg zu einer Grostadt, in der das neue Werk mit vielfltigen kulturellen Aktivitten auch fr eine Verbesserung des Freizeitangebotes sorgte. Messerschmitt officials maintained barracks at the concentration camp to oversee the work being done by the inmates. Ihre Infrastruktur wurde an das Netz der Stadt Regensburg angeschlossen und durch Ausbau neuer Straen, Verlngerung von Straenbahnlinien und der zugehrigen Wasser-, Strom- und Gasversorgungsleitungen verbessert. [E. T. Maloney and U. Feist Messerschmitt Me 163]An Me 163C illustration of how it may have looked given that only few uncompleted airframes were built. Because of this the Germans simply had to reduce the number of aircraft that they used for combat, as there wasnt enough fuel for all of them. 183 bombers dropped 424.3 tons of bombs, including 125 tons of incendiary bombs. While the cockpit was not pressurized, it could be jettisoned to help the pilot escape the aircraft in case of emergency. The fuselage could be divided into three sections, the cockpit, the central fuel tanks, and the rear engine compartment. Hosted by Defense Media Activity - At the end of May, the airfield at Bad Zwischenahn was heavily bombed. Based on this performance the company was invited to submit a design for the Luftwaffe's 1935 fighter contest, winning it with the Bf 109, based on the same construction methods. Initially, in the three-wheel configuration, it was to tow the Me 163 along the airfield, using its own dolly, to a designated takeoff position on the airfield (upper picture). For example on the 16th March, an Me 163 managed to damage another Mosquito on a reconnaissance mission. The Me 163B-0 series was armed with the weaker 20mm cannon while the Me 163 B-1 with the stronger 30mm cannon. While the Mk 108 had sufficient firepower to outright destroy or heavily damage enemy aircraft, it was plagued with low velocity. Schon im Jahr 1935 wurde der bereits sehr erfolgreiche Prototyp vorgestellt, und damit war dessen Massenproduktion in Augsburg absehbar. This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience and provide analytics data to implement future site improvements. Found this aerial photo of the Regensburg site. BFW then started turning out over 200 aircraft a month, with their workforce growing to 3,000 and becoming one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in Bavaria. The first Me 163B-0 series aircraft began to arrive from May 1944. Messerschmitt Kabinenroller in Heidelberg .Source On Aug. 17, the targets were Schweinfurt (against the ball-bearing plants) and Regensburg (against the Messerschmitt fighter factory), deep inside Germany. Not wanting to waste the parts of the destroyed Me 163, these were collected and then sent to the training school at Fassberg. Several factors weighed against the Regensburg force in this air battle. Given that the Me 163 operated in late 1944 were shortages of all kinds of equipment and materials were common, this should not come as a surprise. About half of those became prisoners of war and 20 were interned. Fifteen minutes after leaving the target each task force circled over the town of Meiningen to reassemble its formations, then continued west toward Brussels. Williams personally led the mission, flying as co-pilot in an aircraft of the lead formation, as wingman to the commander of the 91st Bomb Group. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. Please note the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is not responsible for items left in vehicles. In Schweinfurt, the destruction was less severe but still extensive. The Me 163 initially used a fuel mixture of the T and Z-Stoff. While Olejnik suggested using a drum magazine, which was even tested successfully, his idea would not be adopted. The first of Fend's vehicles to enter production at Messerschmitt's Regensburg factory was the KR175. It seems the red paint did not help with the luck. Work on the second series of the Me 163, which would be built in greater numbers than the experimental A-series, began at the start of September 1941. Slave labour was provided by inmates of the brutal KZ Gusen I and Gusen II camps, and by inmates from nearby Mauthausen concentration camp, all located near the St. Gorgen quarries. Ransom and H.H. [1], Diese Entwicklung fr das Werk Augsburg erforderte die Grndung eines Zweigwerkes fr die Produktion der Flugzeuge vom Typ Messerschmitt Bf 108 eines auch militrisch nutzbaren Kurierflugzeugs, das auch Taifun genannt wurde. Aboard aircraft that safely returned to base, 7 aircrew were killed, with another 21 wounded. The two groups of P-47s (88 aircraft) arrived five and eight minutes late, and despite some individual combats, they too were forced to break off virtually as soon as they arrived. Mithilfe einer entwickelten Auslagerungsstrategie konnte die Produktion von Flugzeugen zahlenmig aber weitgehend aufrechterhalten werden. In reality, due to many delays, lack of unity in German aviation circles, and problems with its design and production, the Me 163 never managed to fulfill the role that its designer had intended for it. plane 4 1/2 hours after the plant had been attacked by B-17's of the 8th A.F. Nach Kriegsende blieben in Regensburg und auch in St. Georgen/Gusen nur Ruinen des leistungsfhigen und produktiven Flugzeugwerkes Messerschmitt GmbH zurck. T-Stoff consisted of a mix of hydrogen peroxide with oxyquinoline or phosphate. While the commanders of EKdo 16 were against such a decision, there was little they could do and, by the end of September, the unit was on its way to Brandis. Despite attempts to improve visibility compared to the previous version, the Me 163B suffered from poor visibility, especially to the rear and in front of the aircrafts nose. []The Me 163 utilized an auxiliary landing gear unit. On landing, the Me 163 were to use a simple retractable landing skid, placed beneath the fuselage. Die Werksanlagen waren ber einen eigens angelegten Radweg erreichbar.[1][3]. Still, handling the Me 163 fuel without this kind of protection was highly dangerous for the ground maintenance crews. (About a gazillion books on the aircraft themselves, it was and is a popular modeling subject!). Once at a sufficient height, the two-wheel dolly would jettison from the aircraft (in the left corner). The campus is situated in a single location together with the Regensburg University of Applied Sciences. . In comparison to its predecessor, the Me 163B offered a number of improvements to its design and shape. There were also 55 to 95 additional aircraft badly damaged. Discussions on all (non-biographical) aspects of the Luftwaffe air units and general discussions on the Luftwaffe. This involved getting the Me 163 high above the Allied bombers and then plunging down at them with a dive speed of 885-930 km/h (550-580 mph). The company still held stocks of materials sufficient for about 200 aircraft, and worth 4.7million reichsmarks. [17], The Schweinfurt task forces followed the same route as the Regensburg force. To resolve this issue the unit personnel began drilling wells to collect water. Willy Messerschmitt joined the company in 1927 as chief designer and engineer and formed a design team. - Purses The 101 CG was made up of B-17s from the 381st (7), 351st (6), and 91st (6) BG. [26] 35,000 m2 (380,000 square feet) of buildings in the five factories were destroyed, and more than 100,000 m2 (1,000,000 square feet) suffered fire damage. Nearly all of the buildings are affected to some degree. Junkers managed to produce around 299 aircraft of this type by the end of the war. Spitfire pilots claimed 13 German fighters shot down and P-47 pilots claimed 19. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. Given its small size and limited overall weight, the onboard batteries had a limited capacity. The following May, the firm acquired Hamburger Flugzeugbau (HFB). Die Kellerrume, in denen sich Zellen der Hftlinge befanden, bergen auch heute noch Zeichen der damaligen Geschehnisse. Mit Zusatztanks ausgerstet konnten sie von England aus Sddeutschland und dann zur Landung Nordafrika erreichen. Die grten Auswirkungen fr die Stadt ergaben sich, weil fr die Produktion im neuen Flugzeugwerk tausende meist hoch qualifizierte neue Arbeitskrfte bentigt wurden, die vor Ort nicht verfgbar waren und deshalb mit ihren Familien von auerhalb zuziehen mussten. Milch was upset by the lack of response from Messerschmitt and this led to a lifelong hatred towards him. Of those damaged, many were stranded in North Africa and never repaired. Juli 1936 wurde als Tochtergesellschaft der Messerschmitt AG Augsburg die Bayerische Flugzeugwerke Regensburg GmbH gegrndet. The problem with fuel was even complicated by the increase in production of the Me 163. This Me 163 is in the process of being refueled. However, 15 miles from Schweinfurt, the opposing fighters, after shooting down 22 bombers, disengaged and landed to refuel and re-arm in order to attack the force on its way out. Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW) (Bavarian Aircraft Works) was reformed in 1926, in Augsburg, Bavaria, when Udet Flugzeugbau GmbH was changed into a joint-stock company. by Jon G. 01 May 2009, 00:19, Post For ten years after World War II, the company was not allowed to produce aircraft. [note 8] While the battle resulted in a German victory, the scale and range of the American operation, along with the British-led Operation Hydra (1943) in the same day, shocked the German air command; the stress contributed to the suicide of Luftwaffe Chief of Staff Hans Jeschonnek the next day. Seven aircrew were killed aboard bombers returning to base having completed the mission, and twenty-one were wounded. 400. unit. Concurrently, pilots were beginning to arrive from the EKdo 16 training unit. The first combat action of the Me 163 was conducted on 14th May 1944, piloted by Major Spate. This combined with the extraordinary speed of the Me 163 made engaging targets difficult. Alle Straen der Siedlung waren benannt nach toten Mrtyrern der SA und die zugehrige Schule war nach dem toten Sturmfhrer der SA Horst Wessel benannt. . [citation needed], The cars were actually made by Fend's own company in the Messerschmitt works at Regensburg, and Willy Messerschmitt had very little to do with the vehicles other than ruling that they carried his name. I model WWII Luftwaffe aircraft (1/72nd scale) and European Model Railways (HO scale). Everyone who flew the mission stressed the importance of the escorts in reducing losses; the planners grasped only that Schweinfurt would have to be bombed again, soon, in another deep-penetration, unescorted mission.[6]. Read our Privacy Policy for more information. I have all of these wagon sets - from Liliput, Marklin, and Trix - of transported and disassembled Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters (plus the new 2009 Marklin releases on order) and have nowhere for these train consists to originate. The 306 CG had 9 each from the 306th and 305th BG, and 2 from the 92d. It also used special fuel that was specially designed for it, and thus there was no need for allocating the vital German fuel reserves to it. Bei den Bombardierungen der Produktionssttten wurden auch zahlreiche KZ-Hftlinge gettet oder verletzt. In November and later in December, two aircraft were lost in accidents with the loss of life of both pilots. Juli 1936 gegrndet als Zweigwerk des damals noch Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW) genannten Augsburger Unternehmens, das 1938 umbenannt wurde in Messerschmitt AG. The Scheuchschlepper is specially designed to either tow or lift the Me 163 aircraft. The results of the bombing were exaggerated, and the high losses were well disguised in after-mission reports. The towed Me 163 was released at some 50 meters of altitude and the pilot was forced to land at a nearby lake. Individuals are permitted to take their own photographs or videos while touring the museum. These were still prototype aircraft of the B pre-production version. The Americans also managed to capture a number of Me 163 in various working conditions across occupied Germany. The rear gunner position was completely destroyed while the right tail unit was heavily damaged. Another crash-landed in Italy and five more were forced down by lack of fuel into the Mediterranean Sea. In theory, during take-off, both engines would be activated until a certain altitude was reached. Features typical cowling and early canopy & tail unit. It is from there that the Me 163s attempted to intercept a huge Allied air formation of some 766 bombers, supported with over 14 groups of cover fighters. In an attempt to increase the Me 163s performance, Junkers cooperated with Dr. Lippisch. - Service animals Im Werk selbst gab es fast 400 Todesopfer und die Anlagen waren so schwer zerstrt, dass zunchst keine Jagdflugzeuge mehr produziert werden konnten. It was named Mitsubishi Ki-200, for the army, and J8M1 for the navy. still looking deadly in the dark corner. The EG was designed with a coaxial rotor configuration and had an ambitious performance estimation. When Schweinfurt was finally attacked again two months later, the lack of long-range fighter escort had still not been addressed and losses were even higher. During this time the 7/JG 400 was also formed, which was stationed at Stettin-Altdamm. Rocket Powered Fighter Around 370 Built. Once at sufficient altitude the dolly was jettisoned from the bottom of the aircraft. After ninety minutes of combat the German fighter force broke off the engagement, low on fuel and ammunition. I've googled, checked out and (Germany), and the Wikipedia. The overall length of the task force was too great for effective fighter support. The plan was brutally simple: LeMay would fight his way in and Williams would fight his way out."[9]. Nach der Machtergreifung der NSDAP ergaben sich jedoch neue Mglichkeiten zur Ansiedlung von Industriebetrieben in Regensburg, denn in dem von der neuen Hitler-Regierung am 18. Click here for frequently asked questions regarding items permitted inside the museum. Die Siedlung umfasste 1140 Wohnungen in 152 Einzel- und Mehrfamilienhusern. Once the first few prototypes were completed, a small series of 66 aircraft were to follow. In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. - Coolers Eduard has chosen to depict the Bf 109 G-10 produced at the Messerschmitt Regensburg factory. Thank you. They also produced the DFS-designed Me 163 Komet, the first rocket-powered design to enter service. On the 16th of August, five Me 163 attacked a group of B-17s, and even managed to shoot down two of the bombers. The groups were organized into three larger formations termed "provisional combat wings", three groups in a Vee formation wing box leading the procession, followed in trail by two wing boxes of two groups each in echelon formation with one group leading and the second trailing at lower altitude. Because of limited range thanks to (inexplicably) not employing drop tanks,[12] escorting P-47 Thunderbolt fighters would be able to protect the bombers only as far as Eupen, Belgium, which was roughly an hour's flying time from both of the targets. 27 Jun 1944. - Water bottles (clear, sealed bottle, up to 20 oz.) Das ehemalige Betriebsgelnde in Prfening, am westlichen Stadtrand von Regensburg in der Nhe der Westheimsiedlung, erinnerte mit den restlichen, teilzerstrten hallenartigen Bauten, die fr Trdelmrkte und hnliche Veranstaltungen genutzt wurden und mit der Bezeichnung Messerschmittareal noch bis ca. Freeman states that the gunners' claims were later reduced to 148, and that actual German loss was "only 27 fighters". This was the case of the II./J.G.400, which surrendered its 48 aircraft to the Allies on the 8th of MAy 1945. This resulted in the development of a modified Me 163 (based on the BV6 prototype) which was slightly larger, had greater fuel capacity and had two engines. [27] All the factories except Kugelfischer had extensive fire damage to machinery when incendiaries ignited the machine oil used in the manufacturing process. To increase the firepower these would be replaced with the stronger 30 mm MK 108 cannons. [20][note 4][note 5] Gunners on the bombers claimed 288 fighters shot down,[24][note 6] but Luftwaffe records showed only 25 to 27 were lost. Were beginning to arrive from the aircraft of B-17 attack on Messerschmidt [ Messerschmitt factory... Was affected configuration and had an ambitious performance estimation for pitch and.! 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