spinoza god would have said

That is, only when God is thought of as a thinking thing, can he be said to be omniscient. But I entrust this to you as well. 114. Early in The Ethics Spinoza argues that there is only one substance, which is absolutely infinite, self-caused, and eternal. 60 By this, Spinoza means that God, as an extended substance, causes the conditions, or the laws of his/her attribute of extension which ultimately enables peoples bodies to come to be. From this, one may also claim that because it is innate of thinking things to think, it follows that God must possess the attribute of thought because what is inherently in him/her, must, in some ways, be in his/her modes, due to his/her immanence. 105 That is, if God were to change it would affect the natural order, since as Nature, God maintains the existence of all things physical. Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. From this, it follows that sadness, which Gods limited modes are subject to the influence of, cannot affect him/her, since the nature of sadness is not compatible with his/her nature. One may claim that because nothing can exist outside of God, sadness is an affect that is only external to modes, but not to him/her, and thus, it follows that sadness cannot act upon him/her. 19 Finally, though nothing can alter God, he/she is not free as ordinarily understood, but rather uncompelled, or unable to defy himself/herself. WebLeibniz: Modal Metaphysics. 30, Spinoza continues to enunciate that Gods modes are particular finite and determinate expressions of his/her nature. Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt. Moreover, God possesses the attribute of extension, since as Nature, he/she is physically infinite, and since all attributes are infinite, it follows that only a being of equal magnitude can possess the attribute of extension. However, he did not hold the converse view that God is no more than the sum of what exists. IANALbutIAMAcat 4 yr. ago I agree with you here. From this, it follows that God cannot be the cause of sadness because it is not of his/her nature, and, also, since he/she is eternally active, he/she can only sustain existence, and can never impede it. And there are no miracles. Web1. by Yitzhak Y. Melamed. 92 In other words, people can only desire to affirm or strive to exist because their active essences derive from Gods, and thus, what will cause their deaths cannot be in them. Nothing happens by chance. All I ask is that you pay attention in your life, that alertness is your guide. WebGod, according to Spinoza, did not have a personality, or consciousness or any expressed preferences or advice. Spinozas Modal Metaphysics. Translated by Edwin Curley. One reason why Spinoza makes this claim is that joy acts upon people in ways that only affirms their essences, or helps them to persevere. Furthermore, the mind and body are coherent since if the mind existed through the attribute of extension, it would follow the same path as the body, and if the body existed through the attribute of thought, it would follow the same path as the mind. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SuzanneMaresca. Russell, Bertrand. Spinoza is the first philosopher to write a systematic defense of democracy; it appears in his Theologico-Political Treatise, published in 1670. Finally, Spinoza goes on to describe the nature of Gods being as a corporeal substance, who possesses the attribute of extension. Rebecca Goldstein. Spinoza also states that it is only of the nature of God, or the one substance, to be infinite and eternal. 23 In other words, God cannot defy his/her nature because by being eternally active all existence ultimately depends on him/her, and since being can never truly fade into nothingness, it follows that God cannot change his/her ceaselessly active nature. Remembering, embodying, and expressing your true Self. WebTherefore, Spinoza argues that the only substance is God (Ethics, II. To Spinoza, sadness is a persons slip into a lesser state of awareness from a greater one. 80 That is, it is innate to the nature of ideas and bodies to follow the same path, and since they exist in God, they cannot refuse to follow his/her fixed nature. Stop praying. This piece has explained Spinozas views on the nature of God, his/her attributes, and the modes that ultimately arise from him/her. 85 Those external ideas Spinoza calls affects and since they do not arise from peoples ability to conceive ideas, it follows that they have an inadequate knowledge of them. 90 In other words, because God concurs with himself/herself as a corporeal substance, and since Nature concurs with itself as an immaterial substance or God, it follows that the mind and body cohere as derivatives of God or Nature. His God would not have encouraged us to go out in nature, as his god would not even be aware we exist. Orlando, FL 32816-1352, [emailprotected] WebSpinozas idea of God as infinite and lacking nothing, meant that he viewed God as a substance with infinite attributes. That is, if God were not equivalent to Nature, there would necessarily be two Gods, one to facilitate the laws of thought, and the other the laws of extension, which cannot be, since the natural order presents itself as a unified whole.49, Furthermore, God is necessarily a corporeal substance since if he/she were not, there would be nowhere for his/her modes to extend. Rocco A. Astore, The New School for Social Research. On the last day of his life, before his death at the age of 44 from lung disease, he was calmly conversing with his friends about philosophy, the same as always. She begins: Benedict de Spinoza did not have a religionat least in the usual sense of the word (1). Given this, she admits, the title of this book contains an irony, and perhaps for some a provocation (2). What follows from Spinozas philosophical theology is that 103 To Spinoza, it is impossible for God to slip into a lesser degree of perfection, not only because he/she is permanently unchanging, but also because he/she is limitless, and thus, what affects his/her limited modes, cannot affect him/her. Consequently, it follows that his/her fixed essence necessarily radiates his/her immutable attribute of thought; setting the conditions that give rise to the conceivability of thinking things. WebSpinozas God is definitely not a God to whom one would pray or give worship or to whom one would turn for comfort. Finally, Spinoza goes on to state the nature of Gods attributes, and his/her modes, or particular determinant expressions of him/her and those attributes. Heaven or hell. He endorses a strong form of necessitarianism in which everything is categorically necessary opposed to the weaker form of conditional necessity embraced by most compatibilists, and he contends that there is no room in such a world for divine or creaturely free will. Thus, Spinoza is a free will skeptic. On the other hand, adequate ideas are those ideas that resemble true ideas or ideas that perfectly match their objects, but only insofar as they are ideas. This life is the only thing here and now and it is all you need. 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Benedict de Spinoza, Hebrew forename Baruch, Latin forename Benedictus, Portuguese Bento de Espinosa, (born November 24, 1632, Amsterdamdied February 21, 1677, The Hague), Dutch Jewish philosopher, one of the foremost exponents of 17th-century Rationalism and one of the early and seminal figures of the Enlightenment. He used logic to deduce his fundamental principles. Conceptual Foundations and Motivations 1.1 Definition of ultimate Brahman, the Dao, emptiness, God, the One, Reasonablenessthere, in alphabetical order, are names of the central subjects of concern in what are commonly parsed as some of the worlds religions, philosophies and quasi-religious-philosophies. Though the mind and body come to be by way of different attributes of God, and are thus, incompatible, they nevertheless form a union. Consequently, one may claim that since the mind relies on another concept for its existence, it is not self-sufficient, but rather a determinate mode. Next, there was an analysis of Spinozas understanding of the mind and body and how this ties into his theory of the affects or those external ideas that can act upon, and sway people to live in ways that are either conducive or detrimental to how they understand themselves. Moreover, if one looks more closely at the Stoic conception of God, it is by no means evident that it is the same as Spinoza's. 22 Spinoza believes that this cannot be so since the continuity of existence can only rely on a being who is eternally active, and thus, all that was, is and will be, cannot fall into nothingness due to God necessarily being that eternally active entity. 25 Spinoza makes this claim because God as an eternal and infinite As human beings do not know the causes of their behavior, they are deceived in thinking themselves free. 73 Also, one may claim that even if the body did house the time of its end, people would still be unable to know it, since the body exists through a different attribute of God than the mind, and thus, their incompatibleness would prevent the body from conveying any information to the mind. Winter 2016. Spinoza calls the state of mind associated with sadness, melancholy, and its matching physical effect, pain. . 39, Spinoza continues his metaphysical investigation by claiming that thought is an attribute of God. 31 In other words, because there can be only one infinite substance, all other things have to be finite since, as modes, they are not causes of themselves, but rather, in the end, derivatives of that one infinite substance. 98 Furthermore, though peoples desires can differ, Spinoza nevertheless states that those desires that help them to live maximally, or to their fullest capacities, as they understand themselves, are good. (Archangel Michael: Do not Get Caught in the Drama of White Hats or Black Hats, Nov. 12, 2019; Im neither qualified to be a spiritual teacher nor do I wish to be one. WebBENEDICT SPINOZA. Although sadness distorts peoples views of reality, it is still the case that those who cling to that emotion can learn the causes of it. 34, Furthermore, it is not of the nature of Gods modes to precede or exists outside of him/her. Finally, knowledge of God, by only being promotive of peoples well-beings is due to his/her perfection, and since sadness is deleterious to them, it follows that nothing evil, or useless can derive from him/her, and thus, his/her flawlessness remains preserved. You are absolutely free to create in your life. Also, one may claim that God cannot be the engenderer of sadness because he/she is ultimately the source of only adequate and true ideas, and since sadness is an affect that people inadequately understand, it follows that God cannot have caused it. What did you learn?. On more modern times, it was Albert Einstein who was responsible for reawakening the interest on Spinozas works. In responsibility, there is no. (Read more), Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? I believe in Spinozas God, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders. 2 Despite what appears to be an incongruent argument, can one still find a way to claim that Spinoza is consistent when he states that all things ultimately derive from Gods flawlessness, despite the reality of sadness? My opinion concerning God differs widely from that which is ordinarily defended by modern Christians. The Stoic God is said to be the 'principle of intelligibility in the universe' (p. 11), so strictly speaking God is part of the universe, without coinciding with it; but Spinoza's God is whatever there is. And Im so focused. Furthermore, inadequate ideas necessarily reside in God, like all other things, but they do not directly derive from him/her since those ideas are passive whereas he/she is immutably active. 44, Moreover, God must possess the attribute of thought because thinking things necessarily express that attribute, since as modes, they express Gods essence. At the same time, the more people gain adequate knowledge of what has led them to feel saddened, the less sorrow affects them, since it ultimately causes that emotion to cease to be sadness. 28 Moreover, because Gods attributes cannot interact, it follows that they cannot cause one another to come to be, and thus, one may claim that nothing can limit them. Stop asking for forgiveness, theres nothing to forgive. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesnt destroy the fiber of your society. Len Satov 5. There is, after all, that famous chapter head in the Ethics, Of human bondage, or the strength of the emotions. In the Tractatus Spinoza compares the arbitrary divine power exercised in the Bible to the rule of some royal potentate. He wants to liberate us from a heavenly despot whom we abjectly petition for miraculous favors or reprieves, from clerics who claim to be his agents and intermediaries, and from the powerful and capricious emotions, especially hope and fear, that those clerics exploit. Im locked in. Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. That is if someone were to claim that God is a collection of finite substances that person would be adhering to the view that finitude and infinitude are compatible, which cannot be so since the nature of those concepts are different. University of Central Florida 107 Furthermore, since Gods essence only affirms existence, and since sadness is a lesser state of existence, it follows that he/she is incapable of causing people to feel saddened. 51, The human mind, as understood by Spinoza, exists by way of Gods attribute of thought, and is determinate, and not an amalgamation of attributes, but rather a singular whole. Part 5/8, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: The March 2023 Energies, Jennifer Crokaert ~ St Germaine: The Lovers Archetype, From the Bottom of Our Hearts, We Thank You, Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? The book was a bit too much for tolerant but still Calvinist Holland, where it was denounced as blasphemous and dangerous. Contrastingly, those desires that impede one from living to his/her best abilities as particular expressions of God, Spinoza calls evil. Consequently, because sadness lessens peoples understanding of who they are, it must also necessarily affect their bodies ability to act. Another reason why there cannot be a change in God when bodies undergo change is that since his/her corporeality is unlike anything in nature, due to him/her being the only cause of himself/herself, it is the case that other bodies cannot affect him/her. Due to God being infinite, it follows that nothing has the power to compel or cause him/her to act in any way that defies the course of his/her nature. In regard to intellect and true virtue, every nation is on a par with the rest, and God has not in these respects chosen one people rather than another. 75, To Spinoza, the order and connection of ideas necessarily follow the same as the order and connection of things. I have set you absolutely free, no prizes or punishments, no sins or virtues, no one carries a marker, no one keeps a record. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Abstract. Moreover, God cannot be the cause of sadness since he/she cannot return any feelings that people project onto him/her, and thus, by being free of emotion, it would be illogical to claim that he/she can cause anyone pain. What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. Dutch Jewish philosopher Benedict de Spinoza was best known for his Ethics (1677), which laid out in geometric form arguments for the existence of an impersonal God, the identity of mind and body, determinism, and a way of overcoming the dominance of the passions and achieving freedom and This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. 7777 One way in which the reader can imagine this is if God were both the idea of a shape and the physical object of that shape itself. in Liberal Studies from the College of Staten Island/CUNY and his B.A. You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. Also, if God were made up of finite substances he/she would necessarily be finite as well, which is illogical because nothing has the power to limit him/her. 81 Lastly, Spinoza continues his metaphysical speculations by addressing how it is that the mind and body work together in a coherent fashion. 91, From this it follows that affects can either assists people or deter them from their desires to live, or aid or restrain their innate abilities to be. Information is Light. WebWho is the God of Spinoza? - The Divine Mother. Spinoza used the provocative formulation Deus sive naturaGod, or naturebut he actually regarded nature as just the visible, comprehensible aspect of Accor ding to the standar d vie w, Spinoza s ter m mode denotes pr oper ties of substance, just as it does in Descartes idiom. 104 In other words, sadness exists in God, but cannot act upon him/her, because for that to occur that affect would have to exist outside of him/her, but since nothing can exist in that way, it follows that God is immune to sadness. That is, the mind is a thinking expression of God, as an immaterial substance, and since it does so in a determinate or limited way, it follows that it cannot have attributes since attributes are infinite and eternal. 287 pages. One consequence is that everything that happens in nature, and everything that natures lawful order dishes out to us personally, is necessarythe way the conclusion of a logical or mathematical demonstration is necessary. Rocco Astore is a graduate student at the New School for Social Research, and he received his M.A. Spinoza's ethical views are deeply tied to his metaphysical system. This is evident from the following claim: As far as good and evil are concerned, they also indicate nothing positive in things, considered in themselves, nor are they anything other than modes of thinking, or notions we form because we compare things to one another.(E4, Preface) It is also apparent from this that he is a kind His argument could be used against the idea of evil as emanated from God, as perfection preserves Gods existence in absolute positivity, while evil is negativity. [] They are all names for what is ultimate, What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. Spinoza concludes that because of this, God is only a partial cause of inadequate ideas whereas people, who can take in perceptions housed in him/her, are the other partial cause, and thus, they do not derive from people alone but can still act upon and influence them. 52 Spinoza claims that the mind ultimately derives from God, by way of his/her attribute of thought, and innately expresses that attribute. 56 In other words, the mind, which depends on God, and his/her infinite attribute of thought, cannot determine its nature, because it does not cause itself, and thus, it must follow the flow of Gods immutable essence since it ultimately derived from his/her fixed essence. God Respect your peers and dont do what you dont want for yourself. The one who hadnt read Spinoza stayed in the same I hope this gem of history will serve them as much as I do. It is also of great importance to address Spinozas views on the types of ideas that the mind can have, which are inadequate, adequate, or true ideas. Claim: Albert Einstein said he believed in pantheism, a theological doctrine based on the work of 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. One reason why Spinoza believes that God is equivalent to Nature is that there cannot be a multiplicity of self-caused substance, but instead just one, since if there were not there would be two incompatible substances facilitating the conditions of the natural order. Therefore, due to God being the only being that is continually active and limitless, it follows that nothing can compel or cause him/her to defy his/her nature since nothing is of the same kind as him/her. 45 That is, though thinking things express God in specific and determinate ways, they nevertheless express his/her essence, since as modes it is of their nature to do so, and thus, God must possess thought, since, without it, modes would be unable to express that attribute. 101 That is, God, who is an eternally active being, who is equivalent to Nature, cannot feel sadness since he/she is necessarily flawless. Introducing our newest editor, Ed Love, in Australia. Spinoza seems to have feared nothing and regretted nothing, and he lived a life of quiet, exemplary virtue. Cold deterministic rationalism? 42 That is, God is the domain in which all thinking things exist, since all of them are unable to trace their origins to any cause outside of God. WebTo Spinoza attributes of God or that which one can perceive as being of his/her nature, are eternal and infinite. And why were less interested now in Spinozas logic than in his peace of mind. What did you enjoy the most? 20 One reason why Spinoza makes this claim is that God is the immanent cause of all things, or it is the case that all things ultimately derive from him/her, and thus because those derivatives cannot change their natures, neither can he/she. Jaspers, Karl. God unfolds as the universe we experience because it is Gods nature to do so, not because of any need or goal. Also, because God is necessarily unable to be inactive, due to the activity of all existence relying on his/her continuity for theirs, it follows that nothing can offshoot or influence Gods flow. 70 Consequently, due to bodies ultimately deriving from an eternally active corporeal substance, or God, it follows that they innately express that activity as modes, and thus, it is the case that bodies cannot refuse to persevere in their beings. In 1656, Spinoza was excommunicated. Baruch I will help you. Although wishing to give the impression that their highbrow books buck the trend, in reality they preach to the By Michah Gottlieb. Similarly, when God is said to be omnipresent, it is only when he is conceived of through Extension. So many explanations? WebAnswer (1 of 5): I have never studied Spinoza's philosophy in detail, nor can I even read Latin, but I have always understood Spinoza's concept of God to be of the same flavor God had infinite qualities, of which we can perceive only two, thought and extension. Live as if there is not. Hence God must also exist in dimensions far beyond those of the visible world. Our motto is: Don't quote it if you can't source it. Opinion concerning God differs widely from that which is ordinarily defended by modern Christians claiming that thought is an of! Island/Cuny and his B.A physical effect, pain is absolutely infinite, self-caused, and modes... God differs widely from that which one can perceive as being of his/her nature are. Hope this gem of history will serve them as much as I do now to get the Washington breaking... Gem of history will serve them as much as I do, she admits, the of. Destroy the fiber of your society, published in 1670, not because of any or! 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