warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world

For each event in their life - their apprentice ceremony, their warrior ceremony, a particularly impressive catch, officially becoming mates with another cat, etc. Lets add 1,000,000 Warrior Cat Games And projects!!! Kinks are still being worked out as far as i'm aware. c: What you have so far is a really solid start! Not sure if you were planning on being genetically correct (you dont have to be!) Kindlingpaw - an orange tom with a white underbelly and a black mask & mantle pattern, Fernpaw - a she cat with a tail shaped like a fern, Muddypaw - a small tom with a brown pelt and white paws, Splitface - an orange tom with a burn scar covering half his face, Burnfoot - a tom with one short leg that ends in a burn scar, Spottedvine - a she cat with crooked, lumpy stripes. Rank: N/A - though if given a title, would be considered in bruiser in his gang. cat brings it to the River of Forever, where it sits at the end). To hurt opponents coming from the air, this move can be used to rear up on the hind legs and slashing at the enemy. Used to intimidate the opponent or to vent out anger. Leader: Flamestara large Maine Coon ginger tom with amber eyes. Koi likes his alone time and will not hesitate to let someone know if theyre overstaying their welcome. Maieths Ward has not been decided, nor has their deputy/apprentice. Hope you enjoyed, and also do you like the ranks I added? These cats inhabit the temperate redwood rainforest, and are generally seen as the most mysterious, because theyre literally shrouded by the darkness of the trees. You can click the cats' prefixes, suffixes, and traits, as well as the clan names, to individually randomize them. Have a kitten of your very own and raise them to be loyal to their Clan. He has a himbo husband mate, Hawkheart, and four adopted kits: Thunderpaw, Stormpaw, Rainpaw, and Windpaw. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. They are known as the head warrior, and are usually the head hancho during battles. Long and lithe, with lighter pelts; gingers are very common, greys and silvers slightly less so. How vast, deep, and dark it is. LightningStrike - black she cat with a white flash down her face, kits: Finkit and WindKit. Lastly, theres ForestClan! Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. If the cats wish to break up, they retrieve the stone and remove the markings. Crouching down to leap out onto your enemy. So he formed a small group of cats, inspired by the Clans of Lightning, Gale, Shade, Torrent and Beyond, taking them to the Rainy Forest. It represents the Clan of Torrent, and both Stormstar and Rainstar, who are descended from the Clan. Shes basically like Daisy. Skywatchers watch the sky, keeping track of any darkening clouds and such. I'm not sure either, i like keeping track of the queen to the kits and avoid patrols until those kits are apprentices in the meantime. Or is it just a sign of respect to name a kit after a medicine cats gift? Interesting. His personality and appearance (especially if hes cinnamon) would lend well to a kittypet life. They are excellent swimmers with a exceptional love for the ocean; over the generations pure Wave cats have grown webbed feet, this is a characteristic purely known to WaveRiders.*. Naming: Due to medicine cats giving newborn kits gifts, they are often named after them. i really like him, but i def feel he can be improved upon. You do you, if you want realism thats okay, if you dont, thats okay too! It looks like you have a decent basis, and it could get even better with some fleshing out and expansion of the ideas you already have! It still feels like I am missing some information about the canon clans, although at this point I can infer that they are long gone. Same over here! Mussel Rock - a rather large rock that is covered in mussels. NOTES - ForestClan and MeadowClan, despite their differing beliefs about sexuality and gender roles, are occasionally allies; MeadowClans current leader, Rabbitstar, has a huge crush on ForestClans deputy, Ravenshade. Any cat can visit them, as long as they have permission from the divine protector. Oh this is very very cool, it helps leads to be aware of all three, to hold the importance of all of them equally, and reminds them of what consequences exist if they make mistakes. Okay, its kind of cool to have a group of cats which are specifically known as the swimmers and such of the clan, although I imagine all the cats need to at least know how to swim. I currently do not have any plans for the leaders, deputies, or medicine cat. Sounds solid to me! Used by Silverhawk against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the Dark Forest. Ill just go over the new ones, the other ones are basically the same. Scribes: Scribes make a map of the territory with various dyes made from flowers and other stuff, and carved from their claws. This fun pixel game mixes them both into an adorable combination where you can watch your clans grow and progress moon by moon!If you want to play the most recent version of Clan-Gen, you can find it here:https://sablesteel.itch.io/clan-gen-fan-editFor technical support or questions about how to run the game, please consult the official Clan-Gen discord: https://discord.gg/rnFQqyPZ7KTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/saltysweetrenTumblr: https://salty-sweet-ren.tumblr.com/Discord: https://discord.gg/JSwWgDHVesTwitter: https://twitter.com/ren_wyvern Pixel Biologist! Does this clan believe in set destiny? The 'Warrior Cats' series by Erin Hunter is engaging and interesting as you get involved and immersed in the characters' world of crises and war. CaveClan and MarshClan are almost always allies and can even be said to be good friends; despite CaveClans paranoia, MarshClan is excellent at keeping secrets when they need to, and knows the value of a good friendship. I also like that he is a story teller, his more unique appearance and size likely help his image and his beautiful colors probably helping his charisma. I notice several of the cats in the clan have somewhat severe names, do they take pride in them? (mother to Feather, Frost, and Poppy), Shadea dark smokey burmese tom with green eyes. Plenty of their food is found on the shore, too, though - they often dig for clams and crabs, and pry mussels off rocks. The Proud and Sincere. Im curious though, since this opens up a lot of possibilities. Long time no see! And the rest I think it would be nice to add in the "cruel season" mode, would be awesome as a feature. He and his mother grew very close and formed a strong bond. The tulip tree blows in even the lightest of breezes, representing the Clan of Gale and Breezescratch, a noble scribe and direct descendent of the aforementioned Clan. Horsespirit - creamy she-cat with white back paws Kits Lostkit - creamy tom (Moonseer) ShadowClan Leader Greenstar - light cream she-cat Deputy Finchbee - mottled brown tom Apprentice, Pearpaw Medicine Cat Dustygoose - light golden she-cat with long, fluffy fur Apprentice, Mintpaw Warriors Leopardfin - speckled white she-cat Apprentice, Twigpaw keep pressing proceed on every single patrol. Interesting, I like that most apprentices get to train and practice both sets of skills. Favorite dessert and favorite food Hair color and book series 1 medicine cat, 1 medicine cat apprentice, 3 queens, 7 kits, 3 apprentices, 14 warriors, 4 elders, and a clan name. Brambleclaw served as the ThunderClan deputy under Firestar, Tree is the first and only mediator so far in the series, Frostpaw is a RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. Shes very caring with kits, but strict with adult cats, as they should know better. As for trading, although their skill or style is not quite as refined as the other clans, SeaClans crafts are highly sought after for the materials used. Available exclusively for Windows computers. Rivals: Not long after Rains small group left the Forestlands of old, an event that is now called the Rain of Fire took place. Skywatcher apprentice.Starlingpawblack spotted tabby tom with gold eyes. CliffClan territory gets much more sunlight than other territories and is typically a fair bit warmer. All kits are given necklaces when theyre born, each with a clay bead and a piece of bark from each of the Sisters strung on it. It'll automagically combine one of the prefixes & suffixes above to make a name Read Winter Themed from the story Warrior cats Name Generator!!! ), (Read-only, use to share your list with others). Once it is extracted, you need to run the file called Clangen.exeIf the only file named main you see is main.py, you somehow got the source code instead of the release, try downloading it again. CliffClan often hosts the gatherings at The Ponds, ForestClan at the Mossy Hollow, and SeaClan at The Falls. feel free to take ur time on this, no rush. SPOT (HALF SIBLING) I keep getting the issue where the game crashes every two minutes how do i fix this please thankyou, ive tried downloading the linux version 3 or 4 times. Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). Brightsun and Ripplestream are particularly close, since Brightsun was his mentor (he used to be the medicine cat - you may think, medicine cat to leader? does anyone know how to fix this. Just an Update Idea, Maybe You Could Add An option to Change Your Cats Names? Consider creating an account! - SandPaw - sandy brown tabby she cat with mossy green eyes. Consider creating an account! If Sharkbait was dragged out by the riptide, he was not giving the sea the respect it deserved - perhaps he turned his back to the waves for a little too long. I would like to hear about the Ocean, and how these ideas affect how the cats in these clans see themselves and their goals for the afterlife. http://goo.gl/Xro8bE Join Our Patreon! Belly Rake - A fight-stopper. doesn't matter what for. One of them is an ash tree, with a scent of fire and lightning, representing the Clan of Lightning, and Leafheart, Rainstars mate and a direct Clan of Lightning descendent. ), his owners + breeder are out looking for him, putting up posters, theres a reward, etc. Once you have that done, just find something called "Clangen.exe" and run that :). Their kin helps often times, giving gifts, and medicine cats always give new mothers and their kits presents, usually fresh-kill, herbs or flowers/feathers. Just curious because it's so sad when Ilose one :(Edit: Ilost a cat and they came back the next moon, so it's possible, but is it likely or uncommon? As an idea its quite interesting though! The camp is underneath a great, ancient willow tree - the hanging leaves create a natural partition and protect the cats underneath from rain, wind, hail and whatever else the world might throw at them. Add Warrior Cat Projects Here. This is a nice short little summary! LEAFCLAN A Clan who lives in a group of bushes lush pine and willow forest. Let's go save the world by adding projects! I really like a lot of your names, they just have a really good sound and rhythm to them, and they seem to all fit really well together, even if they dont have a discernible ruleset or pattern. Lots of kits! WARRIOR CATS CLAN GENERATOR. There is only one person, Blackfur, working on the web version, but he's doing his best to get it running again. The leader of this rank is the head warrior, who is the head hancho in battle and usually close to retiring, or was a secondary or tertiary choice for the deputy position. Kits are still -kit, apprentices are still -paw. FORESTCLAN - obscured by thick undergrowth and towering deciduous trees. They are usually a broad and muscular cat with a brown or sandy pelt. If you don't want to manually create a name from the prefixes and suffixes, try out this automatic Warrior Cat Name generator! (Random fun fact about MountainClan: they have common run-ins with leopard cats, which they call kitty-leopards, and Im thinking of giving them one eventually). Search: Warrior Cats Name Generator. Wears a purple collar. Both Adderfang and Mudfur use this move to regain control of the Sunningrocks. They speak to the spirits of the ocean and foretell prophecy sent by the ancient ones. There is still a deputy and medicine cat. Loves nuclear families, strict gender roles, and heterosexuality; typically forces butch mollies to hunt and effeminate toms to care for kits, but otherwise keeps typical Western values. It emphasizes the importance of being sure its what you want for a lifetime as mates, as well as the consequences of breaking ties. Deerspota tortoiseshell Siberian she cat with green eyes, Runningrabbita silver tabby Siberian tom with blue eyes, Blackclouda dark gray nebelung with yellow eyes, Bearclawa dark gray nebelung with green eyes, Maplepawa tortoiseshell Siberian she cat with green eyes, Whitepawa pure white Siberian she cat with green eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) thanks for taking the time to look at him. I will be adding more details in the near future, so please post in the comments any suggestions/feedback you might have. Each Clan (excluding StarClan) shares the same basic ranking system, consisting of nine distinct ranks. Had a decent relationship with Willow, but otherwise, not much is known about him. Null. Ooo a writing system! Then theyd help with their training. His personality is actually pretty well fleshed out, and honestly the only part I feel could be improved on is his history and what he is up to now. Pathfinders are cats with extra good eyesight and strength, allowing them to find good paths and push rocks out of the way when needed. I would recommend making your own special patterns for them, or change things for them to make more sense. Apprentices often spend hours poring over the choices, trying to figure out the best one to give to their crush. Used by Snowfur against Crookedpaw when fighting RiverClan to defend Sunningrocks. WHO LIKES BACON, Warrior cats Only and cats.Also Fnaf stuff is okay, Willowfrost's studio (Warrior cat lovers only), As many Warrior Cat Projects Before end of 2018. Most of them sound close to genetic terms, but there are many which are not at all, which is totally fine! If you didnt want to do the work for the research, completely understandable, but there could be a hidden wealth of prefixes and names you could use for such a unique setting. Find out what it means to be a part of these Clans. Deputy: Deputies are basically the same as in the canon Clans. Maybe move it near to a little pond or lake? My game Needed an update! Wait wait, clothing? Got a few clans for my WIP, Nightpaws Prophecy. Scarstar - she cat with long grey fur and many scars. The other side of their religion, or their other deity, would be the Moon, as the moon pushes and pulls the tides. ALLEGIANCES. -Sire: DreamCoons Follow the Sun (Tiny): Tiny was a cream silver tabby with hazel eyes. The other issue is that of a culture shock - unlike the canon clans, where, if it werent for the territory differences, would be just about all the same, the Coastal Clans are quite different. but like why do the queens go on patrols?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 1 https://goo.gl/iFz5ob Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 2 https://goo.gl/8kZ2HK Warrior Cats Behind-the-Paws https://goo.gl/R1IwP6 Warrior Cats StarClan Speaks https://goo.gl/9NCsXD Warrior Cats Bloopers https://goo.gl/C4MLOU Warrior Cats Untold Tales Cattails Become a Pixel Biologist! the only way i've found to fix that is to clear site data, unfortunately :/ whenever i have too many cats in a clan (i've never made it to moon 200 on the web version) that would happen. Having spent a good majority of his life indoors, he is content in the house and very rarely, if ever, feels a need to venture outside and see what lies beyond the fence. SnapMaw - Brown and white tabby she cat with a white under belly and blue eyes. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! That makes sense! CliffClan has the best technique for weaving by far, making their woven items highly sought after. i see you added that! Thank you all for the support! Cant wait to see more. Until those are updated to python 3, there will not be any mobile releases of ClanGen. For some reason whenever I try load up the Clan gen it just shows a black screen like this: I'm not sure whats going on and hoped somebody could help, I've refreshed it, opened it up again and all that but it isn't working. Very few tales of the Clans founding are told, and theres more told of the Clans of old. eyes, Tadpoletaila dilute blue-cream calico British shorthair she cat with SeaClan refers to The Sea as their deity. CliffClan inhabit the golden grassy meadows above the cliffs, as well as the cliffs themselves. It used to just be like this when I tried loading up an old Clan but now whenever I open up the actual Clan gen itself it just shows that. I was wondering when Cruel Season was comming? warrior cats clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo blank check template. This move stops the battle, and RiverClan ends in success. Leader: Flamestara large Maine Coon ginger tom with amber eyes, Deputy: Buzzardclawa gray norwegian tom with ice blue eyes, Medicinecat:Rainwatchera american curl shaded silver tom with blue eyes, Warriors: (toms, and she-cats without kits), Blueharea russian blue she cat with bright green eyes, Redhawka white and ginger Maine coon tom green eyes, Maplesonga chestnut norwegian forest she cat with amber color eyes, Jaggedfanga black and white norwegian forest cat tom, Shadeclouda large gray Maine coon with yellow eyes tom, Apprentices: (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors), Darkpawa black Maine coon with grey eyes tom, Lionpawa golden ginger maine coon with green eyes tom, Ashpawa russian blue she cat with green eyes, Stormpawa grey norwegian forest cat with icy blue eyes tom, Cinderpawa ginger tabby she cat with amber eyes, Tigerpawa brown mackerel Maine coon with green eyes tom, Ivypawa white and grey norwegian forest she cat with green eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits), Honeytaila orange and white Maine coon she cat with amber eyes, Acornfurchestnut and white norwegian forest cat with blue eyes, Willowleafa silver Maine coon she cat with blue eyes, Goldenrosea sandy ginger Norwegian forest cat with green eyes, Elders: (former warriors and queens, now retired), Blackfrosta black and white Maine coon tom, Piketoothbrown mackerel tabby maine coon tom, Smoketaila grey Norwegian forest she cat Theyre called the Tide Rocks because theyre sometimes impossible to get to or stand on because of a high tide, or can just be walked right on to during a low tide. For some reason whenever I try load up the Clan gen it just shows a black screen like this: I'm not sure whats going on and hoped somebody could help, I've refreshed it, opened it up again and all that but it isn't working. Flowercoata tortoiseshell Norwegian forest she cat, Leader: Riverstara Russian blue she cat with green eyes, Deputy: Rapidstreama brown marble bengal tom cat with amber eyes, Medicinecat: Salmontootha silver tabby British shorthair tom with blue eyes, Windrivera fawn and white bicolor British shorthair tom with yellow Seems pretty standard to me, aside from their unique aspects. The pond is a great source of fresh water, and the light shining through the trees makes it a good spot to sunbathe. The borders (where the leaves hang) have been reinforced with bramble to create a more secure and clear camp. ( Eek! And having a leader of apprentices is intriguing (although Im confused as to what you meant byfirst to get an apprentice when they become a warrior, does that mean the apprentice leader is an apprentice who has this position or a warrior who is just known for being an excellent mentor?). amber eyes, Littlewavea golden shade British short hair with blue eyes, Skyclouda russian Blue tom with green eyes, Shellfura brown bengal she cat with rosettes marking and amber eyes, Whitestone a snow Bengal tom, with mascara markings with blue eyes, Raindropa russian Blue tom with green eyes, Apprentices:(more than six moons old, in training to become warriors), Fishpawa russian Blue tom with green eyes, Shallowpawa blue and white bicolor British shorthair tom with green eyes, Ripplepawa russian blue she cat with green eyes, Bubblepawa silver tabby British shorthair she cat with blue eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) Again, its not forbidden, but its.. None of the downloads work? Thank you so much for the submission! I would love to hear more! LETS TRY TO GET 100 PROJECTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS! The warrior leader is usually the deputy, although theres occasionally another cat. It is noted that she was clinging onto him like a burr. Medicine cat apprentice.Magpiepawlilac-and-cream mackerel torbie she-cat with white gloves and yellow eyes.Fritillarypawred classic pseudo tabby-and-white tom with green eyes.Whinchatpawmostly white, fawn demimolly (she/they, born a she-cat) with blue eyes.Martenpawchocolate and red mackerel calico she-cat with green eyes. Join the Pixel Biology Community! I did a slight double take. Stalk your prey! Todd is more outgoing/wants freedom from his owners control, while Copper is content being inside and doesnt see the need for the outside until Todd ropes him into it one night - they go to a lake, and fish and talk and so on - and then he starts to want more). The Tidecaller, however, is the spiritual leader. Warrior Cats Clan Generator. What qualifies a cat to be a switch? Im sorry I always take to long to post them, but Im always grateful to come back to fandom and see the fantastic work everyone is up to in their writing. [5] Outside of these beliefs and the warrior code, there are the Twolegplace rogues, BloodClan,[6] and an informal group of kittypets known as WarriorClan. (I don't think my virus protection is the issue, as I changed it to allow these files. SeaClan, like ForestClan, does not have a conventional leading system, nor do the cats have a StarClan. Kits often love hearing their stories, although some do not. I feel like hearing Ripplestreams background would also help to understand some of the smaller details of this. Thanks for sending this in! I do like that there are multiple ways to connect with the afterlife, and that they each have a connection to different aspects of it. So far Seaclan seems to have a cohesive religion, nice. But its up to you, I mean plenty of female cats are brought in to shelters with their kittens and their kittens adopted out, and if the mother is feral she is spayed, and sometimes adopted if she will take to humans. Used many times by Firestar. Age: RainClan is quite old, but not to the extent that no cats remember Rainstar and Stormstar, the first two leaders of the Clan. ( mother to Feather, Frost, and Windpaw can visit them, as i it! Each Clan ( excluding StarClan ) shares the same basic ranking system, consisting of nine distinct ranks queens! Clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo blank check template and both Stormstar Rainstar! Broad and muscular cat with Mossy green eyes refers to the River of Forever, it. By Erin Hunter than other territories and is typically a fair bit warmer down. One to give to their Clan of possibilities worked out as far as i changed to. 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