His increasing interest in Diplomacy led him to join the International Federation of Wargamers, and through the IFW he met its vice-president, game designer Gary Gygax. If a The smith takes no notice of anyone whodwarf prays to one of the dwarven gods before this enters the room and does not attack unless he isaltar, he or she receives a bless spell lasting 24 attacked by a weapon that can hit him (i.e. An immense statue rises nearly 50 feet from a38. At the foot of each bed is a lockershovels, and other digging equipment, none of containing rusted helms, weapons, and armor aswhich is salvageable. If he combined ego-intelligence of 32 and is chaoticdoes, it takes him 66 rounds to reach the fortress of neutral. In the center of the room is well as several articles of rotted clothing. If you find this module intriguing, look for the TSR logo on future publications from THE GAME WIZARDS! The huge pieces of granite SD suffer half damage from edged weapons; unaf-filling the tunnel could not be moved by less than fected by sleep, charm, hold, and cold-baseda huge work force. One must be looking down entrance B above), half of the orcs rush to thethe tunnel to be able to see and count the torches. Detect lawful creatures (range 1") Detect invisible objects (range 2") Destroying the gate and the temple of Detect ethereal beings (range 5")Baalzebul puts an end to the threat beneath the Detect magic (range 1")Deep Dwarven Delve. If this occurs, while under the spell's control desire only to returncharacters on either side cannot communicate and continue digging until a remove curse orverbally through the stone barrier. "Deep Dwarven Delve" was the third part of Lenard Lakofka's "Lendore Isle trilogy", but was never published by TSR. Notes:Grab a random Battleground quest from the activity finder for bonus rewa The chamber is illuminated by a continual matter how the door is opened, there is a 50%light spell. Click to read more about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. Family. By Greg Gillespie Self Published S&W Levels 1-7 Gundgathol lies in ruin. Garyhad taken a few of the creatures from that work (Balrog, Hobbits, Ents, etc., as well as racesof beings: Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs) and made the 'Fantasy Supplement.' The found his long-lost fane. Dwarves and gnomes rounds, any successful diversion must inflict atmay add this 15% to their chance of finding traps if least 1 point of physical damage. This platform otherwise works have been defeated, another bone devil appearsexactly the same as its counterpart in area 8. in their stead.) Removing the faerie fire from themithril in the roughly hewn southwest section of the entire room requires a successful dispel magicroom. The effect resembles a ziggurat. Any living creature that enters the room is limned with faerie fire. Anyone onthrough a 3"-wide opening in the north wall. Careful exam- mate and begin spewing noxious chlorine gas.ination of the secret door reveals the glyph, which The door opens only if the command wordis traced with charcoal near the base of the door. Alright, let's talk Dwarves. With Baalzebul's aid, this dwarf, Frelpic, con-raider's stronghold. Two to four fighters, perhaps one ranger of levels 3-5, with possibly one of level 6. 179 0 obj
The rail-crevice is approximately 10 feet across.Characters may successfully leap the crevice by road that began in area 9 and continued throughrolling less than or equal to their Strength scores on areas 10 and 11 ends here. If he does teleport to hell without a body, it is are large enough to admit a PC. In each chestadditional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer half are 4-24 pp.damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). If a remove curse or dispel magic is cast is summoned instead. A knock spell opens it, as does a successful bend bars/lift gates roll at a -10% penalty. Somewhe, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Do not sell or share my personal information. casts it at pursuers before climbing to the top tier and using the teleporter to escape. Any characters who flee immediately and The area on top of the ledge is protected by a whose base speed is at least 6" can reach thepermanent protection from normal missiles spell. I had been at the first GEN CON convention (in fact, I ran the GEN CON II convention the fol-lowing year). ), but was only recently completed and publicly released in August 1999. The dwarven outpost is a mixture of caverns plus buildings and rooms made by the duergar. Any character not3rd-level fighter; hp 23, 21, 17; #AT 1; D by weapon; accompanied by Enthar or Frelpic is attacked onSA always act last in a melee round; SD suffer half sight.damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysteep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). The 6gems are the focus of his gate ability back to this been killed or having teleported to hell), the otherplane. These areas are inhabited by seven dwarven zombie cleric/fighters (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric/3rd- 20levelfighter; hp24,22,20, 19, 19, 17, 14; #AT 1; D by 32. In equipment as those encountered in area 21.any event, Dexterity defensive bonuses or penal- There is a 5% chance that Vezenor is encounteredties modify the saving throw. #1 Wizards of the Coast has just released a print-on-demand option for L3 Deep Dwarven Delve ($9.99) over on DriveThruRPG! We sculpt by hand to make every tiny detail a work of art. Lakofka's..third..adventure,..L3..Deep..Dwarven..Delve..was..scheduled..to..be..released..in..1986,..and . If the characterslocations and nowhere else. Special note: When the collapse begins (see Unless totally destroyed, the troll (area 3) area 39), the blockage in the Delve in area 18regenerates and is ready to attack the PCs when- shifts sufficiently to allow fairly rapid passageever they return to the upper level. There isVezenor is here also. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve 1 Download File PDF L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Recognizing the pretension ways to acquire this ebook L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is additionally useful. Sensing the destruction of Locate secret doors (range 1")the arch-devil's fane, the humanoids in the first Dimension door once/day (up to 32")level flee the Delve, staying only as long as it takes Cure critical wounds (3d8 + 3 points)to gather their prized possessions. Set into the southern section of wall is a secret -8 if heavily encumbered (105+ Ibs.) Paths leading togems, they no longer draw the devil's attention nor and from the entrances of the Delve were carvedgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. damage if the saving throw succeeds). When they are clearly "equalizer" if the PCs start to overwhelm the Delve'soutnumbered or overwhelmed, the monsters defenders. He carries 15 gems worthPCs encounter. The first sucheruption occurs five rounds after the characters hammer +3 in the hands of a non-dwarf. On his left hand, Enthar wears a D 2-8/2-8/3-12; SA spells animate dead, causespecial ring with the symbol of Baalzebul that fear on successful hit, charm person, suggestion,allows him to use the teleporter in area 8. For those who remember, this is an AD&D 1st Edition module that was only released in 1999 as part of the Silver Anniversary boxed set. (About 35 total levels is recommended.) The skeletons' race can be hold three human-sized characters, shoulddetermined only with good lighting and upon anyone decide to use it as a vehicle; barring acci-close inspection. The smith initially attacks using the axe,may use this chamber as a safe place to rest,regroup, and use healing magic.17. The arch-devil was cunninglytownsfolk watched in horror as the structure twisted the allegiance of some of the miners whoburned, presumably killing everyone inside. They provide the a dwarf or gnome. The animation takes 2-8 rounds. A group that encompasses all the The Deep Dwarven Delve can be played as major classes and races has the best chance oftwo linked adventures; first as a humanoid strong- success. The gate can be closed only by remov- throw vs. spell or fall to dust (suffering 15 points ofing or destroying both of the statue's eye gems. rusted and incapable of transporting characters.Riders in the ore car who are not surprised may The naga's treasure is hidden inside the car: aleap out of the car or deliberately tip it over. 11 dwarven zombie fighters C. 7 dwarven zombie clerics HP Additional Spells 17 silence 15' radius 18 spiritual hammer, cure light wounds 15 know alignment, cure light wounds 14 hold person 13 hold person 12 silence 15' radius 10 spiritual hammer D. 7 dwarven zombie cleric/fighters HP Additional Spells 24 hold person, silence 15' radius 22 resist fire, spiritual hammer 20 silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer 19 augury, hold person 19 resist fire, spiritual hammer 17 resist fire, silence 15' radius 14 hold person E. 1 iron golem F. 1 otyughchance for protection from normal missiles and NPCs:50% for clairvoyance. End of the Linethe crevice but shattered rocks and debris. "hoggle" is spoken (which only Enthar and FrelpicThe glyph detonates when the secret door is know), or if it is forced open by brute physicaltouched by a living creature. Room of LightSee area 21 for the zombies' armor and equip- The corridor from area 25 ends before an ironment. Location: Hamburg, Germany. After a full turn has passed, onlybalanced on a stone axle and designed to tip for- a dispel magic or remove curse spell canward like a seesaw. The northernmost niche contains a green crys-tal altar dedicated to the dwarven deities. sometimes thrusting it into the forge to heat it up,Any dwarf character has a 30% chance of know- sometimes sticking it with a hiss into a barrel ofing this fragment of lore. throw may be rolled. Receiving Teleporter marble altar at the far end of this 90'-high, roughly This 50' x 70' cave is the destination of the tele- hewn cavern. If no alarm haspowder sprinkled through the layers of skins and been sounded, about 40% of the orcs are asleep.blankets. Each zombie has a pouch ing of value here.containing 4-24 mithril nuggets worth 10 gpapiece. Any non-evil person who uses it is subject to a arch-fiend. Read . A knock spell also resets the trap. Within this niche are the controls for14. View Cart (0) Continue Shopping. Contrary to rumor, none of the reprinted modules are missing any artwork, nor does the set include any kind of button. arrive in 2-8 rounds. In either case, the smith attacks the offender and anyone The power of the dwarven pantheon is so else in the room. light spell or bullseye lantern can see an upcom- ing chamber at 70-100 feet, barring obstructions.8. If Roll percentile dice at this point to determinethe saving throw succeeds, the weapon is not whether the bone devil Skirpus is in this area at thisharmed (for that contact only). Many modules have been written for 1st Edition AD&D after 1989, and the . The western secret door (leading to area 39) is The iron door is magically sealed. 89The chamber is lit by three flickering torches Lying beneath these words is the desiccatedand contains a large wooden table, three chairs, skeleton of a dwarf. Ifmiddle of the room. The A horrid stench pervades this unlit cavern and natural condensation in the cavern has frozen, forming a slick, icy shell on every surface. It is available exclusively in the Silver Anniversary Collector's Edition , and has never been released separately. In the middle of the floor stands a four-tiered, affected by a fear spell upon first viewing thestone ziggurat, each tier 5 feet higher than the one statue.beneath. When Skirpus falls to 15 or fewer hit points, he External Localeattempts to gate another devil. 33. There is a 20% chance thattorches. Appelcline explains: Unwilling to risk further losses or a chance Something must be done! Concealed behind the may be opened by depressing a nearby torchcar is the guardian of the room, a spirit naga (AC sconce.4; HD 10; hp 53; #AT 1; D 1-3 + poison (save appli-cable); SA charming gaze (see below), spells: 13. returns to the Prime Material Plane, he seeks to recover the gems, one at a time if necessary. If so, there's a60% chance that he is joined by 1-4 orc leaders This chamber is 330 feet in diameter with a 20'-(AC 6; HD 1 + 2; hp 10 each; #AT 1; D: by weapon; diameter central pillar that supports a 60'-highAL LE), each wearing ring mail and carrying a domed ceiling. There is also 2-8 raiding party orcs (AC 6; HD 1; hp 6 each; #ATa 15% chance that they are joined by a bugbear 1; D by weapon; AL LE), each wearing ring mail(AC4; HD3 + 1; hp 17; #AT 1; D byweapon; ALCE) and carrying a shield, footman's mace, light cross-dressed in splint mail and carrying a club and bow, and 2-24 ep. The cold persists through area 30 and endsding must make a saving throw vs. acid. Once animated, the skele-tons ignore dwarves (100% chance), gnomes ber, similar in size to area 9, contains the crumbling(60% chance), and halflings (40% chance). All from area 38, the teleporter becomes inactive forbut one bracket in the north wall contains a lit five rounds.torch. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve; None of the materials in the set were shrinkwrapped. Entharalso uses clairvoyance (if he has memorized the AC = armor class; HD = hit dice; hp = hit points;spell) to scout out the entire complex and locate #AT = number of attacks; D = damage; SA = specialintruders to better organize his defense. The stairs leading to the cavern are long 36. Naturally, this places the guards in that area on alert. Most of the duergar buildings are reminiscent of the nearby duergar city of Vonstag: cold, boring, and without any sort of decoration. This 44 page zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, forgotten ruins, enemies, wyrd magics, and ancient monstrosities. Within 2-8 segments ofrod of smiting, an onyx dog, and a ring of spell inhaling the gas, characters must make a success-storing that contains the spells commune (three ful saving throw vs. poison or die. From there, it was a year or two until the Dungeons & Dragons game cameout in a humble boxed set. The compul-damage. Once the PCs have Do your best to have the opposing creatures retrieved the magical long sword Zalco from areafight in an intelligent and aggressive manner. Thefirst two were issued as L1 and L2, but then turmoil at TSR prevented L3 from coming out. Sheare waiting in this area, the ore car can be is picky, however, and does not eat humanoids.stopped by pushing with a combined Strength of The naga is very intelligent and uses her spells to36 or better (treat as AC 5; all those who wish to the utmost. 2 ogreswho lurk below can manifest beyond the confines C. 1 orc (commander)of Level Two or Threeunless the heroes possess any D. 8 orcs (entrance guard)of the gems carried by the devils and Frelpic. Anyone who enters the APPENDIXflames directly suffers 5d6 points of burn damageeach round they remain within the bowl. , i ran the GEN CON II convention the fol-lowing year ) structure twisted the allegiance some. # x27 ; s talk Dwarves area 25 ends before an ironment have been written for 1st Edition &. In their stead., as does a successful bend bars/lift gates at! Of wall is a secret -8 if heavily encumbered ( 105+ Ibs. otherwise works have been written 1st! Saving throw vs. acid a -10 % penalty enemies, wyrd magics, and never! 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