of course you do not address the fact that the Vatican is the greatest and longest owners of large scale telescopes, had a Jesuit priest advising Einstein and that Copernicus book that allegedly discredited the Vatican, was dedicated to the Pope. The partial phase ends at 1:51 a.m. Several religious orders contributed personnel and directors to the Observatory, including Barnabites, Oratorians, Augustinians, and Jesuits. Collaborating with the Steward Observatory, the Vatican Observatory built the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. Experiences in the Sweat Lodge: Body Versus Mind, Melting: Uniting Ethics and Metaphysics through Embodied Ritual, Pine Ridge: The Three Stages of Liminality, Reflection and Analysis of My First Sweat Lodge, Religious Performance and Plural Reflection, Sacred Star Beings in Yuwipi: How Cultural Values Manifest in Ceremony and Living Beyond Analysis and Individuality, Sensory Performance and Collaborative Liminal Space, SMITHS ACCIDENTS IN RITUAL: And A Case Study of the Lakota Tribe, Strong Emotions in the Lakota Sweat Lodge, Suffering Through Prayer: When Ceremony Models the Secular, Sweat Lodge as a Response to Suffering Examined Via Clifford Geertzs Definition of Religion, Sweat Lodge Tension: The Ritualized Perfection, The Academic Approach to Understanding Sacred Ceremony, The Lakota Sweat Lodge: Integrating Theory and Experience, The Outside Perspective Against the Inside, The Power of Contradiction: Aligning the Ideal and the Actual through the Sweat Ceremony, Wisdom, Experience, and Bear Butte as a Sacred Model, Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Peoples in North America, Facebook Activism and Native American Religious Freedom in Prison, Indigenous Religions and Christianity: Acculturation and AssimilationA summary, Lakota Crafts: Significance of Dream Catchers and Prayer Ties, Lakota Language: Art, Oral Tradition, and Language Structure, Learning Re-embodiment Through the Lakota Tradition, Manifesting Stories Reflecting on the Web, Maps: An Exploration of Indigenous North American Cartography, Native Identity, Oppression, and Resistance, Paula Gunn Allen and the Feminine in Indigenous Traditions, Sacred and Medicinal Plants of Native America, The Sacred Hoop as inspiration for the feminist movement and myself, Virtual Scrapbook and Mike Littleboy Sr.s Story, http://www.mountgraham.org/content/mount-graham-red-squirrels, http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/06/18/pray-for-arizonas-mount-graham-during-national-sacred-places-prayer-days-119122, http://www.culturalsurvival.org/ourpublications/csq/article/the-fight-dzil-nchaa-si-an-mt-graham-apaches-and-astrophysical-developme, http://vaticanobservatory.org/VATT/index.php?option=com_content, http://northernarizonanews.com/blog/2011/02/02/protesters-against-mt-graham-international-observatory/. These narratives have include controlled opposition stories of scientific breakthroughs by Copernicus, Newton, Kepler and Galileo who all had their findings vetted through the Royal Society of England, who validated scientific theory through the 19th century, as well as the Vatican. Exclusif: Lminent Virement vers lsotrisme | Le journal participatif et citoyen ! The Vatican Observatory donated a radio telescope and loans several exhibits to the park, including an astrolabe made in 1608 and the Mertz Telescope, constructed in 1870 in Morocco. Well, let's leave the Vatican's telescope, and go back over across the street to the LBT. The Vaticans latest .The L.U.C.I.F.E.R. UA responded by establishing a rule by which the Apache must request permission in writing 48 hours prior to entry and reveal prayer locations and times in order to obtain a permit to pray on the mountain. Reach Krolat debra.krol@azcentral.com or at 602-444-8490. Papal interest in astronomy can be traced to Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. and mysterious name to give to the Placing unauthorized or unwelcomed whatever on Indian sacred ground, like this telescope, or even taking any sort of sacred symbols, down to the rocks and dirt, without permission or a blessing to do so, could be a nightmare, a real life story for a Dan Brown novel and may add to the growing issues facing the Catholic Church. The only answer being that central casting and planning want it that way. OAK . As the Vatican Observatory Official Website explains: As they learned what was at stake, the San Carlos Apache Tribe issued several resolutions against the observatory. how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. A full-motion simulator takes guests on a ride past Mt. All pictures, and stories of space come from NASA, yet little is heard from Vatican observatories as to their conclusions as to what their most sophisticated telescopes are finding. Both observing time and responsibility for VATT are shared with the University of Arizona on a 75% VORG, 25 % Arizona basis. You have yet to return the courtesy. graham observatory observatory telescope vatican. Welch said that in all, about 15 million acres were carved out of the public domain to be designated Apache lands. Lucifer is a translation, not a transliteration. Evil is evil. The entire mountain and the watersheds that emanate from it should be listed as the traditional cultural property of the Apache. It is noted on the website that its official abbreviation has been changed to LUCI. As a Mason, it never fails to tickle me when I read the strange ideas that some people have of the fraternity. This federally-protected area is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and features a National Forest Service public campground. As the project went forward organizations including the Smithsonian Institute, Ohio State University, and the University of Chicago withdrew from the project in support of protecting the environment as well as the cultural and religious history of the San Carlos Apache. Youve mixed the two up, rather slanderously I might add. Our brothers originally believed and taught that Isa 14:12 was an address to hasatan, in ignorance; however, upon knowledge of the truth we immediately adjusted. Apache elders filed suit in 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out and construction began. Original: Mar 12, 2013. Winer Observatory. This new tower for studying the stars has been erected during the XV year of the reign of John Paul II on this peaceful site so fit for such studies, and it has been equipped with a new large mirror for detecting the faintest glimmers of light from distant objects. I KNOW that. Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated that he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. Graham in Tucson. But to the Western Apaches, Mount Graham is more than a nice place to play during scorching summer months or a source of biological diversity. 2012. In reaction to the Director of the Vatican Observatorys claim members of the San Carlos Apache residing in the area surrounding Mount Graham stated that, the construction of the telescope constituted a profound disrespect for a cherished feature of their original homeland and a violation of traditional religious beliefs., (Telescope construction on the summit of Mount Graham, 1992. Back in 2010, the University of Arizona, . Again, the creator. I remind you I answered your questions. In a news report for NativeAmericansNetroots.net a member of the Mount Graham Coalition, Freathersone, states. RT @The_777_lioness: I did know that and did you know the Vatican fought in Federal Court against The Apache Tribe and others to get the land on Mt. Lets pretend these are serious questions and you really are just curious. With these rich traditions as a basis and in order to counteract the longstanding accusations of hostility of the Church towards science, Pope Leo XIII in his Motu Proprio Ut Mysticam of 14 March 1891 formally refounded the Vatican Observatory and located it on a hillside behind the dome of St. Peters Basilica. Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, have succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! In this July 22, 2015, file photo, tribal councilman Wendsler Nosie Sr., right, speaks with Apache activists in a rally to save Oak Flat, land near Superior, Arizona, sacred to Western Apache . The protection of the ecosystem remains crucially important to the San Carlos Apache because it is known as a place for collecting important medicinal plants, and preforming a variety of ceremonies important to their religious traditions. Measuring 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) wide, the telescope achieved its first light in 1993. []. An international consortium of astronomers composed of the Vatican, the Arcetri of Italy and the Max Planck Institute of Germany led by the University of Arizona has proposed multiple telescopes in the old-growth forest summit of Mr. Graham. In 1852, the U.S. and "the Apache Nation of Indians" signed the Treaty of Santa Fe, said John Welch, a professor at Simon Fraser University and head of landscape and site protection programs at Archaeology Southwest. It would certainly destroy the doctrinal principles of religions which have sprung off the theoretical foundation that Lucifer is the devil especially those which deem their leaders infallible. Graham in south eastern Arizona, and is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory. Web. []. AZ International Auto Show & New Car Buyer's Guide 2020 Model Year, 1986 draft environmental impact statement, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. (Source). But because the mountain was taken away from tribal control, Apache people over the past 150 years have not always been able to find that peace or even pray in their sacred land. and the Proposed Otter Creek Coal Mine, Fish Lake: Environmentalism as a Common Language, Hawaiian Land in Hawaiian Hands: Restoring Kahoolawe, Miwok Artifacts Found in Larkspur, California, The Wallowa Band of Nimiipuu Return Home, Sacred Lands Project: Success After Death, Salmon as a Sacred Resource in the Klamath River, Snoqualmie Falls: Sacred Grounds Transformed by the Power of Technology, Sutter Buttes: The Middle Mountain Controvery, The Arizona Snowbowl: Flushing a Religion Down the Toilet, The Black Hills: Mount Rushmore versus Crazy Horse Memorial, The confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado River: Escalade Development, The Effect of the Governmental Understanding of the Sacred on Tribal Relations, The Old Salt Woman: Zuni Salt Lake, New Mexico, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand; the Struggle to Protect Waahi Tapu, Tongariro National Park:The Implications of a Joint National Park and Sacred Site, Tsodilo Hills: The Invisible San Experience, Uluru from All Angles: The Modern Controversy of Climbing the Sacred, Valmont Butte: The Meeting of People, Valleys, Mountains, Rivers, Earth and Sky, Vatican Observatory VS San Carlos Apache Sacred Land, Ward Valley and the Sacred Desert Tortoise, Yucca Mountain and the Proposed Nuclear Waste Storage Site, Get Up From the Armchair: Applying Smiths Academic Analysis of Ritual in Conjunction with Personal Experience, A Native American Church Birthday Ceremony: Critical Analysis of Spiritual Coincidences, An Exploration of Turners Ceremonial Framework, Ceremony Reflection: Music in Sweat Lodge, Combining Academic and Personal Interpretation. It wasnt until 1822, the Congregation of the Holy Office removed the prohibition on the publication of books treating of the earths motion in accordance with modern astronomy and Pope Pius VII ratified the decision: The most excellent [cardinals] have decreed that there must be no denial, by the present or by future Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, of permission to print and to publish works which treat of the mobility of the earth and of the immobility of the sun, according to the common opinion of modern astronomers, as long as there are no other contrary indications, on the basis of the decrees of the Sacred Congregation of the Index of 1757 and of this Supreme [Holy Office] of 1820; and that those who would show themselves to be reluctant or would disobey, should be forced under punishments at the choice of [this] Sacred Congregation, with derogation of [their] claimed privileges, where necessary. He was arrested in 1997 for trespassing when he was fleeing an oncoming thunderstorm using the construction road built for what the Apaches considered sacrilege: a telescope complex on the mountains peak. <, DiCosola, Maria. When I also read, Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. The area in question is administered by the U.S. Forest Service. Why would they set up the earliest observatories right at the end of the Dark Ages, that continues to this day some 500 years later, if they were so dead set on maintaining that the Earth was the center of the universe? The same year, Steward Observatory's Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) also opened on Mount Graham. Now, at a three-day meeting beginning Wednesday (Nov. 30), Apache Stronghold is hoping to unite its cause with other similar Native American groups that are working to preserve land they deem sacred. Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster.. But you cant even pull an example of convex water out of that hat Seriously. In May 2001, a federal court judge ruled that the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act remains in effect, exempting UA from compliance with these laws. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. 4.) The commission consisted of four working groups to deal with exegetics, general culture, science and epistemology, and history and jurisprudence. The Annual Report is distributed to more than 400 institutes around the world. Collaborating with the Steward Observatory, the Vatican Observatory built the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. THE GOLDFISH REPORT NO. Despite this setback, the Vatican continued its support of astronomy, and in an effort to counteract the accusations that there was a conflict between the Church and science, Pope Leo XIII formally re-founded the Specola Vaticana (Vatican Observatory) in 1891. This action set the stage for conflict a century later. For a little more than four decades astronomical research was carried out, including a prominent international program to map the whole sky. In 1902, it became part of the U.S. National Forest system and in 1953, it was merged into the Coronado National Forest. The Vatican Observatory shares space (no pun intended) with other organizations and groups. What causes your ball earth to spin, magic? Below are links to the optical and instrument specifications to assist observers. I took astronomy in college and it is not possible for the planets to move in the sky the way they do without the sun being the center of our solar system. This requirement rankles many, including former San Carlos Apache Chairman and Native rights advocate Wendsler Nosie. Trying to make it seem like everything on the Internet is fake news and the only ones you can trust are the major news stations. By the 1930s, however, the citys lights had begun to blot out the fainter stars, and in 1935 Pope Pius XI moved the Observatory to the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, a town in the Alban Hills about 25 kilometers outside Rome. (LogOut/ The Trump administration is set to approve a controversial land swap, clearing the way for a giant copper mine to open beneath sacred Oak Flat. Graham in Tucson. ), In Italy, a center of early printing, print shops had been established in 77 cities and towns by 1500. Due observatories prolonged struggle to obtain a new permit, and the rise in support from governmental groups, environmental groups, and the Apache people themselves this may be one struggle for sacred land that is not lost. We have been fighting or trying to make the people understand that we feel that anything that'splaced on the ground or anything that puts out radiation or any kind of electrical equipment destroys our way of praying.. And not only within Christianity has this idea attained popularity, but within various occultist groups, particularly Satanism and Luciferianism, Satan and Lucifer are commonly used interchangeably. Sonoita. The University of Arizona built an underground 25,000-volt power line, electrifying the sacred mountain to the great distress of the Apache. Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated that he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. In schools where every professors desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the heliocentric theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. Sign up for Storyblocks at http://storyblocks.com/haiGet a Half as Interesting t-shirt: https://standard.tv/collections/half-as-interesting Suggest a video: . The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Scientific researchers from around the world make use of MGIO facilities. 201 likes. To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress to remove this, and other, roadblocks. The Vatican wanted that specific site for whatever they were into. Dedicated in 1993, the VATT utilizes some of the most advanced and innovative optics, electronics and mechanics available once again positioning the Vatican at the forefront of astronomy. The Vatican works hand in glove with NASA and major universities. Graham in Arizona. For the Apache in Arizona, one of these sacred places is Mount Graham: this place is called Dzil Nchaa Si An (Big Seated Mountain) and is mentioned in 32 of the sacred songs . Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario By Greg Szymanski, JD April 23, 2010 The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument 'Lucifer'. Graham. (Photo by Genevieve Clayton) (DiCosola, Maria. VATT The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. VATT The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. Daniels referred to the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. They controlled the information content, the scientists of astronomy were controlled by both the Vatican, as evidenced by Copernicus becoming a Roman Catholic priest in his later days, and the Royal Society of London, owned by the Crown of Engalnd. Bregel, Emily. Graham in southeastern Arizona. It's the home of the ga'an, or Apache mountain spirits, and the source of life-giving water for at least seven streams in the area. The University president claimed that he was unaware that Mount Graham was sacred to the Apache and that the Apache opposed the desecration of this sacred place. The sun and moon are suspended by magnetism and they were originally created and set in motion as part of a big clock-like feature by a creator, just as many ancient cultures and religious tenants profess. Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced The VATT is a Gregorian telescope, a type of reflecting telescope designed by Scottish mathematician and astronomer, James Gregory, in the seventeenth century. This mountain is home to a large diversity of animals that have come up from the heat of Mexico and down from the northern mountains of the Pinaleo mountain range. Construction was completed on the VATT in 1993. By way of surveying the role of astronomy in astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, this series will follow our tour. I think its strange that this cult which clearly states you should (as does the Bible)avoid all appearance of evil has partnered with any group that chooses an acronym such as Lucifer. Global Nav Open Menu . On July 10, 1990, the San Carlos Apache Tribal Council passed its first of eight resolutions in opposition to use of their sacred site and of their sacred mountain by astronomers. But it never says it was specifically because of pride (as the King of Babel), or trying to be like HaShem (as the King of Babel). <. Interestingly, theres a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. In 2010, the University of Arizona built an underground 25,000-volt power line, electrifying the sacred vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land the! 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