colgate commercial with blind boy

. Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but didnt know where to start? Like its tennis or something. I watch a lot of NFL on Sundays (that's football for those of you who don't know) and I am so fucking sick of the State Farm commercials with Ms Aaron and/or Patrick Mahones and the Katee McKinnon Verizon commercials! There are so many stupid commercials on television but the one you are running with the two children, one who appears to be visually impaired & wearing glasses sits down on the school buss & smiles. John Cena and the purple cow who moos BOOOOOOST! But wait! I love that hanes commercial, its balltastic ! He makes me hate whatever he's selling. As an old friend used to point out when describing the Madison Avenue mindset, "these are the people who came up with "clean your rugs this afternoon, entertain guests tonight". Come and join our team. The Toyota commercial about Sams Bookstore burning down and the kid collecting books to reopen the store, overlaid with that maudlin treacle Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves. Colgate Commercial - 2008 was released on: USA: 29 January 2008 (internet) . Another is the LifeLock ad. I won't ever watch it again. She clearly realizes the truth at that instant. Call me Mary - you know the aspca commercials about the poor freezing animals? I guess Walmart started it and Amazon is just as bad. The current one features a Latino guy who'd always wanted to be a nurse and, after he nursed his mother and brother through their final illnesses, Amazon helped him go to school to become a Med Ass't and now he's studying to become a RN. This thread should be a fucking gold mine after The Super Bowl. My God I thought I was watching a infomercial. It's a toss-up between the Biktarvy and Dovato commercials. I can't help wishing there are sudden clouds and a mountain range. Not sure what these ads are pushing, anyone who is eligible for extra 'freebies' via Medicare, usually has MEDICAID as their main or third form of health insurance. That preachy commercial about getting rid of your guns when you know someone in your household is suicidal. I have diabetes and that commercial makes me go into a diabetic coma. The ultra saccharine Vrbo ads, especially the one with the ugly short haired non-binary looking girl standing in the rain having the time of her life watching someone fish. That grocery worker who has tard-o whatever due to taking her psych meds. Does Voltarin bleach the minds of women married to skinny gay men? I've been seeing an ad with a young woman who works there and is then shown studying at one of their tables. Not quite sure with those weird HIV commercials. Makes sense like that commercial where his idol Charlamagne Tha God talks about the friends he lost to suicide. The women could simply be roommates. Other products worth mentioning are 3M Oral Care Clinpro Tooth Crme Anti Cavity Toothpaste and Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste. Yes, but luckily I had a bank of hours, and our union froze the requirements during that time. On her cap is something like "Thanks Starbucks.". What about the old, starving, cold Russian Jews? The TeleDoc commercials are ridiculous, one of them is suggesting women get their vagine checked! R263, I like the other kid in that commercial who wants "wafer cookies!" I can't stand any of the Sonic ads but I especially hate the one where three retards are in the truck probably on their way home from a circle jerk in the woods. "I'm a Gainiac,Gainiac! The worst is the one where they are stuck upside down on the Ferris wheel. STRANGE looking man. This late night sex line commercial on Comedy Central is so weird. Just can't figure it out. Maybe just stop eating so damn much. Samsung can't even make quality televisions, you think I'd trust them with a washer/dryer? It appears to be a serious commercial. The stupid Dr Oz ad where blames Biden for shutting down factories while pointing to the factory behind him that was closed 27 years ago. in those awful commercials isn't even funny. A paste or gel dentifrice, toothpaste is an accessory used to help clean, maintain, and prevent tooth and gum disease. Other factors, such as infertility, can cause conception problems, but infertility is not a symptom or associated condition of cerebral palsy disorder. The film industry was shut down for over a year. In the detergent commercial where the older parents are talking about their married children moving back into the house, which gives them more laundry to do but the product works like a miracle - the girl at the end drinking from a juice box but spilling it all over the front of her clothes, is she "special"? Colgate uses false authority because the Doctors are normally not fully qualified to be Doctors. There are several different variations of the ad and the longest is 2+ minutes! He confirms and they smile again at each other. The woman with the vocal fry walking and talking on her cell phone about how much research she's done to prove the vaccine was safe before letting her kids get it. I scoff at the Windows 11 ad with the three black kids playing games and watching movies on laptops as they praise the new upgrade, marveling at how fast it is, how games are better because no lagging and that they can watch movies on their laptops that are movie theater quality. This is a longer version - in the short version I usually see he even lisps his s's. Not hating, but more bewildered after seeing Liev Schrieber in a commercial for a company called "Mattress Firm". Her big floating head superimposed on the teeny tiny Beachbody instructor is creepy AF. Her kids scream at her to get out of their room and her mom waves her away like an insect. That gross LUMI genital and ass area deodorant commercial, I first saw it on YouTube, now it's on TV. He must have zero T-cells left. What sitcoms and canned dramas are you frumpy queens staring at? Only thing worse or almost is the background music in the new commercial which is clearly a knock off of the Chi-Lites Oh Girl.. The first time I saw it, I thought that guy was J. Is it just in LA - the Casino Morongo commercial - with an older African American couple laughing and grooving out in a convertible - he looks like an older Rick Fox and she looks like that tv chef Carla. The Planet Fitness ads featuring William Shatner and Dennis Rodman. This thread is archived. His megaphone, for calling people's attention to his business, was tied to a thin rope and on his chest. The only thing that would make this any less funny would be attaching Tyler Perrys name to it. I'm waiting for March 15th with bated breath. I hate these fucking NOOM commercials that tell you what a poor, put-upon victim you are, while trying to sell their brand of "therapy". WTF. Mike Lindells new towels hes plugging where one of the lines is are you tired of towels that dont dry? Bitch if it aint drying you what youre using clearly aint a towel. Covid cut into a lot paychecks. . And those 5 minute commercials like that beauty product for baggy eyes. This time, she's sitting in the driver's seat leaning out through the window during her "I LOVE IT!" I can't tell whether the actors are the same people, just a generic pretty white couple. The Spectrum cable monster ads are back. The product is called Because Market undergarments and the ads show a perky blond 60ish woman telling us "I just peed my pants!" I think the Amazon before the wedding commercial should only run in Russia as part of the sanctions. R24 go back to the toilet you crawled out of. R106, and please make TLC stop showing the ads for Dr. Pimple Popper!! I just actually looked at the "I like red" commercial for the first time this season and it's a little different than the previous several years' versions. He's entirely too grown up to be offering the adorable teddy bear blanket as thanks for contributions. Im not a car, Im a fucking human being! So this poor kid had to memorize the lyrics to their ridiculous theme song to show what an incredible time hes having while eating sour cream with the family. Id do anything, for you dear - anything! Was it her car? This shit has got to stop. Who thought she was funny or would somehow make a good impression on the target audience (or on anyone)? Like I know theyre preferred to hire of all the Hispanics because of this cop out, dated, racist documentation paperwork bs when it comes to entertainment, and sports and politics and music and news coverage, you name it but the day this bofongo takes over Tuesdays from tacos Ill take the bait. He's a filipino with q bad filipino accent. Otherwise the world may never know the moral bankruptcy it's suffering by not knowing of all the Korean/queer owned coffee producers it hasn't been financially patronizing. Much better than the rotten fish expedition of the hot crack yoga moms. Very sexy man. Why does a kid blind enough to require a cane, wear glasses. I liked the Flight Attendant version, I like the current road worker one where the guy in the reflective vest, fans his ass, quickly, before a "big shit eating" smile hands him the bottle of pink gold! [quote] I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. Turned so bitter and mean. I want Doug of Limu Emu and Doug fame inside of me, quite deeply. I've had the (dis)pleasure of seeing Sharon Stone in two commercials in the last 2 days. Eeeeeeew. Of course, when actually shopping at Target one will see so few people who look like these business owners they're telling the rest of to support shopping the aisles with you. Lip synching Janis Joplin with my mouth open as fucking wide as I can! Makes me feel like if I boarded that ship, I'd be murdered mid-cruise. Jimmie Walker is even more obnoxious. I kept E Channel on most of the summer while I was packing -mindless hours of Sex and the City reruns and hours of Kardashians. Pet smart does Oliver!, The cruise line commercial that features a dark, gothic, scary rendition of "What a Wonderful World.". I hate loud/yelling commercials. The sad animal commercial, with the fucking annoying chick practically crying through the dialogue. R27. Ive got bills Ive got to pay. "The Colgate commercial where the little blind boy gets in the school bus warms my heart." For children ages 3-4. Agree, r516. Like he knows what lasagna is. Fresh mix of social lifehacks and guidlines. WHO the fuck is ruining that Beatles song "From Me To You" ??? The only more ridiculous food delivery company is that stupid Daily Harvest nonsense. What can your smile do? an onscreen line reads at the end of the heart-warming commercial. Speaking of Jlo r1, I play several games on my phone, and I'm constantly seeing Jlo in ads for Coin Master. Wow, the pain in the ass Sling medical expert who needs a Western omelet is now on an Amazon commercial telling people to sign up because you can always cancel, to a bride about to go down the aisle. This is the exciting part!. They run that ad incessantly followed by the Holocaust survivors commercial that takes all of 15 mins. Cringe-worthy stupidity. Flyover land? Like he knows what lasagna is. A woman sure cannot get a Pap smear over a damn cell. Death. Should've shared a link R62, cuz this shit is hilarious. The Beachbody commercial featuring the welder. There's no escaping some of these annoying TV ads. And what's with the kid who, while skipping around town, kicks the older woman's newspaper out of her hand? So instead of a standard voice-over ad telling us all the miraculous miracles one will find in each bottle, now we have random "actual Prevagen users" going on and on about the miraculous miracles they've found in each bottle. How do the neighbors know how much they paid for their car? I am still hating the gay bald widower who thinks that Botox is the secret to his grief. Some features on this site require a subscription. Both people applying the teeth whitening product, seem to have very thin lips. Any commercial that ends with "Living Spay-sez. Its like being a Cassandra of crap. so there are similar to their counterparts in that aspect but Id still never expect them do advertise for that nutcase. Natalie Portman in those commercials for Dior where she lip synchs cry by Janis Joplin! I worked in advertising 30 years. I've never seen Pablo Schrieber in a commercial. Planet Fitness with some angry black man who gets so happy because of his low rent gym. R393, that commercial is word for word better in the Spanish shoot. If you experience an accessibility-related issue, please email[emailprotected]. I just looked up and there was a commercial for that Wen not!shampoo stuff. I'm still not sure wtf they're trying to sell me there. A commercial for some type of OTC heath product where it's "infused". And that Alexa commercial that now runs ten thousand times a day that shows the old couple dancing to their favorite song, I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU - they couldn't have gone ONE MORE SECOND to include the whole line, "I only have eyes for youDEAR!!". Colgate became popular in the 1950s, with the slogan It Cleans Your Breath While It Cleans Your Teeth, written by copywriter Alicia Tobin. The part of the apparatus which goes into the body is sure not a catheter. The horrible Everlywell commercials for allergy saliva testing. Happy Grandpa cannonballing into the lake cause he loves his new blood thinner! I have to mute that dumb fuck Rob Gronkowski for USAA Insurance. How long do people live with cerebral palsy? Twelve??? Colgate Smile. ", I watch live tv through Hulu and they have been running the same three commercials ad nauseam for weeks. Colgate-Palmolive Company, American diversified company that manufactures and distributes household and commercial cleaning products, dental and other personal-care products, and pet foods in the United States and in more than 200 other countries and territories worldwide. In NYC they are playing three different vaccination commercials featuring real people talking about getting the shot. I notice a lot of the channels which air retro-TV series also show these awful ads. [quote]I despise the ads for Big Lots with Eric Stonestreet and Molly Shannon. There's a new commercial for an allergy medicine or something which mentions spring time - and it uses the song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year". Also saw a commercial featuring Ebenezer Scrooge on a Pelaton or some other exercise equipment with the entire ad bastardizing the meaning of A Christmas Carol. It is possible to make a good TV commercial with a little kid instead of tripe like the one described at R308. The commercials alone would make me run the fuck away. Obviously he's a new chef. "So we're dancing now? Some people in advertising never finished high school. I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. They see each other at their respective front doors which appear to be next to each other. Amazon asks employees to appear in TV commercials praising the boss and employees are free to decline without repercussions? So phoney I quickly change ir mute the channel. Kind of negates all the miracle drug happy talk. The commercials are offensive where a white woman brags to black friend how she loves the bubble maker. I am now cursed with the ability to visualize every client/agency interaction that led to all these shitty ads. Some of the ad agencies did get something right, their ads featuring mixed race couples, both gay and straight people, sure must be infuriating the ReThugs. How many commercials are there for whatever, playing various versions of "What A Wonderful World"? The Sopranos Chevy spot. Looking for expert dental advice? The little twit in the Brainly App ad being disrespectful and condescending to her father. That computer virus protection software commercial where the employees say "believe" about 50 times - how more annoying can you get? r485, did you see the possible side effects of that drug? Headquarters are in New York City. Hate their names, hate their occupations, hate their lifestyles, but mostly hate how they all talk alike -- male, female, black, white -- it's the same flat affect I suppose is intended to make us think of them as serious spokespeople; just makes me think of them as creepy pod people. There is some ad for delivery of pet supplies. No, R497 -- the poor pathetic man referred to above seems to be unmarried. R63 so many to choose from: She's annoying in the phone commercial and SUPER annoying in the chip commercials with Dan Levy. Definitely, R14!! I wish Pepto would bring back the Country Western version. Youre thinking of Magic Johnson, r33. GET IN THE CAR INSIDE THE GARAGE INSIDE THE HOUSE. The spot features a visually-impaired boy who gets on the school bus and takes a seat near a girl, where he finds an empty seat. The latest JB Smoove Caesar's commercial is insipid. Ive noticed Expedia had pulled out their Rashida Jones commercials. The girl, named Grace, seems pleased to meet Caleb and asks him if he has just moved in the area. It seems more like a cry for help on suicide watch. No shame at all. The new one makes me laugh so hard cause theres a little boy in the new commercial and you can see him at the end lip syncing to the their theme music. The better to show their big white teeth, I guess. Yowza! How do some of these ridiculous commercials even get past the discussion stage? That fucking guy who wont stop singing about his grilled cheese. Never liked Progressive- Flow, and although hes an enjoyable and excellent award winning actor, J K Simmons, needs to cut the crap with those State Farm commercials. They only flash her face for about 5 seconds of the whole ad. The way she says Neutra-gena makes my skin crawl. The one with Jill Scott singing, it's an insurance company. The weirdest denial was: "Medicare doesn't have a contract with the Pharma company which manufacturers that medication, your mom will need to change her medication." That Joie de Hooha add with the stupid bitch wagging her fat, yeast-free cunt around in a yoga class. Kia has an ad showing a writer with writers block get in her car and drive around. Kevin yells back, what! It reminds me of that picture where that old lady tried to "fix" the painting of Jesus, where all you see are very detailed eyes but the rest of the face is smooth and featureless. I can't wait for the enrollment deadline to be over. You guys have mentioned it already - that cloying Grilled Cheese o clock commercial runs all of the time! I may have missed a post here about Khloe Kardashian for a headache drug. The Moto-man - half man, half motorcycle. Many of the ads are local - enough of the damned ambulance chaser already! Aha! Theyre fucking annoying. Dear colgate, Its 8am here in Oregon. Every time I see that ad, R177, I wonder who picked these people, unless it was to get to appeal to the ratbag demographic.. Pastor Chris looks like they found him sleeping in a refrigerator box and offered him a few bucks to film the ad. You like the Dulcolax soft chews commercial? I hate that treacly Kohl's commercial where Grandpa puts on an earsplitting recording of "From Me to You" so the kid can waltz around with grandma for a few minutes. Why the board of directors of that company hasn't defenestrated him by now is just a mystery. Geico has been replaced with Consumer Cellular as the sponsor of "Jeopardy. That new Samsung washer and dryer commercial with a song thats clearly ripping off the beginning riff from the Rolling Stones Miss You. Its for girls claiming to be only 18, yeah sure Anyway one of the bikini clad skanks is holding sunscreen and it squirts out and she has the most mortified look on her face. Any commercial with Kate McKinnon or Dan Levy. Visual dog whistle? They are selling basic fucking existence. Search the Oral Care Center for articles and videos to help you care for you and your family's smiles at every stage. Whoever dreamed them up should be tossed into a grease fire immediately. Call today to see if you're entitled to your MAH-NAY!". Did the sweat shop kids threaten to go to the authorities with his endorsements being the final straw? It's not a hymn, you're just selling insurance! Thanks to those people who sent info about the video. I almost cried just now. I can't tell if he had extreme dermabrasion that erased all trace of features, or they put some kind of filter on the camera that caused his face to look like a peeled potato with eyes. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, I swear to god shes like the spitting image of Medea from her look to the way she talks , [quote]I swear to god shes like the spitting image of Medea from her look to the way she talks . R330 never heard all the "women drivers!" The daisy sour cream commercial where the hot husband has been out gay cruising all night and picks up some sour cream on his way home. Is the money Progressive spends on those shitty spots really worth the amount of business they bring in? Is Bill the guy who pulls up his shirt to reveal the worst case of flesh-eating bacteria I've ever seen? Like oh yay! R53 what about those oldies trying to sell walk-in bathtubs? One of the two women in the commercial says something like "Infused with two things - like a karate door!" I just found out that Nina Simone is singing on this song but I still hate it. Cleaner teeth.\r3 ways clean is Colgate clean!\r\rWhen handsome Harry joins the session, \rHe makes a real cool 3-way impression (lol)\r\rCleaner breath. Ugh! sums up a TV commercial from Colgate, depicting the experience of a young boy who is visually impaired and boarding a school bus. It follows me around Youtube and it will not stop. While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. She has to share her news with a random delivery guy because her family hates her. I cant understand the point of the way the woman does the cha Ching commercial - she does it dead pan and wears that weird wig. While I applaud the idea, the Pastor Chris guy just scares me. I'm fed up with this gimpy-eyed freak of a doctor who refuses to say his own first name on the air in those spots. Colgate 360 Optic White, Sonic Battery Powered Toothbrush Minions Kids Manual Toothbrush Gum Comfort Toothbrush Colgate Optic White Pro Series Powered Toothbrush - Black Colgate 360 Floss-Tip Sonic Battery Powered Toothbrush Triple Action Toothbrush Gum Health Sonic Powered Battery Toothbrush Extra Clean Soft Toothbrush Me to you ''????????????????. The sponsor of `` Jeopardy still hate it cheese o clock commercial runs all 15... 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