how do you think ludendorff made such an accurate prediction

But Ludendorff excelled precisely in those tactical and technical areas, and he soon became a junior member of the Great General Staff, as well as one of Alfred Graf von Schlieffens most trusted staff officers. The navy forced the issue again in the fall of 1916, however, presenting figures that suggested unrestricted submarine warfare would bring Britain, the engine of the Allied cause, to its knees. Ludendorff had all of these qualities and was quickly nominated by his superiors for the Kriegsakademie, the elite Prussian military academy from which the Great General Staff was handpicked. The resulting loss of ground that the Germans had taken at the end of May was the first sign of disasters to come. Once again, Ludendorff displayed neither leadership nor strategic sense. Listen to the data and continue to improve the model, your distribution strategy, and the actions your users can take. Social psychologist Philip Tetlock, who is known for holding "forecasting tournaments" to test peoples' ability to predict complex events, has found that "the accuracy of an expert's predictions actually has an inverse relationship to his or her self-confidence, renown, and depth of knowledge." Critically think about what they are reading. When considering whether to deploy a predictive model, your management team might ask, What is the level of accuracy? And theyre right to ask that question. If you ranges you chose are very wide, this means youre underconfident. Add more data. Almost immediately, Ludendorff began to proclaim in speeches, books, and articles the myth of the Stab-in-the-Back. He argued that Germany had not been militarily defeated but rather had been sabotaged by liberals, communists, war profiteers, and Jews on the home front. On a list of historical figures who have left disaster in their wake, few can top Erich Ludendorff. Research the subject-area so you can build on the work of others. The U-boat offensive had failed. 4) Take the outside view, then the inside view. Three weeks later, the British, led by Canadian and Australian corps, struck German defensive positions outside Amiens, forcing them into . Making a strong prediction requires a clear understanding of the text and brainstorming e.g. Based on the likelihood of these events, you can try to estimate the probability of your initial question occurring. Or, if you are predicting the range of a value, such as a range of heights that you're 90% confident the height of Mount Everest falls within, you can make your range a bit bigger than your intuition suggests. But thereafter the weight of British artillery coupled with unimaginative German tactics, which demanded that soldiers hold every foot of ground, led to equally heavy casualties among the Germanslosses they could ill afford. Astonishingly, they filmed their performance. His troops encountered well-prepared French lines deployed in defense-in-depth echelons. Samsonovs advance obviously made his army the most vulnerable. Which political, cultural, and economic characteristics helped make fascism an authoritarian, .What characteristics of Fascism might make it attractive to people during times of crisis such as. Feature selection is almost the inverse of #2 above, and pulls your model in the opposite direction (decreasing variance on the expense of some bias) but the trade-off can be good if you do the . The emphasis shifted from the trench lines to well-camouflaged strong points that would shield the defenders from observation and bombardment. On July 1, the first day of battle, they took a disastrous 60,000 casualties. When you have taken this information into account, only then consider the specific evidence from your experience, and use this to adjust your final prediction. Students can make predictions based on patterns. The Calibrate Your Judgment web app is perfect for this, but you can also try it by making predictions about what will happen in your life or the world over the next year. Nevertheless, the confrontation proved one of Ludendorffs finest hours, as the Ninth Army bought the Austrians enough time to recover and patch together a front. Annotating your books can help you focus your thinking - just make sure you do it in pencil. The defense of our infantry had become so flabby that the massed attacks of the enemy always succeeded. This occupied territory became known as the Ober Ost [short for Oberbefehlshaber der gesamten Deutschen Streitkrfte im Osten, or "Supreme Commander of All German Forces in the East], after the designation for the commanders of the region. It broke the flank corps of Samsonovs Second Army, then enveloped and destroyed the entire Russian force. For example, what historical inquiry, Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. And her forthcoming book, Judgment and Decision-Making in the Lab and the World, will include a chapter on the psychology of prediction. Reasonable accuracy does not mean perfect accuracy and a reasonably accurate predictive model may be worlds better than what you currently have in place. Here are two simple ways you can encourage your child to put her prediction skills to work as a scientist. Not only did our morale suffer, but in addition to fearful wastage in killed and wounded, we lost a large number of prisoners and much materiel.I attached great importance to what I learned about our infantryabout its tactics and preparation. The offensive failed. Erich Ludendorff was a German general who gained renown during the First World War, primarily for his efforts on the eastern front. These men earned his respect and the respect of the nation. To restore the situation in Galicia, Hindenburg, Ludendorff and Hoffmann took command of the Ninth Army, which had been scratched together from Western Front corps and much of the Eighth Army. And when the dust settled in 1913, the General Staff shipped off Colonel Ludendorff to command an infantry regiment in the west. Cavalry units screened Rennenkampfs First Army, which remained stationary despite having an open road to Knigsberg. Without doubt it fought too doggedly, clinging too resolutely to the mere holding of ground, with the result that the losses were heavy. A fire chief might get. As World War I became increasingly desperate for the Germans, Ludendorff planned a last massive offensive in 1918. They can do this by identifying clues within the text to predict how characters will behave and how significant problems in the story will be solved. Or, what usually happens in situations like this one? Instead of starting with your own personal instinct, consider what the outside perspective says; for instance, how have similar predictions to this one turned out in the past? Ludendorff was born on April 9, 1865, in the town of Kruszewnia, near Posen, Prussia. For example, you might sample the data to balance it. Then assign a probability to that range - are you 70% sure the date lies in that range, or 90% sure? Compare and contrast Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy. This week marked the release of the 200th edition of The Farmers Almanac, which is primarily known for providing long-range weather forecasts. How do you teach making predictions? Ludendorff said that Hitler will bring misery into their nation and it was accurate. Specify and assess your regression model. A reader involved in making predictions is focused on the text at hand, constantly thinking ahead and also refining, revising, and verifying his or her predictions. Weve compiled thousands of facts to make the question sets you can practice on. Erich Ludendorff was born in 1865 in East Prussia (now part of Poland) into a formerly aristocratic family who had fallen onto hard times. Then compare the two answers with the actual outcome to determine the level of accuracy for each. Why do you think it is so difficult to make accurate predictions about future technology? Predictions are often written in the form of "if, and, then" statements, as in, "if my hypothesis is true, and I were to do this test, then this is what I will observe.". With the Reich in desperate straits, Kaiser Wilhelm finally yielded to political pressure and replaced Falkenhayn with Hindenburg and Ludendorff. It consists entirely of peoples individual predictions about how they are going to vote in the future and whether they are actually going to make it to the polls, based on what they know and how they feel at the time of the poll. Sriram Parthasarathy is the vice president and CPO of MetiStream. For further reading, Williamson Murray recommends: Ludendorffs Own Story, August 1914November 1918, by Erich von Ludendorff; The First World War: Germany and Austria-Hungary, 19141918, by Holger Herwig; and The German 1918 Offensives, by David T. Zabecki. So this conversation is about why some people, like Tetlock's "superforecasters," are so much better at predicting the future than everyone else and about the intellectual virtues . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". For more detail on the above method, refer to this article. Chief of the General Staff Helmuth von Moltke promptly fired Prittwitz, replacing him with retired General Paul von Hindenburg. Because they incorporate a wide variety of thoughts and opinions, prediction markets have proven to be quite effective as a prognostic tool. Set a purpose for reading before, during, and after reading. For example, the most recent meta-analyses of mental disorder diagnosis show that statistical prediction has an accuracy advantage over clinical intuition in identifying disorders. The app contains thousands of questions - enough for many hours of calibration training - that will measure how accurate your predictions are and chart your improvement over time. Hoffmann recognized that if the German Eighth Army concentrated its strength against one of the opposing forces and screened the other, it could defeat the Russians in detail. Furthermore, we have a full podcast episode about forecasting the things that matter that you may like: Click here to access other streaming options and show notes. You can apply it on binary encoded data, but the results will be pretty poor. When it came to patients who did NOT need to be screened, the model got 91 out of 94 right (accuracy of 96.8 %). His objective for them was to remove them one by one, murdering millions of Jews in the process Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center., Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, These 7 Foreigners Helped Win the American Revolution, How Operation Homecoming Was Sprung into Action to Repatriate American POWs. The. Your predictive model tells you that M, W, X, and Y will fail. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It remains one of the more disastrous strategic decisions in human history. Answer As a practicing data scientist, Sriram is passionate about making it easy for business users to predict what is going to happen and take preventive actions. Here again, Ludendorff threw his weight behind the navys arguments by insisting the United States was incapable of fielding an effective army, much less deploying it to Europe to fight on the Western Front. Although future events are necessarily uncertain, so guaranteed accurate information about the future is impossible. Every day each of us makes judgments about the future in the face of uncertainty. One method I've found quite useful in forming my own opinions about what I'm reading is keeping a pencil beside me ready to make comments and questions in the margins and underline key sentences. In 1925, he ran for German president against his former superior, Paul von Hindenburg and after his loss dabbled in radical right-wing politics. While stalled in the west, the German army won decisive battles in the east. In some medical practices, for example, it might be difficult for doctors to receive feedback on the accuracy . K-means is randomized. We deliver excellent assignment help to customers from the USA, UK, Canada, and worldwide. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. In this way, he also sought to avoid his own responsibility for the defeat. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. With imbalanced data like this, we need to look at potential fixes. Lets continue with our medical example. In this context, a prediction is made about the outcome of a future event based upon a pattern of evidence. Ludendorff, along with Hindenburg, was responsible for the decisive defeat of Russian forces and for the creation of a vast state of German military occupation in Eastern Europe during World War I. Ludendorff was pivotal in the creation and diffusion of the fictitious Stab-in-the-Back myth, which blamed Jews, liberals, communists, democrats, and war profiteers for the defeat of Germany in World War I. Ludendorff was an early supporter of the Nazi Party and participated directly in Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch. The current trend, however, seems to suggest that mental health professionals will continue to depend on their clinical intuition while taking into account the statistical data. Nobody is perfectly calibrated; in fact, most of us are overconfident. What is feedback and why is it important? The prediction accuracy of solving the regression tasks in the case of processing short data sets is an important task in various fields of medicine. A prediction (Latin pr-, before, and dicere, to say), or forecast, is a statement about a future event. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. Students will then make a prediction with the evidence from the picture, their prior knowledge, or examples from their own experiences. What does that mean in practical terms? Choose texts they believe will interest them or that are appropriate for whatever their purpose is for reading. One is to try to incorporate statistical predictions into your forecasts as much as possible. Will it be by the end of 2020, or another date in the future? Assigning a range of dates and a probability of this event happening within those dates will help you practice more evidence based thinking. How do you think Ludendorff made such an accurate prediction? Although he later broke with the Nazis, the damage had already been done: Ludendorff had provided an unknown street agitator with considerable political legitimacy. In September he began casting about for someone to blame for the looming German defeat. Looking at the diagram above, we can draw the following conclusions: So, the model is doing a decent job of predicting who does not need to be screened but doing a terrible job of predicting who does need to be screened. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important for a citizenry to have to address, Think about a challenge, opportunity, event, or issue that affects your community. This technique is known as a Fermi estimation. Not surprisingly, in the postwar period Ludendorff became an ardent supporter of radical nationalist parties, lending his name to the Nazis and confronting the police lines with Hitler during the infamous Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923. This technique is similar to ", One of the easiest ways to consider alternatives is to ask yourself, what are some reasons my judgment might be wrong? Tetlock calls this dragonfly eye perspective - valuing diverse views and combining them with your own perspective. Chapter 14, Target's Big Data #5. Predicting requires the reader to do two things: 1) use clues the author provides in the text, and 2) use what he/she knows from personal experience or knowledge (schema). Answer (1 of 9): In general economist's predictions are dismaly inaccurate. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. On October 26, the Kaiser dismissed him. 2023, Inc. All rights reserved. As it turns out, it was profitable to increase wages, as. But their predictions could be harmful if they dont strive to consider relevant data and make clear the limits of their ability to predict future events. It is important to understand how. Estimate the correlation between reading precocity during childhood and GPA. What do you need to know to solve the problem, where are you going to find that out, what issues do you need to consider, what could effect things? Out of 100 patients, lets say the model predicted 95 to be screened and the rest not to be screened. There are several activities that teachers can incorporate within their classroom, allowing students to effectively make predictions. Unfortunately, even here his contribution proved disastrous, as his tactical revolution enabled Germany to hold out far longer than it might have, thereby exacerbating the November 1918 collapse. 2) Strike a balance between under- and overconfidence. These judgments can have a huge impact on our lives, so its really important that we make them as accurately as possible. In the fall of 1917, the General Staff, under Ludendorffs guidance, applied aspects of the defensive doctrine to offensive operations. I attached the greatest importance to verbal discussion and gathering direct impression on the spot, he later noted in his memoirs. Than what you currently have in place what responsibilities, if any citizens. Displayed neither leadership nor strategic sense to avoid his own responsibility for the looming German defeat Posen Prussia. Much as possible who gained renown during the first World War I became desperate... & # x27 ; s predictions are dismaly inaccurate to increase wages,.. 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